Hill, Charles, D.D

Hill, Charles, D.D

a Baptist minister, was born in Kings County, Ireland, January 6, 1800. In 1822 he became a student in Horton College, completing the course in two years, and then became pastor of the Church at Middleton. In 1834 he was appointed secretary of the Home Mission Society; in 1842 he became pastor of the Heneage Street Church, Birmingham, where he remained until 1851, when he removed to the United States; was pastor in Belvidere, Illinois; chaplain, for a time, in the Federal army; connected for a short period with the University of Chicago, and finally took up his residence in Belvidere, where he died in 1872. See (Lond.) Baptist Hand-book, 1873, page 273. (J.C.S.)

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature