Hinckelmann, Abraham
a distinguished German theologian and Orientalist, born at Doebehl, near Hamburg, May 2,1652, was educated at the University of Wittenberg. After filling several important appointments as minister, he was, in 1687, made court preacher to the landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt, and honorary professor at the University of Giessen. But in the year immediately following he resigned these positions and returned to Hamburg. Here he was accused by some ministers of sympathy with Millenarians and Pietists, which so wrought upon his constitution and mind that he died after a short illness, February 11, 1695. Among his works are especially worthy of note, Sylloge vocum et phrasum rabbinicrum obscuriorum (Libeck, 1675, 4to): De Scholiis Hebreorum: De Sacrificiis Hebr.: Testament. et pactiones inter Muhammedem et Christiane fidei Cultores (Arab. and Lat., Hamb. 1690, 4to). He published also Acoran, really the first edition of the Koran, as that of Paganini (Ven. 1530) was almost wholly destroyed by order of the pope. He also left in MS. Lexicon arabicolatinum in Alcoranum. Jocher, A1lgem. Gelehrt. Lex. 2, 1612; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Gneral 24, 705 sq.