Billy Graham’s primary focus was on evangelism, but the influence of his ministry extended to both educational and humanitarian initiatives. Here’s an overview:
Educational Initiatives:
- Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College: Located at Wheaton College in Illinois, the Billy Graham Center was established in 1980. It serves as a hub for evangelistic training and houses an evangelism-focused museum, as well as archives detailing the history of American evangelism, including Graham’s own ministry.
- The Cove: Officially called the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove, this facility in Asheville, North Carolina, offers Bible training and spiritual retreats. It’s a place where attendees can deepen their faith through biblical seminars, personal retreats, and concerts.
- Support for Christian Higher Education: Graham had connections to, and supported, numerous Christian colleges, seminaries, and universities over the years. His affiliation with Wheaton College, where he and his wife both attended, is particularly notable.
Humanitarian Initiatives:
- Samaritan’s Purse: While Billy Graham didn’t found Samaritan’s Purse (it was founded by Bob Pierce), there’s a deep connection between the organization and the Graham family. After Pierce’s death, Franklin Graham, Billy Graham’s son, became the president of this international Christian relief organization. Samaritan’s Purse provides aid to people in need around the world, be it due to natural disasters, war, disease, or other crises.
- Rapid Response Team: An initiative of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the Rapid Response Team provides emotional and spiritual support in the aftermath of natural or man-made disasters. The team sends out chaplains trained to provide trauma counseling and share the hope of Christ in crisis situations.
- Children’s Health Initiatives: Throughout his crusades, especially internationally, Graham frequently emphasized the importance of providing medical care for the needy. There were often efforts associated with his crusades to address local health and wellness needs.
- Aid to Refugees and the Displaced: Throughout his lifetime, Graham used his platform to advocate for refugees and those displaced by war or natural disasters. His ministry often partnered with other organizations to provide material, medical, and spiritual support to these groups.
- Promotion of Racial Integration and Civil Rights: While his record on the Civil Rights Movement is mixed, as noted in previous answers, Graham did make efforts, especially in the later stages of his career, to address racial inequalities. He insisted on integrated seating at his crusades from the mid-1950s onward and spoke out against apartheid in South Africa during his visits there.
While Billy Graham’s main focus was always proclaiming the Gospel, the scope of his influence and the organizations associated with him extended into numerous educational and humanitarian areas, reflecting a holistic understanding of Christian mission.