C. Evangelical political engagement and social activism

Outline of Christianity in the United States

  1. Historical context of Evangelical political engagement:
    • Discuss the historical factors that have shaped Evangelical political engagement in the United States, such as the social and cultural changes of the 20th century.
    • Explore the influence of key figures and movements, such as the Moral Majority and the Christian Right, in mobilizing Evangelical Christians for political action.
  2. Motivations and beliefs:
    • Examine the motivations and beliefs that drive Evangelical political engagement, including the belief in the importance of moral values, the defense of religious freedom, and the desire to shape public policy based on biblical principles.
    • Discuss the theological foundations that inform Evangelical political activism, such as the concept of Christian stewardship and the responsibility to be salt and light in the world.
  3. Key policy areas and issues:
    • Identify the key policy areas and issues that have been the focus of Evangelical political engagement, including abortion, same-sex marriage, religious freedom, education, and family values.
    • Explore the theological and moral underpinnings that inform Evangelical positions on these issues and the strategies employed to advocate for specific policies.
  4. Intersection of religion and politics:
    • Examine the challenges and tensions that arise from the intersection of religion and politics in Evangelical activism, including debates over the appropriate role of faith in shaping public policy and concerns about the potential co-optation of religious values by political agendas.
    • Discuss the diversity of perspectives within Evangelicalism regarding political engagement, ranging from those who advocate for a more progressive agenda to those who emphasize a more conservative approach.
  5. Social activism and broader engagement:
    • Highlight the social activism and engagement beyond partisan politics that characterize many Evangelical communities, including efforts related to poverty alleviation, human trafficking, racial reconciliation, and global missions.
    • Discuss the ways in which Evangelical churches and organizations have collaborated with other faith-based and secular groups to address social and humanitarian issues.
  6. Evolving dynamics and critiques:
    • Analyze the evolving dynamics of Evangelical political engagement, including shifts in priorities and strategies in response to changing cultural and political landscapes.
    • Discuss critiques and challenges faced by Evangelical political activism, including concerns about the blending of faith and partisan politics, accusations of hypocrisy, and the impact on perceptions of Christianity among the broader population.

This section provides an overview of Evangelical political engagement and social activism, examining its historical context, motivations, key issues, intersections with politics and religion, broader social engagement, and critiques. It acknowledges the diversity of perspectives within Evangelicalism and the complexities of navigating the relationship between faith, politics, and social action.