I. Introduction
A. Recap of the events of the Flood in Genesis 7
B. Transition to the narrative of the subsiding of the floodwaters and Noah’s exit from the Ark
II. The Subsiding of the Floodwaters
A. Verses 1-2: God remembers Noah and causes a wind to blow, causing the waters to recede
B. Verses 3-5: The gradual decrease of the floodwaters and the grounding of the Ark on the mountains of Ararat
C. Verses 6-9: Noah’s waiting period and his sending of various birds to gauge the condition of the earth
III. Noah’s Exit from the Ark
A. Verses 10-12: Noah opens the window of the Ark and sends out a raven and then a series of doves
B. Verses 13-14: The earth becomes dry, and Noah removes the covering of the Ark
C. Verses 15-19: God commands Noah to exit the Ark and release all the animals
IV. Noah’s Sacrifice and God’s Covenant
A. Verses 20-22: Noah offers burnt offerings to God from clean animals on an altar
B. Verses 21-22: God smells the pleasing aroma and makes a covenant with Noah, promising to never curse the earth again
V. Conclusion
A. Summary of the events in Genesis 8
B. Transition to the subsequent chapters and the post-Flood developments
Note: This outline provides a general structure of Genesis 8, focusing on the subsiding of the floodwaters, Noah’s exit from the Ark, and his sacrifice to God. It also includes the establishment of God’s covenant with Noah. The actual chapter contains additional details and dialogue that are not included in this outline.