The position of Christian churches in the United States on any given war is diverse, reflecting the wide array of beliefs and doctrines within Christianity itself. It’s also important to remember that individual beliefs can vary significantly even within a given denomination. However, I can provide a general overview of some common viewpoints.
- Just War Theory: Many mainline Protestant denominations, such as the Lutheran and Methodist churches, as well as the Roman Catholic Church, adhere to some form of the “Just War” theory. This doctrine, dating back to Saint Augustine, holds that war can be morally acceptable under certain conditions, including that it must be waged by a legitimate authority, have a just cause, and be a last resort after all peaceful options have been exhausted. Furthermore, the use of force should be proportional and civilians should be spared as much as possible.
- Pacifism: Many Christian denominations advocate for peace and non-violence based on the teachings of Jesus. The Quakers (The Religious Society of Friends), Mennonites, and certain factions of the Church of the Brethren are examples of Christian groups that have historically opposed war and promoted pacifism, often even in the face of persecution. Pacifist Christians may engage in conscientious objection, refusing to serve in military roles even when drafted.
- Holy War or Crusade Theory: This perspective, viewing war as a tool to advance the kingdom of God or to combat evil, is less common but still present in some Christian circles, particularly among certain evangelical or fundamentalist groups. It should be noted that this perspective is often criticized by other Christians, and can be subject to international law considerations.
- Prophetic Peace Justice: Many Christians, including some mainline Protestants and Roman Catholics, seek a middle ground between just war and pacifism. This perspective, often associated with social justice movements, asserts that while war may sometimes be necessary, Christians should actively work for peace and justice in order to prevent wars. This can involve advocating for policies that address the root causes of conflict, such as economic inequality and human rights abuses.
- Pragmatism: There are also Christians who take a more pragmatic or realpolitik view of war. They might see it as an unfortunate but necessary part of human existence and thus believe that it’s the duty of the state, including Christian citizens, to participate and ensure it is conducted as justly as possible.
Again, these are broad strokes and individual beliefs can vary greatly. Each war also brings unique circumstances that can influence the stance of different churches and believers. For example, attitudes towards a defensive war may be very different from those towards a war perceived as imperialistic or aggressive.