Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Revelation 20:2

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

2. that old serpent ] Rev 12:9.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

And he laid hold on – Seized him by violence – ekratesen. The word denotes the employment of strength or force; and it implies that he had power superior to that of the dragon. Compare Mat 14:3; Mat 18:28; Mat 21:46; Mat 22:6; Mat 26:4. We can at once see the propriety of the use of this word in this connection. The great enemy to be bound has himself mighty power, and can be overcome only by a superior. This may teach us that it is only a power from heaven that can destroy the empire of Satan in the world; and perhaps it may teach us that the interposition of angels will be employed in bringing in the glorious state of the millennium. Why should it not be?

The dragon – See the notes on Rev 12:2. Compare Rev 12:4, Rev 12:7, Rev 12:13, Rev 12:16-17; Rev 13:2, Rev 13:4, Rev 13:11; Rev 16:13. There can be no doubt as to the meaning of the word here; for it is expressly said to mean the devil, and Satan. It would seem, however, that it refers to some manifestation of the power of Satan that would exist after the beast and false prophet – that is, the papacy and Mohammedanism – should be destroyed, and probably the main reference is to the still existing power of paganism. Compare the notes on Rev 16:13-14. It may include, however, all the forms of wickedness which Satan shall have kept upon the earth, and all the modes of evil by which he will endeavor to perpetuate his reign.

That old serpent – This is undoubtedly an allusion to the serpent that deceived our first parents (Gen 3:1 ff.), and therefore a proof that it was Satan that, under the form of a serpent, deceived them. Compare notes on Rev 12:3.

Which is the devil – On the meaning of this word, see the notes on Mat 4:1.

And Satan – On the meaning of this word, see the notes on Job 1:6. In regard to the repetition of the names of that great enemy of God and the church here, Mr. Taylor, in the Fragments to Calmets Dictionary, No. 152, says that this almost resembles a modern Old Bailey indictment, in which special care is taken to identify the culprit, by a sufficient number of aliases. An angel from heaven, having the key of the prison of the abyss, and a great chain to secure the prisoner, apprehended the dragon, alias the old serpent, alias the devil, alias the Satan, alias the seducer of the world, who was sentenced to a thousand years imprisonment. The object here, however, seems to be not so much to identify the culprit by these aliases, as to show that under whatever forms, and by whatever names he had appeared, it was always the same being, and that now the author of the whole evil would be arrested. Thus the one great enemy sometimes has appeared in a form that would be best represented by a fierce and fiery dragon; at another, in a form that would be best represented by a cunning and subtle serpent; now in a form to which the word devil (accuser), would be most appropriate; and now in a form in which the word Satan – an adversary – would be most expressive of what he does. In these various forms, and under these various names, he has ruled the fallen world; and when this one great enemy shall be seized and imprisoned, all these forms of evil will, of course, come to an end.

A thousand years – This is the period usually designated as the millennium – for the word millennium means a thousand years. It is on this passage that the whole doctrine of the millennium as such has been founded. It is true that there are elsewhere in the Scriptures abundant promises that the gospel will ultimately spread over the world; but the notion of a millennium as such is found in this passage alone. It is, however, enough to establish the doctrine, if its meaning be correctly ascertained; for it is a just rule in interpreting the Bible, that the clearly-ascertained sense of a single passage of Scripture is sufficient to establish the truth of a doctrine. The fact, however, that this passage stands alone in this respect, makes it the more important to endeavor accurately to determine its meaning. There are but three ways in which the phrase a thousand years can be understood here: either:

(a)Literally; or,

(b)In the prophetic use of the term, where a day would stand for a year, thus making a period of three hundred and sixty thousand years; or,

(c)Figuratively, supposing that it refers to a long but indefinite period of time.

It may be impossible to determine which of these periods is intended, though the first has been generally supposed to be the true one, and hence the common notion of the millennium. There is nothing, however, in the use of the language here, as there would be nothing contrary to the common use of symbols in this book in regard to time, in the supposition that this was designed to describe the longest period here suggested, or that it is meant that the world shall enjoy a reign of peace and righteousness during the long period of three hundred and sixty thousand years. Indeed, there are somethings in the arrangements of nature which look as if it were contemplated that the earth would continue under a reign of righteousness through a vastly long period in the future.

Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible

Verse 2. The dragon] See Clarke on Re 12:9.

That old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan] He who is called the old serpent is the DEVIL-the calumniator, and SATAN-the opposer. He who supposes that the term old serpent here plainly proves that the creature that tempted our first parents was actually a snake, must enjoy his opinion; and those who can receive such a saying, why let them receive it. Selah.

A thousand years] In what this binding of Satan consists, who can tell? How many visions have been seen on this subject both in ancient and modern times! This, and what is said Re 20:3-5, no doubt refers to a time in which the influence of Satan will be greatly restrained, and the true Church of God enjoy great prosperity, which shall endure for a long time. But it is not likely that the number, a thousand years, is to be taken literally here, and year symbolically and figuratively in all the book beside. The doctrine of the millennium, or of the saints reigning on earth a thousand years, with Christ for their head, has been illustrated and defended by many Christian writers, both among the ancients and moderns. Were I to give a collection of the conceits of the primitive fathers on this subject, my readers would have little reason to applaud my pains. It has long been the idle expectation of many persons that the millennium, in their sense, was at hand; and its commencement has been expected in every century since the Christian era. It has been fixed for several different years, during the short period of my own life! I believed those predictions to be vain, and I have lived to see them such. Yet there is no doubt that the earth is in a state of progressive moral improvement; and that the light of true religion is shining more copiously everywhere, and will shine more and more to the perfect day. But when the religion of Christ will be at its meridian of light and heat, we know not. In each believer this may speedily take place; but probably no such time shall ever appear, in which evil shall be wholly banished from the earth, till after the day of judgment, when the earth having been burnt up, a new heaven and a new earth shall be produced out of the ruins of the old, by the mighty power of God: righteousness alone shall dwell in them. The phraseology of the apostle here seems partly taken from the ancient prophets, and partly rabbinical; and it is from the Jewish use of those terms that we are to look for their interpretation.

Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible

There can be no question who is meant by the dragon here, and the

old serpent, for the Holy Ghost interpreteth it,

the devil, the enemy of mankind.

And bound him: by binding also is meant the restraint of the devil in the exercise of his natural power, or the power God had before allowed him to exercise for the trial of his saints faith and patience. The devil is restrained in the restraint of his instruments. It is expounded, Rev 20:3, that he should deceive the nations no more.

A thousand years: whether these thousand years signify that certain space of time, or a long time, I cannot say; only it is probable, that if it signifies an uncertain, indefinite time, it is much longer time than any other period of time spoken of, (which have all hitherto been expressed by days, or months, or a lesser number of years), by far. But what the complexion of the world shall be during this long time, or when the epocha or beginning of these thousand years shall be, are both of them very hard questions. It was the opinion of the old Chiliasts or Millenaries, that six thousand years of the world should pass, then antichrist with all wicked men should be destroyed; that in the next thousand years Christ should appear, and be upon the earth, ruling it with his saints; after which there would be another time of sharp persecution, according to what is said, Rev 20:7, to which Christ should put a period by coming to the last judgment. It is plain that (if most men be not mistaken, that have counted the years from the beginning of the world) these men were mistaken; for more than six thousand years are passed, yet there is no such thing come to pass. Divers very good and learned men (leaving out the age of the world when these thousand years should begin) have judged, that after the great battle in Armageddon, (which, as was said before, shall be after the ruin both of Turk and pope), the church of Christ shall for a thousand years enjoy great quiet under the conduct of Christ, (as some think), who in these thousand years shall personally be upon the earth; or of such a godly magistracy in all places of the church, as shall do and execute what Christ would have done and executed. After which the enemies of the church (mentioned here, Rev 20:8, under the notions of Gog and Magog) shall rally again, but be destroyed by Christ appearing to the last judgment. This opinion hath had, and hath, many learned and grave patrons. I shall only say this, that I do not understand what these thousand years mean, if they do not denote a serene and calm time for the church of God, of long continuance, before the day of judgment. Whether Christ shall be here personally, or none but saints shall be in places of power, or the power of Christ only shall be seen in so ruling and governing all magistrates, that they shall not, as before, impose superstition and idolatry, and kill or ruin men for not complying with them; but the servants of God, that worship him in spirit and truth, shall under magistrates live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty; I cannot determine; but do in my own thoughts most incline to the last, that the thousand years only denote a large space of time, (as yet at a great distance), when the church of God shall freely enjoy their liberty, without such temptations to idolatry, superstition, or other wickedness, as they have yet all along had, either from Jews, pagans, or antichrists party.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

2. that oldancient serpent(Re 12:9).

thousand yearsAs sevenmystically implies universality, so a thousand impliesperfection, whether in good or evil [AQUINASon ch. 11]. Thousand symbolizes that the world is perfectlyleavened and pervaded by the divine; since thousand is ten,the number of the world, raised to the third power, threebeing the number of God [AUBERLEN].It may denote literally also a thousand years.

Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

Ver. 2 And he laid hold on the dragon,…. By whom is meant not Paganism, for that was destroyed in the Roman empire under the sixth seal, and was the consequence of the war between Michael and his angels, and the dragon and his; and before this time it will be destroyed in other parts under the sixth and seventh vials, when the kings of the earth, being gathered together at Armageddon, will be slain, and the cities of the nations will fall, not only Papal, but Pagan, and Mahometan; and what will not will be converted, for before this time the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of Christ: but the devil himself is intended, so called, partly because of his great power, authority, and cruelty he has exercised in the world; and because of the venom and poison of idolatry, superstition, false doctrine, and worship, with which he has infected the inhabitants of it.

That old serpent; so called with respect to his cunning and subtlety, as well as his antiquity, being from the beginning of the creation, and having as early beguiled our first parents;

which is the devil and Satan; the accuser of God and men, and the adversary of them both. The Complutensian edition and Syriac version add, “which deceiveth the whole world”; and the Arabic version, “the deceiver of the whole world”; which seems to be taken out of Re 12:9,

[See comments on Re 12:9]. Him Christ “laid hold on”, and whom he held fast, as the word signifies: Christ will now take him, apprehend him, and detain him, as his prisoner; in the wilderness, Satan only felt the dint of his sword, the written word of God, and was obliged to leave him: but now he will feel the weight of his hand, and the lighting down of his arm, with the indignation of his anger; in the agony or conflict with him in the garden, he was conquered by prayer; and on the cross Christ destroyed him through death, but now he will be seized by his power, and crushed under his hand.

And bound him a thousand years, with the great chain he had in his hand: the devil is in chains now, is under the power of divine Providence, and can do nothing without divine permission; but this chain is long, and he appears oftentimes to have great liberty, and ranges about the air and earth, and does much mischief; but now he will be so bound by the power of Christ over him, that he will not be able to stir hand or foot, to disturb the saints, or deceive the nations, whether with false worship, and false doctrine, or by stirring them up to persecute the saints. So of the devil, Asmodaeus, it is said in the Apocrypha,

“And Raphael was sent to heal them both, that is, to scale away the whiteness of Tobit’s eyes, and to give Sara the daughter of Raguel for a wife to Tobias the son of Tobit; and to bind Asmodeus the evil spirit; because she belonged to Tobias by right of inheritance. The selfsame time came Tobit home, and entered into his house, and Sara the daughter of Raguel came down from her upper chamber.” (Tobit 3:17)

that the angel Raphael, “bound him”. The space of a thousand years is not a certain number for an uncertain, or a large and indeterminate space of time, as in Ps 90:4 these years are to be taken, not indefinitely, but definitely, for just this number of years exactly, as appears from their having the article prefixed to them; and are called afterwards, no less than four times, , “the thousand years”, or these thousand years, Re 20:3 and from the things which are attributed to the beginning and ending of these years, which fix the epoch, and period of them; as the binding of Satan, when they begin, and the loosing of him when they end, as well as the reign of the saints with Christ during the whole time; to which may be added, the resurrection of the saints at the commencement of them, and the resurrection of the wicked at the close: but the great question is, whether they are begun or not? if they are begun, when they began; and if not, when they will. Some think that they began either at the birth of Christ, or at his resurrection, or at the destruction of Jerusalem. I put these together, because they were all in one century, within the compass of seventy years, or thereabout; so that if the thousand years began at either of them, they must end in the same century, in 1100. Now though, upon Christ’s coming Satan fell like lightning from heaven, and multitudes of men, possessed with devils, were dispossessed by Christ, and he that had the power of death, the devil, was destroyed by him; and upon the preaching of the Gospel by the apostles in the Gentile world, the prince of the world was cast out, his oracles were struck dumb, multitudes were converted, and churches were set up everywhere, yet still Satan was not bound: he was not bound before the death of Christ; witness the many bodies of men possessed by him; his tempting Christ himself in the wilderness; his attacks upon him in the garden, and on the cross; his putting it into the heart of Judas to betray him; and filling the chief priests and scribes with malice and envy against him, to seek his death, which they brought about: nor was he bound, so as not to deceive the Jews, either before or after the death of Christ, nor is he to this day; they were in Christ’s time under the influence of their father the devil, whose lust they would do, and did, in putting Christ to death; and after his death, they were instigated by Satan to persecute his apostles in Judea, and elsewhere; and though after the destruction of Jerusalem they had no more power to act in this way, yet they had no less ill will and malice against the Christians, and are to this day filled with enmity against them, and are led captive by Satan, and given up to believe a lie, that the Messiah is not come, and to reject the true Messiah, and to expect a false one: and as for the Heathen world, notwithstanding the progress of the Gospel in it, yet for the first three hundred years Paganism was the established religion of the Roman empire; and Christianity was everywhere spoken against, despised, and persecuted, and sometimes triumphed over, as if it was extinct; and Satan could never be said to be bound, and in prison himself, when he cast such multitudes into prison, and caused them to have tribulation ten days, Re 2:10 in which so many martyrs suffered; nor did Satan appear to be bound, with respect to the church; the mystery of iniquity began to work in the apostle’s times, and there were then many antichrists in the world, deceivers, false teachers and heretics; there was a synagogue of Satan, Re 2:9 and such a set of vile persons under the name of Christians, as scarce ever was in the world; to which may be added, the great decline of love, and other graces, and of the purity of doctrine and worship in the best churches, and the many contentions among themselves, in which Satan had a great hand, and therefore could not be bound: moreover, some hundreds of years before the thousand years ended, beginning from either of the above dates, the man of sin, the son of perdition, the pope, or western antichrist, was revealed, whose coming is after the working of Satan, 2Th 2:9 and therefore surely he could not be bound then; besides, Mahomet, the eastern antichrist, sprung up, who opened the bottomless pit, and let out the smoke of it, by the Alcoran he delivered, and the false worship he set up: nor was there anything in the eleventh century, which answered to the loosing of Satan, to the Gog and Magog army, their war with the saints, and the issue of it; nor were the nations then more deceived than they had been in some centuries past; at least they were deceived in centuries past, both by the pope and Mahomet, which they would not have been, had Satan been bound then: to which may be subjoined, that if Satan was loosed, then he cannot be said to be loosed a little season, as in Re 20:3 in comparison of the thousand years, as that must be understood; since it is now between six and seven hundred years since, which is more than half a thousand years. Others begin these years at Constantine’s coming to the imperial throne; but though there was at that time a great spread of the Gospel, an enlargement of Christ’s kingdom, and a weakening of Satan’s, yet Satan was far from being bound; see Re 12:7 witness the flood of errors and heresies which he quickly brought in, as the Eutychian and Nestorian heresies, the one confounding the natures, the other dividing the person of Christ; the Pelagian heresy, which obscured the grace of God, and advanced the free will of man; the Macedonian heresy, which denied the divinity of the Spirit: and especially the Arian heresy, which was opposed to the deity of Christ, and which introduced great contentions and confusion the churches, and issued in a violent persecution of them, being embraced by the sons of Constantine: not to take notice of Julian, an Heathen emperor, ascending the throne, who by many devilish arts endeavoured to extirpate Christianity; nor what has been observed before, the rise of both Mahomet in the east, and the Romish antichrist in the west, which were both within this period; in process of time the western empire was overrun by the Goths and Vandals, and the eastern empire by the Saracens and Turks; to which may be added, the violent persecutions of the Waldenses and Albigenses, before the year 1300, about which time the thousand years must cease, according to this computation, for opposing the pope of Rome, and who were slain where Satan had his seat, Re 2:13 and therefore not bound; nor was there anything happened in that century which might answer to the loosing of him. Others date these thousand years from the Reformation, and so not much more than two hundred of them are yet passed; but that Satan was not bound then, and is not now, is manifest. All the Popish nations have not been reformed, but still remain under the deception; and some, that have been, have revolted again; and the devil has continued to deceive the nations with that false worship, and to stir them up to persecute the reformed. Witness the burning of them here in Queen Mary’s days, the massacres in France and Ireland, the present inquisition in Spain and Portugal, and the persecution of the Hugonots in France, and other Protestants elsewhere: and this is further evident from the decline in the reformed churches, both as to doctrine, discipline, and conversation; from the spread of errors and heresies of all kinds ever since, and especially in our age; and from the general profaneness and infidelity of the times, which, when considered, no man in his senses can ever think that Satan is bound; nor indeed will he be bound, or these thousand years begin, till after the conversion of the Jews, and the bringing in the fulness of the Gentiles, and the destruction of all the antichristian powers, Pagan, Papal, and Mahometan, as appears from the order of this vision, and its connection with the preceding chapter.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

He laid hold on (). First aorist active indicative of , to seize.

The dragon ( ). Accusative after instead of the genitive as in 2:1. He has been behind the beast and the false prophet from the start. Now he is seized.

The old serpent ( ). Precisely the description in 12:9, only the nominative is here retained, though in apposition with the accusative , a frequent anacoluthon in the Apocalypse (1:5, etc.). Swete calls it a parenthesis.

Which is ( ). The relative here relieves the construction and takes the place of in 12:9 before .

And bound him ( ). First aorist active indicative of .

For a thousand years ( ). Accusative of extent of time. Here we confront the same problem found in the 1260 days. In this book of symbols how long is a thousand years? All sorts of theories are proposed, none of which fully satisfy one. Perhaps Peter has given us the only solution open to us in 2Pe 3:8 when he argues that “one day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” It will help us all to remember that God’s clock does not run by ours and that times and seasons and programs are with him. This wonderful book was written to comfort the saints in a time of great trial, not to create strife among them.

Fuente: Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament

He laid hold [] . See on Mr 8:3; Act 3:11..

The dragon [ ] . See on ch. Rev 12:3. The word is commonly derived from edrakon, the second aorist tense of derkomai to see clearly, in allusion to the sharp sight of the fabled dragon.

Old [] . See on 1Jo 2:7.

The Devil. Note the three epithets : the Old Serpent, the Devil, Satan. See on Mt 4:1; Luk 10:18.

Fuente: Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament

1) “And he laid hold on the dragon,” (kai ekratesen ton drakonta) “And he laid a grip on the dragon;” who had already been cast out from any further access to heaven and the throne of God, together with his demon angelic servants, Rev 12:9-10; Rev 12:12; 2Pe 2:4.

2) “That old serpent,” (ho ophis ho archaios) “The old (archaic, ancient) serpent; crooked, morally and ethically; as a serpent he strikes with the venom (poison) of sin – -Those who knowingly and willingly reject Christ are referred to as vipers, offspring of that old Serpent, Mat 3:7; Mat 12:34; Mat 23:33; Luk 3:7.

3) “Which is the Devil,” (hos estin Diabolos) “Who is (exists as) the Devil; the spiritual father of all lies. Joh 8:44, also called the god of this world, who binds and blinds men in sin, 2Co 4:4.

4) “And Satan,” (kai ho Satanas) “And (even) Satan; he is a slandered, tempter, and hinderer of the Word and work of God, but he will one day be chained, Job 1:6-12; Job 2:1-7; Mar 1:13; 1Th 2:18.

5) “And bound him a thousand years,” (kai edesin auton chilia ete) “And bound him (for a period of) a thousand years” (for a Millennium) with the chain he bound him. Once Satan was prince of the power of the air, a ruler of wickedness in high places over the earth, with access to the throne of God, to accuse the brethren for whom Jesus makes intercession; but during an encounter (a war) with Michael and his Angels, Satan is to be cast out (quarantined from) heaven and the throne of God, during the last 42 months of the great tribulation, to reek havoc on the earth, only till Jesus comes. Joh 12:31; Joh 14:30; Eph 2:2; Eph 6:12; Rev 12:7-14.

Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary

(2) And he laid hold on the dragon . . .Or, And he laid hold of the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. The four words are thus used to describe the archenemy; they are the same as those used for the same purpose in Rev. 12:9. Over the world he has exercised in every quarter his power as prince of this world, and he has been found fierce as the dragon, subtle as the serpent, the slanderer of God and His people, and the adversary of all righteousness. He is bound as Christ declared (Mat. 12:29; comp. Col. 2:15). A thousand years was the length at which Rabbis fixed the duration of Messiahs kingdom. The period is not to be understood literally (see next verse).

Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)

2. Laid hold on Doubtless a true restraining force on the very person of Satan.

Dragon Satan Same accumulation of epithets to identify the world’s great villain as in Rev 12:9.

Bound him A release of men from all demoniac temptation or instigation.

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

Ver. 2. And he laid hold on the dragon ] Rev 12:7 ; Rev 12:9 . He took him in a field fight, and since then till now we have heard little of him, more than that he substituted the beast, Re. xiii., whose destruction being declared, the prophecy returns to show the judgment of the dragon.

And bound him ] From the open slaughtering of the saints, as he had done by the heathen emperors; or, from molesting and mischiefing of God’s people, otherwise he is not bound one hour, Job 1:6-12 1Pe 5:8 . And how his vicegerent the beast hath bestirred him during the thousand years, who knows not?

A thousand years ] Hos explicate fateor trepide me aggredi, saith Pareus. He begins the thousand at the destruction of the temple, A.D. 73, and so it ends in Pope Hildebrand, who stepped into that chair of pestilence, A. D. 1073. Others begin it at the birth of Christ, and end in Sylvester II. Others at Christ’s passion, and end in Benedict IX. But they do best, in my opinion, that begin at Constantine and end in Boniface VIII, who is of his own said to have entered like a fox, reigned as a lion, and died as a dog. He excommunicated the French king, and published this decree, that the Bishop of Rome ought to be judged of none, although he should carry innumerable souls with him to hell.

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

laid hold on. Greek. krateo. Compare App-172.

on = of.

dragon. See Rev 12:3.

that = the.

Satan. The texts add “the”. See App-19.

thousand years. i.e. the millennium.

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

Rev 20:2. [214]) Apposition between an oblique case and the nominative. See Appar. p. 778 [Ed. II. p. 488, 5].- , a thousand years) A. 1716, Zeltner published a dissertation on the Chiliasm (he would more properly have said, on the Millennium) now present, in the beginning of which he expresses his surprise, that any one can shrink from the title of Chiliast; because it is plain that he who embraces the Divine authority of the Apocalypse, must also of necessity admit the thousand years in some sense. Very well said. But there are some who, compelled by this Text, acknowledge that there is to be a remarkable and long-continued tranquillity of the Church, and maintain this with impunity. How with impunity? On account of this one thing, that THEY REMOVE FROM THEIR MOUTH THE THOUSAND YEARS WHICH HAVE PROCEEDED FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD. It is of no advantage thus to alarm good men. But these thousand years do not run on even a step simultaneously with the times of the beast, nor do they altogether precede those times, but totally follow them. This is proved by-I. The arrangement of the whole book, representing one continuous and connected series of events. II. The relation of the trumpet of the seventh angel, inasmuch as these [thousand] years also fall under it: ch. Rev 10:1, note. III. This is particularly proved by the events which precede. The delivery of the woman, before spoken of, was followed by the casting out of the dragon from heaven to the earth; and with this casting out is connected the third woe, in which the dragon, through the instrumentality of the beast and with the aid of the beast (ch. Rev 16:13), has most unbridled power: at the close of the third woe the beast will make war, and being overcome, will be cast into the lake of fire; and at the same time, namely, after his destruction, the chief enemy who remains will be shut up in the bottomless pit. IV. Before the close of the number of the beast, the times in the Apocalypse are enigmatical; afterwards, they are expressed in their literal signification. They violate this excellent system of prophecy who blend together the times of the beast and the thousand years. V. The millennium itself is distinguished by a new, great, pure, and long-continued exemption from internal and external evils, since the authors of these evils are removed, and by an abundance of varied happiness, such as the Church hitherto has not beheld: Rom 11:12; Rom 11:15; Rom 11:25 : for the nations have never ceased to be deceived, for instance, by Mahometanism. VI. This is proved by the events which follow. Now there follow the last times of the world, and in them the loosing of the devil, who deceives Gog and Magog, and who is doomed to be cast into the lake of fire in addition to the beast and the false prophet (Rev 20:10). In short, the accusation of Satan in heaven, his rage on earth, through a space shorter than the millennium; his captivity in the bottomless pit, during a thousand years; and after the deceiving of Gog and Magog, his torment in the lake of fire for ever; they succeed one another in such a manner that none of them can be joined with another, the order of none can be transposed. He must deny the perspicuity of Scripture altogether who persists in denying this, and endeavours to refute it. To these arguments there is added, VII. The tenor of the language in Rev 20:1, which continues the events immediately preceding, and does not return to a thread which has been for a considerable length of time interrupted. VIII. Those events, which are contained in ch. 19, are plainly followed by these which take place from ch. Rev 20:11 to ch. Rev 22:5; the millennium comes between, of which neither the beginning nor the end, if it is past, falls in to this place; therefore they cannot transfer it elsewhere, unless their inclination stands in the place of reason. It is evident from this, that the view of the Chiliasts was not correctly derived by Gebhardi from this, that the connection of the prophetical word was neglected by them.-Comm. on Twelve Prophets, p. 655. Lastly, IX. Between the angel of the , everlasting Gospel, ch. Rev 14:6, and the end of the world, a certain , age, intervenes; but no one will be able to point it out, if the millennium is taken away. In a short time, they who believe that the millennium is at hand, will be found to have the privilege of the true meaning, rather than those who contend that it is past; nor do they delay the course of the sun, who speak against it. In the meantime, let every one see in what things he himself seeks a happy life. There is no error, much less danger, in maintaining that the thousand years are future, hut rather in interpreting these years, whether future or past, in a carnal sense. The doctrine respecting the Son of God is a mystery, His cross is a mystery, and lastly, His glory also. He himself is a sign, which is spoken against in one point after another. There is abundant ground for believing and confessing Him.

[214] So A. But h Vulg. and Rec. Text have .-E.

Fuente: Gnomon of the New Testament

thousand years

The duration of the kingdom of heaven in its mediatorial form (See Scofield “1Co 15:24”).

Fuente: Scofield Reference Bible Notes

he laid: Gen 3:15, Isa 27:1, Isa 49:24, Isa 49:25, Mat 8:29, Mat 19:29, Mar 5:7, Luk 11:20-22, Joh 12:31, Joh 16:11, Rom 16:20, Heb 2:14

the dragon: Rev 9:11, Rev 12:9, Rev 12:13, Rev 12:15, Rev 12:17, Rev 13:2, Rev 13:4, Job 1:7, Job 2:1, Job 2:2, 1Pe 5:8, 2Pe 2:4, Jud 1:6

Reciprocal: Deu 33:27 – thrust Job 2:6 – save Job 38:11 – but Job 41:34 – he is Psa 9:6 – destructions Psa 74:14 – leviathan Psa 91:13 – the dragon Ecc 3:17 – for Isa 11:9 – for the Isa 29:24 – also Isa 35:7 – in the Isa 65:25 – dust Jer 10:11 – they Eze 29:3 – the great Eze 47:5 – waters to swim in Dan 2:35 – and filled Dan 11:45 – he shall come Zec 14:7 – at Mat 8:31 – General Mat 12:26 – his Mat 13:39 – enemy Mar 4:15 – Satan Luk 4:6 – All Luk 4:34 – art Luk 8:31 – the deep Luk 10:18 – I beheld Satan Joh 8:44 – When Joh 14:30 – the Act 26:18 – and from Rom 11:25 – until 1Co 15:28 – all things 2Co 4:4 – the god 2Co 11:3 – as 2Co 11:15 – his Eph 2:2 – the prince Eph 6:11 – the wiles Col 2:15 – having 1Ti 4:1 – seducing 2Ti 2:26 – out Jam 2:19 – the 1Jo 3:8 – this purpose Rev 1:18 – the keys Rev 12:3 – a great Rev 12:7 – the dragon Rev 20:7 – General Rev 20:10 – the devil Rev 20:11 – I saw

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Rev 20:2. And he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan. This dragon we have already met at chaps. Rev 12:3; Rev 12:9, Rev 13:2; Rev 13:4, Rev 16:13. He is the first of the three great enemies of the Church, who gives his authority to the beast, and is worshipped by the ungodly. The description corresponds to that at Rev 12:9, the only difference being that now we read not that he is called but that he is the devil. Whether this change may be owing to the fact that by this time Satan has been made known in his actual working, whereas then he was only introduced to us, it may be difficult to say; it is of more importance to observe that the last mention of him identifies him with the first.

And bound him a thousand years. The binding is more than a mere limitation of Satans power. It puts a stop to that special evil working of his which is in the Seers eye. The meaning of the thousand years we shall afterwards inquire into.

Fuente: A Popular Commentary on the New Testament

Verse 2

The dragon; described as such Revelation 12:3-9.

Fuente: Abbott’s Illustrated New Testament

20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him {3} a thousand years,

(3) The first of which (continuing this history with the end of the second chapter) in the 36 years from the passion of Christ, when the Church of the Jews being overthrown, Satan attempted to invade the Christian church gathered from the Gentiles, and to destroy part of her seed, Rev 12:17 . The thousandth year falls precisely on the times of that wicked Hildebrand, who was called Gregory the seventh, a most damnable necromancer and sorcerer, whom Satan used as an instrument when he was loosed out of bonds, from then on to annoy the saints of God with most cruel persecutions, and the whole world with dissentions, and most bloody wars: as Benno the Cardinal reports at large. This is the first victory gained over the dragon in the earth.

Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes

Four titles make the identity of the bound creature certain. The dragon is his most frequent name in Revelation (Rev 12:3-4; Rev 12:7; Rev 12:13; Rev 12:16-17; Rev 13:2; Rev 13:4; Rev 13:11; Rev 16:13). This title alludes to the serpent of old (cf. Genesis 3). This is an anacoluthon or parenthetical reference (cf. Rev 1:5; et al.) [Note: Robertson, 6:257.] The Devil (Rev 20:10; Rev 2:10; Rev 12:9; Rev 12:12) and Satan (Rev 2:9; Rev 2:13; Rev 2:24; Rev 3:9; Rev 12:9) are his more common biblical names.

There is no reason to take this thousand-year time period as symbolic. All the other numbers in Revelation make sense if we interpret them literally, and this one does too. It is impossible to prove that any number in Revelation is symbolic. [Note: Smith, A Revelation . . ., p. 269; Walvoord, The Revelation . . ., p. 295; Hoehner, p. 249.] The repetition of this number six times in this pericope stresses the length of Satan’s confinement. God did not reveal the length of the Millennium (from the Latin mille, thousand, and annum year) before now. Neither did He reveal many other details about the future before He gave John these visions (cf. Rev 17:5).

Morris offered the following reason for taking the thousand years as symbolic.

"One thousand is the cube of ten, the number of completeness. We have seen it used over and over again in this book to denote completeness of some sort, and this is surely the way we should take it here. Satan is bound for the perfect period." [Note: Morris, p. 235. Cf. Vern S. Poythress, "Genre and Hermeneutics in Revelation 20:1-6," Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 36:1 (March 1993):41-54.]

Morris acknowledged that God will release Satan at the end of this period (Rev 20:8). [Note: Morris, p. 236.] To him the thousand-year reign is a reign of martyrs in heaven that has no relation to the Second Advent. [Note: Ibid., pp. 234, 237.] However, there is no reason in the text or context to assume that we should interpret 1,000 symbolically. In fact, in view of the other numbers in this book, we would expect another literal number here.

"If 1,000 is a symbol, what about 7,000 (Rev 11:13), 12,000 (Rev 7:5), or 144,000 (Rev 7:4)? Are these symbols also? If 1,000 years is a symbolic term, what about 5 months (Rev 9:10), 42 months (Rev 11:2), and 1,260 days (Rev 11:3)? To ask these questions is to show the absurdity of regarding the numbers as figurative, for on what ground could one consistently hold that one, 1,000, is figurative, and the others, including where multiples of 1,000 are used, are literal?" [Note: Smith, A Revelation . . ., p. 269.]

Fuente: Expository Notes of Dr. Constable (Old and New Testaments)