Behold, I come quickly: blessed [is] he that keepeth the saying of the prophecy of this book.
7. Behold ] Read, And behold.
I come quickly ] Spoken no doubt in the name of Christ, though hardly by Him. Cf. Rev 3:11, and Rev 22:12 ; Rev 22:20.
blessed is he that keepeth &c.] Rev 1:3. “Sayings” should again be words, as in the parallel passage.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
Behold, I come quickly – See the notes on Rev 1:3. The words used here are undoubtedly the words of the Redeemer, although they are apparently repeated by the angel. The meaning is, that they were used by the angel as the words of the Redeemer. See Rev 22:12, Rev 22:20.
Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book – That receives them as a divine communication; that makes use of them to comfort himself in the days of darkness, persecution, and trial; and that is obedient to the precepts here enjoined. See the notes on Rev 1:3.
Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
I come quickly to the last judgment. He is a happy man that observeth and keepeth in memory, that understandeth, believeth, and liveth up to
the prophecy of this book.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
7. “And” is omitted inCoptic and ANDREASwith English Version, but is inserted by A, B, Vulgateand Syriac.
blessed (Re1:3).
Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Behold, I come quickly,…. These are the words not of the angel, but of Christ, as is manifest from Re 22:12 and which are to be understood not of Christ’s coming in his power to destroy Jerusalem, for this was past when John had these visions, and wrote this book; but of the second and personal coming of Christ to judgment, as is clear from Re 22:12 which though it will not be sooner than the time appointed, yet will be as soon as that time is come, and sooner than is generally expected by men. The Ethiopic version adds, “as a thief”, as in Re 16:15 and because the second coming of Christ is an affair of the utmost moment, and will be attended with events of the greatest consequence and importance, in which the visions of this book issue, a “behold” is prefixed to it, as a note of attention and admiration:
blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book; this book is a prophecy of things to come, and therefore cannot refer to the times of Jerusalem’s destruction, which some interpreters make it chiefly to concern, for then it would be a narrative of things past; the sayings of it are the things contained in it; to keep these sayings is to read them with observation, to take notice of the accomplishment of them, so far as it has taken place, to keep them in mind and memory, to meditate upon them, and through the grace of God to steer the life and conversation according to the instructions, directions, and cautions here given; and such are blessed in life, and will be in death; they will die in the Lord, share in the first resurrection, and enter through the gates into the city.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
And behold, I come quickly ( ). Christ is the speaker, either through this angel or more probably directly from Christ without introduction as in verses Rev 22:12; Rev 22:16. About Christ coming quickly see Rev 2:5; Rev 2:16; Rev 3:11; Rev 16:15, and already in 1:2f. Once more we must recall that and are according to God’s time, not ours (2Pe 3:8).
Blessed (). This beatitude is like in substance the first (1:3) and is in Christ’s own words like the one in 16:15. This book is here called a “prophecy” () as in verses Rev 22:10; Rev 22:18; Rev 22:19. It is Christ’s revelation from God, a direct message from God. Part of it is prediction of doom on Christ’s enemies, but most of it is a comforting picture of final triumph and bliss for the faithful in a time of great distress and persecution.
Fuente: Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament
Keepeth [] . A favorite word with John, occurring in his writings more frequently than in all the rest of the New Testament together. See on reserved 1Pe 1:4.
Book [] . Diminutive, properly a little book or scroll. See on writing, Mt 19:7; bill, Mr 10:2; book, Luk 4:17.
Fuente: Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament
1) “Behold, I come quickly,” (kai idou erchomai tachu) “And behold I am coming quickly, of my own accord; two matters are at hand (1) The consideration one must give to the validity of this revelation and (2) The nearness of the end, Rev 22:10; Rev 22:12; Rev 22:20; Rev 3:11; Mat 24:36.
2) “Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings,” (makarios ho teron tous logous) “Blessed is the one keeping or guarding the words (sayings) or affirmations; this comes almost as a benediction, a formerly promised blessing on all who respect, guard, follow the admonitions of this book, Rev 1:3; Jas 1:22; Mat 7:21; Luk 6:46.
3) “Of the prophecy of this book,” (tes propheteias tou bibliou toutou) “Of the prophecy of this scroll,” the Book or scroll of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, herein given to John, Rev 1:3; Rev 1:11; Luk 11:28; 2Ti 3:16-17; Heb 10:36-37; The blessing used to introduce the book is pronounced on the keepers of it, as the book comes to a close – – seven times in the early part of the book the admonition was given, “He that hath ears to hear let him hear, Rev 2:1 to Rev 3:22. By reading, heeding, and holding it dear, men grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ, 2Pe 3:18; Joh 5:30; 1Ti 2:15.
Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary
(7) Behold, I come quickly.The words of Christ Himself follow (perhaps quoted by the angel), to confirm the declaration of the last verse. These confirming words are an embodiment of the spirit of the whole Apocalypse. And behold I am coming quickly! The Apocalypse is the revelation of the coming One; it reveals the dealings of Him who came, who comes, and is to come. (Comp. Note on Rev. 1:4.) The blessing given in Rev. 1:3 is in part repeated here, but it is a benediction emphatically on those who keep the words of the book. Blessed is he who keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book. It is not in reading, or wondering, or talking, but in keeping, that the blessing comes. He that loves Christ will keep His commandments (Joh. 14:15), even as Christ loved His Father, and kept His commandments (Joh. 15:10). Those who so keep the sayings or words of Christ in this book will stand firm as those who have built upon the rock (Mat. 7:24-25). The blessing of Christ to such was victory over death. If a man keep My saying, he shall never see death (Joh. 8:51).
Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)
7. Behold A part of God’s sent prophetic message.
Blessed See note on Rev 1:3.
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
‘And behold I come quickly (or ‘am coming soon’).’
There can be no question but that this is clearly intended to communicate the words of Jesus. It is as though He is there listening and steps in with an interjection. Compare Rev 1:7 and in this chapter Rev 22:12; Rev 22:20. This statement is repeated three times in the chapter to stress its truth. Three is the number of completeness. Those who read this book should know that they need to be ready, for His coming could be at any time consonant with what is in the book. But as with His Father, ‘soon’ in eternity is a different conception. He is still coming ‘soon’.
Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett
‘Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.’
This is a repetition of the words in Rev 1:3. By ‘keeps’ the angel clearly means ‘takes to heart and meditates on them’. The book is to be seen as a prophecy similar to that of the earlier prophets and treated as such, and is to be taken to heart and acted on.
Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett
7 Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.
Ver. 7. Blessed is he that keepeth ] In memory and manners, Rev 1:3 . Those were pronounced happy that read and hear, but so as they retain in mind and practise the contents of this book.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
Here as elsewhere it is irrelevant to ask, who is the speaker? Angels are the envoys and mouthpieces of God here as in the O.T., and therefore entitled to speak in his name or in that of Christ. “The Oriental mind hardly distinguishes between an ancient personage and one who appears in his power and spirit” (A. B. Davidson on Eze 34:23 ). In 4 Esd. 5:31 40 the angel is also addressed as if he were the Lord the angelic personality evidently fading into the divine, as here, and the writer being equally unconscious of any incongruity in the representation ( cf. Zec 3:1-4 ). As the “showing” of the . . . is (Rev 1:1 ) an . of Jesus, he (or a word of his) naturally breaks in (7 a ). . . ., an apocalyptic form of emphasis. Cf. e.g. , Slav. En. xlvii. 1 3 and xxxvi. (“tell thou thy sons and all thy household before Me, that they may listen to what is spoken to them by thee and let them always keep my commandments, and begin to read and understand the books written out by thee”). All apocalypses were meant to be transmitted to mankind, but the usual method of delivery is complicated ( cf. En. lxxxii. 1, 2; Slav. En. xxxiii. 9, xlvii. 2, 3, etc.).
Fuente: The Expositors Greek Testament by Robertson
7″And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.”
Rev 22:7 “I am coming quickly” Apparently the angel is quoting Jesus (cf. Rev 22:12-15). This is stated specifically by Jesus in Rev 22:16. Exactly who speaks in Rev 22:17 and Rev 22:18-19 is uncertain, but Jesus speaks again in Rev 22:20 and John in Rev 22:21. See Special Topic: Soon Return at Rev 1:3.
“Blessed is he who” This is another of the seven blessings for believers found throughout the book (cf. Rev 1:3; Rev 14:13; Rev 16:15; Rev 19:9; Rev 20:6; Rev 22:7; Rev 22:14).
“prophecy” This book is a prophecy and must be interpreted in the light of prophetic literature (cf. Rev 22:9-10; Rev 22:18-19; Rev 1:3; Rev 10:11). This book is not historical narrative! Prophecy always has a conditional element. New Testament eschatological passages reflect OT prophetic insight that viewed the end-time through contemporary occurrences and faith responses. Many scholars believe the apocalyptic genre grew out of Jewish propheticism. See SPECIAL TOPIC: NEW TESTAMENT PROPHECY at Rev 1:3.
Fuente: You Can Understand the Bible: Study Guide Commentary Series by Bob Utley
Behold. The texts read “And behold” (App-183.:2).
quickly. Greek. tachu. The words of the angel pass into the words of Christ; see verses: Rev 22:12, Rev 22:20, Rev 22:11. Compare Rev 1:7 and Rev 22:16 below.
blessed. The forty-ninth occurance of makarios in N.T.
keepeth. See Joh 17:6.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
I come: Rev 22:10, Rev 22:12, Rev 22:20, Rev 3:11
blessed: Rev 22:9, Rev 1:3
Reciprocal: Joh 21:22 – If Phi 4:5 – The Jam 1:22 – be Rev 2:25 – till Rev 3:8 – and hast kept Rev 20:6 – Blessed Rev 22:6 – which Rev 22:14 – Blessed
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Rev 22:7. Quickly is from the same word as “shoMat 23:36 the preceding verse. Blessed means happy, denoting a condition entirely satisfactory. Keepeth is from TEREO and in the King James Version it is translated hold fast 1 time, keep 57, observe 4, preserve 2, reserve 8, watch 2. It is a word with many shades of meaning which must be determined in each place according to the connection- If it is used in relation to things a man is required to do, then it means he must understand and do them. If used only of things stated as truths, whether they are predRev 22:8 or otherwise, then the word means we are to believe them and keep them in respectful remembranRev 19:10 resent verse applies the word to the prophecy of this book, hence it has the meaning just described. However, it would imply some activities on the part of man, for among the things predicted is the judgment day on which men will be judged according to their deeds. Hence if a man believes and respects that prediction, he will not forget it but will fashion his life in such a way as to be adjudged worthy of everlasting life. This explains why the angel Rev 19:10 e were blessed or happy who keepeth the sayings.
Comments by Foy E. Wallace
Verse 7.
Verse 7: Behold I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.
Here again John reverted to the first chapter of the book in order to affirm the truth of what had there been said prior to the beginning of the vision.
1. Behold, I come quickly. At this point Jesus himselRev 19:10 speaking, as when these words were first uttered by him; but John was here quoting the words of JesuAct 10:25-26 previously been spoken. Here the person sent was speaking for the Sender.
There are three keys words in the context: signify and shortly and quickly. These words were significant of the method of conveying the revelation through signs; and the time for the fulfillment was impending; and the coming of the Lord would be in relation to the events and concurrent with them. The three words together meant that everything relevant to the catastrophMat 2:2 alamities predicted and depicted were about to come to Rev 22:9 rily I say unto you, all these things shall come upon this generation–Jesus in Mat 23:36.
2. Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. But the book had not yet been written, yet its message was imperative and the reading of it to his servants was urgent. The fact that this somewhat ominous statement was made in the first chapter and repeated in the last chapter, thus before and after the vision was received, accentuates the immediacy of its contents. Why the urgency of this command if the events were so remote as the future theory represents?
Fuente: Combined Bible Commentary
Rev 22:7. And behold, I come quickly. The Lord Himself is introduced as the speaker, as He at once summarises the contents of the book, and presents to His Church that theme which was her encouragement and hope amidst all her troubles. The words are not to be regarded as those of the angel. They are rather a parenthesis on the part of St John himself, as he lovingly recalls the thought that was to him the chief spring of life and joy.
Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book. After the parenthesis the words of the angel are resumed. It is true, that at the time when they were uttered the book had not been written. But the command had been given that it should be written (chap. Rev 1:19), and the task might easily be viewed as already accomplished. The book indeed was but a transcript of those eternal verities which had been written in the counsels of God from before the foundation of the world (comp. on chap. Rev 21:5). The word keepeth is a favourite one with the Apostle. It is not enough to hear or to enjoy. The Son kept the Fathers commandments, and it is the test of the love of believers, If ye love Me, ye will keep My commandments (Joh 14:15).
Fuente: A Popular Commentary on the New Testament
The Lord is going to come suddenly, when many least expect it. ( Mat 24:42-44 ) We will be blessed if we closely watch to keep, or do, the things Christ has clearly outlined for his righteous in this book.
Fuente: Gary Hampton Commentary on Selected Books
Probably the angel relayed these words of Christ (cf. Rev 22:12-13) to John (cf. Rev 16:15). Jesus Christ promised to return soon (cf. Rev 22:12; Rev 22:20; Rev 3:11). Reconstructionism (dominion theology) and preterism refer this imminence to the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. [Note: See Chilton, The Days . . ., p. 575; and Kenneth L. Gentry Jr., Before Jerusalem Fell, pp. 142-45.] The Greek word translated "quickly" (tachy) means "soon." The Second Coming is the great climactic event in view through most of this prophecy, but applying this word about imminence to the Rapture is certainly legitimate. [Note: See Thomas, Revelation 8-22, p. 489.]
". . . it is quite evident that He would have us live in the constant expectation of His advent being imminent." [Note: W. Lincoln, Lectures on the Book of Revelation, p. 241. See also Stanton’s discussion of imminency in Kept from . . ., pp. 108-37, and Wayne A. Brindle, "Biblical Evidence for the Imminence of the Rapture," Bibliotheca Sacra 158:630 (April-June 2001):150-51.]
The book closes as it opened, with a special blessing for those who pay attention to what it teaches (Rev 1:3; cf. Rev 16:5). Here, however, the speaker is Christ, whom the angel apparently quoted. John evidently wrote this book as his visions unfolded (cf. Rev 10:4).
It is ironical that people have neglected this book even though it contains more promises of blessing than any other book in the Bible. Everyone should continue to study it.