Hypotheses and Research Questions: Christianity and Abortion

Christianity and Abortion

This study will explore several hypotheses and research questions about the relationship between Christianity and abortion.


  1. There is significant diversity in beliefs about abortion within Christianity, influenced by factors such as denomination, geography, culture, and personal experience.
  2. Christian views on abortion have evolved over time in response to societal changes and developments in medical technology.
  3. The interpretation of specific biblical passages significantly influences individuals’ and denominations’ stances on abortion.
  4. Christianity’s influence on abortion policies varies widely between countries and regions, reflecting differing interpretations of Christian teachings and different cultural and societal contexts.

Research Questions:

  1. How have Christian views on abortion evolved throughout history, and what factors have influenced these changes?
  2. How do different Christian denominations interpret the Bible and other religious texts in relation to abortion? What theological arguments do they use to support their positions?
  3. What role does Christianity play in shaping abortion laws and policies in different countries and regions? How does this influence access to safe and legal abortion services?
  4. What are the range and diversity of views on abortion among individual Christians? How are these views influenced by factors such as denomination, cultural background, personal experience, and geographical location?
  5. How does the debate about abortion within Christianity reflect broader discussions about the sanctity of life, personhood, morality, individual rights, and societal responsibility?
  6. What are the implications of the findings for intra-faith dialogue within Christianity, inter-faith and secular discussions about abortion, and the development of reproductive health policies?

These hypotheses and research questions will guide the study and help to provide a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the relationship between Christianity and the issue of abortion.