Galiczon, Gatien De
a French theologian, was born at Angers, October 27, 1658. Having received the degree of doctor of civil and canon law at the age of twenty, he entered into orders; in 1688 was made canon and chorister at St. Martin of Tours; shortly after official and grand vicar; but his close attention to his duties threw him into a dangerous illness. He returned to Angers and there recovered his health. Persuaded that the sparing of his life was a miracle, he consecrated himself more wholly to the service of God. In 1707 he was appointed bishop of Agathocles and coadjutor of the bishop of Babylon. He started for Persia, and died there soon. after his arrival at Ispahan, September 27,1712. He wrote some works, for which see Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.