I. Introduction
A. Recap of the genealogy from Adam to Noah in Genesis 5
B. Transition to the narrative of the events leading up to the Flood
II. The Increasing Corruption and Wickedness on Earth
A. Verse 1: Introduction to the growing population on the earth and the intermarriage between the sons of God and the daughters of men
B. Verses 2-4: Description of the Nephilim and the presence of mighty men of old
C. Verse 5: God’s observation of the wickedness and evil intentions of humanity
III. God’s Decision to Bring the Flood
A. Verses 6-7: God’s grief and regret for creating humans due to their wickedness
B. Verses 8-10: Noah finds favor with God; his genealogy and characterization as a righteous man
IV. God’s Instructions to Noah
A. Verses 11-13: God’s declaration of His intention to destroy all flesh on earth due to its corruption
B. Verses 14-16: God’s instructions to Noah regarding the construction of the Ark and its specific dimensions
C. Verses 17-22: God’s covenant with Noah, instructing him to gather animals and his family into the Ark
V. Noah’s Obedience and the Coming of the Flood
A. Verses 18-22: Noah’s obedience in carrying out God’s instructions for building the Ark and gathering the animals
B. Verses 7:11-16: The detailed account of the floodwaters covering the earth and the survival of Noah, his family, and the animals in the Ark
VI. Conclusion
A. Summary of the events in Genesis 6
B. Transition to the subsequent chapters and the aftermath of the Flood
Note: This outline provides a general structure of Genesis 6, focusing on the increasing corruption on earth, God’s decision to bring the Flood, and Noah’s obedience in building the Ark. It highlights the wickedness of humanity and the specific instructions given to Noah. The actual chapter contains additional details and dialogue that are not included in this outline.