Guild of Saint Luke, Saint Cosmas, and Saint Damia
Composed of Catholic members of the medical profession resident in Great Britain, Ireland , and British dominions beyond the seas. It was founded, 27 July 1910 , by Surgeon-General Thomas Maunsell, C.B., LL.D., and is now affiliated to the French guild bearing a similar title. Its principal purpose is the study and discussion of medical questions, especially those which bear on deontology and philosophy, and the upholding of principles of Catholic morality against unscientific materialism. The guild is thus a symbol of the connection between medical science and the master science of theology. It has issued a special form of medical certificate which it recommends for the use of sick pilgrims visiting shrines of reputed miraculous healing; it seeks to quicken and sustain a corporate sense among Catholic medical practitioners; and it urges its members to take an active part in parochial and diocesan life. At the annual meeting of the British Medical Association the guild arranges for a paper to be read before a meeting open to all medically qualified Catholics. Its quarterly organ is “The Catholic Medical Guardian,” devoted mainly to medico-moral jurisprudence, deontology, and medico-ethics.