Œcumenius (okoumenios) Œcumenius, Bishop of Trikka (now Trikkala) in Thessaly about 990 (according to Cave, op. cit. infra, p. 112). He is the reputed author of commentaries on books of the New Testament. A manuscript of the tenth or eleventh century containing a commentary on the Apocalypse attributes it to him. The work consists of … Continue reading “Œcumenius”
Œconomus, Episcopal
Œconomus, Episcopal (Gr. oikonomos from oikos, a house, and nemein, to distribute, to administer) An Episcopal Œconomous is one who is charged with the care of a house, an administrator. In canon law this term designates the individual who is appointed to take charge of the temporal goods of the Church in a diocese; it … Continue reading “Œconomus, Episcopal”
Œcolampadius, John
Œcolampadius, John Protestant theologian, organizer of Protestantism at Basle, b. at Weinsberg, Swabia, in 1482; d. at Basle, 24 November, 1531. His family name was Heusegen or Husegen, not Husschyn (Hausschein), as the hellenized form Œcolampadius was later rendered. Having received a preliminary classical training at Weinsberg and Heilbronn, he began the study of law … Continue reading “Œcolampadius, John”
Æterni Patris (2)
Æterni Patris (1) The Apostolic Letter of Pius IX, by which he summoned the Vatican Council. It is dated Rome, 29 June, 1868. It begins with the same words, and is therefore quoted under the same title, as the Encyclical of Leo XIII on scholastic philosophy. But their purpose and substance are very different. This … Continue reading “Æterni Patris (2)”
Æsthetics Æsthetics may be defined as a systematic training to right thinking and right feeling in matters of art, and is made a part of philosophy by A.G. Baumgarten. Its domain, according to Wolff’s system, is that of indistinct presentations and the canons of sensuous taste (aisthetike techne, from aisthanesthai, to preceive and feel). It … Continue reading “Æsthetics”
Ænon Ænon. Joh 3:23. See Enon. Fuente: People’s Dictionary of the Bible
Æneas of Gaza
Æneas of Gaza A Neo-Platonic philosopher, a convert to Christianity, who flourished towards the end of the fifth century. In a dialogue entitled Theophrastus he alludes to Hierocles (of Alexandria) as his teacher, and in some of his letters mentions as his contemporaries writers whom we know to have lived at the end of the … Continue reading “Æneas of Gaza”
Ælia Flaccilla
Ælia Flaccilla (died c.385 ) Wife of Emperor Theodosius the Great. She is lauded by Saint Gregory of Nyssa as a pillar of the Church and a model of Christian virtue, and is venerated as a saint by the Greek Church on 14 September . Fuente: New Catholic Dictionary
Ægidius, Saint
Ægidius, Saint (Latin: AEgidius) Confessor (7th century ), abbot . Of a noble Athenian family, he went to Gaul , where he established himself first in a wilderness near the mouth of the Rhone and then by the River Gard. Later he withdrew to a forest near Nimes, where he spent many years, his sole … Continue reading “Ægidius, Saint”
Ægidius Romanus
Ægidius Romanus Augustinian philosopher and theologion, called Doctor fundatissimus, born Rome, Italy , c.1247 ; died Avignon , France , 1316 . He studied under Thomas Aquinas at Paris, and was the first Augustinian to teach in that university. Though Honorius IV asked him to retract publicly certain opinions, the general chapter of the Augustinians … Continue reading “Ægidius Romanus”