(Hadgi, llaj, Arab.), pilgrimage, especially to Mecca. The name hadj is also given to the body of pilgrims to Mecca; and the word is defined to mean aspiration. Every Mohammedan, male or female, is bound, once at least in his lifetime, to make the hadj to Mecca. Some Mohammedan authorities, however, hold that a substitute may be employed; while lunatics, slaves and minors are free from the obligation. The solemnities at Mecca are held in the twelfth month of the Mohammedan year; and the male pilgrims, arriving at certain points near Mecca, put on the sacred habits and prepare their minds for the ceremonies. Arriving at Mecca, each pilgrim walks seven times around the Kaabah; next he visits Mount Arafat, twelve miles from Mecca, for prayer and instruction. The next night is spent in devotion at Mogdalipha, and the next day the pilgrim visits a sacred monument at the spot where Mohammed went to pray. The ceremonies end with sacrifices. Every returning pilgrim is styled Hadgi (Haji) thereafter.