These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him [are] called, and chosen, and faithful.
14. These shall make war with the Lamb ] See the same passages.
Lord of lords, and King of kings ] Rev 19:16; Dan 2:47.
they that are with him ] Rev 19:14.
called, and chosen, and faithful ] All common titles of Christians applied even to the imperfect Churches on earth.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
These shall make war with the Lamb – The Lamb of God – the Lord Jesus (See the notes at Rev 5:6); that is, they would combine with the papacy in opposing evangelical religion. It is not meant that they would openly and avowedly proclaim war against the Son of God, but that they would practically do this in sustaining a persecuting power. It is unnecessary to show how true this has been in history; how entirely they sustained the papacy in all its measures of persecution.
And the Lamb shall overcome them – Shall ultimately gain the victory over them. The meaning is, that they would not be able to extinguish the true religion. In spite of all opposition and persecution, that would still live in the world, until it would be said that a complete triumph was gained.
For he is Lord of lords, and King of kings – He has supreme power over all the earth, and all kings and princes are subject to his control. Compare Rev 19:16.
And they that are with him – The reference is to the persecuted saints who have adhered to him as his faithful followers in all these protracted conflicts.
Are called – That is, called by him to be his followers; as if he had selected them out of the world to maintain his cause. See the notes on Rom 1:7.
And chosen – See the Joh 15:16 note, and 1Pe 1:2 note. In their steadfast adherence to the truth, they had shown that they were truly chosen by the Saviour, and could be relied on in the warfare against the powers of evil.
And faithful – They had shown themselves faithful to him in times of persecution, and in the hour of darkness.
Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
Verse 14. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them; for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and, faithful.] The ten powers of the beast must compose the secular kingdom of antichrist, for they make war with the Lamb, who is Christ Jesus. This is perfectly true of all popish states, for they have constantly opposed, as long as they have had any secular power, the progress of pure Christianity. They make war with the Lamb by persecuting his followers; but the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is the Lord of lords, and King of kings-all lords have their authority from him, and no king can reign without him; therefore the ten Latin kings are God’s ministers to execute his vengeance upon the idolatrous nations. But when these antichristian monarchies have executed the Divine purpose, those that are with the Lamb-the called, the chosen, and the faithful, those who have kept THE TRUTH in the love of it, shall prevail against all their adversaries, because their battles are fought by the Lamb, who is their God and Deliverer. See Rev 19:19; Rev 19:20.
Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible
These shall make war with the Lamb; these ten kings shall a while oppose themselves to the gospel, taking part with antichrist.
And the Lamb shall overcome them; Christ shall overcome them by the power of is gospel, or some of them that way; others, that will not be converted, shall be confounded, some way or other brought to ruin.
For he is Lord of lords and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful; for he hath a power above others, and knows how to fit instruments for his purpose; so as those whom he shall make use of in this work, shall be chosen persons, and faithful in discharge of the trust committed to them.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
14. These shall . . . war with theLambin league with the beast. This is a summary anticipationof Re 19:19. This shall not betill after they have first executed judgment on the harlot(Rev 17:15; Rev 17:16).
Lord of lords,&c.anticipating Re 19:16.
are notin the Greek. Therefore translate, “And they that arewith Him, called chosen, and faithful (shall overcome them, namely,the beast and his allied kings).” These have been with Christ inheaven unseen, but now appear with Him.
Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
These shall make war with the Lamb,…. The Lord Jesus Christ, so often spoken of in this book under this character, Re 5:6. And this war is not to be understood of a war with him personally, or of that last and decisive, battle at Armageddon, in which will be the kings of the earth; but of a war with his members, of their persecuting of the saints, and faithful witnesses of Christ in all ages, within their jurisdictions, being instigated to it by the beast, under whose influence they are:
and the Lamb shall overcome them: partly through the constancy of his people, who will not love their lives to the death, but freely lay them down for him; nor can anything separate them from the love of Christ, or prevail upon them to desert him, his truths and ordinances, cause and interest, but are more than conquerors through him, and so he overcomes in them; and partly through a reformation which he effects, as in some of those kingdoms already, as Sweden, Denmark, England, Scotland, and Ireland, and others, and will do in others hereafter; see Re 17:16
for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings; he is so by nature, as God and Creator, to whom the kingdom of nature and providence belongs; and by office, as Mediator, being made higher than the kings of the earth; hence he is more than a match for them, they cannot stand before him; this is a reason why he overcomes them, and it cannot be thought it should be otherwise: this Lamb is the lion of the tribe of Judah, and when he rouses himself, and stirs up his wrath, and exerts his power, kings and great men flee from him; see Re 6:15. This is a proof of Christ’s proper deity, the same titles being given to him, the Word and Son of God, as to God himself, Re 19:16.
And they that are with him: his servants and his soldiers, that fight under him, and abide by him,
are called, and chosen, and faithful; they are chosen in Christ from all eternity, to grace here, and glory hereafter, and so stand opposed to the admirers of the beast, whose names are not written in the book of life, Re 17:8 for this is to be understood of their eternal election, and not of their separation by the effectual calling in time, for that is expressed by their being “called”; and though their calling is here set before election, as in 2Pe 1:10 yet it does not precede it; the Arabic version reads, “chosen, called, faithful”; first “chosen” by God the Father, then “called”, not with the bare external call by the ministry of the word, for, so, many are called, and not chosen; but by special grace to special benefits, and with an holy and heavenly calling, and which is irresistible, and without repentance; and being called they remain “faithful”: the meaning is, either that they have faith, or are believers in Christ; which faith they have bestowed on them in the effectual calling, as a fruit of electing grace; and by this they overcome the world: or else, that they are persons of integrity and uprightness, that are on the side of Christ; they are the faithful in the Lord, and are made so by him; and they are faithful to him, and abide by his Gospel and ordinances, and in his cause and interest, even unto death; and so this character is expressive of the perseverance of those who are chosen and called, even unto the end.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
The Fall of Babylon. | A. D. 95. |
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. 15 And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. 16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. 18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
Here we have some account of the downfall of Babylon, to be more fully described in the following chapter.
I. Here is a war begun between the beast and his followers, and the Lamb and his followers. The beast and his army, to an eye of sense, appear much stronger than the Lamb and his army: one would think an army with a lamb at the head of them could not stand before the great red dragon. But,
II. Here is a victory gained by the Lamb: The Lamb shall overcome. Christ must reign till all enemies be put under his feet; he will be sure to meet with many enemies, and much opposition, but he will also be sure to gain the victory.
III. Here is the ground or reason of the victory assigned; and this is taken, 1. From the character of the Lamb: He is King of kings and Lord of lords. He has, both by nature and by office, supreme dominion and power over all things; all the powers of earth and hell are subject to his check and control. 2. From the character of his followers: They are called, and chosen, and faithful. They are called out by commission to this warfare; they are chosen and fitted for it, and they will be faithful in it. Such an army, under such a commander, will at length carry all the world before them.
IV. The victory is justly aggrandized. 1. By the vast multitude who paid obedience and subjection to the beast and to the whore. She sat upon (that is, presided over) many waters; and these waters were so many multitudes of people, and nations, of all languages; yea, she reigned not only over kingdoms, but over the kings, and they were her tributaries and vassals, Rev 17:15; Rev 17:18. 2. By the powerful influence which God hereby showed he had over the minds of great men. Their hearts were in his hand, and he turned them as he pleased; for, (1.) It was of God, and to fulfil his will, that these kings agreed to give their kingdom unto the beast; they were judicially blinded and hardened to do so. And, (2.) It was of God that afterwards their hearts were turned against the whore, to hate her, and to make her desolate and naked, and to eat her flesh, and burn her with fire; they shall at length see their folly, and how they have been bewitched and enslaved by the papacy, and, out of a just resentment, shall not only fall off from Rome, but shall be made the instruments of God’s providence in her destruction.
Fuente: Matthew Henry’s Whole Bible Commentary
These (). These ten kings.
Shall war against the Lamb ( ). Future active of , to war. As allies of the beast (the servant of the dragon, 12:7) they will wage war with the Lamb (the enemy of the dragon). These kings gather for battle as in 16:13f.
And the Lamb shall overcome them ( ). Future active of . This is the glorious outcome, victory by the Lamb over the coalition of kings as against the beast before.
For he is Lord of lords and King of kings ( ). The same words are again descriptive of Christ in 19:16, as of God in De 10:17 (God of gods and Lord of lords) and Da 10:17 (God of gods and Lord of kings). Cf. also 1Tim 6:15; Rev 1:5. Crowned heads are Christ’s subjects.
And they also shall overcome that are with him ( ‘ ). “And those with him shall also overcome” (supply , not ). They will share in the triumph of the Lamb, as they shared in the conflict. Cf. in verse 12.
Called and chosen and faithful ( ). These are the three notes of those who share in the victory. For and see Mt 22:14 (contrasted); Rom 8:28; 2Pet 1:10; Rev 2:10; Rev 2:13. The elect are called and prove faithful.
Fuente: Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament
1) “These shall make war with the Lamb,” (houtoi meta tou arniou polemesousin) “these will make war with (against, encounter in battle) the Lamb; Psa 2:1-12, an international conspiracy, these imp-controlled ten kings (in collusion) under the beast, shall marshal armed forces against the Lamb of God; Rev 16:14; Rev 19:19.
2) “And the Lamb shall overcome them,” (kai to arnion nikesei autous) “and the Lamb will conquer, overcome, or subdue them,” Rev 19:11-16.
3) “For he is Lord of lords and King of kings,” (hoti kurios kurion estin kai basileres basileon) “because he is (exists as) Lord of lords and Kings of kings,” under whose Lordship all earthly rulers have their temporary, permissive privilege of rule, Dan 5:18-23; Deu 10:17; 1Ti 6:15; Rev 9:16.
4) “And they that are with him,” (kai hoi met’ autou) and those who are with him,” the Lord of lords and King of kings; when he comes with his church, the saints, and the redeemed of the ages, 2Th 1:7; 2Th 1:10-11; Rev 19:7-9.
a) “Are called,” (kletoi) “are the ones who have been called,” and who have given heed, obeyed, by faith received the Savior, Mat 11:28-30, Mar 8:34-38; Rom 10:12-13. Note, God calls men to repentance and faith, man must call upon God for personal pardon and salvation to be termed among “the called” according to his purpose, Rom 8:28.
b) “And chosen,” (kai eklektoi) “and those who have been chosen,” and who have chosen to receive and to follow him; All men are initially chosen in Christ, but to be “The Chosen,” they must individually choose him as their Savior and to serve him as his servant or stewards, Joh 15:16; Isa 55:6-7; Rev 22:17.
c) “And faithful,” (kai pistoi) “and who are faithful ones; loyal to his call and faithful in obedient service; Mat 25:21; 2Ti 4:7-8; Rev 2:10. True to the faith once delivered, Jud 1:3; Jud 1:20.
Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary
14. Make war the Lamb shall overcome They shall persecute the evangelical Church, slaughter pure Christians, and raise great religious wars, but the cause of freedom and true religion will finally prevail. This is the grand note of apocalyptic triumph.
King of kings See Rev 19:16. The battle of Rev 19:21 is not the battle of one day, but of centuries. Its initiation is here shadowed.
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
Rev 17:14. Called, and chosen, and faithful. This is supposed to be a reference to the military custom of the Greeks, who used to call the people together, when any expedition was designed; out of whom there were some selected to serve in the action intended, who swore fidelityto their leader. Others have imagined, that this is an allusion to Mat_20:16; Mat_22:14 <swordsearcher://bible/Mt20.16>. Be this as it may, the apostle’s meaning might be, “Those that are with him, and have the honour to fight perseveringly under his banner, are not only called to arm themselves in this glorious cause, but chosen to not in his service; and they are faithful to the engagement into which they enter.” See 2Pe_1:10 <swordsearcher://bible/2Pe1.10>. Isa_2:6-7 <swordsearcher://bible/Isa2.6-7>.
Fuente: Commentary on the Holy Bible by Thomas Coke
Rev 17:14. These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
THE book of Revelation is confessedly dark and mysterious: yet there are many parts of it plain and perspicuous. The prophecy before us is not without its difficulties. We cannot doubt, however, but that it declares the downfal of popery. But we forbear to dwell on those parts which are difficult of interpretation: we confine our attention to what is most obvious in the text: in illustrating which we shall shew,
Who they are that war against the Lamb
The text speaks of those who should oppose the cause of Christ, and the interests of his Gospel. Now this is done by,
Those who maintain sentiments contrary to the Gospel of Christ
[A person may err with respect to subordinate matters, and yet have his heart, on the whole, right with God; but an error in the fundamental points argues a depraved state of mind. A man who denies the divinity of Christ, the sufficiency of his atonement, the influences of his Spirit upon the soul, or the necessity of an unreserved devotedness of heart to God, sets aside the whole Gospel; he therefore opposes Christ in his most essential interests, and wars against the Lamb [Note: Luk 10:16.].]
Those who endeavour to subvert his influence over his peoples hearts
[There is scarcely an unconverted person that does not, like Cain and Ishmael, revile and persecute the children of God: and how many does such treatment intimidate and subvert! Whatever then a scoffing world may think of their conduct, they are really fighting against Christ himself: in touching his people, they touch the apple of his eye [Note: Act 9:4. Zec 2:8.].]
But we cannot doubt,
What will be the issue of the contest
The enemies of Christ may appear to triumph for a while, but he will surely overcome them at the last.
Over some he will triumph by his grace
[None are beyond the reach of his arm; none are so vile but that he feels compassion towards them; nor are any so stout-hearted but he is able to subdue them. He who vanquished the persecuting Saul, can and will make others also to be similar monuments of his grace and mercy.]
But those who reject all his overtures of mercy, he will break in pieces like a potters vessel
[His triumphs over them are admirably painted in the second Psalm; and he himself tells us what a sentence he will pass upon them in the day of judgment [Note: Luk 19:27.]. However long their conflicts with him may be, this must at last be the termination of them.]
To impress this on our minds, let us consider,
What assurance we have that such shall be the issue of it
Two pledges of his victory are mentioned in the, text:
His own power
[Were he the first of created beings, his success might be uncertain; but he is Lord of lords, and King of kings. And though he is a Lamb, yet will he shew himself to be the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Whoever shall presume to oppose him, he will go through them, and burn them up together [Note: Isa 27:4.].]
His peoples constancy
[They have not indeed, of themselves, any strength or constancy; but they have been chosen of God from before the foundation of the world [Note: Eph 1:4.]. They have in due time been called by the effectual operation of his grace; and they are made faithful by him, so that nothing can induce them to desert his cause [Note: Act 20:20.]. The least and weakest among them all is more than conqueror through the strength of Christ [Note: Rom 8:37.]; and all may adopt the language of triumph, even while conflicting on the field of battle [Note: Romans 8.].]
Let us assist you in inquiring whether ye be among the friends or enemies of Christ
[While some are against Christ, others are with him: they are with him in sentiment, in affection, in profession, in conduct. How great is the difference between those who in outward appearance are the same! O search and see whether ye be the friends or enemies of Christ [Note: Mat 12:30.]: according as you prove yourselves to be in this life, you will surely be found in the day of judgment.]
Let us address each of those characters
[To his enemies we say, Consider whose enemies you are. Is this the treatment he has deserved at your hands? Is there not a time coming when he will fearfully resent it? If you be of the number of his friends, walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called [Note: Eph 4:1.]. Let nothing, however pleasing, or however formidable, tempt you to forsake him. Be faithful unto death, and he will give you a crown of life [Note: Rev 2:10.].]
Fuente: Charles Simeon’s Horae Homileticae (Old and New Testaments)
(14) These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. (15) And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. (16) And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. (17) For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. (18) And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.
All indeed make war with the Lamb; that is with the Lamb’s followers. Both Herod and Pontius Pilate, though in themselves no friends to each other, but when Christ or his people are in view, all the Herods, and all the Pilates of the earth, with the Gentiles and the people of all descriptions of carnal men, are joined together. Everything in the natural mind, unrenewed by grace, is hostile to Christ. But, Reader, observe what is said, the Lamb shall overcome them. Oh! yes! And in Him, and His righteousness; the feeblest of this little army, shall overcome them too.
I cannot refrain from begging my Reader to remark with me, what a blessed and glorious account is given of Christ’s Person, and what a lively one of his people. For he is Lord of lords, and King of kings. Yes! blessed forever, thou Almighty God, be thou in thine own eternal nature and essence! Thine own eternal distinctions as one in the Godhead make these titles thine. And by creation, providence, grace; and glory, thou, in common with the Father and the Holy Ghost, hast, and art all. And how sweet is it to the souls of thy people, that by means of their oneness with thee, in that nature of theirs thou hast taken into union with thyself, they that are with thee, are called, and chosen, and faithful. Yes, Lord! by thy calling them with an holy calling, they are proved to have been chosen of God, before the foundation of the world. For whom he did predestinate, them he also called. And by their call in grace, they are made faithful in Christ Jesus. Oh! the unspeakable blessedness of such distinguishing grace! Reader! what saith your heart’s testimony to these things? Can you, and do you, take up the sweet language the Holy Ghost by the Apostle teacheth the Church. Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. For the Commentary on the 15th and 18th verses ( Rev_17:15; Rev_17:18 ), see the 1st and 2nd, 2Ti 1:9 .
Fuente: Hawker’s Poor Man’s Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
Ver. 14. The Lamb shall overcome them ] 1. With a spiritual victory, by a sweet: subjection, at least by a conviction of their consciences. 2. With an external victory, as the Imperialists in Germany, the Papists here.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
Rev 17:14 . An abrupt and proleptic allusion to Rev 19:11-21 ; the Christian messiah is the true King of kings (a side reference to the well-known Parthian title). This is the first time that John brings the Lamb on the scene of earthly action. He now appears at the side, or rather at the head, of his followers in the final crisis, not in a struggle preceding the sack of Rome. He and Satan (as represented by the empire) are the real protagonists. Note the share assigned to the faithful in this victory (after Rev 2:26-27 ). The war fought on their behalf by the Lamb is their fight also ( cf. on Rev 19:14 ); its success rests on the divine election and their corresponding loyalty ( cf. Rev 12:11 , Rev 13:8 ; a Zoroastrian parallel in Yasht xiii. 48; the favourite description of the saints in Enoch as “chosen [and] righteous”; and Passio Perpetuae , xxi., “o fortissimi martyres o uere uocati et electi in gloriam Domini nostri Jesu Christi”). The redeeming power of Christ, together with the adoration which he alone can rightfully claim, make his cause more than equal to the empires of the world ( cf. the thought of Isa 53:12 ).
Fuente: The Expositors Greek Testament by Robertson
overcome. As in Rev 2and Rev 3. See App-197.
Lord. App-98.
lords. App-98.
called. Greek. kletos. Only here in Rev. First occurance. Mat 20:16.
chosen. Greek. eklektos. Only here in Rev. See Mat 20:16 (first occ).
faithful. See App-150and App-175.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
Rev 17:14. , called and chosen and faithful) The companions of the Conqueror are described. They are here called : at ch. Rev 19:9, . Each word is used once only in this book, as also . Comp. 1Ki 1:41, .
Fuente: Gnomon of the New Testament
Chapter 38
The Lamb and they that are with Him.
‘These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful’
Rev 17:14
In Revelation 17, we are assured of the destruction of all false religion, symbolized by Babylon, the great mother of harlots. Though supported through the centuries by kings, nations, and empires, Babylon will fall at last. Though it is maintained, enriched, and adorned by satan with the gaudy ornaments of the earth, all false religion will be destroyed. Though the kings and people of the earth drink from the golden cup which she holds in her hand and are made drunk with the wine of her fornication, the filthiness of the worlds religion (the abominations of free-will, works religion) will be exposed at last. And those who have been deceived by it shall loathe it forever. In the end, the truth of God shall prevail. The Church of Christ shall be victorious. The gates of hell shall not prevail against her. The gospel of Gods free and sovereign grace, substitutionary atonement, and effectual mercy shall win the day. Christ will see to it! In all things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. The message of this Book, from beginning to end, is a message of victory through grace. Though tried, persecuted, scorned, derided, and afflicted, the Church of God shall triumph over all her enemies. It is true, The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly (Rom 16:20). In Rev 17:14, the Holy Spirit inspired John to show us four things specifically revealed to him by the angel for the comfort and edification of Gods saints in all ages.
1. The world is always opposed to and always persecutes Christ and His church
When John saw the kings of the earth, whose rule and power is inspired by the hellish beast, the angel said, These shall make war with the Lamb. These kings of the earth represent the secular, political, economic, philosophical, academic powers of the earth, acting in unison with and by inspiration of the great harlot. In other words, the world which is drunk with the religion of Babylon (free-willism, self-righteousness, and works) always has been and always will be opposed to Christ, the church of God, and the gospel of his free grace. The truth of God is never accepted, supported, and maintained by popular opinion. If you follow Christ, you will have to fight against the world, specifically against the religion of the world. We must never seek to conciliate or unite with the enemies of Christ (Jas 4:4; 2Co 6:14 to 2Co 7:1).
2. The Lord Jesus Christ shall overcome all his enemies
The Lamb shall overcome them (Isa 45:22-25; Heb 10:10-14; Php 2:9-11). Throughout the Word of God, and especially in this Book, the Lord Jesus Christ is constantly referred to in his sacrificial character as the Lamb of God. And it is by virtue of his sin-atoning sacrifice that he must prevail over all his enemies. He will overcome some by the power of his saving grace and others by the rod of his wrath; but he will overcome all his enemies (Psa 89:23).
3. The conquest of Christ is a matter of absolute certainty because he is totally sovereign over all things
He is Lord of lords and King of kings (Joh 17:2; Act 2:36; Rom 14:9). Divine sovereignty is essential to faith, hope, and confidence in the promises of God. If God were not sovereign, we could not, with sanity, trust him implicitly. But we rejoice to know that he whom we trust, into whose hands we have committed our souls, is absolutely, totally, universally sovereign over all things, always doing all things according to the good pleasure of own will (Psa 115:3; Psa 135:6).
4. The one thing that distinguishes Gods elect from all other people in the world is their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ
Others make war with the Lamb. These are they that are with him. They are one with him, united to him by grace from all eternity. It is their union with the Lamb that separates and distinguishes them from all others, makes them acceptable with God, and secures their eternal salvation. Gods elect are with Christ now, always have been with Christ, and forever shall be with Christ (Eph 1:6). We were with him as Our Surety in the Covenant of Grace. We were with him as Our Representative while he lived upon the earth. We were with him when he died as Our Substitute on the cross. We were with him when he arose from the dead and ascended into heaven as our Mediator King. And we are with him in our hearts by faith and love. His cause is our cause. We are with our Lord in all that he does. In heart, will, purpose, and desire, Gods saints are with Christ.
Now look at the last line of Rev 17:14 and notice how the angel describes Gods saints, identifying them by three distinct works of grace. Those who are with Christ are called, and chosen, and faithful. With these three words all who are truly born of God are described. These three words write the biography of every redeemed sinner who enters glory by the merits of Christ. Gods saints are called by the Spirit because they have been chosen of God; and they are faithful to Christ because they are called.
All who are with Christ are with him by the almighty, effectual, irresistible call of the Holy Spirit in regenerating grace
Without question, there is a general call that goes forth to all men, without qualification, every time the gospel is preached. By the power and authority of God himself, the gospel preacher commands all who hear his voice to repent and come to Christ in faith (Luk 24:47; Act 17:30; Rom 10:9-13; Rom 10:21). The preaching of the gospel is not an invitation to heaven. It is a divinely authorized command to faith! This call goes out to all who hear the gospel. But even this outward call is not universal (Mat 11:20-26). This call is necessary. Apart from this outward call, apart from the preaching of the gospel, there is no possibility of salvation (Rom 10:17; Jas 1:18; 1Pe 1:23-25). And all who hear this outward call, all who hear the gospel of Christ preached, are responsible to obey it and trust Christ (Rom 10:21; Joh 3:36; 1Jn 5:10). But this outward call alone will never produce faith in a sinner. Many are called, but few are chosen. No matter how eloquent, sincere, earnest, and convincing the preacher is, this outward call can never produce faith or save a sinner. This text is talking about another call. Those who are the called have been called, not by the voice of man, but by the voice of God the Holy Spirit. He uses the voice of a preacher. But the call is divine, inward, effectual, and saving (Joh 6:63; Joh 10:3; Psa 65:4; Psa 110:3). It is a personal call, a distinguishing call, a convincing call (Joh 16:8-13), and an effectual, irresistible call of love. It is this call of God that distinguishes the believer from the unbeliever (1Co 1:26-31; 1Co 4:7; 1Co 15:10; Eph 2:1-4).
The call of the Spirit is the proof and evidence of our eternal election in Christ
Notice that in this verse calling is put before election, because we cannot know our election until we are called. But election took place long before we were called. The fact that we are called in time is the proof that we were chosen in eternity (1Th 1:4-5). Divine election is a blessed, comforting, soul cheering truth of Holy Scripture in which all true believers delight. As it caused David to dance before the ark, it causes our hearts to dance before the Lord our God (Jer 31:3; Joh 15:16; Rom 8:28-30; Rom 8:11-23; Eph 1:3-7; 2Th 2:13-14; 2Ti 1:9). Notice particularly 1Pe 1:2. Those who despise the doctrine of sovereign election will usually run to this text and twist it to their own destruction, suggesting that election is based upon foreknown or foreseen faith. Of course, that is absurd!
We are elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, that is according to Gods purpose of grace in foreordination. Our election to eternal life is through sanctification of the Spirit. God has chosen to bring us to heaven by the regenerating, sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit, who gives us a new nature, imparting to us the righteousness of Christ, in the new birth (Eze 36:25-27). And we were chosen unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ. The text might legitimately be interpreted to say, We were chosen and foreordained to eternal life by God the Father, set apart, preserved, and kept by God the Holy Spirit, until the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished his obedience and death as our Substitute. Those things certainly are true. And they are taught elsewhere in scriptures. But Peter is telling us that the object of God in our election was and is our obedience to the gospel and the effectual application of the blood atonement of Christ to our hearts by the Holy Spirit through faith (Heb 9:14). God the Father chose us! God the Son redeemed us! God the Spirit regenerated us, giving us faith to obey Christ, trusting his blood for our complete atonement! As the result of Gods eternal, electing love, grace and peace are multiplied to all Gods elect (1Pe 1:3-5). We rejoice in and give thanks to God for his eternal, electing love, mercy, and grace in Christ Jesus. We know our election because of our calling. And our calling makes election precious.
The sure and certain result of Gods electing grace and the Spirits effectual call is faithfulness
Those who are with Christ, are called, and chosen, and faithful. This simply means three things: All who are called and chosen of God have faith in Christ. It is the gift of Gods grace in regeneration (Eph 2:8-9). And all who are born of God are made faithful by his grace. The saints of God are faithful, true, honest men and women (Eph 1:1). They can be trusted and depended upon. They are faithful stewards, using whatever God puts in their hands for his glory and his interest in this world (Mat 25:14-30). All true believers are faithful to Christ, to his will, to his glory, to his gospel, to his interests, and to his people. And all who are called by the Spirit remain faithful, persevering to the end of their days by grace. They will endure their trials. They will overcome their temptations. They will triumph over their enemies. They will die in faith (Heb 11:13).
Fuente: Discovering Christ In Selected Books of the Bible
shall make: Rev 11:7, Rev 8:6, Rev 8:7, Rev 16:14, Rev 19:15-21, Dan 7:21, Dan 7:25, Dan 11:9-12, Dan 11:24, Dan 11:25, Zec 2:8, Mat 25:40, Act 9:4, Act 9:5
the Lamb shall: Rev 6:12-17, Psa 2:8, Psa 2:9, Psa 21:8-12, Psa 110:5, Jer 50:44, Dan 2:44, Dan 7:26, Dan 7:27, 1Co 15:24
Lord: Rev 1:5, Rev 19:16, Deu 10:17, Psa 136:2, Psa 136:3, Pro 8:15, Pro 8:16, Dan 2:47, 1Ti 6:15
and they: Rev 14:1-4, Rev 19:14, Psa 149:5-9, Jer 1:15, Jer 1:19, Mic 5:7-9, Joh 15:16, Rom 8:30, Rom 8:37, 2Ti 2:4, Heb 3:1, Heb 3:2, 1Pe 2:9
and faithful: Rev 2:10
Reciprocal: Jdg 7:3 – Whosoever 1Sa 14:45 – he hath Ezr 7:12 – Artaxerxes Job 12:19 – General Psa 2:1 – people Psa 29:3 – The voice Psa 72:11 – all kings Psa 74:23 – tumult Psa 98:1 – his right Psa 106:5 – may see Psa 132:18 – but upon Psa 137:8 – happy Psa 149:9 – to execute Isa 24:21 – the Lord Isa 32:1 – princes Isa 40:10 – his arm Isa 43:20 – my chosen Isa 48:12 – my called Isa 59:19 – the enemy Dan 2:34 – which Dan 2:37 – a king Dan 7:14 – that all Dan 8:11 – the prince Dan 8:25 – stand Dan 12:1 – the great Mic 2:13 – their Mic 5:5 – then Zec 3:2 – chosen Zec 9:13 – bent Zec 10:4 – of him came forth Mat 28:18 – All Luk 23:12 – General Joh 1:29 – Behold Act 2:30 – he Act 2:39 – as many Act 9:15 – a chosen Act 10:36 – he is Rom 1:6 – the called Rom 9:11 – but of Rom 10:12 – Lord Rom 13:1 – there Eph 1:1 – which Col 3:12 – as Col 4:1 – ye 1Th 5:24 – calleth 1Ti 1:17 – the King Rev 3:12 – overcometh Rev 5:6 – a Lamb Rev 6:2 – and he went Rev 11:15 – The kingdoms Rev 12:17 – to make Rev 13:4 – who is able Rev 13:15 – cause Rev 14:4 – which follow Rev 15:3 – saints Rev 16:16 – he
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Rev 17:14. These again means the ten kings just mentioned. While they were still under the control of Papal Rome and blinded by the false doctrines of that corrupt beast, they were opposed to the Lamb of God and made (religious) war with Him. The Lamb shall overcome them. This will be accomplished by the Reformation, for that movement will give the Bible back to the people in their native tongue. When that is done the Lamb shall overcome them which means He will subdue their opposition to the word of God and to the true church that is regulated by that word. Lord of lords puts Christ above all other rulers, and King of kings means He is greater than the ten kings who fought against Him. Christ does not conduct the conflict directly but does it by His great army. The army is composed of those who are called (by the Gospel), and they are chosen because they have qualified themselves by being faithful.
Comments by Foy E. Wallace
Verse 14.
The vision in the preceding chapters of the great red dragon’s war against the Christ is continued in verse fourteen; but the Lamb would overcome all assailants and assaults against his church, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings–over all kings and emperors of the earth –and because his followers are called, and chosen and faithful. Such fidelity cannot be extinguished by the trials of persecution
Fuente: Combined Bible Commentary
Rev 17:14. In this verse the war of the ten kings with the Lamb is described, but it is unnecessary to dwell upon it. It may he noticed that the statement of the last half of the verse is not that of the Authorised Version, that the Lamb shall overcome because they that are with Him are called and chosen and faithful, but that they that are with him, called, and chosen, and faithful, shall be partakers of the victory.The Seer now returns to the woman who sat upon the beast.
Fuente: A Popular Commentary on the New Testament
These will, at the beast’s direction, fight with Jesus, but will lose. Jesus and the faithful will have the victory.
Fuente: Gary Hampton Commentary on Selected Books
17:14 These shall make war with the {30} Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him [are] called, and chosen, and faithful.
(30) With Christ and his Church, as the reason following declares, and here are mentioned the facts and events which followed for Christ’s sake, and for the grace of God the Father towards those that are elected, called, and are his faithful ones in Christ.
Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes
At the very end of the Tribulation these kings will fight against Jesus Christ as He returns to earth (cf. Rev 16:14; Rev 16:16; Rev 19:19-21). The Lamb will defeat them and will prove to be Lord of lords and King of kings (Rev 19:16), the title Antichrist seeks to claim in his worldwide empire.
Those with Christ accompany Him from heaven (cf. Rev 19:14). They are the called, the elect, and the faithful. These are probably three terms for the same group, namely, believers, rather than three different groups of believers. The three terms become progressively more specific. Those chosen for salvation are elected by the Father (cf. Eph 1:4-5). They are the same ones who then respond to God’s grace by faithfully believing on Him. These believers who accompany Christ from heaven will be Christians and saints who died during the Tribulation.