Gulich Or Gulichius, Abraham Van
was born at Heusden about 1642. After studying at Nimeguen and the University of Leyden, he was appointed professor extraordinary of theology at Nimeguen, Jan. 17, 1667. Near the close of the same year he became ordinary professor of philosophy and eloquence, and extraordinary Of theology, in the gymnasium of that place. In 1679 he was appointed professor of the Cartesian philosophy in the University of Franeker. He died Dec. 31 of the same year. While at Ham he published a philosophical work entitled Disputationes philosophicae. His theological works are,
(1) Theologia Prophetica (Amsterd. 1675-94, 2 vols.; to the first volume is appended a treatise on Hermeneutics, entitled Hermeneutica Sacra bipartita):
(2) Librorum Propheticorum Vet. et N. Test. compendium et analysis (Amst. 1694). See Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Her-vormde Kerk door A. Ypeij en J. Dermont, D. ii; Glasius, Godgeherd Nederland, D. i; also J. Schotanus Sterringa, Oratio funebris in obitum A. Gulichii. (J.R.W.)