I. Introduction
A. Transition from the events in Genesis 36, specifically the genealogy and descendants of Esau
B. Introduction to the narrative of Joseph’s dreams and the jealousy of his brothers in Genesis 37
II. Joseph’s Dreams and His Father’s Favoritism
A. Verses 1-4: Joseph, the son of Jacob’s old age, is favored by his father and receives a special coat
B. Verses 5-11: Joseph has two dreams in which his brothers bow down to him, causing their jealousy and resentment
III. Joseph Sold into Slavery
A. Verses 12-17: Jacob sends Joseph to check on his brothers, who are pasturing their flocks in Shechem
B. Verses 18-24: Joseph’s brothers plot against him, intending to kill him, but Reuben intervenes and suggests throwing him into a pit
C. Verses 25-28: Instead of leaving him in the pit, the brothers sell Joseph to a passing caravan of Ishmaelites, who take him to Egypt
D. Verses 29-36: The brothers deceive Jacob, presenting Joseph’s torn and bloodied coat as evidence of his death, causing Jacob great grief
IV. Judah and Tamar’s Interlude
A. Verses 1-2: Judah leaves his brothers and settles in Adullam, where he marries and has three sons
B. Verses 3-10: Judah’s first two sons marry Tamar but die, and he deceives Tamar by not giving her his third son as a husband
C. Verses 11-30: Tamar disguises herself as a prostitute and tricks Judah into sleeping with her, becoming pregnant with twins
V. Conclusion
A. Summary of the events in Genesis 37
B. Transition to the subsequent chapters and the further development of the narrative
Note: This outline provides a general structure of Genesis 37, focusing on Joseph’s dreams, his father’s favoritism, and the events leading to Joseph being sold into slavery. It also includes the interlude of Judah and Tamar. It highlights the jealousy and resentment of Joseph’s brothers and the deception within the family. The actual chapter contains additional details, dialogues, and interactions that are not included in this outline.