Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Isaiah 52:10

The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

10. Here (if not already in Isa 52:9) the prophet withdraws his gaze from the future, and describes Jehovah as preparing Himself for the conflict which leads to the joyous scene of Isa 52:7 f.

hath made bare his holy arm ] throwing back the sleeveless upper garment from the right shoulder, in readiness for action: (Arrian, Alex. 5. 18, quoted by Dillmann). See the contrasted metaphor in Psa 74:11. his holy arm means “His divine arm” (Psa 98:1). The “arm” of Jehovah, as ch. Isa 51:9 (cf. also Isa 53:1).

shall see the salvation (i.e. the deliverance or “victory”) of our God ] a different idea from that of Isa 45:22.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

The Lord hath made bare his holy arm – That is, in delivering his people from bondage. This metaphor is taken from warriors, who made bare the arm for battle; and the sense is, that God had come to the rescue of his people as a warrior, and that his interpositions would be seen and recognized and acknowledged by all the nations. The metaphor is derived from the manner in which the Orientals dressed. The following extract from Jowetts Christian Researches will explain the language: The loose sleeve of the Arab shirt, as well as that of the outer garment, leaves the arm so completely free, that in an instant the left hand passing up the right arm makes it bare; and this is done when a person, a soldier, for example, about to strike with the sword, intends to give the arm full play. The image represents Yahweh as suddenly prepared to inflict some tremendous, yet righteous judgment, so effectual that all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of God. The phrase holy arm, seems to mean that God would be engaged in a holy and just cause. It would not be an arm of conquest, or of oppression; but it would be made bare in a holy cause, and all its inflictions would be righteous.

And all the ends of the earth – For an explanation of the phrase the ends of the earth, see the notes at Isa 40:28. The meaning here is, that the deliverance of his people referred to would be so remarkable as to be conspicuous to all the world. The most distant nations would see it, and would be constrained to recognize his hand. It was fulfilled in the rescue of the nation from the captivity at Babylon. The conquest of Babylon was an event that was so momentous in its consequences, as to be known to all the kingdoms of the earth; and the proclamation of Cyrus Ezr 1:1-2, and the consequent restoration of his people to their own land, were calculated to make the name of Yahweh known to all nations.

Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible

Isa 52:10

The Lord hath made bare His holy arm

Gods arm made bare

When the heroes of old prepared for the fight they put on their armour; but when God prepares for battle He makes bare His arm.

Man has to look two ways–to his own defence, as well as to the offence of his enemy; God hath but one direction in which to cast His eye–the overthrow of His foeman; and He disregards all measures of defence, and scorns all armour. He makes bare His arm in the sight of all the people. When men would do their work in earnest, too, they sometimes strip themselves, like that warrior of old, who, when he went to battle with the Turks, would never fight them except with the bare arm. Such things as they, said he, I need not fear; they have more reason to fear my bare arm than I their scimitar. Men feel that they are prepared for a work when they have cast away their cumbrous garments. And so the prophet represents the Lord as laying aside for awhile the garments of His dignity, and making bare His arm, that He may do His work in earnest, and accomplish His purpose for the establishment of His Church. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

The great revival

THE CAUSE OF A TRUE REVIVAL. The Holy Spirit. While this is the only actual cause, yet there are instrumental causes; and the main instrumental cause of a great revival must be the bold, faithful, fearless preaching of the truth as it is in Jesus. Added to this, there must be the earnest prayers of the Church.

THE CONSEQUENCES OF A REVIVAL OF RELIGION. The minister begins to be warmed. The members of the Church grow more serious. Family duties are better attended to; the home circle is brought under better culture. There is an inquirers meeting held. The revival of the Church then touches the rest of society.

A CAUTION. Let all things be done decently, and in order. Distinguish between man and man. While, during a revival of religion, a very large number of people will be really converted, there will be a very considerable portion who will be merely excited with animal excitement, and whose conversion will not he genuine. Take care, ye that are officers in the Church, when ye see the people stirred up, that ye exercise still a holy caution, lest the Church become lowered in its standard of piety by the admission of persons not truly saved.

With these words of caution, I shall now STIR YOU UP TO SEEK OF GOD A GREAT REVIVAL OF RELIGION throughout the length and breadth of this land. The Lord God hath sent us a blessing. One blessing is the earnest of many. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God

Tidings of salvation to the ends of the earth

THE SALVATION OF GOD. Salvation carries our meditations direct unto the names and the offices of Him, of whom it hath been said, Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins. And in this connection the whole scheme of mercy and eternal life bursts at once upon our view.

1. It is a great salvation.

2. An everlasting salvation.

3. A complete salvations.

4. A salvation all of God and of grace.

THE CERTAINTY OF THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF THIS PROMISE, as an encouragement to us to do our duty. If all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God, an imperious necessity is laid upon us to favour every opportunity which offers of sending the report of this salvation to all parts of the earth. The truth of the promise, and the certainty of its accomplishment, might be argued–

1. From the Divine purposes taken in connection with the first promise.

2. From the settlement with Abraham respecting the coming of his promised seed.

3. From the style of the prophets, and the expectations which they excite.

4. From the progress of Christianity through the world, in defiance of all the opposition which has been combined against it. (W. Taylor.)

Fuente: Biblical Illustrator Edited by Joseph S. Exell

Hath made bare his holy arm; hath discovered and put forth his great power, which for a long time hath lain hid, and seemed to be idle.

All the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God; all nations of the world shall with astonishment behold the wonderful work of God, first in bringing his people out of Babylon, and afterwards in their redemption by Christ.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

10. made bare . . . armmetaphorfrom warriors who bare their arm for battle (Eze4:7).

all . . . earth . . . see . .. salvation of . . . GodThe deliverance wrought by God forIsrael will cause all nations to acknowledge the Lord (Isa66:18-20). The partial fulfilment (Lu3:6) is a forerunner of the future complete fulfilment.

Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,…. Revealed his Gospel, which is a system of holy doctrines, and is the power of God unto salvation, openly, in the sight of all men, and given it a general spread all the world over; and with it has exerted his almighty power, in the marvellous conversion of multitudes of souls everywhere, in which his holiness, as well as his power, is displayed: or else Christ is here meant, who is the power of God; by whom he has made the world, and upholds it; by whom he has redeemed his people, and saved them; and by whom he keeps and preserves them; and by whom he will raise them from the dead at the last day; and who is holy in his nature, and in his works: this arm of his was made bare or revealed at his incarnation; is evidently seen in his word and ordinances; and will be more clearly revealed therein in the latter day, as he will be most fully manifested in person at the last day, even in the eyes of the whole world. The allusion is to military persons preparing for battle, especially in the eastern countries, where they wore loose and long garments, which they tucked up on their arms, that they might be more expeditious in it, and so in any other service. Scanderbeg used to fight the Turks with his arm bare, as the writer of his life observes.

And all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God; the salvation which Christ, God manifest in the flesh, has wrought out: the people of God, in the several parts of the world, shall see their need of this salvation; the suitableness of it to them; the necessity of going to Christ for it; their interest in it; and shall partake of the blessings of it: or Christ himself is meant, the Saviour of God’s providing, sending, and giving; of whom multitudes, in the several parts of the world, shall have a spiritual sight, by faith, in the latter day; and all shall have a corporeal sight of him, when he comes in person, or appears a second time, without sin unto salvation.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

Jehovah has wrought out salvation through judgment in the sight of all the world. “Jehovah hath made bare His holy arm before the eyes of all nations, and all the ends of the earth see the salvation of our God.” As a warrior is accustomed to make bare his right arm up to the shoulder, that he may fight without encumbrance ( exsertare humeros nudamque lacessere pugnan , as Statius says in Theb. i. 413), so has Jehovah made bare His holy arm, that arm in which holiness dwells, which shines with holiness, and which acts in holiness, that arm which has been hitherto concealed and therefore has appeared to be powerless, and that in the sight of the whole world of nations; so that all the ends of the earth come to see the reality of the work, which this arm has already accomplished by showing itself in its unveiled glory – in other words, “the salvation of our God.”

Fuente: Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament

10. Jehovah hath made bare the arm of his holiness. The Prophet has borrowed this comparison from soldiers who stretch out their arms when they make ready for the battle. To “make bare” does not here mean to hold out the naked arm, but to exert it; because, when we sit in idleness, we either have our arms folded or conceal them; and in like manner, we conceive of God according to the grossness of our senses, and think that, like a wearied or indolent man, he does not move a finger till he publicly displays his power.

The Prophet calls it “the arm of holiness,” because he intended to display his power for the salvation of the people. This implies a mutual relation between God and the Church which the Lord has consecrated to himself. True, “he maketh bare his arm” in the government of the whole world; but he does not call it “the arm of holiness,” as in this passage, when he renders peculiar assistance to his Church. There are two points of view in which the power of God ought to be regarded; first, universally, in preserving all the creatures; next, specially, in defending the Church; for there is a peculiar care which he exercises about his own people, and which the rest do not share with them.

Before the eyes of all nations. He means that this deliverance shall be worthy of so great admiration that it shall be visible even to the blind. The extension of this magnificent spectacle to the very ends of the earth makes it evident that the Prophet does not speak of the return of the people, which would take place a few years afterwards, but of the restoration of the whole Church. This prophecy is maliciously restricted by the Jews to the deliverance from Babylon, and is improperly restricted by Christians to the spiritual redemption which we obtain through Christ; for we must begin with the deliverance which was wrought under Cyrus, (2Ch 36:22,) and bring it down to our own time. Thus the Lord began to display his power among the Medes and Persians, but afterwards he made it visible to all the nations.

Fuente: Calvin’s Complete Commentary


Isa. 52:10. The Lord hath made bare His holy arm, &c.

When the heroes of old prepared for the fight, they put on their armour; but when God prepares for battle, He makes bare His arm, that He may do His work in earnest and accomplish His purpose for the establishment of His Church. Leaving the figure, which is a very great one, I will remind you that its meaning is fully carried out whenever God is pleased to send a great revival of religion. [1590]

[1590] The loose sleeve of the Arab shirt, as well as that of the outer garment, leaves the arm so completely free, that, in an instant, the left hand passing up the right arm, makes it bare; and this is done when a persona soldier, for example, about to strike with the swordintends to give his right arm full play. The image represents Jehovah as suddenly prepared to inflict some tremendous, yet righteous judgment, so effectual, that all the ends of the world shall see the salvation of God.Jowett.

I. THE CAUSE OF A TRUE REVIVAL. The mere worldly man does not understand a revival, he cannot make it out. Why is it, that a sudden fit of godliness, as he would call it, a kind of sacred epidemic, should seize upon a mass of people all at once? It frequently occurs in the absence of all great evangelists; it cannot be traced to any particular means. There have been no special agencies used in order to bring it about, and yet it has come, just like a heavenly hurricane sweeping everything before it. What then is the cause? It is caused by the Holy Spirit alone. The day of Pentecost. Do not imagine when you hear of a sermon being made useful, that it was the sermon itself that did the work. But while this is the only actual cause, yet there are instrumental causes; and the main instrumental cause of a great revival must be bold, faithful, fearless preaching of the truth as it is in Jesus. But, added to this, there must be the earnest prayers of the Church. All in vain the most indefatigable ministry, unless the Church waters the seed sown with her abundant tears. Every revival has been commenced and attended by a large amount of prayer.

1. Everything that our hearts could desire for the Church. The minister begins to be warmed. Directly after that, the revival begins to touch the people at large. A prayer meeting is summoned. The members of the Church grow solemn, more serious; family duties are better attended to, &c. And then comes the great result. There is an inquirers meeting held; the good brother who presides over it is astonished, he never saw so many coming in his life before.
2. The revival of the Church then touches the rest of society. Men, who do not come forward and profess religion, are more punctual in attending the means of grace. Men that used to swear give it up, &c.


1. If in any revival you see any strange contortions of the body, &c., always distinguish between things that differ. The Holy Spirits work is with the mind, not with the body.
2. Always distinguish between man and man in the work of revival. While during a revival of religion a very large number of people will be really converted, there will be a very considerable portion who will be merely excited with animal excitement, and whose conversion will not be genuine. Always expect that, and do not be surprised if you see it.
3. Do not relax the bonds of discipline.

CONCLUSION.Stir you up to seek of God a great revival of religion throughout the length and breadth of this land. There are some of you who stand in the wayyou are not consistent in your living; others that stand in the way of all progress; others are such sticklers for order, so given to everything that has been, that you do not care for any revival for fear we should hurt you. You who love Jesus with all your heart, and want to promote it, remember that men are dying around you by thousands. Did Christ give His whole life for their salvation, and will not you stir up your life to wrestle with God that His purpose may be accomplished on their behalf? As for you that fear not God, see how much ado we are making about you. Your souls are worth more than you think. Oh that you would believe in Christ to the salvation of your souls!C. H. Spurgeon: Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, No. 185.

(Missionary Sermon.)

Isa. 52:10. And all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.


1. Its nature: the salvation of God. There is no doubt a primary reference to the delivery of the Jews from captivity; but its main and ultimate reference is to the salvation of men by Christ, for in the verses which immediately follow our text, as also in the next chapter, we have a picture of the humiliation of the Saviour, and of its effects on mankind (see also Luk. 3:3-6). It is salvation from the curse of a violated law, and from the bondage of sin; and it comprehends admission into heaven at death, the resurrection of the body in glory, and its reunion with the spirit for ever. Such being the nature and vastness of this salvation, it surpasses the limits of human or angelic agency. It is necessarily the salvation of God.Contemplate, then,

2. Its divinity. It is the product of His infinite wisdom, His almighty power, His unchanging faithfulness, His boundless love.


1. It was seen by all the ends of the earth, in the ministry and triumphs of the early ages. Whilst the comparative cessation of its early triumphs may be traced to the faithlessness of the Church, we may be assured that they have never been extinct. Throughout the darkest periods of the Church there were some who preached the good tidings. In every age the salvation of God has been seen, and its victories have probably been achieved to a far greater extent than has been known or recorded.

2. In the future the prediction of our text shall be yet more gloriously fulfilled.

(1.) The Gospel shall be preached in every land.
(2.) The salvation thus exhibited shall be everywhere triumphant. The reign of superstition and sin shall be brought to an end (H. E. I. 979, 11611168).
1. How much we owe to our Saviour for the provision of this salvation!
2. Ought it not to be our earnest desire to see this salvation for ourselves?
3. Ought we not to rejoice in prospect of the period when the prediction of our text shall be fulfilled?
4. Let us labour to accelerate the arrival of this period.John Johnson, M.A.: Sermons, vol. i. pp. 389418.

Fuente: The Preacher’s Complete Homiletical Commentary Edited by Joseph S. Exell

(10) The Lord hath made bare . . .The warrior preparing for action throws off his mantle, tucks up the sleeve of his tunic, and leaves his outstretched arm free.

Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)

10. The Lord made bare his arm As conqueror, Jehovah has effectually wrought deliverance, to which all nations are witnesses; and his salvation through Messiah is now to be published and embraced as far as to the ends of the earth, and to all ages unto the end of the world. The salvation of our God is the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. This salvation is for all.

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

Isa 52:10 The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

Ver. 10. The Lord hath made bare his holy arm. ] Nudavit, id est, exeruit, in answer to your prayer. Isa 51:9 God oft answereth his praying people ad cardinem desiderii, a as Augustine saith, letteth it be to them even as they will. Scanderbeg ever fought against the Turks with his arm bare, and that with such fierceness that the blood did oftentimes burst out of his lips. It is written that he, with that bare arm of his, slow three thousand Turks in the time of his wars against them. b

Shall see the salvation of the Lord. ] Shall see it and sing of it. Isa 52:9

a Confes., lib. v. cap. 8.

b Turk. Hist., fol. 287.

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

holy. See note on Exo 3:5.

arm. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Cause), for the wonders wrought by it. Also Figure of speech Anthropopatheia. App-6.

eyes, &c. = sight, or view. Compare Isa 40:5; Isa 49:26.

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

made: Isa 51:9, Isa 66:18, Isa 66:19, Psa 98:1-3, Act 2:5-11, Rev 11:15-17, Rev 15:4

all: Isa 49:6, Psa 22:27, Luk 3:6, Act 13:47, Rev 11:15, Rev 14:6

Reciprocal: Exo 15:6 – right hand 1Sa 17:46 – all the earth Psa 67:7 – all the Psa 77:14 – thou hast Psa 98:2 – made Psa 98:3 – all the ends Psa 126:3 – General Isa 24:16 – uttermost part Isa 35:1 – wilderness Isa 40:5 – all flesh Isa 53:1 – the Isa 59:16 – therefore Isa 62:2 – the Gentiles Isa 63:5 – mine own Jer 31:8 – the coasts Jer 51:10 – let us Eze 4:7 – and thine Mic 5:4 – shall he be great Hab 3:9 – bow Zec 2:10 – and rejoice Zec 2:11 – many Zec 9:1 – when Zec 9:9 – Rejoice Mat 8:11 – That Mat 28:19 – ye therefore Mar 16:15 – into Luk 1:51 – showed Luk 2:10 – to Luk 24:47 – among Joh 4:42 – and know Joh 6:40 – seeth Joh 10:16 – other Act 1:8 – unto Act 11:1 – the Gentiles Act 28:28 – the salvation Rom 10:18 – unto the ends Gal 3:14 – through Col 3:11 – there Tit 2:11 – hath appeared Rev 11:17 – thou hast

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

52:10 The LORD hath made {i} bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.

(i) As ready to smite his enemies and to deliver his people.

Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes

God would display His power (roll up His sleeves) before all the nations by redeeming His people (cf. Isa 18:3). It was customary for warriors to bare their right arms up to their shoulders so they could fight without the encumbrance of a sleeve. [Note: Delitzsch, 2:300.] God’s power is holy in that it is perfect and transcendent, and it is also for a holy purpose, namely, the salvation of His people (cf. Mar 1:24; Luk 4:34). His salvation would become visible to the whole world.

Fuente: Expository Notes of Dr. Constable (Old and New Testaments)