Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Revelation 14:3

And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

3. sung ] More accurately, sing.

as it were ] Should perhaps be omitted, as in Rev 5:9.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

And they sung as it were a new song – See the notes on Rev 5:9. It was proper to call this new, because it was on a new occasion, or pertained to a new object. The song here was in celebration of the complete redemption of the church, and was the song to be sung in view of its final triumph over all its foes. Compare notes on Rev 7:9-10.

Before the throne – The throne of God in heaven. See the notes on Rev 4:2.

And before the four beasts – See the notes on Rev 4:6-8.

And the elders – See the notes on Rev 4:4.

And no man could learn that song, … – None could understand it but the redeemed. That is, none who had not been redeemed could enter fully into the feelings and sympathies of those who were. A great truth is taught here. To appreciate fully the songs of Zion; to understand the language of praise; to enter into the spirit of the truths which pertain to redemption; one must himself have been redeemed by the blood of Christ. He must have known what it is to be a sinner under the condemnation of a holy law; he must have known what it is to be in danger of eternal death; he must have experienced the joys of pardon, or he can never understand, in its true import, the language used by the redeemed. And this is only saying what we are familiar with in other things. He who is saved from peril; he who is rescued from long captivity; he who is pardoned at the foot of the scaffold; he who is recovered from dangerous illness; he who presses to his bosom a beloved child just rescued from a watery grave, will have an appreciation of the language of joy and triumph which he can never understand who has not been placed in such circumstances: but of all the joy ever experienced in the universe, so far as we can see, that must be the most sublime and transporting, which will be experienced when the redeemed shall stand on Mount Zion above, and shall realize that they are saved.

Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible

Verse 3. They sung-a new song] See Clarke on Re 5:9.

No man could learn that song] As none but genuine Christians can worship God acceptably, because they approach him through the only Mediator, so none can understand the deep things of God but such; nor can others know the cause why true believers exult so much in God through Christ, because they know not the communion which such hold with the Father and the Son through the Holy Ghost.

Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible

And they sung as it were a new song before the throne: by the throne here is meant the throne of God in glory. The new song here spoken of, is probably the same with that we met with before, Rev 5:11,12, sang by the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: called new, either for the excellency of it; or, because sung unto God after Christ was manifested in the flesh; the design of it was to declare the worthiness of Christ to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing: see Rev 5:12. Mr. Mede saith thus of it; “If God shall at any time make me fully to understand it, I will happily more largely explain it, for it is deeply settled in my mind, that the whole mystery of evangelical worship is in it contained.” And quite through the Scripture generally, a new song signifies a song which praiseth God for some new benefits received from him.

And before the four beasts, and the elders; the throne, beasts, and elders, described before, Rev 4:1-11,

And no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth: during the reign of antichrist none could learn this new song, viz. to give glory to Jesus Christ alone, ascribing to him power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory, and blessing; but a small number redeemed through the blood of Christ, from that vain conversation received by tradition from their fathers, 1Pe 1:18. All the other part of the world gave Christs honour and glory to the virgin Mary, angels, and saints, &c.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

3. sungGreek, “sing.”

as it wereSo A, C, andVulgate read. It is “as it were” a new song;for it is, in truth, as old as God’s eternal purpose. But B, Syriac,Coptic, ORIGEN, andANDREAS omit these words.

new song (Rev 5:9;Rev 5:10). The song is that ofvictory after conflict with the dragon, beast, and false prophet:never sung before, for such a conflict had never been fought before;therefore new: till now the kingdom of Christ on earthhad been usurped; they sing the new song in anticipation of Hisblood-bought kingdom with His saints.

four beastsrather, asGreek, “four living creatures.” The harpers andsingers evidently include the 144,000: so the parallel proves(Rev 15:2; Rev 15:3),where the same act is attributed to the general company of thesaints, the harvest (Re14:15) from all nations. Not as ALFORD,”the harpers and song are in heaven, but the 144,000 are onearth.”

redeemedliterally,”purchased.” Not even the angels can learn that song, forthey know not experimentally what it is to have “come outof the great tribulation, and washed their robes white in the bloodof the Lamb” (Re 7:14).

Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

And they sung as it were a new song,…. The song of redeeming grace; the same with that in Re 5:9; see the note there: this is to be understood of the 144,000, who sung it

before the throne, and before the four beasts and the elders; that is, publicly in the church, the ministers and members being present; of these; [See comments on Re 4:4];

[See comments on Re 4:6];

and no man could learn that song but the hundred [and] forty [and] four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth; out of every kindred, tongue, people, and nation; from among the men of the earth, and out of the apostate church, called the earth, in opposition to the pure church, which so often goes by the name of heaven in this book; and these, in consequence of being redeemed by the blood of Christ, were called by grace out of the world; and such only can sing the song of redemption with application to themselves; and say he has redeemed us, and loved us, and washed us from our sins in his blood; to none but these is it given to know spiritually and experimentally the mysteries of electing and redeeming grace; the natural and carnal man neither knows nor receives the things of the Spirit of God; nor can he learn them by hearing, reading, study, and conversation, unless it be only in a notional and speculative way. The Jews speak of a new song, which the angels have never used m;

“it is said, Ps 98:1; “sing unto the Lord a new song”; a new song, for there is an old song; but this song is what the angels never praised him with, and therefore it is new;”

and indeed the song of redeeming love is peculiar to men.

m Zohar in Numb. fol. 70. 4.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

They sing as it were a new song ( ). See 5:9 for this phrase (cognate accusative) save that here (as if) is added. There the new song was sung by the four living creatures and the elders, but here “before” () them and so apparently by the throng who were themselves redeemed by the Lamb.

No man could learn the song save ( ). Imperfect () of and second aorist (ingressive) active infinitive of . In 5:9-12 the angels join in the song. In 15:3 it is the Song of Moses and the Lamb.

Even they that had been purchased out of the earth ( ). Perfect passive articular participle of , purchased by the blood of the Lamb (5:9), masculine plural in apposition with (thousands) feminine plural (Rev 7:5; Rev 7:8; Rev 14:1). (from) here, though (out of) in 5:9. The 144,000 are not yet separated from the earth (Joh 17:15). Whether the 144,000 here are identical with that number in 7:4-8 or not, they must embrace both men and women.

Fuente: Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament

Beasts [] . Rev., living creatures. See on ch. Rev 4:6.

Redeemed [] . Rev., correctly, purchased.

Fuente: Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament

1) “And they sung as it were a new song,” (kai adousin hoos hoden kainen) “and they sing a new song,” the “they” were the harp-singers who sang or will sing the new song, regarding their redemption from sin and earth’s most horrible Judgments, Rev 7:3-4; Rev 5:9-10.

2) “Before the throne,” (enopion tou thronou) “in the presence of the (central) throne,” before God, in heaven; It appears that these (144,000) were bodily caught up to the throne of God, before our Lord’s return to earth with the saints, to begin his reign for one thousand years from Mount Zion.

3) “And before the four beasts,” (kai enopion ton tessaron zoon) “and before (in the presence of) the four living creatures,” who encircled, were round about the throne. Rev 4:6-9.

4) “And the elders,” (kai ton presbuteron) “and before (in the presence of) the twenty-four elders,” who also were upon thrones round about or encircling the central throne of God, Rev 4:2-4; Rev 4:9-11.

5) “And no man could learn that song,” (kai oudeis edunato Mathein ten hoden) “and no one could even learn the song (special song).”

6) “But the hundred and forty and four thousand,” (ei me hai hekaton tessarakonta tessares chiliades) “except or (if he were not of) the hundred and forty and four thousand, those of natural Israel, saved during the first 42 months of the 70th week of Jacob’s trouble, who were sealed for the next 42 months against death, Dan 9:26-27; Rev 7:3-4; Rev 11:1-4; Rev 12:13-17.

7) “Which were redeemed from the earth,” (hoi egorasmenoi apo tes ges) “These are those (of Israel), restrictedly, who have been (at that time) purchased, in the sense of “bought out of the slave market,” from the earth, where the antichrist, the dragon had reigned in fury.

Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary

(3) And they . . .Translate, And they (i.e., the heavenly harpers) sing a new song (the words as it were ought, perhaps, to be omitted) before the throne, and before the living creatures, and the elders (i.e., in the presence of God Himself, and creation, and the Church), and no one was able to learn the song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were purchased from the earth. It is a heavenly song, and no spirit dulled by earthly desires can learn it. The Spirit of the Lord can open the dull ear to hear and to rejoice in the songs of Gods saints. Amid the world-noises of Babylon men can neither hear nor sing aright the Lords song (Psa. 137:4); but the redeemed (the purchased from the earth) of the Lord can come with singing unto Zion (Isa. 51:11).

Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)

3. A new song Different, quite, from the wail under the altar of Rev 6:10.

Before the throne The invisible harpers become visible; from the ether they have descended on Moriah; they are before the Theophanic throne and its permanent court.

No man could learn that song None but the redeemed can truly learn and truly sing the song of the redeemed. Others may imitate it by rote, but the full depth of its music is not in their souls, and the imitation is spurious and counterfeit. Hence it is clear that the harpers were not angels, but redeemed saints. They were an abridged specimen of the multitude that no man could number of Rev 7:9, and, like them, Gentile counterpart to the Israelite hundred forty and four thousand. The Israelite number, as being at home in the mystic Jerusalem, are on Zion; the Gentiles, as coming from all the nations, gather on Moriah, before the throne. It is a festal gathering. The new song indicates that an era auspicious of future triumph over the strongholds of Satan has opened.

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

3 And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

Ver. 3. A new song ] See Trapp on “ Rev 5:9

But the hundred, &c. ] To whom alone it was given to understand the mysteries of God’s kingdom. Others could not skill of it.

From the earth ] i.e. From the Antichristian rout and rabble. These dunghill cocks meddle not with that jewel, the joy of faith, but speak evil of what they know not.

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

Rev 14:3 . Who sing the new song? angels or the redeemed? In Rev 5:9 it is chanted not before the living creatures and elders but by them; here it is not originally sung by the redeemed (as in Rev 15:3-4 Ezr 2:42 ) but is intelligible to them and to them alone. Their experience enabled them to enter into its meaning. This privilege is due to (Rev 14:4-5 ) their previous character and conduct, This inner circle are ascetics, . i.e. , not merely unmarried or free from sexual vice but celibates ( cf. Cheyne, Orig. Psalter , 446; Hoennicke, das Judenchristentum , 1908, 130 f.; Balden-sperger, 109; von Dobschtz, 39 f., 228, 261); cf. 1Co 7:32 . The prevailing Jewish respect for marriage did not check a tendency to celibacy which was by no means confined to the Essenes or Therapeutae. Even Methodius, who allegorises the seven heads of Rev 12:3 into the seven deadly sins and the stars of Rev 12:2 into heretics, takes this phrase literally, in the sense of virginity not simply of purity (so Epiph. Hr. xxx. 2); and, although the touch is too incidental to bear pressing, it is unmistakable ( cf. Introd. 6). In the popular religion of Phrygia there was a feeling (expressed in the eunuchism, e.g. , of the priests at Hierapolis) that one came nearer to the divine life by annihilating the distinction of sex, while in the votive inscriptions of Asia Minor ( C. B. P. i. 137) marriage is not recognised as part of the divine or religious life. This atmosphere of local feeling, together with the lax moral conscience of the popular religion, would foster the religious tendency to regard celibates as pre-eminently near to God. : either a historic present to secure vividness ( , syr. S), in which case the allusion is to their earthly loyalty (reff.), or, more probably (in view of , pres.), a description of their heavenly privilege and position ( cf. Rev 7:17 ), borrowed from Egyptian religion where the “followers of Horus,” the divine and victorious son of Osiris, were a series of celestial kings who were supposed to have reigned during the earlier dynasties. To be among the “followers of Horus” was an equivalent for immortal life. Cf. E. B. D. 101: “Let me rise up among those who follow the great God; I am the son of Mati, and that which he abominateth is the spirit of falsehood [ cf. Rev 14:5 ]. I am in triumph!” in 3, 4 is equivalent to the partitive ( cf. Rev 5:9 ). : they form the firstfruits of mankind for God; others are to follow, but these are the lite , they have a prestige all their own. The idea of priority shades into that of superiority, though in a very different way from that of Rom 11:16 . Dr. Rendel Harris (in Present Day Papers , May, 1901) describes the interest and excitement at Jerusalem during the early days of summer when “the first ripe figs were in the market. When one’s soul desires the vintage or the fruitage of the summer the trees that are a fortnight to the fore are the talk and delight of the town.” . ., usually taken as a scribe’s gloss. Elsewhere the saints are redeemed by, not for, the Lamb (Rev 5:9 ).

Fuente: The Expositors Greek Testament by Robertson

sung = sing.

new song. See Rev 5:9.

new. See Mat 9:17.

that song = the song. Only instance where the words of the song are not given. A new song, by a new company, with a new theme.

but. Literally if (App-118) not (App-105).

were = had been.

redeemed = purchased. Rendered “buy” in Rev 13:17, &c. See Mat 13:44. 1Co 6:20.

earth. App-129.

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

a: Rev 5:9, Rev 15:3, Psa 33:3, Psa 40:3, Psa 96:1, Psa 98:1, Psa 144:9, Psa 149:1, Isa 42:10

throne: Rev 4:2-11

no: Rev 14:1, Rev 2:17, Psa 25:14, Mat 11:25-27, 1Co 1:18, 1Co 2:14

redeemed: Rev 5:9

Reciprocal: Exo 15:21 – Sing ye 1Ki 10:12 – harps 1Ch 23:30 – stand 2Ch 20:28 – with psalteries Psa 68:25 – the players Psa 95:1 – sing Psa 98:5 – General Psa 116:15 – Precious Mat 26:29 – until Luk 12:37 – that Gal 4:5 – redeem Col 3:16 – and spiritual Heb 9:15 – for Jam 5:13 – let him sing Rev 4:6 – four beasts Rev 5:8 – having Rev 7:4 – an Rev 7:15 – are Rev 8:13 – flying Rev 21:17 – an

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


And they sung as it were a new song before the throne.

Rev 14:3

This verse occurs in the Epistle for Holy Innocents Day, and we may well ask why, when heaven is yet ringing with the bright message of peace, does the wailing of Ramah, of Bethlehem, shriek in upon it with discordant jar?

The Apostle in his vision is contemplating a great company standing with the Lamb on Mount Zion, worshipping before the throne, and from that throne proceeds a voice as of many waters, and the voice of a great thunder.

I. It may be that the teaching of Holy Innocents Day is part of the new song of the Church which comes forth from the throne of God. All who came near Christ more or less suffered by approaching Him. Surely this is part of the new song of Holy Innocents Day, the true meaning of suffering in the economy of the world.

II. The song that mounts up before the throne to-day is also a song without words.The honour bestowed on little childrenthe honour which belongs to innocencyis a distinguishing mark of Christianity, the new song which the Church has tried to learn.

Fuente: Church Pulpit Commentary

Rev 14:3. The song referred to is not said to be sung by the 144,000, and perhaps we ought to think simply of a great body of praise going up before the throne. And no one could learn the song save the hundred and forty and four thousand, even they that had been purchased out of the earth. They are described as purchased out of the earth, a designation which, like that of Rev 14:4, from among men, must be accepted in a general sense, there being nothing to suggest the idea of Judaism alone. The word earth rather leads us to the thought of our natural condition as sons of Adam (Gen 3:19; 1Co 15:47; 1Co 15:49).

Fuente: A Popular Commentary on the New Testament

Verse 3

No man could learn that song; could experience the joy which that song expressed.

Fuente: Abbott’s Illustrated New Testament

These angels sang a new song. A new song in the Old Testament was a song of praise to God for new mercies, particularly victory over an enemy and sometimes for God’s work in creation (cf. Psa 33:3; Psa 40:3; Psa 96:1; Psa 98:1; Psa 144:9; Psa 149:1; Isa 42:10).

"A ’new song’ is one which, in consequence of some new mighty deeds of God, comes from a new impulse of gratitude in the heart, [?] xl. 13, and frequently in the Psalms, Isa. xlii. 10, Judith vi. 13, Apoc. Rev 14:9." [Note: Franz Delitzsch, Biblical Commentary on the Psalms , 1:402.]

The song this group sang in heaven is one that only the 144,000, of all God’s creatures, could learn. Probably they were the only ones who could learn it in the sense that they were the only ones who could appreciate what it expressed (cf. Rev 15:2). God had purchased them from the earth for their special ministry in the Great Tribulation (cf. Rev 14:4), not just for salvation.

Fuente: Expository Notes of Dr. Constable (Old and New Testaments)