Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Revelation 17:13

These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

13. shall give their power and strength &c.] Cf. Rev 16:14, Rev 19:19-20.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

These have one mind – That is, they are united in the promotion of the same object. Though in some respects wholly independent of each other, yet they may be regarded as, in fact, so far united that they tend to promote the same ultimate end. As a fact in history, all these kingdoms, though of different origin, and though not infrequently engaged in war with each other, became Roman Catholics, and were united in the support of the papacy. It was with propriety, therefore, that they should be regarded as so closely connected with that power that they could be represented as ten horns on the seven-headed monster.

And shall give their power and strength unto the beast – Shall lend their influence to the support of the papacy, and become the upholders of that power. The meaning, according to the interpretation above proposed, is, that they would all become papal kingdoms, and supporters of the papal power. It is unnecessary to pause to show how true this has been in history. At first, most of the people out of whom these kingdoms sprang were pagans; then many of them embraced Christianity under the prevailing form of Arianism, and this fact was for a time a bar to their perfect adhesion to the Roman see; but they were all ultimately brought wholly under its influence, and became its supporters. In 496 a.d., Clovis, the king of the Franks, on occasion of his victory over the Allemanni, embraced the Catholic faith, and so received the title, transmitted downward through nearly thirteen hundred years to the French kings as his successors, of the oldest son of the church; in the course of the sixth century, the kings of Burgundy, Bavaria, Spain, Portugal, England, embraced the same religion, and became the defenders of the papacy. It is well known that each one of the powers above enumerated as constituting these ten kingdoms, became subject to the papacy, and continued so during their separate existence, or when merged into some other power, until the Reformation in the sixteenth century. All their power and strength was given unto the beast; all was made subservient to the purposes of papal Rome.

Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible

Verse 13. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.] Therefore the ten horns must constitute the principal strength of the Latin empire; that is to say, this empire is to be composed of the dominions of ten monarchs independent of each other in every other sense except in their implicit obedience to the Latin Church. The beast in this and the preceding verse is distinguished from its horns, as the WHOLE Latin empire is distinguished in history from its constituent powers. See Clarke on Re 17:16.

Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible

They shall all be papists, and for a while shall employ all their power and strength to uphold the popish religion.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

13. one mindone sentiment.

shall giveSo Coptic.But A, B, and Syriac, “give.”

strengthGreek,“authority.” They become his dependent allies (Re17:14). Thus Antichrist sets up to be King of kings, butscarcely has he put forth his claim when the true KINGOF KINGS appears and dashes him down in a moment todestruction.

Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

These have one mind,…. The princes of these kingdoms, and their subjects, become, in time, of one religion; first they were Arians, and then Papists; and for a long series of time there was great unity between them, with respect to religious sentiments, being zealously attached to the church of Rome, its principles and practices:

and shall give their power and strength unto the beast; the Papal antichrist, the eighth king, and seventh head; to him they have given power to exercise all ecclesiastical authority in their kingdoms; as to ordain bishops, and deliver the pall to whom they will; to excommunicate offenders, and even lay their kingdoms under an interdict when they pleased; and have assisted and defended the popes of Rome with all their force, with all their might and main, and to the utmost of their power, and have engaged in what have been called the holy wars, at their motion; they have given their riches and wealth, which are called the forces of strength, Job 36:19 which they have, by various methods, drained them of; hence the whore of Rome came to be decked with gold, and pearls, and precious stones; yea, they have given them their kingdoms, and have received them from them, and become tributary to them.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

Have one mind ( ). “One purpose” ( from ) as in Acts 20:3; 1Cor 1:10. The new powers are allies of the beast.

They give their power and authority unto the beast ( ). Present active indicative of . Just as the dragon gave both power and authority to the beast (13:2), so they are wholly at the service of the beast.

Fuente: Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament

Mind [] . Meaning primarily the faculty of knowing, mind, reason; then that which is thought or known; opinion, purpose. See Act 20:3; 1Co 7:25; Phl 1:14.

Shall give [] . didoasin, the present tense, give. The force of dia is over; give over.

Power and authority [ ] . For the distinction, see on 2Pe 2:11.

Fuente: Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament

1) “These have one mind,” (houtoi mian gnomen echousin) “and these ten kings (royal rulers) have or possess hold one mind, disposition of desire; they are voluntary, willing, willful followers of and slaves to the beast, the antichrist, the Devil incarnate, Rom 2:4-5.

2) “And shall give their power and strength,” (kai ten dunamin kai eksousian auton didoasin) “and they give over or surrender both their dynamic and administrative power,” their total allegiance as stewardship rulers, to the antichrist, to worship and to follow him, Rev 13:12; Rev 13:15. Blinded by the god of this world, even today, men sell themselves soul and body to Satan and sin in forms of wine, women, and song, 2Co 4:3-4; 2Pe 3:9.

3) “Unto the beast,” (to therio) “to the beast,” the leading person of the antichrist rule. They who though often reproved, heed not the Word of God, shall come to sudden, inexcusable judgment, Pro 29:1; Ecc 12:13-14 – Be they rulers or the ruled, each must give account of himself to God for his responsible or irresponsible attitude toward God’s Word and will, Rom 2:1; Rom 14:11-12; Php_2:10-11.

Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary

13. One mind During that hour, or season, there shall be an unbroken unanimity. The nations will humbly give their power and strength unto the beast, as to the vicar of Christ and representative of God on earth.

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

‘These have one mind and they give their power and authority to the beast. These shall war against the Lamb and the Lamb will overcome them, for he is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, and those who are with Him, called, chosen and faithful, will also overcome.’

Note the emphasis on the fact that the ten kings are of one mind. They fall into line with the Beast’s aims and purposes. And this results in war with the Lamb of God. But the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings. And those who belong to the Lamb will also overcome, for they are called, chosen and faithful. We are not, of course, to see here a literal war between the Beast acting on earth and the Lamb. The Beast’s battle is rather with Lamb’s followers (compare Rev 20:9). Had he literally fought the Lamb it would have been no contest, as the Lamb’s titles indicate. So the idea is that these rulers will set themselves against God’s people, thus taking on the Lamb Himself, although not directly.

This ‘war’ is described more fully in Rev 19:11-21, evidence again that we have moved to the end time. ‘Lord of Lords and King of Kings’ sets Christ well above the ‘ruler of the kings of the earth’. The rulers are at one with the beast and totally committed because theirs is a religious devotion. They are (perhaps unconsciously) committed to Satan. But they are doomed to defeat because of the power of the Lamb.

For the encouragement of the churches John then connects the churches themselves with the triumphant Lamb. They are called, chosen and faithful and are overcomers. ‘Called’ and ‘chosen’ are two words continually applied to Christians, see Eph 1:4; Rom 8:28-30; Mat 20:16; Mat 22:14; Mar 13:20; Joh 13:18; 2Th 2:13 ; 1Pe 2:4; 1Pe 2:9; Rom 1:6; Rom 9:24; 1Co 1:9; Eph 4:1; Eph 4:4 ; 1Th 2:12; 2Th 2:14; 2Ti 1:9; 1Pe 1:1-2; 1Pe 1:15 ; 1Pe 2:21; 1Pe 5:10; 2Pe 1:3). ‘Overcomers’ is the favourite term in Revelation for God’s faithful people.

Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett

13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

Ver. 13. These have one mind ] This is the unity or rather conspiracy of the Church of Rome. The Spouse only is but one, Son 6:9 . Other societies are but as the clay in the toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s image, they may cleave together but not incorporate one into another. There is a great deal of seeming unity under Antichrist. The Turks also have as little dissension in their religion as any. But well may that garment have no seam that hath no shape. Bellarmine notes a providence, that in the ninth age there sprang up no new heresy. But how could there, when little religion was afoot besides superstition and heresies?

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

mind. App-177.

shall give. The texts read “they give”, i.e. of their own free will.

power. App-172.1 and Rev 176:1.

strength. App-172.

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

Rev 17:13. , one mind) Great agreement of opinion is not always characteristic of a good cause.-, give) for [his] conflict with the Lamb.

Fuente: Gnomon of the New Testament

one: Phi 1:27, Phi 2:2

shall: Rev 17:17, Isa 10:5-7, Eze 38:10, Act 4:28

Reciprocal: Psa 83:5 – For Jer 4:30 – in vain Jer 28:14 – that they Lam 1:2 – among Eze 16:25 – and hast made Eze 23:9 – General Dan 3:3 – the princes Dan 7:24 – the ten Dan 8:24 – but Dan 11:44 – east Luk 23:12 – General Act 19:28 – and cried Rev 13:3 – all Rev 17:2 – General Rev 17:16 – these Rev 18:9 – the kings

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Rev 17:13. These means the ten kings of the preceding verse and until they have had their eyes opened by receiving the Bible back again, they will not know any better than to give their power and strength unto the beast (church and state).

Comments by Foy E. Wallace

Verse 13.

It is stated in verse thirteen that these ten kings had one mind. The overshadowing personage of Nero was pictured as standing behind; but the single aim and common purpose was the destruction of Jerusalem, the devastation of Judea to rid the empire of Judaism, and the subsequent war against Christianity in the full power and strength of the coalition of the kings with the emperor against the church. Jerusalem was destroyed, Judaism perished, but the church survived.

Fuente: Combined Bible Commentary

Rev 17:13. These have one mind, and they give their power and authority unto the beast. So had it been with the second beast (chap. Rev 13:12), and so with the harlot (chap. Rev 17:3; Rev 17:7). The brute power of the world could of itself effect nothing were it not served by the spiritual forces of the false prophet, and of the harlot, or of the kings who have listened to the harlots witcheries.

Fuente: A Popular Commentary on the New Testament

Naturally, such kings who draw their power from another will be minded to do as the other instructs and will give all its strength to that end.

Fuente: Gary Hampton Commentary on Selected Books

17:13 {29} These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

(29) That is, by consent and agreement, that they may conspire with the beast, and depend on his call. Their story is divided into three parts, counsels, acts, and events. The counsellors some of them consist in communicating of judgments and affections: and some in communicating of power, which they are said to have given to this beast, in this verse.

Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes

The single purpose of these end-time kingdoms is to rule the world (Rev 17:14). The 10 rulers will submit to the Antichrist’s leadership to achieve this end. Evidently he will have to put down three of them who revolt against him (Dan 7:24; cf. Rev 12:3; Rev 13:1; Rev 17:3).

Fuente: Expository Notes of Dr. Constable (Old and New Testaments)