Hildegarde or Hildegardis

Hildegarde or Hildegardis

abbess of St. Rupert’s Mount, on the Rhine, was born at Bockelhein, in Germany, A.D. 1098. She attracted much attention by her pretended revelations and visions, which were held to be supernatural, and obtained the countenance of Bernard and others, and at last the approval of Eugenius III and the three succeeding popes, together with numerous prelates. She wrote Three Books of Revelations (Coloniae, 1628): Life of St. Robert: three Epistles, various Questions, and an Exposition of St. Benedict’s Rule (all Colon. 1566). Most of them may also be found in Bibl. Max. Patrum, vol. 23. She died A.D. 1180. Neander, Ch. Hist. 4, 217, 586; Mosheim. Ch. Hist. cent. 12, pt. 2, ch. 2, n. 71; Baillet, Vies des Saints, Sept. 17; Brockhaus, Conversations-Lexikon, 7:921.

Fuente: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature