Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Matthew 13:45

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:

45, 46. The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price, in St Matthew only

Here the story is of one who succeeds in getting what he strives to obtain. The Jewish or the Greek “seekers after God,” possessing many pearls, but still dissatisfied, sought others yet more choice, and finding one, true to the simplicity in Christ, renounce all for that; the one his legalism, the other his philosophy.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchantman – The meaning is, that the proper seeking for salvation, or the proper conduct in reference to religion, is like the conduct of a merchantman. In his searches he found one pearl of great value, and sold all his possessions to obtain it. So, says the Saviour, people seeking for happiness and finding the gospel – the pearl of great price – should be willing to sacrifice all other things for this. Pearls are precious stones found in the shells of oysters, chiefly in the East Indies. See the notes at Mat 7:6. They are valuable on account of their beauty and because they are rare. The value of them is greatly increased by their size. The meaning of this parable is nearly the same as the other. It is designed to represent the gospel as of more value than all other things, and to impress on us the duty of sacrificing all that we possess in order to obtain it.

Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible

Mat 13:45-46

Seeking goodly pearls.

Parable of the pearl

The soul seeking good.

The soul seeking good will always want a better.

The soul, seeking good, wants a better until it finds Christ the best. (Anon.)

The priceless pearl

Salvation is the pearl.

This pearl cost a vast amount to procure it for the children of men.

It is of great price in that it is of inestimable value.

It is of great price because it loses none of its brightness and beauty by length of time or constancy of use.

Its great price is proved by the efforts the mere chant made to secure it.

This pearl costs heavily the one who procures it.

This pearl costs the surrender of all sin. (T. T. Eaton, D. D.)

Goodly pearls

Christ may be compared to a pearl because He is hidden, and to be sought after.

Christ may be compared to a pearl because of its durability and its unchangeableness. Time does not rust a pearl.

Christ may be compared to a pearl because lie is such an adornment to the soul that seeks him.

Christ may be compared to a pearl because of its value. (Dr. Talmage.)

Sham pearls

The fact is they would rather have a sham pearl than a genuine pearl. The factories of Bohemia and Nuremburg are full of activity making artificial pearls. With alabaster, and scales, and glue, and wax, they manufacture something which is a sham pearl, and substitute it for the real pearl. And so the whole world now is full of attempts to manufacture a new salvation, a new pearl of great price. They take a few grains of good works and a few grains of fine poetic sentiment, and they put them together, and they call it a pearl. But it will not wear; it will crumble to pieces at the last in the fires which shall be kindled around about our world. In Brazil, when a slave finds a diamond beyond a certain value, he gets his deliverance. He may have searched for days and months and years for a diamond, but finding it of a certain size, he hastens home to his master, shouting, Free! free! And if to-night you would only find this pearl of great price, it would insure you eternal emancipation. Oh l plunge this hour into the deep ocean of Gods mercy, and though you may be submerged for a while in darkness and doubt and convictions, your soul will come up after a while enriched and sparkling with an immortal brilliant. (Dr. Talmage.)

Pearls durable

Time does not rust a pearl. It passes down from one royal family to another, from one generation to another, the same beautiful, exquisite thing-worth as much now as it was ever worth-always to be valuable, and a type of Him who is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever. Other gems may be split or ground, but this pearl of great price is unbroken of the wheel, and it is uninjured of fire. Paul wore it through imprisonment, and darkness, and shipwreck, and martyrdom. Howard wore it through the plague in festering lazarettos. It heaved on the dying heart of Robert South and of Jeremy Taylor. Shadrach carried that gem through the furnace seven times heated. It is always bright. It is always beautiful. Rutherford, in his dying moments, caught a glimpse of it, and was filled with infinite exultation, and there are multitudes of the suffering who, after all other staffs were broken, and all other lights were extinguished, and all other strength was exhausted, cried out, Pearl of great price, comfort me! The sapphire, and the topaz, and the emerald, and the diamond shall perish; but this pearl of great price shall go uninjured long after the globe has been tossed, a miserable hulk, charred, dismasted, and shipwrecked, amid the howling blasts of the judgment gale. (Dr. Talmage.)

Pearls an adornment

Again, I remark that Christ may be compared to a pearl, because He is such an adornment and decoration to the soul that seeks Him. I have no sympathy with the Puritanic notion that God despises jewellery. I think if God despised jewellery He would not make so much of it. Instead of the variegated seasons, the earth would have had the same colour all the year round; the tree would have yielded its fruit without leaf or blossom; Niagara would let down its water without thunder or winged spray; the clouds would have drawn their black bodies through the skies where now they resemble silvery skiffs with angelic crew, sailing through the archipelago of stars. If God had despised beauty and adornment, He would not have made the caverns of the ocean great gardens of coral, and sponge, and seaweed, and pearls. No. God loves adornment from the fact that He has made it, and allows Jesus Christ to be compared to a pearl. I know there are some people who suppose that religion distorts one; that religion damages a mans nature; that religion cows him down; that religion takes all the spirit out of him; that it turns a man into a snuffling bigot; that it puts handcuffs on the wrists and hopples on the ankles, and that, like a retreating army, it poisons all the wells along where it goes. No, no. It is a decoration; it is an embellishment; it is a pearl. Why, my friends, as an adornment religion was mere than philosophy to Bacon, more than prowess to Havelock, more than geology to Silliman, more than science to Agassiz, more than music to Mozart. Religion! It has sung the sweetest songs, and it has built the highest monuments, and it has lifted the noblest arches, and it has painted the finest pictures, and it has worked the richest embroideries, and it has composed the sublimest tragedy. (Dr. Talmage.)

Pearls valuable

Again, I remark; Christ may be compared to a pearl because of its value. It does not take a very large pearl to be worth thousands of dollars. The King of Persia paid six hundred thousand livres for one pearl; Cleopatra had a pearl worth three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars, and she dissolved it at a feast, and then drank it to the health of Marc Antony; the King of Portugal had a pearl of almost indescribable value-so that the pearl most appropriately becomes a symbol of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is of infinite value. I come to u soul that has just awakened out of sin and been pardoned, and I say: O! soul, what is Christ worth to you? and the soul responds, All in all to me is Christ.

The parable of the pearl of great price

I shall show you why Christ is compared to a pearl-to the richest pearl. Pearls, naturalists tell us, have a strange birth and original.

Some pearls are of great worth. Our Lord Jesus Christ no doubt is compared to a pearl of great price upon this account chiefly-He is of inestimable value (Isa 43:4).

Pearls have a hidden virtue in them, though but small in bigness, yet great in efficacy. Jesus Christ had a hidden virtue in Him-though little in the eyes of carnal persons, yet such as receive Him in faith, find wonderful virtue in Him (Luk 8:46). Such is the hidden virtue of Jesus Christ, of this Pearl, that when a man finds it, and partakes thereof inwardly-it fills him with joy and earthly comfort.

Pearls are of a splendid and oriental brightness-both without and within. Jesus Christ may be compared to a pearl on this account (Heb 1:3).

Pearls-nay, one pearl of great price, enriches him that finds it. So they that find the pearl of great price, Jesus Christ, and lay hold on Him, are greatly enriched, they are spiritually rich, eternally rich (Eph 3:5).

Some men, when they have found a pearl of great price, they know not the worth of it. They perhaps think some other pearls are of equal value, or as rich us that which they have found. So some, when they have found Christ, know not the worth, the riches of Him, but are ready to esteem other pearls equally with Christ.

This being so, it followeth hence, that it behoveth him that finds a pearl of great price to know it well what it is, and also its just value, Jest he be cheated and part with it for pearls of little value in comparison of that.

Pearls, rich pearls of great price, are commonly kept in the possession of noble persons, who are adorned with them, and are known to be noble persons. So the saints, born of God, are the most excellent in all the earth, and these only are adorned with goodly pearls (Eze 16:11). (B. Keach.)

The parable of the pearl

As to the place where you should seek Jesus Christ, the Pearl of great price. Pearls must be sought where they are to be found.

You must seek Him in the depths of Gods eternal councils, there you may find Him-for He lay there from everlasting.

You must seek Him in the depths of eternal wisdom.

You must seek Him in the covenant of grace, and of redemption, as the head and great representative of Gods elect.

You must seek Him in the depths of Gods eternal love.

You must seek this pearl in the revelation of Gods council, in the types and sacrifices under the Law. You must seek Him in the revelation God made of Him in the prophecies of the prophets. And more especially you must seek Him in the glorious gospel.

You must seek this pearl by faith.

You must seek this pearl in the promises of God, in the promises of the New Covenant, or of the Gospels.

You must seek Christ in the way of your duty, in reading, meditation, and prayer, as well as hearing the

Word. Now I shall show when you should seek Him.

Early (Pro 8:17).

To seek Him early is to seek the Lord while He may be found (Isa 4:6).

When we have a full gale of the Spirit, when we have a strong operation of the Word and Spirit upon our hearts.

Seek Him to-day (Heb 3:7).

Seek Him before it is too late.

How must the pearl of great price be sought?


With skill and divine wisdom.

With full purpose and resolution of heart and soul.

As one that knows the great want, need, and necessity of Christ.

As one who is convinced of the great worth and excellence of Christ.

Believingly, not doubting.

With longings after Him.

With a heart touched with the loadstone of His love (Pro 2:1-4).

Constantly, unweariedly; never cease till thou hast found Him.

Sincerely, not for the loaves, nor for applause, not simply to be saved, but for His own sake (Joh 6:26). (B. Keach.)

The parable of the pearl of great price

Why He must be sought, Why sinners should seek Him.

Sinners should seek Christ, the Pearl of great price, because He came to seek them.

Sinners should seek Christ because seeking and finding Him are coupled together (Jer 29:13).

Because the promise runs to them that seek (Mat 7:7).

Sinners should seek Him, because they are commanded to do so (Isa 5:6).

Because salvation is only in Jesus Christ. All that seek justification and eternal life, and do not seek Him, shall certainly perish (Act 4:12).

Sinners should seek Christ because by nature they are without Him (Eph 2:12). How will sinners lament their folly in seeking other things more than Christ; nay, have utterly neglected Him. Those who have got Christ, who have found this pearl, are the most happy people in the world.

I shall now show you what may be meant by selling all he had

Selling all, signifies no more than parting with whatsoever his heart was inordinately set upon before he found this pearl.

With all his sins and horrid lusts; all that find Christ, part willingly with every evil habit, and with every evil act of sin; and by the spirit and grace of Christ, he is enabled to do this.

All his old company with whom he took delight, and among whom he dishonoured God.

All his former hopes of heaven, and the foundations he built those hopes upon.

All his own external privileges.

All His own good works-and inherent righteousness-in point of justification he sold all.

He bought it

He that buys a pearl, must know where it is to be had, and seek it. A sinner must know where to find Christ.

They that buy must know the market-day, and repair thither to buy. So must a sinner attend on the word and ministry that would have Jesus Christ.

Buyers commonly ask the price of what they buy. So sinners must learn the terms on which they can have Christ, that is without money, and without price.

Some come only to cheapen-to ask the price, that is all. So do some here-they think there is time to buy hereafter.

Some who come, like not the terms-they are full of money and scorn to receive freely. They are proud.

Some come too late, the market day is over.

In buying, some things are parted with. Such as would have Christ-must part with all that is gain to them.

Some refuse to buy at the proper season and afterwards cry out against their own folly. (B. Keach.)

The parable of the pearl of great price

I shall show, in what respects a man, in seeking after heavenly things, may be compared to an earthly merchant.

A merchant is one that trades or deals for the good things of this world, and he makes it his chief business. So a man that seeks after heavenly firings, trades or deals in spiritual commodities, and he makes religion his chief business. Hence saith Paul to Timothy, Meditate upon these things, give thyself wholly to them, that thy profiting may appear to all men. (1Ti 4:15).

A merchant sometimes trades and deals in things of great worth, as here in this parable is expressed, viz., goodly pearl. What is more valued than gold, silver, precious stones, and goodly pearl?

A merchant sets his heart, his mind, and chiefest thoughts upon his merchandize; I mean he prefers these things, and in good earnest pursues after them above all things upon the earth. So a spiritual merchant or Christian sets his heart and chiefest thoughts upon heavenly things; he sets his affection on things above, and not on things that are upon the earth.

A merchant sometimes ventures to sea, and runs many dangers (in seeking goodly pearls, and after rich merchandize both by storms, rocks, sands, and pirates also. So a true Christian is exposed to great difficulties, and runs many dangers, who ventures out into a visible profession of religion; on the sea of this world, what storms of reproaches, temptations and persecutions, is he oft exposed unto?

A merchant at first hath not that skill in trading as he attains or gets afterwards. Old dealers have more judgment and greater experience than such who have newly begun to trade. So a man when he first begins to seek after God, or to mind heavenly things, he hath not that understanding, that knowledge and judgment in religion, as an old Christian.

A merchant ought to know the nature and value of those commodities he deals in, and the whole mystery of merchandizing. So a true Christian or spiritual merchant labours to know the transcendent worth, nature and value of all spiritual things, and the whole mystery of godliness; indeed, this knowledge is not easy to attain unto.

A merchant is very careful of his business, when he hath met with loss, lest he run out and waste his substance, and so at last be undone. So a spiritual merchant is very thoughtful, and full of trouble, and takes the more care, when he sees he goes backward rather than forward, or decays in zeal, love, faith, etc.

A merchant, if he know not what pearls be, may soon be easily cheated by false and counterfeit pearls. So many a spiritual merchant, if he know not what the person of Christ is, may easily be cheated of the true Christ, and believe in a false Christ.

A merchant trades to foreign parts, they fetch their treasure from afar. So a spiritual merchant trades to heaven, a far country.

A merchant has his correspondent in those far countries to which he trades, who receives his merchandize, and makes returns. So all true Christians have their Blessed Correspondent in heaven, who manageth all their concerns; viz., the Lord Jesus.

A merchant is very careful to attend the exchange, or place where merchants meet together, and where they hear, and learn how their affairs go abroad, and these have opportunities to sell or buy more goods. Moreover, if they neglect or are remiss in their attendance, it gives cause of suspicion that they may soon break, and cease to be merchants. So spiritual merchants are very careful to attend solemn meetings of the saints, where they hear of and from Jesus Christ, and as they there receive from Him, so they make returns of praise to Him.

Merchants take great care to keep their books or accounts well, they are oft in their counting-house-that they may know whether they gain or lose; that they may see a good end of their affairs, and that they are not wronged.

And thus also do the saints, they labour to cast up their accounts, viz., examine and try their hearts. Secondly: I shall show you these are the best and chiefest merchandize in the world, or no merchandize like spiritual merchandize.

Because the nature of these things these merchants trade in, far excel all the things in the world. All other things are of little worth to the grace of God, the love of God, union and communion with God, to trade in gold tried in the fire (Rev 2:3-18).

All things of the world are vanity (Ecc 1:2). But there is real substance in these merchandize.

These merchandize are best because incorruptible, neither moth nor rust can corrupt, fire consume, or thieves steal these goodly pearls.

The rareness or scarcity of these merchandize, show their most excellent nature. Things are not only esteemed for their worth, but for their rarity. Now these things that spiritual merchants seek, are exceeding rare; hardly one man in a thousand finds these goodly pearls, the pearl of great price.

These merchandize were bought with a great price, by the Son of God. He first laid down the full sum that Divine justice demanded, and got them into His own hand for His elect.

They are soul treasures such that suit with and answer all the wants of the precious and immortal soul of man.

These merchandize are the best, because of their duration; all the things of this world are but momentary, sometimes gone in a moment-the world passeth away; but spiritual things, which are not seen, are eternal.

Their correspondent, with whom these merchants trade, that manages all their concernments, and is engaged to make them sun- and safe, returns from afar. Now, as Jesus Christ is their correspondent, so he if such an undertaker that they need not fear anything can miscarry, which is in His hand.

These merchandizes are the best merchandizes, and these merchants the wisest merchants doth appear in respect of the terms on which they trade. They are the best merchandize because their commodities are freely given, without money, without price. It cannot indeed stand consistent with the design of redemptive grace, which is to advance the glory of God in His goodness, and to cut off all boasting, and cause of boasting, to admit of anything of the creature that looks like money, to procure a right to these things.

These are the best merchandize-this the best trade-because of the returns these merchants have from Jesus Christ. They have quick returns (Isa 65:24). It is the best trade-they only trade for things of inestimable worth. The returns are certain-sure of growing eternally rich. Not only rich, but great and noble. These merchants are advanced to mighty honour (Pro 12:26). (B. Keach.)

What shall we buy

When the pilgrims were in Vanity Fair, one chanced mockingly to say to them. What will ye buy? But they, looking gravely on him, said, We buy the truth. At that there was occasion taken to despite them the more; some mocking, some taunting, and some calling upon others to smite them. Nevertheless, in spite of all the abuse, these good pilgrims would only buy the truth; and when they bought it, not for any price would they sell it again. Usually, in ordinary merchandize, what we buy we are at liberty to sell; but it is not so here, for the command is express, Buy the truth, and sell it not. And a most merciful provision it is; for, as one says, Those who sell the truth sell their own souls with it. (Robert Macdonald.)

The Pearl

The true lessons of the parable, as I understand them, are briefly these:-

It represents the experience, not of a careless or a profane man, who stumbles suddenly upon the gospel when he was in search of other things, but of one who is awakened, and has begun to seek the true religion, endeavouring to add attainment to attainment sincerely, according to his light. His conscience is uneasy. There is truth in the man, though not wisdom. He is honestly seeking the way, and the Lord leads him. He is seeking; he shall find.

It represents the unparalleled, inconceivable richness of Gods mercy in Christ, taking away all a sinners sin, and bestowing on him freely the peace and privileges of a dear child.

It represents that these riches lie, not in an accumulation of goodly attainments, such as men are wont to traffic in, but in one undivided, indivisible, hitherto unknown and unimagined treasure.

It represents that the inquirer, the instant he discovers that this one incomparable, all-comprehending treasure exists and is offered to him, cheerfully, eagerly, unhesitatingly gives away all that he possesses, in order to acquire it. That is, he gives all for Christ, and then enjoys all in Christ. (W. Arnot.)

Christ the pearl of great price

Those who would find pearls must search diligently for them and encounter many dangers by diving, etc.

Pearls are very valuable.

Pearls possess a splendid brightness. Their beauty is as much within as without.

Pearls are so firm, strong, and compact, that fire cannot consume them, nor ordinary strength break them.

Pearls are a rich ornament, and those who wear them are accounted the honourable of mankind.

Yet many are ignorant of them, and many esteem them no more than pebbles. (Pulpit Helps.)

How visibly the providence of God appears to favour honest perseverance in our worldly callings. Man seeks for the chief good-He seeks for this pearl in the mines of learning, business, ambition, pleasure. The true pearl lies not in these. (E. Scobell, M. A.)

The pearl of great price

No gem, in the estimation of the ancients, surpassed the pearl in value. The old writers speak of it as altogether wonderful, and to be honoured above all jewels that the eyes of man have beheld. Nothing else was so pure, so rare, so exquisite. As for its origin, they thought it was at first a drop of dew from heaven, condensed within the sea-shell, and doubling there its native perfections. They thought, moreover, that though born beneath the waves, it retained some unknown connection with its home in the sky, taking its beauty from the aspect of the heavens, and drawing virtue from them, limpid and clear when they were serene, turbid and cloudy when they were overcast. Its irridescence seemed the result of sympathy with the seven colours of the sunbeam: even the -hell which enclosed it partook of its silver beauty and many-hued reflections; while it was accounted the very queen of gems, as that to which no gravers tools nor implement of man can add a charm. (Morgan Dix, D. D.)

The pearl seeker

This merchantman is no lover of the degraded and the base: no profligate, no sensualist; the pearl is not the type of the delights by which such men are attracted. Rather is he one of those who follow after things worthy of immortals; who, though in error as to what our real good is, and where it is to be found, are true, notwithstanding, to pure and honest ideals; who wish to do right, whose hearts are the home of high and worthy thoughts, who love and honour virtue and righteousness, and, like the scribe of old, are not far from the kingdom of God The quest for pearls had been the aim of this mans life: he was not prompted by sordid views of gain, but simply by the desire for the loveliest, purest, and best that can be found in this troubled world. And when at length he discovered what outshone all he had ever seen or imagined, his resolve was instant-to give up all he had for that one thing, knowing that having it he was rich indeed, though everything else was gone from his hands for ever This is no fancy sketch: it is a picture of what happens day after day; is occurs as often as any noble soul, long astray, finds at last his rest in God. He only who guides them into that rest can tell how many such there be; yet even we suspect the number to be considerable, and have seen such instances ourselves. We have seen men who have long sought for true joys, without finding them; who have had in possession many excellent gifts, yet not the highest; who, after much experience, felt sure that there must be somewhere a better thing, which fadeth not away. At length, perhaps late in life, they find it; whereupon their former thoughts are replaced by another mind-the wisdom of this world is given up, pride of soul suppressed; trust in self also goes, with the confidence which once was felt in earthly things. A man, in a spiritual and metaphorical sense, may be said to sell all he has, to become poor in spirit, and lowly of heart, because he has found the pearl of great price, after travelling many years through waste places, and because self-renunciation is the price for which that treasure is to be bought. (Morgan Dix, D. D)

Persevere in quest of pearl

He who seeks what is honest and good is journeying in the right direction; it does not follow that all such men will find at last what the Lord promises. He who can be content without that pearl of great price, will never find it. The danger is that we may rest content with some lower forms of good, without discerning how much is beyond them, and how poor they are in comparison. When we go about this world, buying whatsoever of rare and precious we can lay our hands on, for our own satisfaction, or for a name among men as possessors of things which many covet, or to adorn our persons, our life, or those whom we love; when self is thus at the bottom of the pursuits to which we give our years away; when the pearls which we thus collect are gathered only for our own delectation, as if to deck our garments now, and light up our houses, or perchance to be inwoven with our winding-sheets or strewed about our coffins; when this search for what is good has reference to time only, to the pride of the eyes, and to the greater glory of this fading life-then all that we gather shall be vain and without profit, nor shall we see those Divine things in which there is no spot now and no fading hereafter. But, when a man hears the voice of God speaking to him of riches that cannot be taken from him, and of something worth more than the world, which he ought to possess and may have if he will at the price fixed for the same; and when, at such tidings, he feels that he must arise and go to his Father, taking his possessions to give in exchange for that best thing: then is the parable fulfilled. (Morgan Dix, D. D.)

One pearl

In these days of safety, easy transport, and credit, the bulk of any object of desire makes comparatively little difference to its worth. But in the former ages of insecurity, difficult conveyance, limited commercial transactions, when there were no railways, banks, or paper money-one of the great recommendations of precious stones was the ease and safety with which they could be transported from one place to another The merchant might have to pass through districts torn with wars, or infested by robbers; if he attempted to take his gold and silver and precious wares with him, he was more than likely to be relieved of them all before he got far, and to lose his own life as well; what was he to do then? This-he might sell all he had, and invest it all in one gem of surpassing value! this he might safely hide about his person; then, clothing himself in mean attire, and taking his staff in his hand, he might set forth on foot, and travel as a pilgrim or a beggar towards his destination. Then, when the perils of the way were past, and he had reached the city to which he was bound, he had but to show his pearl, and its immense value would at once be recognized. This is a parable of ourselves. We have a journey to go, to a far city. It is useless for us to attempt to take our wealth with us: those old thieves, sin and death and hell, beset the road; they have robbed all who have passed their way and how can we escape? Besides, a thousand enemies lay wait to make us afraid-flood, drought, fire, the dishonesty of some, the incompetence of others-all these are ready to deprive us of our wealth. Even our loved ones we cannot take with us. Lonely we came into this world, lonely we must go out of it; no human companion can go down with us to the grave. Is there then nothing, no treasure, which we may take in safety with us, and keep securely by us? Yes, there is one; even the pearl of great price, Jesus Christ. No one can deprive us of that treasure; it is beyond the reach of any enemy or thief. And when we reach the end of our journey, with Him for our Saviour and Friend, then shall we find ourselves passing rich, although we have nothing at all beside, where Jesus is Lord of all, and where everything takes its value only from Him, there is He Himself the one possession which includes in itself the possession of everything worth having. (R. Winterbotham, M. A.)

The pearl of great price

This pearl may be appropriately regarded as a representation of the Lord Jesus Christ.

1. The rarity of a gem greatly enhances its value.

2. i gem that is entirely free from flaws is regarded as highly precious. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners.

3. The value of a gem materially depends upon the size of it. To measure Him, not physically, but morally and spiritually, is far beyond our power.

Before we can feel a real desire to possess Christ, his inestimable value must be in some measure apprehended.

1. Of this truth the case of the Jews affords a convincing demonstration.

2. To reveal Jesus in His matchless worth is the special office of the Holy Spirit.

Those who have been brought to see and feel the Saviours worth will regard no sacrifice too great in order to be made partakers of him.

1. We must be willing to part with our own righteousness.

2. With the favour of our dearest friends, should their claims clash with His.

3. With every known sin, however agreeable or profitable. (Expository Outlines.)

A great bargain

The merchantman:-

Watch him while he is seeking.

1. He has his mind aroused and engaged. His heart is in his business.

2. He has a fixed definite object. He has given himself to pearl hunting.

3. He had an object which was not at all commonplace. Other people might go for stones, he for pearls.

4. He sought them with diligence.

5. He used discrimination at the same time.

6. He went into the business with moderate expectations.

His finding.

1. This find was a remarkable one.

2. He found all in one.

3. He was resolved that he would have it.

His selling out.

1. Sell out old prejudices.

2. Self-righteousness.

3. Sinful pleasures.

The buying.

1. An immediate purchase.

2. A joyful one.

3. An enriching one.

4. A final purchase.

5. A- purchase he never regretted. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

Fuente: Biblical Illustrator Edited by Joseph S. Exell

Verse 45. A merchant man, seeking goodly pearls] A story very like this is found in the Talmudical tract Shabbath: “Joseph, who sanctified the Sabbath, had a very rich neighbour; the Chaldeans said, All the riches of this man shall come to Joseph, who sanctifies the Sabbath. To prevent this, the rich man went and sold all that he had, and bought a pearl, and went aboard of a ship; but the wind carried the pearl away, it fell into the sea, and was swallowed by a fish. This fish was caught, and the day before the Sabbath it was brought into the market, and they proclaimed, Who wishes to buy this fish? The people said, Carry it to Joseph, the sanctifier of the Sabbath, who is accustomed to buy things of great value. They carried it to him, and he bought it, and when he cut it up he found the pearl, and sold it for thirteen pounds weight of golden denarii!” From some tradition of this kind, our Lord might have borrowed the simile in this parable.

The meaning of this parable is the same with the other; and both were spoken to impress more forcibly this great truth on the souls of the people:-eternal salvation from sin and its consequences is the supreme good of man, should be sought after above all things, and prized beyond all that God has made. Those merchants who compass sea and land for temporal gain, condemn the slothfulness of the majority of those called Christians, who, though they confess that this salvation is the most certain and the most excellent of all treasures, yet seek worldly possessions in preference to it! Alas, for him who expects to find any thing more amiable than God, more worthy to fill his heart, and more capable of making him happy!

Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible

The state of the gospel dispensation is such, that men in it having a discovery of more excellent things than before they were aware of, life and immortality being brought to light through the gospel, 2Ti 1:10, grace and truth coming by Jesus Christ, Joh 1:17, men and women are set upon seeking for these spiritual things, as merchants do for goodly pearls; and when God makes a discovery of Christ and his grace to the soul, it appears to them as a pearl of great price, of more value than all they have in the world, and they are ready to part with all to obtain Christ and his grace. Both these parables have the same scope and tendency, viz.

1. To inform us that Christ and his grace are of a great and transcendent value.

2. That under the gospel there is a clear discovery of these things to the world.

3. That where this discovery is effectually and particularly made to any soul, that soul will part with all it hath, or is worth, rather than it will miss of Christ, and his grace and glory.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

45. Again, the kingdom of heaven islike unto a merchantman, seeking goodly pearls.

Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

Ver. 45 46. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man,…. This parable may be understood of Christ’s seeking, finding, and purchasing his elect: for, certain it is, that he has sought after them which implies, that they were lost and going astray; expresses his great love to them, value for them, and desire after them; in doing which, he took much pains, and used much diligence: and certain it also is, that he finds them in redemption, and in effectual calling; and that they are to him a pearl of great price; as very precious to God, so highly esteemed of by Christ, as his portion, his inheritance, and his jewels. He has also parted with all he had for the sake of these persons; he became poor, emptied himself of everything, even gave himself a ransom for them, and so made a purchase of them, with the price of his own blood: though to this sense it may be objected, that it does not seem so agreeable, that Christ should be compared to a merchant man, which better suits with those that deal with him, than as he is concerned with them; nor does he seek after any other than his elect: whereas this merchant man is said to be

seeking goodly pearls; any pearls that were so: nor is Christ’s finding his elect a chance business; nor have they any intrinsic excellency in them, to denominate them pearls, but by his grace. The more common interpretation of it is, that it designs a sensible sinner, seeking after the true way of salvation, and finding Christ, and parting with all for him: such a man is a spiritual merchant, who trades in foreign parts, and in things of worth and value; and such an one seeks after a variety of things, which at first sight seem “goodly”, in order to obtain salvation by; as civility, morality, a legal righteousness, fasting, watchings, prayer, a profession of religion, and a submission to external ordinances; but at length finds Christ,

the pearl of great price: who is of an unspeakable brightness and glory, of intrinsic worth and value; who is enriching to those that possess him, and precious to them that believe; and of such a price, that no valuable consideration can be given for him: wherefore such a soul is willing to part with all for him; with sinful self, and righteous self; and with the honours, riches, and profits of this world; and buy him, his grace and righteousness, without money, and without price. Though I rather think, that in connection and agreement with the other parables, this is to be understood of such, who are seeking after knowledge in every branch of it, natural, moral, and spiritual; and so may be compared to a “merchant man, seeking goodly pearls”; and who find the Gospel, and prefer it to everything else.

Who when he had found one pearl of great price: for such who seek after wisdom and knowledge in the use of proper means, are like merchant men, that trade abroad, and for things of value; and these, under divine direction, find in the Scriptures, and through the ministry of the word, and by prayer and study, the truths of the everlasting Gospel, respecting Christ, his person, office, grace and righteousness; which are equal to, yea transcend a pearl of the highest price; for their original, coming from a far country, from heaven; for their brightness, clearness, and perspicuity; for their ornament and glory; for their firmness and solidity; for their virtue and value, to them that know the worth of them; and such will buy, but not sell them; reckon all things but loss and dung, in comparison of them; and will contend for them, and stand fast in them.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible


V. 45,46

1) “Again the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man,” (palin homeia estin he basileia ton ouranon emporo) “Again, the kingdom of heaven (the church) is like or similar to a merchant” for the Son of man came “to seek and to save that which was lost,” Luk 19:10; Joh 3:16; and that “church” to choose and call out, which was hidden from other ages, Joh 15:16; Joh 15:27; Act 1:8; Eph 3:3-10; Rom 16:25-26.

2) “Seeking goodly pearls:” (zetounti kalous margaritas) “Who was seeking good or beautiful (ideal) pearls,” treasure of genuine value, 2Co 5:21; Joh 3:17.

Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary



TEXT: 13:45, 46

45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is a merchant seeking goodly pearls: 46 and having found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it.



Why is it so very important that Jesus reveal to His disciples, even in this veiled way, that His Kingdom could only be discovered after diligent search on the world market? What was there in their background that called for this sort of information?


How would you summarize the fundamental message of this story?


Is the search for Gods rule in your life the one absorbing passion of your existence, or does the cry of other things demand so much of your attention that you wonder who really is in control? What are you going to do about it?


Are you willing to liquidate the whole collection of lesser values in your life to purchase the blessings of Gods good government at whatever expense? Can you truthfully say, When it comes to the Kingdom of God, cost is no object?


In a similar way, Gods Kingdom is similar to the situation of a pearl merchant searching for exquisite pearls. When he found one pearl of inestimable, value, he liquidated his entire collection and bought that one.


The Kingdom of God is worth all it costs! When a connoisseur seeks it with all diligence, its value will be so obvious and desirable that he will instantly recognize its preciousness and expend all his resources to gain it. The Kingdom consists in releasing our entire, miserable collection of lesser values in order to be filled with all of His.


Mat. 13:45 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a . . . merchant seeking goodly pearls. This man, in contrast to the coincidental. discoverer of the treasure in the preceding story, is an expert engaged in regular commerce on the pearl market. In his search he perhaps thought to be able to purchase the best ones with the cash he had in hand. This would leave his other possessions intact and still his own. Apparently, he had not yet imagined himself coming across a specimen so precious that it would cost him not only his present collection, but all that he had. That is, he could not conceive it until he saw it. But his wisdom, developed over the years in this field, recognizing the excelling worth of this one pearl, demanded that he give up further search in order to possess this one at the expense of all else.

Had Jesus furnished us an interpretative key to this story, perhaps He would have said, The goodly pearls are all the higher values of this life. The pearl merchant is a dedicated seeker of righteousness, service, virtue, peace, love, science, art, beauty and such. The one pearl of great price is the Kingdom of God. As the pearl merchant sold all that he had and bought it, so the disciple of the Kingdom gives up searching for satisfaction in those other worthy endeavors outside the Kingdom, only to rejoice that in possessions of the Kingdom all that was lovely or of value in them he now possesses in the Kingdom.
Here again appear the three basic steps:


The expert search. Do we see here Jesus appreciation of the artists, the scientists, the philosophers, the poets, the philanthropists, etc., who are regularly, sometimes painfully, engaged in developing all that enriches life and elevates conduct, hoping to find satisfaction there? If so, each can find in the Kingdom of God that rare and infinite preciousness in comparison with which the relative value of all else pales into insignificance. Are these people well-rounded individuals who, despite their wealth in many human joys and fulfillment, suspect that some higher fulfillment, some superior happiness must exist without which all the others wane into mediocrity? Could absolute good ever become the actual experience of human beings? These hunger and thirst after righteousness (even if they cannot satisfactoricallly define it) and set out on an unrelenting quest until they should discover it. Perhaps they too do not yet believe, as they begin their quest, that their very search, when realized, will revolutionize their entire perspective, and, consequently, everything else.


The wisdom to evaluate the superiority of the Kingdom. The uniqueness of the single pearl did not deny the worth and loveliness of all other pearls, for they too had intrinsic value. All that made the smaller, less valuable pearls desirable, however, is present absolutely in this flawless exemplar. Its advantage lies in the fact that it possesses perfectly each good quality only partially or imperfectly realized in the inferior specimens. The good, however; are always the enemy of the best and we must choose between the very good and the best! We cannot content ourselves with mediocrity. This parable illustrates by contrast the case of the Jews who had a zeal for righteousness, but who, when they saw Gods most precious pearl, Jesus Christ, they refused to surrender their self-righteousness and all else they considered precious to save Him. Cornelius (Act. 10:1 to Act. 11:18) is a better example, as is Mary of Bethany (Luk. 10:38-42) and the Ethiopian official (Act. 8:26-40)


The unhesitating readiness to release ones grip on anything else he deems of more importance or higher in value. The rich young ruler, by contrast, balked at accepting Jesus as the Lord and Master of his life, clutched his paltry collection of inferior pearls and stalked away. This is the critical decision faced by all would-be disciples. (See notes on Mat. 8:18-22.) When we have seen the supreme value of the Kingdom and the necessity of a personal response to the mercy of its gracious King, we must then, immediately, seize the opportunity before it pass forever beyond our reacheven if that means leaving the loved, the known and the apparent security of our present situation.


It must have been frankly unexpected to hear the Nazarene speak of His Truth and His Kingdom as a commodity on the world market to be handled, evaluated, bought and sold like cabbages, as if it were somehow in competition with everything else that vies for mens attention and interest. For people who had just always supposed that, at the manifestation of the Messiah, the Truth of God would be equally evident and equally precious to everyone, this parable must have been, bluntly, unbelievable. The modern reader of both these parables about the hidden treasure and the pearl can sense only second-handedly the disappointment they caused for Jesus original hearers, primarily because he is personally living in the time-period to which Jesus alludes and, because of this fact, has become accustomed to it. But the Twelve and the others lived before the arrival of these days, and their preconceptions about them were based upon their reading of the ancient prophecies and upon the then-current popular interpretations. Whether the mute multitudes grasped the full details of these stories or not, the quicker thinking among them must have been puzzling: What kind of a kingdom does that Nazarene intend to represent to us anyway, if its preciousness is hidden from everyone but a fortunate finder who stumbles onto it quite by accident, or perhaps the unexpected find of one carefully scouring the market? Or if, as we have believed, the Kingdom of the Messiah is to bring unprecedented wealth to the Hebrew people after centuries of suffering and sacrifice, how can Jesus affirm that the Kingdom is so expensive to its adherents that it will actually cost them everything they can scrape together to make it their own? This exaggerated idea of continued personal sacrifice is incompatible with our ideas of the Messianic Paradise wherein everyone will sit under his own vine and fig tree to be served by the kings of the earth who pour into Jerusalem bearing their wealth to contribute their glory to the Kingdom of Israel. Besides, if God intends to give the Kingdom to Israel as a natural right, why should it be thought necessary that ANY HEBREW should be imagined as required to decide whether he would BUY the Kingdomand at extreme expense at that! It is precisely at this point that any given hearer must decide whether he thinks Jesus knows what He is talking about. He must overcome the disappointment of his false hopes and the Lords rejection of is mistaken conception of the Kingdom. Tragically, many never would.

And lest we smile at their incomprehension and difficulties, let us count the Demases who are willing to resell the Kingdom to repossess their lesser values! (Cf. 2Ti. 4:10; 2Pe. 2:1-22) Count the Christians who rightly think that salvation is free but are aghast to learn that it costs everything we have to obtain it, and who begin to put price ceilings on what they are willing to expend to have Gods best. (See Special Study The Cost of Our Salvation after Mat. 16:24-28.) It was to this unpreparedness that Jesus addressed His challenges of the high cost of discipleship (Luk. 14:25-33; Luk. 9:23-26; Luk. 18:29-30). Just how far the Church is from understanding her Lord here is measurable in terms of the humanitarian projects, the philanthropic enterprises, the social welfare schemes that are substituted for, rather than occasioned by, the realization of the Christ-life in her. Such projects may be expected as the natural outgrowth of the Rule of God in and through the Church. But when these projects and their supposedly Christian proponents in the name of the Kingdom of God categorically exclude the very means by which the spreading of the Kingdom is to take place, i.e., by proclaiming the whole counsel of God, then they have at that point cashed in the Kingdom in order to purchase goodly pearls of far less value.

Consider also the fact that the glory of Gods government is actually hidden in our world even today. Men still blindly stumble past the Church, supposing it to be only another social betterment society with metaphysical overtones. Men also fail to recognize the principles, order and beauty of Gods total control over the earth, because they are blinded by their own rebellion and their struggle with Nature in revolt. But, bless God, this all contributes to make faith real, since sight is impossible. (Rom. 8:18-25) Even when men come face to face with the Kingdom message they still must decide whether it is worth surrendering their partial plans, their inadequate goals, their incomplete wisdom, their transitory joys, their ethereal hopes to obtain something which their faith only partially helps them to understand! (Heb. 11:3; 1Co. 1:18 to 1Co. 2:10)

So the scandal is still there, because even during this Church-age, God has not permitted us personally to experience the glory of His final plans. A serious look at the world must lead to more doubts than solid optimism. But this very human uncertainty guarantees the absolute freedom of our choice and the moral quality of our decision to believe on good evidence what we can yet only imagine. (Cf. Eph. 1:17-23; Eph. 3:14-19; 2Co. 4:16 to 2Co. 5:7; Tit. 2:11-14; 1Pe. 1:3-9)



The Kingdom represented in the person of the King Himself, Jesus Christ. (Cf. 1Pe. 2:4; 1Pe. 2:7) Everything that God treasures most is bound up in Jesus. (Col. 2:2-3)


The realization of the Kingdom on earth is the realization of its ideal, the developing of everything Christ like in us. Morgan (Matthew, 171) is right to say that We who come to Him worthless and base, are changed into worth and preciousness because He communicates to us His own infinite value . . . and this results in a peace of mind because we have peace with God, a clean heart, a renewed mind, a hope in death and a heaven of glory. What lay formerly so far beyond our reach is now actually attainable by faith. (Rom. 5:1 ff; Col. 1:27-28. The entire Ephesian epistle helps us to appreciate this.)


Since the subjective realization of Gods rule in the world is to be through the Church of Jesus Christ, no one can claim to have submitted himself to the rule of God, hence, in the Kingdom, who claims to love Jesus but detests or ignores the Church which He purchased with His own blood. (Act. 20:28; Eph. 1:18; Eph. 2:10; Eph. 3:10; Eph. 3:21; Eph. 5:25-30)


Gods government of the universe is reality, truth itself. Any world-view or philosophy that is not big enough to take in this reality nor humble enough to let God be God in every aspect of every minuscule part of His Kingdom is just not grand enough for a believer. Contrarily, the believer who has accepted this truth by faith is able to see further, learn truth faster and master reality like no unbeliever ever could. The degree to which this is not true of the believer is the degree to which he is yet controlled by something other than Truth.

The choice between these interpretations makes no significant difference, since he who has the King as Sovereign is in the Kingdom, and he who buys the Kingdom at so great expense does so by joyfully acknowledging the King. Only such a mind is open to all truth and can live as a citizen at home in the universe, because he has become the son of its Owner and Governor. And, not at all least, he engages in an active campaign with others to make men holy. This is the Church.


The supreme value of the Kingdom and the necessity that each individual make it his own by decisive action had already been implied in Jesus earlier teaching. In the Sermon on the Mount, He had insisted that men make heaven their highest treasure because of the uncertainties that attend all material wealth. (Mat. 6:19-21) Further, there is no possibility of compromise whereby one could hope to serve God while devoting himself to material wealth: they are two irreconcilable masters. Hence, a decisive choice between the two is imperative, because loving devotion can be rendered only to one. (Mat. 6:24) Then, after Jesus had assured men that the regular preoccupations of life are already the concern of a loving heavenly Father, He ordered them to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well. (Mat. 6:33; Mat. 7:11) The limitation of the choices to two is understood by the Lords description of only two ways, as well as by His closing the Kingdom of Heaven to any who do not do Gods will. (Mat. 7:13-23)



State in one well-chiselled sentence the meaning of the Pearl Parable.


What reality is symbolized by the following:


The pearl merchant?


The goodly pearls?


The pearl of great price?


The pearl merchants other possessions (all that he has)?


What single point does the parable about the pearl share with that of the happy discoverer of the treasure?


What difference of emphasis is evident in the parable of the pearl?


What passages in the Sermon on the Mount indicate that Jesus had already taught much of this same truth before, however in unparabolic language?

Fuente: College Press Bible Study Textbook Series

(45) Like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls.Here again the illustration would commend itself to the thoughts of the fishermen of Galilee. The caprices of luxury in the Roman empire had given a prominence to pearls, as an article of commerce, which they had never had before, and have probably never had since. They, rather than emeralds and sapphires, were the typical instance of all costliest adornments (Mat. 7:6; 1Ti. 2:9). The story of Cleopatra, the fact that the opening of a new pearl market was one of the alleged motives which led the Emperor Claudius to invade Britain, are indications of the value that was then set on the goodly pearls of the parable. Such a merchant seeking them, either on the shores of the Mediterranean, or as brought by caravans to other traders from the Persian Gulf or the Indian Ocean, must have been a familiar presence to the fishermen of Capernaum. The parable in its spiritual bearing, has, of course, much that is common with the preceding. But there is this marked and suggestive difference. The search is presupposed, The man has been seeking the goodly pearls of wisdom, holiness, and truth, and has found them in at least some of their lower forms. Then he is led to the higher knowledge of communion with the life of Christ, and for that is content to resign all that he had before prized most highly. Such, in the records of the New Testament, was the history of St. Paul when he counted all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus our Lord (Php. 3:8). Such, in after days, was the history of Justin Martyr and Augustine. Such, in our own time, has been that of many noble and true-hearted seekers after truth and holiness. Such will evermore be the history of those who are faithful in a very little, and who, willing to do the will of God, shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God (Joh. 7:17).

Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)

SIXTH PARABLE. The Goodly Pearl, Mat 13:45-46.

As the former parable illustrates the hidden character of divine truth, so this illustrates its unsurpassed beauty and value. The pearl is the Gospel. The merchant is the true inquirer. As for that pearl he gives all he has, so the Gospel has that excellence that we wisely surrender all to obtain it.

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

45. A merchantman seeking goodly pearls The Oriental profession of the travelling jeweller still exists. He deals in precious stones and pearls. He may find one which, if bought with all his present stock, may make his fortune by being sold at an exorbitant price to some extravagant prince for a crown jewel.

The pearl is selected as a beautiful image of divine truth. It strikes the eye of the beholder with admiration for its loveliness and value. The pearl is a white, hard, smooth, shining piece of substance, usually rather globular, found in a shell fish of the oyster kind. Its shell is called mother of pearl. The pearl is found in the Persian seas, and in many parts of the ocean which washes the shores of Arabia, and the continent and isles of Asia. It is brought up from the marine depths by professional divers. Pearls are of different sizes and colours. Some have been found more than an inch in length, the larger ones approaching the figure of a pear. They are valued according to their size, their roundness, and their purity or lustre. The Orientals have been more attracted by the beauty of the pearl even than the brilliancy of the diamond. A string of the largest pearls, both in extreme antiquity and at the present day, is an indispensable part of the decoration of an Eastern monarch. References to the pearl occur in different parts of the Scripture. Mat 7:6; 1Ti 2:9; Rev 17:4. In Rev 21:21, the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem were “twelve pearls; every several gate was of one pearl.”

Seeking goodly pearls There are large masses of mankind who are like the swine, to whose taste the goodly pearl is not to be compared with their husks. This man is one whom husks will not satisfy; he looks for pearls.

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

“Again, the kingly rule of heaven is like to a man who is a merchant seeking goodly pearls, and having found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it.”

In contrast the wealthier merchant does not come across his treasure by accident. He has been looking diligently for pearls. But then he finds a pearl that exceeds all his expectations, and he is so gripped by its quality that he too sells all that he has in order to obtain it. He is like the person whose lifelong search for truth is finally rewarded by coming across the Kingly Rule of Heaven and instantly recognising that it is what he has been looking for. He recognises it for what it is and gives up everything else that it might be his. His heart too is totally given over to the Kingly Rule of Heaven, and to his present enjoyment of it. For him nothing else now matters. He is like the godly in Israel who have been waiting in hope for the Kingly Rule of Heaven.

The point is not that he pays a fair price for the pearl, but that he sees it as so valuable that any sacrifice in order to obtain it is worthwhile. As far as he is concerned it is priceless, and in comparison with it everything else has lost its value. Like the disciples he ‘leaves all and follows Him’. Or in terms of the rich young man later, he sells all that he has, gives it to the poor and follows Him. His heart has been fully possessed.

It is possibly significant that the pearl is indivisible and beyond price. He had to have all or nothing, and he had to give all that he had for it. The Kingly Rule of Heaven brooks no rivals. He could not obtain just part of it, and have a share in it, and meanwhile cling on to the past. The requirement was total. But that pearl had come to mean everything to him and he wanted it above everything else. To be a part of the Kingly Rule of Heaven had become his life. He could then say along with the poor woman in her attic, ‘I have Christ, what want I more?’

So whether a person is poor or wealthy, whether he is an agriculturalist or a business man, whether he comes across it by accident or has been searching for it for all his life, whether he is an outcast or deeply religious, when he finds the Kingly Rule of Heaven it must supersede everything else in his thinking. If he wants to be a part of it he must, and does, devote everything that he has to it.

Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett

Parable of the pearl:

v. 45. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls;

v. 46. who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

Knowing that a perfect pearl, of large size, of regular spherical shape, of even luster, would far surpass in value hundreds of small, imperfect pearls, this merchant, an expert in his line, set out to seek, and, if possible, to find, such a rare valuable. Having found one which seemed to him exceedingly precious, he risked his all, stripped himself of all his possessions in the one great venture of his life. The glory and beauty of God’s mercy in the Gospel is so great and precious that all else sinks into insignificance beside it. The pearl of the Christians is the greatest treasure in the kingdom of God, the salvation in Christ. He who has learned to know this priceless gift will gladly renounce all goods, joys, and delights of this world, and consider all human wisdom and righteousness as loss, in order to gain Christ.

Fuente: The Popular Commentary on the Bible by Kretzmann


Mat 13:45-46. The kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant-man seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

MEN are not easily wearied with renewed prospects of gain. Advantageous bargains may be offered with the greatest frequency without fear of creating disgust. Our Lord well knew that a love of earthly things was deeply rooted in our hearts, and availed himself of that knowledge the more forcibly to impress our minds with better things. He repeatedly commended his Gospel to us under the figure of a great temporal acquisition. In its general scope this parable agrees with that which precedes it. But it suggests many thoughts that are new and important.
To elucidate it we may consider,


In what respects the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a pearl

The comparison is not properly between the kingdom and a merchant-man, but the kingdom and a pearl. The kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of grace established in the world; and it may be compared to a pearl as enriching. Some pearls are of very great value, and would be an ample fortune to a person who had nothing else. The Gospel kingdom also is of inestimable value to us,
In this world
[It unfolds to our view the deepest mysteries, and gives a just comprehension of all spiritual things. It is said to contain all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge [Note: Col 2:3.]; it must therefore greatly enrich its possessor [Note: Pro 3:13-15.]. The Gospel moreover imparts grace to the soul; nor can this grace be ever appreciated too highly. Our Lord tells us that it will make us truly rich [Note: Rev 3:18.]. Through the Gospel also we obtain peace in our consciences. Who can declare the value of this to a heavy-laden soul? It surpasses all estimation, as well as all understanding [Note: Php 4:7.].]

In the next world
[The Gospel does not enrich us merely like other estates. We can hold earthly things no longer than this present life; but the benefits of the Gospel continue with us for ever. We have a more ample possession of them in the next world. Then we shall have a glorious, and incorruptible inheritance, of which earthly crowns and kingdoms convey a very faint idea. What is spoken of the Christians present portion may still more properly be spoken of that which he will hereafter enjoy [Note: 1Co 2:9.]. Well therefore might St. Paul represent the Gospel in such exalted terms [Note: Eph 3:8.]]

The Gospel kingdom may also be compared to a pearl as adorning

[Pearls are considered as ornamental to the body; but infinitely more does the Gospel adorn the soul.]
It changes the life
[Even the most abandoned of men have yielded to its power, and that figurative representation has been realized by them [Note: Isa 11:6-8.]]

It purifies the heart
[The most inveterate corruptions have been mortified by it [Note: 1Co 6:11-12.], and the most heavenly dispositions implanted in their stead [Note: 1Jn 3:3.].]

It transforms into the Divine image
[It finds men altogether alienated from the life of God, and bearing the character of Satans children [Note: Joh 8:44.]: but it renews them in all their faculties, and restores them to the very image of their God [Note: Eph 4:24.]. This effect is ascribed to it by St. Paul himself [Note: 2Co 3:18.]How just then is that expression of the Psalmist [Note: Psa 149:4.]! And with what propriety may the Christian exult with the prophet [Note: Isa 61:10.]!]

With such views of the Gospel we can be at no loss to determine,


How it will be regarded by those who know its value

It is not possible for them to regard it with indifference:


They will seek it with diligence

[Merchants spare no pains in the pursuit of gain; much less will they who know the value of the Gospel. They will study that book wherein it is contained. They will seek instruction from those who are best qualified to explain its mysteries. They will cry to God for the teaching of his Spirit. Nor will they be satisfied with obtaining a superficial knowledge of the truth. They will follow the direction of Solomon [Note: Pro 2:4.]and account its blessings a rich compensation for their trouble.]


They will part with all for it:

Their carnal enjoyments
[It calls them to sacrifice their dearest interests, and to give up their nearest relatives for Christs sake [Note: Mat 10:37.]. Nor will they exclaim against this as an hard saying. They will not act like the Rich Youth who forsook Christ [Note: Mar 10:22.]. They will rather part with any thing, however precious, or however necessary [Note: Mat 5:29-30.].]

Their self-righteous hopes
[There is nothing which men are more averse to renounce than their own righteousness: but a discovery of the Gospel will humble them. It will constrain them to use the language of the prophet [Note: Isa 64:6.]Every Christian will resemble Paul in this [Note: Php 3:7-9.].]

Their very life itself
[The love of life is inherent in us all: but the Gospel teaches us to overcome it. It requires us even to hate our lives in comparison of Christ [Note: Luk 14:26.]. A view of it will enable us to do this, and will cause us to say like the holy Apostle [Note: Act 20:24.]]


What is the daily object of our pursuit?

[Are we seeking knowledge, wealth, pleasure, honour, &c. or the establishment of this kingdom in our hearts? Let us fear lest we never should obtain this invaluable pearl; and let us follow the direction of our blessed Lord [Note: Mat 6:33.]]


What have we parted with for the Gospels sake?

[We are not persecuted now as in former ages; but every man is called to make some sacrifices. What then have we forfeited for the sake of Christ? If we were suffered to retain only one thing, what should that one thing be? Remember, God requires a single eye, and an undivided heart [Note: Luk 11:34-35.].]


If you have purchased this pearl, what are you doing with it?

[It is not to be locked up, as it were, in a cabinet. You must indeed keep it carefully as a rich treasure; but you must also wear it about you as an ornament. It should have the effect on you, that converse with God produced on Moses [Note: Exo 34:35.]. In this way you will commend it to the world, and will most acceptably comply with our Lords direction [Note: Mat 5:16.]]

Fuente: Charles Simeon’s Horae Homileticae (Old and New Testaments)

45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:

Ver. 45. The kingdom of heaven, &c. ] The wise merchant, besides the pearl of price, seeks out other goodly pearls, common gifts, whicb also have their use and excellence; but he rests not in them, as philosophers, politicians, and temporaries. These, as alchemists, who though they miss their end yet find many excellent things by the way, so though they failed of the glory of God, yet they have many commendable good parts and properties. The wise merchant so seeks after these, that he minds chiefly the main, the “one thing necessary,” in comparison whereof he counts all things else, though never so specious, dung, and dogs’ meat.

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

45, 46. ] SIXTH PARABLE. THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. In this parable our Lord sets before us, that although in ordinary cases of finding ‘the truth as it is in Jesus,’ the buying of the field is the necessary prelude to becoming duly and properly possessed of it; yet there are cases, and those of a nobler kind, where such condition is not necessary. We have here a merchantman , one whose business it is, on the search for goodly pearls; i.e. a man who intellectually and spiritually is a seeker of truth of the highest kind. “He whom this pursuit occupies, is a merchantman; i.e. one trained, as well as devoted, to business. The search is therefore determinate, discriminate, unremitting. This case then corresponds to such Christians only as from youth have been trained up in the way which they should go. In these alone can be the settled habits, the effectual self-direction, the convergence to one point of all the powers and tendencies of the soul, which are indicated by the illustration.” (Knox’s Remains, i. 460.) But as the same writer goes on to observe, even here there is a discovery , at a particular time. The person has been seeking, and finding, goodly pearls; what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report: but at last he finds one pearl of great price the efficacious principle of inward and spiritual life. We hear of no emotion, no great joy of heart, as before; but the same decision of conduct; he sells all and buys it. He chooses vital Christianity, at whatever cost, for his portion. But here is no field . The pearl is bought pure by itself. It is found, not unexpectedly in the course of outward ordinances, with which therefore it would become to the finder inseparably bound up, but by diligent search, spiritual and immediate, in its highest and purest form. Trench instances (Parables, p. 100) Nathanael and the Samaritan woman as examples of the finders without seeking; Augustine, as related in his Confessions (we might add St. Paul, see Php 3:7 ), of the diligent seeker and finder. Compare with this parable Pro 2:3-9 , and to see what kind of buying is not meant, Isa 55:1 ; ch. Mat 25:9-10 . Also see Rev 3:18 .

Fuente: Henry Alford’s Greek Testament

Mat 13:45 . . . . A pearl merchant who went to the pearl fisheries to purchase from the divers, of course selecting the best; a connoisseur in valuables.

Fuente: The Expositors Greek Testament by Robertson

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Mat 13:45-46

45″Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, 46and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.”

Mat 13:45-46 The parable of the pearl of great price is unique to Matthew.

Mat 13:45 “pearls” Pearls were costly in the ancient world and equally valued with gold as a medium of exchange.

Fuente: You Can Understand the Bible: Study Guide Commentary Series by Bob Utley

a merchant man = a man, a merchant. Compare Mat 13:28, “an enemy”.

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

45, 46.] SIXTH PARABLE. THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. In this parable our Lord sets before us, that although in ordinary cases of finding the truth as it is in Jesus, the buying of the field is the necessary prelude to becoming duly and properly possessed of it; yet there are cases, and those of a nobler kind, where such condition is not necessary. We have here a merchantman,-one whose business it is,-on the search for goodly pearls; i.e. a man who intellectually and spiritually is a seeker of truth of the highest kind. He whom this pursuit occupies, is a merchantman; i.e. one trained, as well as devoted, to business. The search is therefore determinate, discriminate, unremitting. This case then corresponds to such Christians only as from youth have been trained up in the way which they should go. In these alone can be the settled habits, the effectual self-direction, the convergence to one point of all the powers and tendencies of the soul, which are indicated by the illustration. (Knoxs Remains, i. 460.) But as the same writer goes on to observe, even here there is a discovery, at a particular time. The person has been seeking, and finding, goodly pearls; what is true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report: but at last he finds one pearl of great price-the efficacious principle of inward and spiritual life. We hear of no emotion, no great joy of heart, as before; but the same decision of conduct; he sells all and buys it. He chooses vital Christianity, at whatever cost, for his portion. But here is no field. The pearl is bought pure-by itself. It is found, not unexpectedly in the course of outward ordinances,-with which therefore it would become to the finder inseparably bound up,-but by diligent search, spiritual and immediate, in its highest and purest form. Trench instances (Parables, p. 100) Nathanael and the Samaritan woman as examples of the finders without seeking;-Augustine, as related in his Confessions (we might add St. Paul, see Php 3:7), of the diligent seeker and finder. Compare with this parable Pro 2:3-9, and to see what kind of buying is not meant, Isa 55:1; ch. Mat 25:9-10. Also see Rev 3:18.

Fuente: The Greek Testament

Mat 13:45. -, of the heavens-to a man) Comparisons of heavenly from human things. See Mat 13:52; ch. Mat 18:23, Mat 20:1, Mat 22:2.-, a merchant) The word denotes one who travels and voyages for the sake of merchandise.-, pearls) The plural passes to the singular in the following verse.

Fuente: Gnomon of the New Testament


The true Church, “one body” formed by the Holy Spirit 1Co 12:12; 1Co 12:13. As Israel is the hid treasure, so the Church is the pearl of great cost. Covering the same period of time as the mysteries of the kingdom, is the mystery of the Church; Rom 16:25; Rom 16:26; Eph 3:3-10; Eph 5:32. Of the true Church a pearl is a perfect symbol:

(1) A pearl is one, a perfect symbol of unity 1Co 10:17; 1Co 12:12; 1Co 12:13; Eph 4:4-6.

(2) a pearl is formed by the accretion, and that not mechanically, but vitally, through a living one, as Christ adds to the Church Act 2:41; Act 2:47; Act 5:14; Act 11:24; Eph 2:21; Col 2:19.

(3) Christ, having given Himself for the pearl, is now preparing it for presentation to Himself Eph 5:25-27. The kingdom is not the Church, but the true children of the kingdom during the fulfilment of these mysteries, baptized by one Spirit into one body 1Co 12:12; 1Co 12:13 compose the true Church, the pearl.

kingdom (See Scofield “Mat 3:2”).

Fuente: Scofield Reference Bible Notes

like: Mat 16:26, Mat 22:5, Pro 3:13-18, Pro 8:10, Pro 8:11, Pro 8:18-20

seeking: Job 28:18, Psa 4:6, Psa 4:7, Psa 39:6, Psa 39:7, Ecc 2:2-12, Ecc 12:8, Ecc 12:13

Reciprocal: Psa 40:16 – love Psa 119:127 – I love Mat 3:2 – for Mat 13:24 – The kingdom Mat 18:23 – is Mat 20:1 – the kingdom Mat 25:1 – the kingdom Rev 21:21 – the twelve

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


This parable teaches the same lesson as the preceding one on the value of salvation. One word in the definition for goodly is, “genuine.” There are many things that appear as pearls but are only imitation. This merchant was not wishing anything but the real and hence he was seeking for it.

Fuente: Combined Bible Commentary

Mat 13:45. Merchant seeking goodly pearls. One who is making it his business to seek what is valuable, what is true and right.

Fuente: A Popular Commentary on the New Testament

Mat 13:45-46. Again, the kingdom of heaven That is, one that earnestly seeks for it; is like unto a merchant-man, who goes about from one city or country to another, seeking goodly, or beautiful pearls, or jewels. Thus the sacred writers often compare and prefer wisdom, or true religion, to costly jewels. See Job 28:15-19; Pro 3:15; Pro 8:11. Who, when he had found one pearl of great price Of an exceeding great value, sold all that he had and bought it As well knowing he would be a great gainer though he should part with all he possessed for it. Titus the truly enlightened believer freely and readily gives up, not only all sin, but all that is in the world, which he is called to part with, that he may receive the kingdom of God into his heart, and may be made a partaker of the blessings of the gospel. He, says Baxter, that findeth not by faith enough in the love of God and heavenly glory, and in Christ the way thereto, to make him consent sincerely and practically to sell or part with all the world, rather than lose it, is not capable of a just title to it, nor shall obtain it.

Fuente: Joseph Bensons Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

The parable of the pearl 13:45-46

The same basic point recurs in this parable. The difference between this parable and the last is that here the person who finds the treasure is looking for it whereas in the previous parable the discovery was accidental. In Jesus’ day there were Jews who were looking for the kingdom and Messiah (Mat 11:3) and those who were not (e.g., the religious leaders who did not accompany the wise men to Bethlehem). For both types of people the ultimate price of complete discipleship was not too much to pay for participation in the kingdom. Jesus was not teaching that entrance into the kingdom depended on self-sacrifice; entrance depended on faith in Him. The amount and kind of one’s inheritance in the kingdom, however, depended on commitment to Messiah (cf. Mat 5:5; Mat 8:18-22; Mat 25:34).

Some view the pearl as well as the hidden treasure as references to Jesus. [Note: E.g., Richard C. Trench, Notes on the Parables of Our Lord, pp. 102-10.] Others believe they refer to the church. [Note: E.g., Walvoord, Matthew: . . ., p. 105; Toussaint, Behold the . . ., p. 184; and The New Scofield . . ., p. 1016.] I think they refer primarily to the kingdom. Several dispensational interpreters believe the treasure in the field or land represents Israel and that the pearl, taken from the sea, represents the Gentiles. [Note: E.g., Pentecost, The Words . . ., p. 218.]

"Like the treasure, the kingdom is the source of highest joy, and, as seen in the pearl, the kingdom should be deemed as the most precious possession." [Note: Mark L. Bailey, "The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and of the Pearl Merchant," Bibliotheca Sacra 156:622 (April-June 1999):189.]

Fuente: Expository Notes of Dr. Constable (Old and New Testaments)