Aachen, Germany, city of

Aachen, Germany, city of

(German: Aachen; Latin: Aquisgranum)

City, Germany , noted for healing springs. It was probably the birthplace of Charlemagne . The octagonal “chapel,” from which the city is named, was built 796 -804 and forms the nave of the cathedral ; under its dome is the tomb of Charlemagne , which was found 1000 and contained his body imperially robed and seated on a marble throne. This throne was used at the coronations of 32 emperors, and still exists. Charlemagne ‘s remains are now in the Hungarian Chapel, where are also preserved four great relics, exhibited every seven years: the Blessed Virgin’s cloak; swaddling-clothes of the Infant Jesus; loin-cloth of Christ; and the cloth in which was wrapped Saint John the Baptist’s head. These were occasions of pilgrimages in the Middle Ages. Among numerous churches, Saint Foillan’s and Saint Paul’s are noteworthy. Aix was a bishopric , suffragan of Mechlin 1801 -1821 ; it still has a collegiate chapter , with provost and six canons, and is a deanery of the Archdiocese of Cologne.

Synods and Councils:

789 , Charlemagne proclaimed a collection of laws that acquired canonical authority;

799 , Felix, Bishop of Urgel, acknowledged himeelf overcome by Alcuin and renounced Adoptionism ;

809 , the dogma of the procession of the Holy Ghost from the Father and the Son was defended;

816 , “Regula Aquensis” (Rules of Aix) for reform of monastic life were promulgated and the Rule of Saint Benedict revised;

860 -862 , three synods considered the divorce of Lothaire II from Theutberga.

The schismatic council (1166 ), approved by Antipope Paschal III, decreed the canonization of Charlemagne . See also, patron saints index .

Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary