The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
12. This whole passage should be compared with Ezekiel 27, where the wealth and trade of Tyre is described in detail.
and scarlet ] Thus far the goods enumerated have been expressed by genitives, “merchandise of gold and of scarlet.” Here they cease to be so, as far as the word “sheep.”
thyine wood ] Wood of the thyia or thyion, a kind of cypress or arbor vitae: apparently the same that was called citrus by the Romans, and used for the costliest furniture.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
The merchandise of gold, and silver – Of course, these constitute an important article of commerce in a great city.
And precious stones – Diamonds, emeralds, rubies, etc. These have always been important articles of traffic in the world, and, of course, most of the traffic in them would find its way to great commercial cities.
And pearls – See the notes on Mat 7:6; Mat 13:46. These, too, have been always, and were, particularly in early times, valuable articles of commerce. Mr. Gibbon mentions them as among the articles that contributed to the luxury of Rome in the age of the Antonines: precious stones, among which the pearl claimed the first rank after the diamond, vol. i. p. 34.
And fine linen – This was also a valuable article of commerce. It was obtained chiefly from Egypt. See the notes on Isa 19:9. Linen, among the ancients, was an article of luxury, for it was worn chiefly by the rich, Exo 28:42; Lev 6:10; Luk 16:19. The original word here is bussos, byssus, and it is found in the New Testament only in this place, and in Luk 16:19. It was a species of fine cotton, highly prized by the ancients. Various kinds are mentioned – as that of Egypt, the cloth which is still found wrapped around mummies; that of Syria, and that of India, which grew on a tree similar to the poplar; and that of Achaia, which grew in the vicinity of Elis. See Robinson, Lexicon.
And purple – See the notes on Luk 16:19. Cloth of this color was a valuable article of commerce, as it was worn by rich men and princes.
And silk – Silk was a very valuable article of commerce, as it was costly, and could be worn only by the rich. It is mentioned by Mr. Gibbon as such an article in Rome in the age of the Antonines: Silk, a pound of which was esteemed not inferior in value to a pound of gold, vol. i. p. 34. On the cultivation and manufacture of silk by the ancients, see the work entitled, The History of Silk, Cotton, Linen, and Wool, etc., published by Harper Brothers, New York, 1845, pp. 1-21.
And scarlet – See the notes on Rev 17:3.
And all thyine wood – The word used here – thuinon – occurs nowhere else in the New Testament. It denotes an evergreen African tree, from which statues and costly vessels were made. It is not agreed, however, whether it was a species of cedar, savin, or lignum-vitae, which latter constitutes the modern genus Thuja, or Thyia. See Rees Cyclo., art. Thuja.
And all manner vessels of ivory – Everything that is made of ivory. Ivory, or the tusk of the elephant, has always been among the precious articles of commerce.
And all manner vessels of most precious wood – Furniture of costly wood – cedar, the citron tree, lignum-vitae, etc.
And of brass, and iron, and marble – Brass or copper would, of course, be a valuable article of commerce. The same would be the case with iron; and so marble, for building, for statuary, etc., would likewise be.
Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
Verse 12. The merchandise of gold, and silver, c.] The same author, Bishop Bale, who was once a priest of the Romish Church, goes on to apply all these things to that Church and whether the text have this meaning or not, they will show us something of the religious usages of his time, and the real mockery of this intolerant and superstitious Church. Speaking in reference to the Reformation, and the general light that had been diffused abroad by the word of God, which was then translated into the vulgar tongue, and put into the hands of the people at large, he says:-
“They will pay no more money for the housell sippings, bottom blessings; nor for ‘seest me and seest me not,’ above the head and under of their chalices, which in many places be of fine gold. Neyther regarde they to kneele anye more downe, and to kisse their pontificall rings which are of the same metal. They will be no more at coste to have the ayre beaten, and the idols perfumed with their sensers at pryncipall feastes; to have their crucifixes layde upon horses, or to have them solemply borne aloft in their gaddings abroade; with the religious occupyings of their paxes, cruettes, and other jewels which be of silver.
“Neyther passe they greatly to beholde precyous stones any more in their two-horned miters, whan they hollow their churches, give theyr whorishe orders, and tryumphantly muster in processions. Nor in costuous pearles in theyr copes perrours, and chysibilles, whan they be in their prelately pompous sacrifices. Men, knowing the worde of God, supposeth that their ornaments of silk, wherewith they garnishe their temples and adorne their idolles, is very blasphemous and divillish. They thinke also, that their fayre white rockets of raynes, or fine linnen cloath; their costly gray amices, of calaber and cattes tayles; theyr fresh purple gownes, whan they walke for their pleasures; and their read scarlet frockes, whan they preach lyes in the pulpit, are very superfluous and vayne.
“In their thynen wood (whom some men call algume trees, some basill, some corall) may be understande all theyr curious buildings of temples, abbeys, chappels, and chambers; all shrines, images, church stooles, and pews that are well payed for; all banner staves, paternoster scores, and peeces of the holy crosse.
“The vessels of ivory comprehendeth all their maundye dyshes, their offring platters, their relique chestes, their god boxes, their drinking horns, their sipping cuppes for the hiccough, their tables whereupon are charmed their chalises and vestiments; their standiches, their combes, their muske balles, their pomaunder pottes, and their dust boxes, with other toyes.
“The vessels of precious stone; which after some interpretours, are of precious stone, or after some are of most precious wood; betokeneth their costuous cuppes, or cruses of jasper, jacinct, amel, and fine beral; and their alabaster boxes, wherwith they annointe kinges, confirme children, and minister their holy whorish orders. Their pardon masers, or drinking dishes, as St. Benit’s bole, St. Edmond’s bole, St. Giles’s bole, St. Blythe’s bole, and Westminster bole, with such other holy re-liques.
“Of brasse, which containeth latten, copper, alcumine, and other harde metals, are made all their great candlesticks, holy water kettles, lampes, desks, pyllers, butterasses, bosses, bels, and many other thinges more.
“Of strong yron are the braunches made that holde up the lightes before their false gods; the tacks that sustayne them for fallinge; the lockes that save them from the robberye of thieves; their fyre pans, bars, and poolyes, with many other straunge ginnes besides.
“With marble most commonlye pave they their temples, and build strong pillers and arches in their great cathedrale churches and monastries; they make thereof also their superalities, their tumbs, and their solemne grave-stones; besides their other buildinges, with free-stone, flint, ragge, and brick, comprehended in the same.
Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible
Here is a large enumeration of several sorts of wares, such as were most precious,
gold, silver, precious stones; such as were most useful for ornament,
fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet; most gratifying the exterior senses,
thyine wood, odours, ointments, & c.; most necessary,
beasts, sheep, horses, chariots; all which, as is prophesied, shall depart from Rome: that is, whatsoever she had, which allured men into her idolatrous communion; all their idols and images, cardinals caps, priests copes, all their preferments and dignities, whatsoever served the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, or the pride of life; whatsoever their own carnal and ambitious minds, or the carnal and ambitious minds of others that courted this whore, thirsted after, which brought them to seek her communion; they should all perish, and she be despoiled of them. It is very remarkable, that here is one piece of merchandise to be had no where but at Rome, viz. the
souls of men; which lets us know they are no earthly merchants that are here understood. As souls are to be sold a thousand ways, so they are to be bought; by paying for pardons, indulgences, dispensations, so the silly chapmen think they buy their own souls; by purchasing of cardinals caps, bishoprics, great livings, all manner of ecclesiastical dignities and preferments, so they really buy the souls of others; but when the papacy shall be wholly destroyed, none of these things shall any more be found.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
12. (See on Re17:4).
stones . . . pearlsGreek,“stone . . . pearl.”
fine linenA, B, and Cread Greek, “bussinou” for “bussou,“that is, “fine linen manufacture” [ALFORD].The manufacture for which Egypt (the type of the apostateChurch, Re 11:8) was famed.Contrast “the fine linen” (Eze16:10) put on Israel, and on the New Testament Church (Re19:8), the Bride, by God (Ps132:9).
thyine woodthe citrusof the Romans: probably the cypressus thyoyides, or the thuiaarticulata. “Citron wood” [ALFORD].A sweet-smelling tree of Cyrene in Lybia, used for incense.
all manner vesselsGreek,“every vessel,” or “furniture.”
Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The merchandise of gold and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls,…. Things for treasure and ornament, and with which the great whore is said to be decked, Re 17:4 and, literally understood, may denote the vast riches which these spiritual merchants, or factors for Rome, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, priests, monks, and friars, bring into their own coffers and the pope’s, by the trade they drive in her wares with the souls of men; and may have also a regard to what their images, chalices, crowns, mitres, c. are made of, and what some of them are adorned with and as Tyre, to whom the reference is in the several particulars of this account, had her merchants for these things, Eze 27:12 so Mr. Brightman thinks that in these, and in some following ones, Spain is Rome’s merchant, which fetches them from the Indies for her: but these things, mystically taken, sometimes design the doctrines of the Gospel, 1Co 3:12 and which are to be preferred to, and more to be esteemed than thousands of gold and silver; and these Rome’s merchants pretended to deliver out; but instead of them, they put off wood, hay, and stubble, yea, doctrines of devils, and lies in hypocrisy; and sometimes the grace of God is meant, Re 3:18 which is more precious than gold that perisheth; and this they pretend to convey to men “ex opere operato”, in the ordinances, as baptism, c. and to communicate the Spirit, with his gifts and graces, for money, which is direct simony yea, they pretend to sell eternal life, nay, Christ, and God himself:
and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet: things which belong to apparel and dress; and, literally taken, the “fine linen” is for their copes, wore by bishops and by chanters, and sub-chanters, and for surplices wore by their priests, in imitation of the Jewish priests, and for Mass clothes, c. the “purple, silk”, and “scarlet”, were for the popes, cardinals, archbishops, and bishops so the woman on the scarlet coloured beast is said to be arrayed in purple and scarlet, Re 17:4, Tyre had its merchants for these, Eze 27:7 the fine linen and silk may mystically denote the holy lives, good works, and merits of the saints, those of them called works of supererogation, which become the church’s stock, and they sell out for others that want; which is a monstrous kind of ware, and a dreadful imposition upon men, since men cannot be saved and justified by works; and the best of men are so far from having a redundancy of works, that in everything they sin and offend, and are greatly deficient: and they are so far from helping others, that they are unprofitable servants themselves: the purple and scarlet may signify the blood of Christ, which they pretend to sell in the Mass; nay, they have pretended to have had the very liquid blood of Christ, which they have carried in a crystal glass, thick on one side, and transparent on the other; and so could not be seen by persons in a mortal sin, until they had given a good deal of money, and then the clear side was by sleight of hand turned to them; and which was no other than the blood of a duck, renewed weekly by the priest; which trick for a long time brought in vast sums of money, and was detected at Hales in Gloucestershire, in Henry the Eighth’s time; or these may intend the sufferings of the saints, which likewise come into the treasure of the church, and are at its dispose for money, the virtue of which being very great for the salvation of men’s souls:
and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble: things for utensils and furniture, not so much for their houses, as for their churches; Tyre had its merchants for these,
Eze 27:5. “Thyine wood”, Pliny says i, was very durable, and of it the rafters of ancient temples were made; and may design such like lasting and odoriferous wood as cypress, cedar, c. used in the Popish churches, for the embellishing of them, and for images in them it may be the same with the wood of the Almug, or Algum trees, since these are rendered thyine wood in the Vulgate Latin version in 1Ki 10:11 vessels of ivory may be boxes made thereof, in which the host is put, and the relics of saints are preserved: and “vessels of most precious wood”, or “stone”, as the Alexandrian copy, Vulgate Latin, and Ethiopic versions read,
and of brass, iron, and marble, may intend various vessels used in their churches; as vessels for holy water, fonts of marble, and other valuable stones, for baptism, censers of iron and brass to burn incense in. Cocceius thinks that by these vessels of different materials are meant good men; who are like sweet smelling wood for the fragrancy of their doctrines and lives; and like iron, brass, and marble, for their courage, constancy, and patience; and who have been canonized for saints, which has brought in much money into the pope’s coffers: this is a practice in imitation of the Heathens, who deified men, and set them over particular days and affairs; and the privileges of such canonization among the Papists are, that such a saint has his name set in the calendar in red letters, may have churches and altars dedicated to him, and his image set up in them, and a holiday be kept for him, and may be prayed to, and worshipped; a practice dreadfully derogatory to the glory of Christ’s person and office, but is that in which these merchants have found their account; for through references, commissions, and reports, for proof of the saint’s character and miracles, his friends are at very great expense before the affair is issued, especially if rich; our King Henry the Seventh was very desirous of having his kinsman Henry the Sixth canonized, and solicited the pope for it, but he would not do it under fifteen hundred ducats of gold, which the king thought was too much, and so declined it.
i Nat. Hist. l. 13. c. 16.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
Of fine linen (). Genitive case after , as are all the items to . Old adjective from (linen, Lu 16:19), here a garment of linen, in N.T. only Rev 18:12; Rev 18:16; Rev 19:8; Rev 19:14.
Purple (). Fabric colored with purple dye (, Rev 17:4; Rev 18:16), as in Mark 15:17; Mark 15:20; Luke 16:19.
Silk (). So the uncials here. (the silken fabric) occurs in Plutarch, Strabo, Arrian, Lucian, only here in N.T. Probably from the name of the Indian or Chinese people ( ) from whom the fabric came after Alexander invaded India. Silk was a costly article among the Romans, and for women as a rule.
Scarlet (). See Rev 17:4; Rev 18:16.
All thyine wood ( ). Now accusative again without dependence. An odoriferous North African citrus tree, prized for the colouring of the wood for dining-tables, like a peacock’s tail or the stripes of a tiger or panther. Here only in N.T.
Of ivory (). Old adjective (from elephant) agreeing with (vessel), here only in N.T. Cf. Ahab’s ivory palace (1Ki 22:39).
Of marble (). Old word (from , to glisten), genitive after (vessel), here only in N.T.
Fuente: Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament
Fine Linen [] . See on Luk 16:19.
Purple [] . See on Luk 16:19.
Silk [] . Properly an adjective, meaning pertaining to the Seres. From Shrev Seres, a people of India, perhaps of modern China. Before the time of Justinian, when silkworms were first brought to Constantinople, it was thought that the Seres gathered or combed the downy substance woven by the worms from the leaves of certain trees. Hence Virgil speaks of the Seres, how they comb (depectant) the fine fleeces from the leaves (” Georgics, ” 2, 121).
Silk was a costly article of luxury among the Romans, so that Tacitus relates that in the reign of Tiberius a law was passed against “men disgracing themselves with silken garments” (” Annals, “2, 33).” Two hundred years after the age of Pliny, “says Gibbon,” the use of pure or even of mixed silks was confined to the female sex, till the opulent citizens of Rome and the provinces were insensibly familiarized with the example of Elagabalos, the first who, by this effeminate habit, had sullied the dignity of an emperor and a man. Aorelian complained that a pound of silk was sold at Rome for twelve ounces of gold “(” Decline and Fall,” ch. 40). At the time of Justinian the Persians held a monopoly of this trade. Two missionary monks residing in China imparted to Justinian the project of introducing the eggs of the silkworm into Europe, and returning to China concealed the eggs in a hollow cane and so transported them.
Scarlet. See on Mt 27:6.
Thyine wood [ ] . Ony here in the New Testament. From quia or qua the citrus, a North – African tree, a native of Barbary, used as incense and for inlaying. Pliny speaks of a mania among the Romans for tables made of this wood. The most expensive of these were called orbes, circles, because they were massive plates of wood cut from the stem in its whole diameter. Pliny mentions plates four feet in diameter, and nearly six inches Thick;. The most costly were those taken from near the root, both because the tree was broadest there, and because the wood was dappled and speckled. Hence they were described by different epithets according as the markings resembled those of the tiger, the panther, or the peacock. Vessel [] . See on 1Pe 3:7, and Act 9:15. Also on goods, Mt 12:29; Mr 3:27; and strake sail, Act 27:17.
Of ivory [] . Only here in the New Testament. References to ivory are frequent in the Old Testament. The navy of Tarshish brought ivory to Solomon with apes and peacocks (1Ki 10:22). His great throne was made of it (1Ki 10:18). Ahab ‘s ivory palace (1Ki 22:39) was probably a house with ivory panels. “Ivory palaces” are mentioned in Psa 45:8, and “houses of ivory” in Amo 3:15. The Assyrians carried on a great trade in this article. On the obelisk in the British Museum the captives or tribute – bearers are represented as carrying tusks. The Egyptians early made use of it in decoration, bringing it mostly from Ethiopia, where, according to Pliny, ivory was so plentiful that the natives made of it door – posts and fences, and stalls for their cattle. In the early ages of Greece ivory was frequently employed for ornamental purposes, for the trappings of horses, the handles of kegs, and the bosses of shields. Homer represents an Asiatic woman staining ivory with purple to form trappings for horses, and describes the reins of chariot – horses as adorned with ivory. The statue of Jupiter by Phidias was of ivory and gold. In the “Odyssey” of Homer, Telemachus thus addresses his companion, the son of Nestor as they contemplate the splendor of Menelaus’ palace :
“See, son of Nestor, my beloved friend, In all these echoing rooms the sheen of brass, Of gold, of amber and of ivory; Such is the palace of Olympian Jove.” ” Odyssey, ” 4, 71 – 74.
Marble [] . From marmairw to sparkle or glisten.
Fuente: Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament
1) “The merchandise,” (gomon) “Even diversified cargo” of more than 25 products, Rev 17:4, as follows:
a) “Of gold,” (chrusou) “of gold; (1) costly ornaments are first described, Eze 27:12-22.
b) “And silver,” (kai argurou) “and of silver,”
c) “And precious stones,” (kai lithou timou) “And of valuable stones.”
d) “And of pearls,” (kai margariton) “And of pearls”
e) “And fine linen,” (kai bussinou) “and fine linen”
2) Costly raiment is secondly described.
f) “And of purple,” (kai porphuras) “Also of purple,”
g) “And silk,” (kai serikou) “And of silk,”
h) “And scarlet,” (kai kokkinou) “and of scarlet,”
i) “And all thyine wood,” (kai pan ulon thuinon) “and all (kinds of) thyine (sweet) wood;
3) Costly furniture is described thirdly.
j) “And all manner vessels of ivory,” (kai pan skeuos elephantinon) “and every vessel of ivory,”
k) “And all manner vessels of most precious wood,” (kai pan skeuos ek ksulou timiotatou) “and every vessel of very valuable wood;
1) “And of brass, and iron, and marble,” (kai chalkou) and of bronze; (kai siderou) “and of iron,” (kai marmarou) “and of marble.”
Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary
12. The enumeration, though irregular, to express the cumulative character of the merchandise, or lading, as the word signifies, runs into spontaneous groups.
Gold silver precious stones pearls The solid substances possessing an artificial value.
Fine linen purple silk scarlet The costly array of the wealthy, noble, and royal. Thyine or citron wood. Vessels, or any implements, of ivory wood brass iron marble The furnitures of most costly material.
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,
Ver. 12. The merchandise of gold ] All this is taken out of Eze 27:22 . All countries have catered and purveyed for the pope, who hath had it either in money or other commodity; but money answered all things.
Thyine wood ] A wild kind of cedar, very sweet and sound; for it will not easily rot.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
Rev 18:12 . (sc. ) = “of fine linen”; from the delicate and expensive linen (or cotton) made out of Egypt an flax (Luk 16:19 ); = “silk,” muslin, or gauze, chiefly used for women’s attire (Paus. iv. 110 f.); = “all citron (citrus)-wood,” a fragrant, hard, dark brown, expensive material for furniture, exported from N. Africa. Note the extensive range of Roman commerce to supply the needs of luxury (interea gustus elementa per omnia quaerunt, Juv. xi. 14; pearls, e.g. , from Britain as well as Red Sea), also the various demands in order: ornaments, wearing apparel, furniture, perfumes (for personal and religious use), food, and social requirements. Wets, cites a rabbinic saying: decem partes diuitiarum sunt in mundo, nouem Romae et una in mundo uniuerso.
Fuente: The Expositors Greek Testament by Robertson
precious. Greek. timios. The noun in Rev 18:19.
most precious. Superl. of Greek. timios above.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
Rev 18:12. ) is, according to some, citria:[200] but citria is , thya. The latter tree is also fragrant; and thus the citria is not unlike some kinds of thya. See Plin. 50:13. ch. 16 throughout. There is no place here for ebony, but shortly afterwards.- , of most precious wood) For , some African copies read , from the alliteration to the preceding words.[201] Vessels are not made out of most precious stone, but out of precious stone, or out of most precious wood. Such especially is ebony, which is often mentioned together with ivory. The one excels in whiteness, the other in blackness; each is of remarkable smoothness. See Fullers Misc. l. 6, c. 14.-, …) of brass, and iron, and marble.
[200] Citria) [rather citrea, the citrus-tree of Africa: Plin. xvi. 44, xiii. 15. Citria are gourds. The citrus is the Greek Thuega articulata, Desfont.-E.] a fragrant wood used by the Romans for furniture.-T.
[201] And thus Ed. ii., together with Vers. Germ., gives the palm to the reading , the judgment of Ed. maj. being abandoned.-E. B.
A and Vulg. read : so Lachm. But BCh, : so Tisch.-E.
Fuente: Gnomon of the New Testament
merchandise: Rev 17:4, 1Ki 10:11, 1Ki 10:12, Pro 8:10, Pro 8:11, Eze 27:5-25
thyine: or, sweet, 1Ki 10:11, 2Ch 2:8
Reciprocal: Exo 21:16 – stealeth Jdg 8:26 – purple 1Ki 10:18 – ivory Job 28:18 – pearls Eze 16:10 – covered Eze 27:15 – of ivory Eze 27:33 – thy wares Dan 11:38 – a god Mic 1:7 – for 1Th 2:5 – a cloak 2Ti 3:2 – covetous 1Pe 5:2 – not for
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Rev 18:12-13. All of the articles named in this paragraph are literal products, and doubtless the leaders in the corrupt institution dealt in such property for their own selfish enjoyment, but the literal articles are used as symbols of the selfish enjoyments they had by being able to extract the services of the dupes under them.
Rev 18:14. This virtually continues the same prediction that is made in the preceding verses, but I will call attention to the words about these gains that thou shalt find them no more at all. That means the advantages once enjoyed by Babylon (church and state) were never again to be enjoyed by her as before because she will never exist again to enjoy them.
Comments by Foy E. Wallace
Verses 12-14.
The rulers, merchants and mariners of Palestine bewailed the calamity for no man buyeth their merchandise any more. The valuables of the merchandise in which this trade consisted were listed in verses twelve to fourteen. The description of gold, purple and spice were symbols of the flow of commerce which characterized Jerusalem’s prosperity. But with the severance of all trade, deprived of all commerce, the authorities of Judea, the merchants and the shippers, once associated with Jerusalem in all of her luxury and wantonness, then stood aloof as witnesses of the destruction, deploring the devastation; but only to bewail her plight.
Fuente: Combined Bible Commentary
Rev 18:12-14. The merchandise, &c. There is an end of all traffic or commerce with her, whether spiritual or temporal; of gold and silver, &c. Almost all the things here named are still in use at Rome, both in their idolatrous service and in common life; fine linen The sort of which here mentioned, , is exceedingly costly; thyine-wood A sweet- smelling wood, not unlike citron, used in adorning magnificent palaces. Vessels of most precious wood Ebony in particular, which is often, as here, mentioned with ivory, the one excelling in whiteness, the other in blackness, and both in uncommon smoothness. And cinnamon Bengelius adds, , and amomum, a shrub whose wood is a fine perfume; and ointments. , liquid and fragrant ointment; and beasts Cows and oxen; and chariots , a word purely Latin, but here inserted in the Greek, doubtless, on purpose to show more fully the luxury of Rome; and slaves , bodies; a common term for slaves; and souls of men For these also have been and are continually bought and sold at Rome. And this, of all others, is the most gainful merchandise to the Roman traffickers. And the fruits that thy soul lusted after And for which alone thy degenerate nature had any remaining relish. From what was imported, the narrative proceeds to the domestic delicacies of Rome; none of which is in greater request there than the particular sort of fruits here mentioned. The word properly signifies such fruit as pears, peaches, nectarines, and all the apple and plum kinds; and all things dainty Or delightful to the taste; and splendid To the sight; as clothes, buildings, furniture. It is plain, says Lowman, this is designed to be a figurative, and not a literal description; therefore readers seem to be at liberty to apply the figurative expressions to such literal meanings as will agree to the general and certain intention of them. But whether each of these wares is designed to point out some particular gainful corruption of Popery, may very well be questioned. It is sufficient, to answer the general intention of the prophecy, to observe, that Rome shall be deprived of all her wealth, which she procured by her management and intrigues, in the several places where her agents resided, who continually made her returns of great riches, and plentifully supplied her excessive pride and luxury. It is a pretty observation of Daubuz, Rome receives all the luxurious wares mentioned, but she has so infatuated the world that she pays nothing for them but trumpery; her money is her enchantments and sorceries. Her merchants, her superior clergy, engross the real wealth of the world to bring it to her; and her returns and exportations are paper and bills drawn upon heaven and hell, never to be accepted; however, they pass among the common people for payment, as if they were of real value. The merchant who finds means to get shut of them takes no care about their intrinsic value, finding gulls who take them off his hands for real wealth. Whether these wares were designed to signify pardons, indulgences, dispensations, and the like trifles, with which Rome purchases gold, silver, and whatever ministers to pride and luxury, this is a plain and manifest meaning, that she shall be deprived of all her wealth and luxury at once, and of all the means by which she used to procure them.
Fuente: Joseph Bensons Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
Verse 12
Thyine; a fragrant wood.
Fuente: Abbott’s Illustrated New Testament
The variety of the goods John listed suggests how extensive trade will be at this time in history. The market is the world. Most of the items listed were luxuries in John’s day (cf. Isaiah 23; Eze 16:9-13; Eze 27:12-24). There are seven categories into which these 29 items fall. These categories are precious metals and gems, clothing, furnishings, spices, food, animals and implements, and people. People are even buying and selling other human beings.
"Persons are ’bought and sold’ (and even traded!) by athletic teams; and our great corporations more and more seek to control the lives of their officers and workers. As people become more enslaved to luxury, with more bills to pay, they find themselves unable to break loose from the ’system.’" [Note: Wiersbe, 2:615.]