Jehovah’s Witnesses: Christianity and Abortion

Christianity and Abortion

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that life is a gift from God, and hence, they generally view abortion unfavorably. According to the Watch Tower Society, the governing body that provides doctrine for Jehovah’s Witnesses, deliberate abortion is considered a serious sin.

There is, however, a distinction made between abortion and medical treatments that may unintentionally result in the loss of the fetus. For example, in life-threatening situations where a pregnant woman’s life is at risk and requires a medical treatment or procedure that could potentially result in the death of the fetus, such decisions are left to the conscience of those involved.

It’s also worth noting that the repercussions of having an abortion could affect a member’s standing in the congregation, as it is a matter for congregation elders to handle based on their understanding of biblical principles.

As always, it’s important to remember that individual beliefs may vary, even within a specific religious group. Personal interpretations, experiences, and cultural contexts may influence how an individual Jehovah’s Witness views and understands the issue of abortion.