D. Key figures and movements in American Christianity

Outline of Christianity in the United States

  1. The influence of evangelical leaders:
    • Discuss the significant role of evangelical leaders in shaping American Christianity, including their impact on theology, preaching styles, and religious movements.
    • Highlight influential figures such as Billy Graham, who popularized mass evangelism and had a profound influence on American religious life in the 20th century.
    • Examine the contributions of other prominent evangelical leaders, such as Dwight L. Moody, Aimee Semple McPherson, and Jerry Falwell, and their impact on religious and political spheres.
  2. Social reform movements and Christian activism:
    • Explore the involvement of Christians in social reform movements throughout American history, such as the abolitionist movement, the temperance movement, and the Civil Rights Movement.
    • Discuss the religious motivations and leadership of key figures, including William Wilberforce, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Martin Luther King Jr., in advocating for social justice and equality.
    • Examine the role of Christian organizations and churches in promoting humanitarian efforts, social welfare, and community development.
  3. Christian fundamentalism and its impact:
    • Discuss the rise of Christian fundamentalism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and its influence on American Christianity.
    • Examine the fundamentalist-modernist controversy and the debates surrounding biblical inerrancy, creationism, and theological conservatism.
    • Explore key figures and organizations associated with Christian fundamentalism, such as the Scopes Trial and the formation of the Moody Bible Institute and Bob Jones University.
  4. The Civil Rights Movement and Christian leaders:
    • Explore the significant role of Christian leaders, pastors, and churches in the Civil Rights Movement and the pursuit of racial equality.
    • Discuss the contributions of figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Abernathy, and Fannie Lou Hamer in mobilizing the religious community and advocating for justice and equality.
    • Examine the intersection of Christian theology and social activism during this period, including the use of nonviolent resistance and the promotion of love and equality as Christian values.

By examining key figures and movements in American Christianity, this section highlights the diverse range of individuals and groups that have shaped the religious landscape and influenced societal change. Understanding the contributions and ideologies of these figures provides insights into the evolution of American Christianity and its relationship with broader cultural and social movements.