Outline of Genesis 3 I. Introduction A. Transition from God pronouncing consequences for Eve and Adam B. Overview of Adam naming his wife Eve and emphasizing her role as the mother of all living in Genesis 3:20 II. Adam’s Naming of Eve A. Verse 20: Adam names his wife Eve B. Reflecting on the significance … Continue reading “Genesis 3:20 – Adam names his wife Eve, emphasizing her role as the mother of all living”
Genesis 3:16-19 – God pronounces consequences for Eve, including pain in childbirth, desire for her husband, and subjection to him; God also pronounces consequences for Adam, including the toil of work and the curse of the ground
Outline of Genesis 3 I. Introduction A. Transition from God cursing the serpent and foretelling the enmity between the serpent’s offspring and the offspring of the woman B. Overview of God pronouncing consequences for Eve and Adam in Genesis 3:16-19 II. Consequences for Eve A. Verse 16: God pronounces consequences for Eve, including pain in … Continue reading “Genesis 3:16-19 – God pronounces consequences for Eve, including pain in childbirth, desire for her husband, and subjection to him; God also pronounces consequences for Adam, including the toil of work and the curse of the ground”
Genesis 3:14-15 – God curses the serpent, foretelling the enmity between the serpent’s offspring and the offspring of the woman
Outline of Genesis 3 I. Introduction A. Transition from God questioning Adam and Eve about their actions and their shifting of blame onto others B. Overview of God cursing the serpent and foretelling the enmity between the serpent’s offspring and the offspring of the woman in Genesis 3:14-15 II. God’s Pronouncement of Curse A. Verse … Continue reading “Genesis 3:14-15 – God curses the serpent, foretelling the enmity between the serpent’s offspring and the offspring of the woman”
Genesis 3:11-13 – God questions Adam and Eve about their actions and they shift blame onto others
Outline of Genesis 3 I. Introduction A. Transition from Adam and Eve hiding from God’s presence in the Garden B. Overview of God questioning Adam and Eve about their actions and their shifting of blame onto others in Genesis 3:11-13 II. God’s Inquiry A. Verse 11: God asks Adam, “Have you eaten from the tree … Continue reading “Genesis 3:11-13 – God questions Adam and Eve about their actions and they shift blame onto others”
Genesis 3:8-10 – Adam and Eve hide from God’s presence in the Garden
Outline of Genesis 3 I. Introduction A. Transition from Adam and Eve’s realization of their nakedness and the consequences of their disobedience B. Overview of Adam and Eve hiding from God’s presence in the Garden in Genesis 3:8-10 II. Adam and Eve’s Reaction to God’s Presence A. Verse 8: Adam and Eve hear the sound … Continue reading “Genesis 3:8-10 – Adam and Eve hide from God’s presence in the Garden”
Genesis 3:6-7 – Eve eats the fruit and shares it with Adam; their eyes are opened, and they realize their nakedness
Outline of Genesis 3 I. Introduction A. Transition from the serpent’s deception of Eve, suggesting that she will not die but become like God B. Overview of Eve’s decision to eat the fruit, her sharing it with Adam, and their realization of their nakedness in Genesis 3:6-7 II. Eve’s Decision to Eat the Fruit A. … Continue reading “Genesis 3:6-7 – Eve eats the fruit and shares it with Adam; their eyes are opened, and they realize their nakedness”
Genesis 3:4-5 – The serpent deceives Eve, suggesting that she will not die but become like God
Outline of Genesis 3 I. Introduction A. Transition from Eve’s response to the serpent, adding her own restrictions to God’s command B. Overview of the serpent’s deception of Eve, suggesting that she will not die but become like God in Genesis 3:4-5 II. The Serpent’s Deception A. Verse 4: The serpent contradicts God’s warning of … Continue reading “Genesis 3:4-5 – The serpent deceives Eve, suggesting that she will not die but become like God”
Genesis 3:2-3 – Eve’s response to the serpent, adding her own restrictions to God’s command
Outline of Genesis 3 I. Introduction A. Transition from the introduction of the serpent and its questioning of God’s command B. Overview of Eve’s response to the serpent, adding her own restrictions to God’s command in Genesis 3:2-3 II. Eve’s Interaction with the Serpent A. Verse 2: Eve responds to the serpent, acknowledging the permission … Continue reading “Genesis 3:2-3 – Eve’s response to the serpent, adding her own restrictions to God’s command”
Genesis 3:1 – Introduction of the serpent, who questions God’s command to Adam and Eve
Outline of Genesis 3 I. Introduction A. Overview of the introduction of the serpent and its questioning of God’s command to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:1 II. The Serpent’s Introduction A. Verse 1: Introduction of the serpent as a cunning creature B. Reflection on the presence and nature of the serpent in the garden … Continue reading “Genesis 3:1 – Introduction of the serpent, who questions God’s command to Adam and Eve”
Genesis 2:18-25 – The establishment of Adam and Eve’s relationship with God, their surroundings, and each other
Outline of Genesis 2 I. Introduction A. Transition from God’s warning to Adam about the consequences of eating from the tree B. Overview of the establishment of Adam and Eve’s relationship with God, their surroundings, and each other in Genesis 2:18-25 II. God’s Evaluation of Adam’s Need A. Verse 18: God declares that it is … Continue reading “Genesis 2:18-25 – The establishment of Adam and Eve’s relationship with God, their surroundings, and each other”