Outline of Genesis 1 I. Introduction A. Transition from God’s creation of light and the separation of light from darkness B. Overview of God’s creation of the expanse to separate the waters above and below in Genesis 1:6-8 II. God’s Creative Act A. Verse 6: God declares, “Let there be an expanse in the midst … Continue reading “Genesis 1:6-8 – God creates the expanse to separate the waters above from the waters below, calling it the sky”
Genesis 1:3-5 – God speaks light into existence and separates it from darkness, calling it day and night
Outline of Genesis 1 I. Introduction A. Transition from the formless, empty, and dark state of the earth in Genesis 1:2 B. Overview of God’s action to bring light into existence and separate it from darkness in Genesis 1:3-5 II. God’s Creative Declaration A. Verse 3: God speaks, “Let there be light,” and light comes … Continue reading “Genesis 1:3-5 – God speaks light into existence and separates it from darkness, calling it day and night”
Genesis 1:2 – The earth is formless and empty, covered in darkness
Outline of Genesis 1 I. Introduction A. Description of the state of the earth before God’s creative intervention in Genesis 1:2 B. Overview of the formlessness, emptiness, and darkness that covered the earth II. Formlessness of the Earth A. Understanding the concept of “formlessness” as a lack of order, structure, or defined shape B. Reflection … Continue reading “Genesis 1:2 – The earth is formless and empty, covered in darkness”
Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning, God creates the heavens and the earth
Outline of Genesis 1 I. Introduction A. The opening statement of the Bible in Genesis 1:1: “In the beginning, God creates the heavens and the earth” II. The Act of Creation A. The state of the world before creation B. God’s action of creating the heavens and the earth III. The Meaning of “Heavens” and … Continue reading “Genesis 1:1 – In the beginning, God creates the heavens and the earth”
Genesis 50
I. Introduction A. Transition from the events in Genesis 49, specifically Jacob’s blessings and prophecies for his twelve sons B. Introduction to the narrative of Jacob’s death, Joseph’s interactions with his brothers, and the conclusion of the book of Genesis in Genesis 50 II. Jacob’s Death and Burial A. Verses 1-3: Jacob’s family mourns his … Continue reading “Genesis 50”
Genesis 49
I. Introduction A. Transition from the events in Genesis 48, specifically Jacob’s blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh and his final prophecies B. Introduction to the narrative of Jacob’s blessings and prophecies for his twelve sons in Genesis 49 II. Jacob’s Call to His Sons A. Verses 1-2: Jacob gathers his sons together and tells them … Continue reading “Genesis 49”
Genesis 48
I. Introduction A. Transition from the events in Genesis 47, specifically Jacob’s settlement in Egypt and his encounters with Pharaoh B. Introduction to the narrative of Jacob blessing Joseph’s sons and the significance of the tribe of Ephraim in Genesis 48 II. Jacob’s Illness and Joseph’s Visit A. Verses 1-2: Jacob becomes ill and is … Continue reading “Genesis 48”
Genesis 47
I. Introduction A. Transition from the events in Genesis 46, specifically Jacob’s journey to Egypt and the gathering of his family B. Introduction to the narrative of Jacob and his family’s settlement in Egypt and their encounters with Pharaoh in Genesis 47 II. Jacob’s Meeting with Pharaoh A. Verses 1-6: Jacob, along with his sons, … Continue reading “Genesis 47”
Genesis 46
I. Introduction A. Transition from the events in Genesis 45, specifically Joseph’s reconciliation with his brothers and their reunion with Jacob B. Introduction to the narrative of Jacob’s journey to Egypt and the gathering of his family in Genesis 46 II. Jacob’s Vision and Decision to Go to Egypt A. Verses 1-4: God speaks to … Continue reading “Genesis 46”
Genesis 45
I. Introduction A. Transition from the events in Genesis 44, specifically Joseph revealing his true identity to his brothers B. Introduction to the narrative of Joseph’s reconciliation with his brothers and their reunion with Jacob in Genesis 45 II. Joseph’s Reveal and Reconciliation A. Verses 1-3: Joseph weeps openly before his brothers, unable to contain … Continue reading “Genesis 45”