A faithful high priest in the reign of Josiah, 2Ki 22:20 .This was also the name of the fathers of Jeremiah and Eliakim, 2Ki 18:18 ; Jer 1:1 .

Fuente: American Tract Society Bible Dictionary


(Heb. Chilkiyah’, , portion of Jehovah; often in the prolonged form Chilkiya’hu, , 2Ki 18:18; 2Ki 18:26; 2Ki 22:4; 2Ki 22:8; 2Ki 22:14; 2Ki 23:4; 2Ki 23:24; 1Ch 26:11; 2Ch 34:9; 2Ch 34:14-15; 2Ch 34:18; 2Ch 34:20; 2Ch 34:22; Isa 22:20; Isa 36:3; Jer 1:1; Sept. ), the name of a number of men, all priests or Levites.

1. The son of Amzi and father of Amaziah, the sixth in descent from Merari, son of Levi (1Ch 6:45). B.C. long ante 1014.

2. The second son of Hosah, of the family of Merari, appointed by David as a doorkeeper of the tabernacle (1Ch 26:11). B.C. cir. 1014.

3. The father of Eliakim, which latter was overseer of the house (Temple) at the time of Sennacherib’s invasion (2Ki 18:18; 2Ki 18:26; 2Ki 18:37; Isa 22:20; Isa 36:3). B.C. ante 713.

4. The father of Gemariah and companion of Elasab, who were sent with a message to the captives at Babylon (Jer 29:3). B.C. long ante 587. He was possibly identical with the foregoing.

5. The father of the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 1:1). B.C. ante 628.

6. Son of Shallum (1Ch 6:13; Ezr 7:1), or Meshullam (1Ch 9:11; Neh 11:11), and father of Azariah, the high priest who assisted Josiah in his work of reformation (2Ki 22:4-14; 2Ki 23:4; 2Ki 23:24; 2Ch 34:9-22; 2Ch 35:8). B.C. 623. He is especially remarkable for the discovery which he made in the house of the Lord of a book which is called The Book of the Law’ (2Ki 22:8), and The Book of the Covenant’ (2Ki 23:2). That this was some well known book is evident from the form of the expression (Kitto). Kennicott (Heb. Teax. 2, 299) is of opinion that it was the original autograph copy of the Pentateuch written by Moses which Hilkiah found. He argues from the peculiar form of expression in 2Ch 34:14, , the book of the law of Jelhovah by the hand of Moses;’ whereas in the fourteen other places in the O.T. where the law of Moses or the book of Moses is mentioned, it is either the book of Moses,’ or the law of Moses,’ or the book of the law of Moses.’ But the argument is far from conclusive, because the phrase in question may quite as properly signify the book of the law of the Lord given through Moses.’ Compare the expression (Gal 3:19), and (Exo 9:35; Exo 35:29; Neh 10:29; 2Ch 35:6; Jer 1:1).

Though, however, the copy cannot be proved to have been Moses’s autograph from the words in question, it seems probable that it was such, from the place where it was found, viz. in the Temple; and, from its not having been discovered before, but only being brought to light on the occasion of the repairs which were necessary, and from the discoverer being the high-priest himself, it seems natural to conclude that the particular part of the Temple where it was found was one not usually frequented, or ever by any but the high-priest. Such a place exactly was the one where we know the original copy of the law was deposited by command of Moses, viz. by the side of the ark of the covenant within the veil, as we learn from, Deu 31:9; Deu 31:26 (Smith). That it was the entire Pentateuch is the opinion of Josephus, Von Lengerke, Keil, Ewald, Havernick, etc.; but others think it was only part of that collection, and others that it was simply a collection of laws and ordinances appointed by Moses, such as are given in the Pentateuch, and especially in Deuteronomy.

The objection to its being the whole Pentateuch is the improbability of that being read in the audience of the people at one time, as was this book (Deu 23:2); and there are many circumstances which render it probable that what was read to the people was the look of Deuteronomy, as the apparent allusion to Deu 29:1; Deu 30:2, in Deu 23:2-3, and the special effect which the reading of the book had on the king, who did, in consequence, Just what one impressed by such passages as occur in Deu 16:18, etc., would be likely to do. At the same time, even if we admit that the part actually read consisted only of the summary of laws and institutions in Deuteronomy, it will not follow that that was the only part of the Pentateuch found by Hilkiah; for, as the matter brought before his mind by Huldah the prophetess (2Ki 22:15 sq.) respected the restoration of the worship of Jehovah, it might be only to what bore on that that the reading specially referred. The probability is that the book found by Hilkiah was the same which was entrusted to the care of the priests, and was to be put in the side of the ark (Deu 31:26); and that this was the entire body of the Mosaic writing, and not any part of it, seems the only tenable conclusion (Hengstenberg, Beitrigye, 2, 159 sq.)

7. One of the chief priests (contemporary with Jeshua as high-priest) who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel (Neh 12:7). His son Hashabiah is named in Neh 12:21. B.C. 536.

8. One of those who supported Ezra on the right hand while reading the law to the people (Neh 8:4). B.C. cir…410. It is somewhat uncertain whether he even belonged to the Levitical family; the date of the events with which he is associated seems to forbid his identification with the foregoing.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature


portion of Jehovah. (1.) 1 Chr. 6:54. (2.) 1 Chr. 26:11. (3.) The father of Eliakim (2 Kings 18:18, 26, 37). (4.) The father of Gemariah (Jer. 29:3). (5.) The father of the prophet Jeremiah (1:1).

(6.) The high priest in the reign of Josiah (1 Chr. 6:13; Ezra 7:1). To him and his deputy (2 Kings 23:5), along with the ordinary priests and the Levites who had charge of the gates, was entrusted the purification of the temple in Jerusalem. While this was in progress, he discovered in some hidden corner of the building a book called the “book of the law” (2 Kings 22:8) and the “book of the covenant” (23:2). Some have supposed that this “book” was nothing else than the original autograph copy of the Pentateuch written by Moses (Deut. 31:9-26). This remarkable discovery occurred in the eighteenth year of Josiah’s reign (B.C. 624), a discovery which permanently affected the whole subsequent history of Israel. (See JOSIAH; SHAPHAN

(7.) Neh. 12:7. (8.) Neh. 8:4.

Fuente: Easton’s Bible Dictionary


(“Jehovah is my portion”.)

1. 2Ki 18:37.

2. High priest (2Ki 22:4, etc.; 2Ch 34:9, etc.; 1Ch 6:13; Ezr 7:1). In the 18th year of Josiah’s reign the king directed him to have the Lord’s house repaired out of the money contributed by the people. So faith, fully did the workmen execute their task that no reckoning was made with them of the money entrusted to them. Hilkiah in the course of the repairs “found the book of the law of the Lord, given by the hand of Moses,” and being not able to read it himself gave it to Shaphan to read (2Ki 22:8, etc., margin of 2Ch 34:14). Possibly Moses’ own autograph copy, but “by the hand of Moses” may mean only that God gave it by means of him (2Ch 35:6; Joh 1:17; Gal 3:19; Exo 9:35 margin, Exo 35:29; Neh 10:29).

Still the place where it was found, the temple, and its not having been found before but only brought to light during the repairs, and that by the high priest, identify it with the original temple copy deposited by Moses’ command by the side of the ark within the veil (Deu 31:9; Deu 31:26). The two tables of the Decalogue were in the ark (1Ki 8:9); the book of the law by the ark, probably in a chest, securing its safety, attesting its divine authority, and witnessing against Israel’s breach of the covenant of which the ark was the symbol. The expression “the book of the law,” not a book of laws, must refer to the well known book, the Pentateuch, not to some book then coming to light for the first time. Hilkiah “found” it, not “forged” it under the name of Moses, as rationalists in despite of the text conjecture. Shaphan “read therein” (not the whole, which would require a different phrase, 2Ki 23:2) to the king.

The threats and curses of the law against transgressors (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28; 29) were prominent in the passages read, and so overwhelmed the king that he tore his clothes. Probably Josiah, owing to the neglect of the law in Manasseh’s and Amon’s ungodly reigns, had never heard the law read from before. The intimate acquaintance with both its words and truths which the psalmists and prophets long before Josiah’s time display establishes the certainty of the Pentateuch’s prior existence and of its being the basis of their inspired utterances. Deuteronomy, the repetition of the law in a summary, was the leading portion read, just as at the reading in the feast of tabernacles every seventh year, the year of release, not the whole Pentateuch but lessons from it day by day were read (Neh 8:18; Neh 9:3-5, etc.; Deu 1:5; Deu 31:9-13).

“The covenant,” and the words “with all their heart and soul” (2Ki 23:2-3), answer to the same in Deu 29:1; Deu 30:2; compare also 2Ch 35:3 with Deu 33:10. Josiah’s final and utter destruction of idolatrous symbols, removal of wizards, and keeping of the Passover were the fruits of his hearing Deuteronomy 16, 18. Allusions also occur to Lev 23:5; Lev 22:1; Lev 22:5; Lev 3:2-5; Num 8:20-22; Num 9:3, in 2Ch 35:1; 2Ch 35:6; 2Ch 35:11-12. Jeremiah’s frequent references to Deuteronomy are well known; compare Jer 11:3-5, where he quotes Deu 27:26.

This correspondence is doubtless due to the prominence given to Deuteronomy in reading the book of the law just then found; the finding and the reading would naturally interest Jeremiah deeply and tinge his prophecies. Josiah read (i.e. caused to be read) “all the words of the book of the covenant found in the house of the Lord,” i.e. all the essential parts, “the commandments, statutes, and rights,” without the reasons and exhortations, narratives, etc.; just as Joshua (Jos 8:32-35) did at Ebal and Gerizim. The directions for the reading of the law every seventh year or year of release, also the direction (Deu 17:18-19) that a copy of the law should be made for the king distract from that of the priests and Levites, imply a paucity of readers and of copies (compare 2Ch 17:9; 2Ki 14:6; 2Ki 18:5-6).

Shaphan the professional “scribe” read it to Josiah, who as well as Hilkiah probably could not read, for reading and writing were confined to the “scribes,” excepting a few who like Moses had learned in Egypt (Act 7:22). The ignorance of the law which this narrative implies accords with the prevalence of idolatry and of a low state of education ever since Jehoshaphat’s alliance with Abab, except in Hezekiah’s reign. Hilkiah was employed by Josiah also to consult Huldah the prophetess for him, and to help with Zechariah and Jehiel, “rulers of the house of God,” in celebrating the Passover (2Ch 34:20-22; 2Ch 35:2; 2Ch 35:8).

3. 1Ch 6:45.

4. 1Ch 26:11.

5. Neh 8:4; perhaps the same as the Hilkiah in Neh 12:7; Neh 12:21.

6. Jer 1:1.

7. Jer 29:3.

Fuente: Fausset’s Bible Dictionary


HILKIAH (Jah [is] my portion, or portion of Jah).A favourite priestly name. 1. Father of Eliakim, Hezekiahs chief of the household (2Ki 18:18 etc.=Isa 36:3 etc., Isa 22:20-25). 2. A priest of Anathoth, probably of the line of Eli (see 1Ki 2:26-27), father of Jeremiah (Jer 1:1); he is not to be identified with the next. 3. The high priest in b.c. 621, who found during the repairs of the Temple and brought to Josiahs notice, through Shaphan, the book of the law (2Ki 22:3-11=2Ch 34:8-19), which occasioned the reformation of religion thereafter effected (2Ki 23:1-24=2Ch 34:29 to 2Ch 35:19). Hilkiah headed the deputation sent to consult Huldah on this discovery (2Ki 22:12-20=2Ch 34:20-28); and presided over the subsequent purification of the Temple (2Ki 23:4 ff.). He was a chief actor in the whole movement. There is no reason to doubt that his find was the genuine discovery of a lost law-book; this book was unmistakably the code of Deuteronomy (wh. see). 4. Father of the Gemariah of Jer 29:3. 5, 6. Levites of the clan of Merari (1Ch 6:45; 1Ch 26:11). 7. A chief of the priests returning from the Exile in b.c. 536 (Neh 12:7; Neh 12:21). 8. A companion of Ezra at the public reading of the Law (Neh 8:4); he appears as Ezekias in 1Es 9:43.

G. G. Findlay.

Fuente: Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible


The father of Eliakim, (2Ki 18:18) His name signifies, the Lord is my portion, from Cheleath, a portion; and Jah, the Lord. So also the father of Jeremiah was called by this name, (Jer 1:1) and the son of Amaziah. (1Ch 6:45)

Fuente: The Poor Mans Concordance and Dictionary to the Sacred Scriptures


hil-ka (, hilkyah, Yah is my portion or Yah’s portion): The name of 8 individuals in the Old Testament or 7, if the person mentioned in Neh 12:7, Neh 12:21 was the same who stood with Ezra at the reading of the Law (Neh 8:4). The latter appears as Ezecias (the King James Version) in 1 Esdras 9:43. Five of this name are clearly associated with the priesthood, and the others are presumably so. The etymology suggests this. Either interpretation of the name expresses the person’s claim on Yahweh or the parents’ recognition of Yahweh’s claim on him.

(1) The person mentioned above (Neh 8:4, etc.).

(2) A Levite of the sons of Merari (1Ch 6:45).

(3) Another Levite of Merari, son of Hosah (1Ch 26:11). Is he the porter, i.e. doorkeeper of 1Ch 16:38?

(4) Father of the Gemariah whom Zedekiah of Judah sent to Nebuchadnezzar (Jer 29:3).

(5) The man in 2Ki 18:18 who is evidently more famous as the father of Eliakim, the majordomo of Hezekiah’s palace (Isa 22:20; Isa 36:3). Probably the father’s name is given in this and similar cases to distinguish between two persons of otherwise identical name.

(6) A priest of Anathoth, father of Jeremiah (Jer 1:1).

(7) The son of Shallum, and the best known of the name (1Ch 6:13). He is great-grandfather of Ezra through his son Azariah (1 Esdras 8:1; compare 1Ch 9:11; Neh 11:11). He discovered the lost Book of the Law during the repairing of the Temple (2Ki 22:4, 2Ki 22:8); became chief leader in the ensuing reformation in 621 bc (2Ki 23:4; 2Ch 34:9; 2Ch 35:8). He showed the recovered book to Shaphan the scribe, who, in turn, brought it to the notice of the king. At Josiah’s request he led a deputation to Huldah the prophetess to inquire of the Lord concerning the new situation created by the discovery. The book discovered is usually identified with the Book of Deuteronomy. See DEUTERONOMY.

Fuente: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia


Hilkiah. Several persons of this name occur in Scripture, of whom the following are the chief:

1. The father of Jeremiah (Jer 1:1).

2. A high-priest in the reign of Josias (2Ki 22:4; 2Ki 22:8; 2Ki 22:10).

3. The father of Eliakim (2Ki 18:18; 2Ki 18:26; Isa 22:20).

Fuente: Popular Cyclopedia Biblical Literature



1. Father of Eliakim, the head of Hezekiah’s household. 2Ki 18:18; 2Ki 18:26; 2Ki 18:37; Isa 22:20; Isa 36:3; Isa 36:22.

2. Son of Shallum, or Meshullam, and high priest in the time of Josiah king of Judah. He found a copy of the law in the temple, which caused great heart-searchings and repentance. 2Ki 22:4-14; 2Ki 23:4; 2Ki 23:24; 1Ch 6:13; 1Ch 9:11; 2Ch 34:9-22; 2Ch 35:8; Ezr 7:1; Neh 11:11.

3. Son of Amzi, a Merarite. 1Ch 6:45.

4. Son of Hosah, a Merarite. 1Ch 26:11.

5. One who stood by Ezra when he read the law. Neh 8:4; probably the priest in Neh 12:7; Neh 12:21.

6. Priest of Anathoth and father of the prophet Jeremiah. Jer 1:1.

7. Father of Gemariah. Jer 29:3.

Fuente: Concise Bible Dictionary



1. Officer of Hezekiah

2Ki 18:18; 2Ki 18:26; 2Ki 18:37; Isa 22:20; Isa 36:3; Isa 36:22

2. High priest

2Ki 22:4; 2Ki 22:8; 2Ki 22:10; 2Ki 22:12; 2Ki 22:14; 2Ki 23:4; 2Ki 23:24; 1Ch 6:13; 1Ch 9:11; 2Ch 34:9; 2Ch 34:14-15; 2Ch 34:18; 2Ch 34:20; 2Ch 34:22; Ezr 7:1; Jer 29:3

3. Name of two Levites

1Ch 6:45; 1Ch 26:11

4. Two priests

Neh 8:4; Neh 12:7; Neh 12:21; Jer 1:1

Fuente: Nave’s Topical Bible


Hilki’ah. (God is my portion).

1. Father of Eliakim. 2Ki 18:37; Isa 22:20; Isa 36:22. See Eliakim.

2. High priest, in the reign of Josiah. 2Ki 22:4; seq. 2Ch 34:9; seq.; 1Es 1:8. (B.C. 623). His high priesthood was rendered particularly illustrious, by the great reformation effected under it, by King Josiah, by the solemn Passover, kept at Jerusalem in the 18th year of that king’s reign, and above all, by the discovery which he made, of the book of the law of Moses in the Temple.

3. A Merarite Levite, son of Amzi. 1Ch 6:45.

4. Another Merarite Levite, second son of Hosah. 1Ch 26:11.

5. One of those, who stood on the right hand of Ezra, when he read the law to the people; doubtless a Levite, and probably a priest. Neh 8:4. (B.C 410).

6. A priest of Anathoth, father of the prophet, Jeremiah. Jer 1:1. (B.C. Before 628).

7. Father of Gemariah, who was one of Zedekiah’s envoys to Babylon. Jer 29:3. (B.C. long before 587).

Fuente: Smith’s Bible Dictionary


the high priest

2Ki22:4; 2Ki23:4; 1Ch 6:13; 1Ch 9:11; 2Ch 34:9; Ezr 7:1; Jer 29:3

Fuente: Thompson Chain-Reference Bible