Guido De Arezzo, Or Gui
a Benedictine monk of the abbey of Pomposa, noted in the history of music. He was born at Arezzo about 990, and early distinguished himself by his talent for music, which he taught in his convent, Numerous inventions (e.g. counter-point) have been attributed to Guido without good ground; but he did render great service to music by his ingenious simplification of the existing methods of notation. He wrote Micrologus de Disciplina Artis Musicae “or Brief Discourses on Music, in which most of his inventions are described, as well as his method of instruction.” His doctrine of solmisation is, however, not found in that work, but set forth in a small tract under the title of Argumentum novi Cantus inveni. endi. He died about the middle of the 11th century, but the exact date of his death is unknown. See Burney, History of Music ; Gerbert, Scriptores Eccl. de Musica Sacra; Hoefer, Nouvelle Biog. Generale, 22:551; Herzog, Real- Encyklop. v, 411.