Eddy, Thomas Mears, D.D
a distinguished Methodist Episcopal minister, son of Reverend Augustus Eddy, was born in Newtown, Hamilton County, Ohio, September 7, 1823. He received a careful religious training; consecrated himself to the Savior very early in life; and in 1842 entered the Indiana Conference, filling its most important appointments. In 1856 he was elected editor of The Northwestern Christian Advocate. During his editorial career of fourteen years, this periodical increased from a weekly issue of fourteen thousand to about thirty thousand copies. At its close he re-entered the pastorate, in connection with the Baltimore Conference. In 1872 he was elected missionary secretary, and as such was very laborious and successful to the close of his life, October 7, 1874. Dr. Eddy was a clear, logical, pathetic preacher; a forcible, sprightly writer; a genial companion, and a devout man. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1875, page 17; Simpson, Cyclop. of Methodism, s.v.