Outline of Christianity in the United States
A. Background and significance of studying Christianity in the United States:
- Provide an overview of the importance of studying Christianity in the context of the United States, considering its historical, cultural, and social influence.
- Highlight the significant role of Christianity in shaping American identity, values, and institutions.
- Discuss the enduring impact of Christianity on various aspects of American life, including politics, education, and social structures.
B. Research questions and objectives:
- Clearly state the research questions that will guide the study, such as:
How has Christianity evolved in the United States over time?- What are the key denominations and religious groups within American Christianity?
- How has Christianity influenced American culture and societal norms?
- What are the contemporary issues and challenges faced by Christianity in the United States?
- What is the role of Christianity in social justice movements and advocacy?
Define the objectives of the study, outlining the specific goals and outcomes expected from the research.