Guion, Elijah, D.D
a Protestant Episcopal clergyman, was first employed as a teacher in Carrolton, Louisiana, about the year 1853. The next year he was rector of St. James’s Church, Baton Rouge; in 1860 he removed to New Orleans, where, during the war, he served as chaplain in the United States army; in 1867 was chosen rector of the Church of the Advent in Brownsville, Texas, where he also served as chaplain in the army; in 1871 was at Fort Sill, in the Indian Territory, as United States chaplain; in 1874 was appointed to the same position at Fort Gibson; in 1877 removed to Texas, and still chaplain, went in the following year to Almaden Mines, Cal. He died in New Almaden, January 17, 1879. See Prot. Episc. Almanac, 1880, page 171.