And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.
8. smoke ] Isa 6:4.
no man was able &c. Exo 40:35; 1Ki 8:11.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
And the temple was filled with smoke – The usual symbol of the divine presence in the temple. See the notes on Isa 4:5; Isa 6:4.
From the glory of God – From the manifestation of the divine majesty. That is, the smoke was the proper accompaniment of the Divine Being when appearing in majesty. So on Mount Sinai he is represented as appearing in this manner: And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord descended on it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly, Exo 19:18. The purpose here seems to have been, partly to represent the smoke as the proper symbol of the divine presence, and partly to represent it as so filling the temple that no one could enter it until the seven plagues were fulfilled.
And from his power – Produced by his power; and the symbol of his power.
And no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled – Until those vials had been poured out, and all that was indicated by them was accomplished. The meaning here seems to be, that no one would be permitted to enter to make intercession – to turn away his wrath – to divert him from his purpose. That is, the purpose of punishment had been formed, and would certainly be executed. The agents or instrumentalities in this fearful work had been now sent forth, and they would by no means be recalled. The mercy-seat, in this respect, was inaccessible; the time of judgment on the great foe had come, and the destruction of the grand enemy of the church was certain. The point, therefore, at which this vision leaves us is, that where all the preparations are made for the infliction of the threatened punishment on the grand anti-Christian power which had so long stood up against the truth; where the agents had prepared to go forth; and where no intercession will ever avail to turn away the infliction of the divine wrath. The detail follows in the next chapter.
Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
Verse 8. The temple was filled with smoke] So was the tabernacle when consecrated by Moses, Ex 40:34-35, and the temple when consecrated by Solomon, 1Kgs 8:10-11; 2Ch 5:14. See Isa 6:4. This account seems at least partly copied from those above.
When the high priest entered into the holy of holies, and the ordinary priest into the holy place, they always carried with them a great deal of smoking incense, which filled those places with smoke and darkness, which prevented them from considering too attentively the parts and ornaments of those holy places, and thus served to produce an air of majesty in the temple, which none dared to approach without the deepest reverence. To this Calmet thinks the allusion may be here.
Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible
And the temple; that is, the church, as temple most ordinarily signifieth in this book.
Was filled with smoke: by smoke, doubtless, is meant confusions and troubles.
From the glory of God, and from his power; caused by Gods glorious manifestation of his power, in bringing antichrist to ruin, who had so twisted his interest with that of the civil magistracy in several kingdoms, that there was no rooting him out, without a terrible shaking of all those parts of the earth where he set his foot.
And no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled; so as no part of the church could be at rest until God had fulfilled his ruin by these plagues: nor must any quiet state of the church be expected, until this great work be effected.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
8. temple . . . filled (Isa6:4); compare Exo 40:34;2Ch 5:14, as to the earthlytemple, of which this is the antitype.
the glory of God and . . .powerthen fully manifested.
no man was able to enter . .. the templebecause of God’s presence in His manifested gloryand power during the execution of these judgments.
Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
And the temple was filled with smoke,…. Not with the smoke of false doctrine and superstition; that comes out of the bottomless pit, this from God, Re 9:2 and besides, Gospel churches will grow purer and purer, while the seven angels are pouring out the vials: but rather this may be understood of judicial blindness and hardness of heart, upon the antichristian party, which will come upon them from God in righteous judgment; so that they will not be reformed by the plagues, and vials of wrath, nor repent of their sins; but blaspheme God, who has power over the plagues, and so shall not be able to enter into the temple: or else this may design God’s powerful and gracious presence in his church, in allusion to the cloud which filled the tabernacle, so that Moses could not enter; and which filled the temple, so that the priests could not minister, Ex 40:34 since this is said to be
from the glory of God, and from his power; whose presence is the glory in the midst of his church, and a covert, a protection and defence, to the saints, so that none can come into the temple to hurt them: see Isa 4:5 or rather this intends “the smoke of the anger of God”, as the Ethiopic version renders it, and which is intolerable; and it may have respect not only to the wrath of God, which is insupportable, but to that great affliction which will befall the saints in those times, through the last struggle of the beast; called the earthquake, and the hour of temptation, and a time of trouble, as never the like was, and which will be shortened for the elect’s sake:
and no man was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. None of the anti-Christian party will attempt to enter in, because of their blindness and obduracy; nor can they get in to do any mischief, because the glorious and powerful presence of God is a defence against them: and this may also have some respect to the darkness of God’s judgments, which will not be clearly manifest until these seven plagues are accomplished; till that time God’s judgments on antichrist will remain a great deep, and be unsearchable; there will be no entering into the temple, so as fully to understand them, which is meant by going into the sanctuary of God, Ps 73:17 and this makes the interpretation of the pouring out of these vials, in the next chapter, very difficult.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
Was filled with smoke ( ). First aorist passive indicative of (from ), to fill full, and with the genitive (smoke). Smoke is here the symbol of God’s presence (Exod 19:18; Isa 6:5).
Till should be finished ( ). Temporal clause for future time with (equal to in import) and the first aorist passive subjunctive of , a metaphorical and symbolic “smoke screen” to keep all out of the sanctuary for the time being.
Fuente: Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament
Smoke. Compare Exo 40:34; 1Ki 8:10; Psa 18:8; Isa 6:4; Eze 10:2 – 4.
None was able to enter. “God cannot be approached at the moment when He is revealing Himself in all the terrors of His indignation” (Milligan). See Exo 19:21.
Fuente: Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament
1) “And the temple was filled with smoke,” (kai egimisthe ho naos kapnou) “And the shrine was filled with smoke,” symbol of the glory presence, sanction and approval of God, Exo 40:34-38. Whatever was pronounced from the holy place was righteous, even Judgment.
2) “From the glory of God,” (ek tes dokses tou theou) “Out of, coming forth, or originating from the glory of God,” Exo 29:42-43; Exo 19:18, as when the ten commandments were given.
3) “And from his power,” (kai ek tes dunameos autou) “And out of his dynamic power,” originating from, administered, supported by his power. The cloud of shechinah glory was a symbol of God’s presence, power, sanction, and token of Judgment, Exo 16:10; Exo 24:16-18; Exo 19:18; Isa 14:31; Psa 18:8.
4) “And no man was able to enter into the temple,” (kai audeis edunato eisethein eis ton naon) “And no one could (was able to) enter into the temple,” from which “God’s smoke-cloud of glory emanated, 2Ch 5:14; Isa 6:4; 1Ki 8:10-12.
5) “Till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled,” (achri telethosin hai hepta plegai ton hepta angelon) “Until the time that the seven plagues of the seven angels should be completed, finished, fulfilled or terminated,” or until these Judgments had passed, been poured out upon the earth.
Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary
(8) And the temple . . .Translate, And the temple (the same wordnaosis used as in Rev. 11:1) was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his might; and no one was able to enter into the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels should be finished. As in the wilderness (Exo. 40:34-35), and as at the dedication of Solomons temple (1Ki. 8:10-11), the tokens of Gods presence filled the temple, so it is now, but with a difference: it is smoke, not cloud, which is the symbol of Gods presence. But the vision which perhaps, under all circumstances, most nearly corresponds with the present is that of Isaiah (Isaiah 6); there the prophet beheld the vision of God. His train filled the temple, and the house was filled with smoke, and a message of judgment was given to the prophet; that message declared that the sin of the people had reached a climax: they had trifled with convictions, and henceforward the words of Gods servants would harden rather than awaken them. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes, &c. (Isa. 6:9-10), till the desolating judgments had fallen. The general drift of the present vision is similar; the days of warning are over: the plagues which now fall will fall on those who have trifled with convictions: the sanctuary which was opened as a refuge is now closed: none can enter till the plagues have descended. The time has come when the judgments of God fail to stir the conscience which has been deadened by sin; the day when the gracious influences towards repentance was felt has passed. The word that has been spoken is about to descend in judgment (Joh. 7:48). Who shall not pray, with an agony of earnestness, From hardness of heart and contempt of Thy word and commandment, good Lord, deliver us? (Dr. Vaughan).
Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)
Depot of divine wrath upon Babylon in Jerusalem temple, Rev 15:8.
8. Smoke from the glory The glory was as a central fire-point, whence issued the smoke, or intense vapour, indicative of the actual divine PRESENCE.
And from his power As if within this citadel of the Lord’s capital, namely, the Jerusalem temple, the concentrated omnipotence of Jehovah was gathered, charged with destructive judgment, ready to be discharged upon the devoted capital of Satan.
No man was able to enter The divine Presence was so dense as to exclude all entrance; was too sacred for mortal approach; too fearful for mortal safety. So at the completion of the first tabernacle the glory of the Lord within excluded even Moses. Exo 40:34-35. So also at the completion of Solomon’s temple the priests were excluded by the filling glory. 1Ki 8:10-11.
Till plagues fulfilled So that Jehovah himself, within the mystic Jerusalem temple, is the source whence Babylon’s destruction goes forth through the plagues of his ministers of justice. They are but the manifested forms of the secret, sacred, avenging power in the holy place. Until the retributions do their perfect work the central fire is burning in the temple, into which none may enter.
And now, from that awful Presence in the holy place, the commission of the seven angels is about to go forth. So the next words will declare.
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
READER! we were called upon in the last Chapter, to shout with songs of holy joy, in beholding the Lord, our great and glorious Redeemer, standing with his Church, on Mount Zion, encircled with his army: and here we are called upon again, to shout with the Church, in beholding the people of God, who have gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, standing upon the sea of glass mingled with fire, singing the song of Moses and the Lamb! Oh! the felicity, when from a renewed heart, regenerated by grace, we can sing the praises of Him, who hath called us out of darkness, into his marvellous light!
And already we contemplate the sure victory over hell, and all the awful heresies abounding, in the view of the angels going forth from the Church of God, with their vials of God’s wrath, to pour out upon them. Every false religion, every idol, and abomination, shall sink under the dreadful plague, to be poured upon them. The man of sin, that mystery of iniquity, which still doth work, shall be destroyed; and that wicked one, both of East, and West, the Lord will consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and destroy, with the brightness of his coming. We see the seven angels coming forth from the temple. We behold them armed with the seven golden vials, full of the wrath of God. And, by faith, we contemplate the glory of God which shall assuredly follow, when they begin their awful visitation. Lord Jesus! arm thy redeemed with grace, and strengthen them with power, to bear their testimony against the awful abominations of the day. And, oh! for grace to look on, stand still, and see the salvation of our God! For yet a little while, and the antichristian heresy of the West, and the false prophet of the East, shall both be no more; and the true Church of Christ shall behold them, with the dragon, all cast alive into the lake of fire and brimstone, and shall never again harass and afflict the Church anymore. Even so: Amen!
Fuente: Hawker’s Poor Man’s Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.
Ver. 8. And the temple was filled ] This shows that God graciously approves and miraculously protects the reformed Churches. SeeExo 40:34-35Exo 40:34-35 1Ki 8:10 . So he did the Hussites in Bohemia. All Germany was up in arms against them. Actum iam de Hussitis videbatur. Verum Germani, nondum viso hoste, Panico terrore perculsi, diffugerunt, saith the historian. And when things seemed to be in a desperate condition, the Germans, smitten with a panic terror, fled all away before they had looked the enemy in the face. How wonderfully is Geneva preserved in the midst of many mighty enemies! What should I speak of Rochelle relieved, and Leyden rescued, both from heaven! We of this nation have lately seen as much of God’s glory and power in our temple as ever did any.
Till the seven plagues ] No Antichristian could understand the end of the seven plagues, till beaten into a better mind. Vexatio dat intellectum.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
glory. See p. 1511.
power. App-172.
no man = no one. Greek. oudeis.
into. App-104.
were fulfilled. Compare App-125.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
Rev 15:8. , smoke) The covering of the Divine majesty.[176]
[176] , no one) not even the angels themselves, who were furnished with the vials.-V. g.
– , into the temple) although it was opened, ver. 5. When the plagues are finished, approach to the temple is permitted.-V. g.
Fuente: Gnomon of the New Testament
(See Scofield “Heb 1:4”).
Fuente: Scofield Reference Bible Notes
was: Exo 40:34, 1Ki 8:10, 2Ch 5:14, Psa 18:8-14, Isa 6:4
from the: Psa 29:9, 2Th 1:9
no: Jer 15:1, Lam 3:44, Rom 11:33
till: Rev 15:1
Reciprocal: Exo 19:18 – General Exo 40:35 – General 1Ki 8:9 – when 2Ch 7:2 – the priests Isa 6:1 – filled Eze 10:4 – and the house Rev 8:4 – General
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Rev 15:8. Temple was filled with smoke. This was not the smoke of incense as is sometimes mentioned, for that occurs only when righteous servants are performing worship, and that is not what is going on now. It is the smoke of God’s wrath against the corruptions of the beast. Those guilty of the corruptions are under judgment and God is about to execute wrath upon them. It is too late for them to expect mercy from God, hence no one will be permitted to enter the temple to plead for it.
Comments by Foy E. Wallace
Verse 8.
4. And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled–Rev 15:8. The vision of the cloud-filled temple filled with the smoke from the glory of God, and from his power was the symbol of the invisible presence of God. As recorded in Exo 40:34-35 none could enter the tabernacle during the manifestations of God’s presence. So in this vision no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled–that is, until the order of events resulting in the destruction of the old Jerusalem and the old temple had been accomplished, after which the new Jerusalem, and the new temple would be open to all true worshipers; when the tabernacle of God with men would be accessible to all nations of men. But until this succession of events occurred the entrance of the temple was barred, and none could appear in intercession before God to avert the doom of destruction pronounced on Jerusalem, that once “faithful city turned harlot,” and the fallen Babylon of apostasy.
Fuente: Combined Bible Commentary
Rev 15:8. And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power. This smoke is no smoke of incense, nor is it simply the thick cloud of the majesty of God. It is the smoke by which He is surrounded as the righteous Lawgiver, that which proceeds from the fire of His wrath. The figure seems to be derived from Exo 40:34-35.
And no one was able to enter into the temple till the seven plagues of the seven angels should be finished. The meaning of these words is perhaps best to be ascertained by comparing them with Exo 19:21. God cannot be approached at the moment when He is revealing Himself in all the terrors of His indignation.
Fuente: A Popular Commentary on the New Testament
Hailey points out three Old Testament uses of smoke in relation to God’s work. (1.) Smoke was used to represent His glory. ( Exo 19:18 ; Habakuk 3:3) (2.) It represented God’s anger being poured out in judgment. ( Deu 29:20 ; Psa 18:8 ; Psa 74:1 ) (3.) Smoke was used to represent God’s protective care enshrouding the faithful. When the tabernacle was finished and later when Solomon’s temple was finished, God’s glory filled those places so no one could enter. ( Exo 40:34-35 ; 1Ki 8:10-11 ) This smoke may, therefore, best be thought of as God’s glory filling his dwelling place so no one could enter while his wrath is being poured out in plagues upon the earth. The time for mercy is over and God is ready to punish those who have not repented.
Fuente: Gary Hampton Commentary on Selected Books
Rev 15:8. And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God In the same manner the tabernacle, when it was consecrated by Moses, and the temple, when it was dedicated by Solomon, were both filled with a cloud, and the glory of the Lord; which cloud of glory was the visible manifestation of Gods presence at both times, and a sign of Gods protection. But in the judgment of Korah, when the glory of the Lord appeared, he and his companions were swallowed up by the earth. So proper is the emblem of smoke from the glory of God, or from the cloud of glory, to express the execution of judgment, as well as to be a sign of favour. Both proceed from the power of God, and in both he is glorified. And no man Not even those who ordinarily stood before God; was able to enter into the temple As neither Moses could enter into the tabernacle, nor the priests into the temple, when the glory of the Lord filled those sacred places; a further proof of the majestic presence and extraordinary interposition of God in the execution of these judgments: till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled Or were finished: till they had poured them out by the divine command.
Fuente: Joseph Bensons Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
15:8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God, and from his power; {14} and no man was able to enter into the temple, till the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled.
(14) None of those seven angels could return, till he had performed fully the charge committed to him, according to the decree of God.
Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes
The smoke probably symbolizes the presence of God (cf. Exo 19:18; Exo 40:34; 1Ki 8:10-11; 2Ch 5:11-14; 2Ch 7:1-3; Isa 6:4; Eze 11:23; Eze 44:4). No one could enter God’s presence until He had finished judging the earth-dwellers. This indicates the climactic nature of these judgments.
This chapter is really more of a prelude to chapter 16 than a conclusion to chapters 12-14. Chapters 12-14 record prophetically historical information about the Great Tribulation but not in the chronological sequence of the three sets of seven judgments (seals, trumpets, and bowls). Chapter 15 is similar to Rev 8:1 in that it prepares for the next set of judgments, the bowls. It prepares for the resumption of the chronological progression of events on earth that ended temporarily in Rev 11:19.