Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Genesis 7:8

Of clean beasts, and of beasts that [are] not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,

8. and of fowls ] There is no mention of a distinction between clean and not clean in the birds and the creeping things, see note on Gen 7:3. The mention of a distinction between “clean” and “unclean” beasts ( behmah, “cattle” or “domestic animals” of Gen 6:20) is certainly a later insertion by the compiler. The account in Gen 6:19-20 (P) does not recognize the distinction of clean and unclean.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

Of clean beasts, and of beasts that are not clean,…. Seven couple of the one, and a couple of the other:

and of fowls, clean and unclean, also a like number:

and of everything that creepeth upon the earth; and upon that only, not in the water, for these had no need of the ark, they could live in the waters.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

8. Of clean beasts. Moses now explains, — what had before been doubtful, — in which manner the animals were gathered together into the ark, and says that they came of their own accord. If this should seem to any one absurd, let him recall to mind what was said before, that in the beginning every kind of animals presented themselves to Adam, that he might give them names. And, truly, we dread the sight of wild beasts from no other cause than this, that seeing we have shaken off the yoke of God, we have lost that authority over them with which Adam was endued. Now, it was a kind of restoration of the former state of things when God brought to Noah those animals which he intended should be preserved through Noah’s labor and service. For Noah retained the untamed animals in his ark, in the very same way in which hens and geese are preserved in a coop. And it is not superfluously added, that the animals themselves came, as God had instructed Noah; for it shows that the blessing of God rested on the obedience of Noah, so that his labor should not be in vain. It was impossible, humanly speaking, that in a moment such an assemblage of all animals should take place; but because Noah, simply trusting the event with God, executed what was enjoined upon him; God, in return, gave power to his own precept, that it might not be without effect. Properly speaking, this was a promise of God annexed to his commands. And, therefore, we must conclude, that the faith of Noah availed more, than all snares and nets, for the capture of animals; and that, by the very same gate, lions, and wolves, and tigers, meekly entered, with oxen, and with lambs, into the ark. And this is the only method by which we may overcome all difficulties; while, — being persuaded, that what is impossible to us is easy to God, — we derive alacrity from hope. It has before been stated that the animals entered in by pairs. We have also related the different opinions of interpreters respecting the month in which the deluge took place. For since the Hebrews begin their year in sacred things from March, but in earthly affairs from September; or, — which is the same thing, — since the two equinoxes form with them a double commencement of the year, some think that the sacred year, and some the political, is here intended. But because the former method of reckoning the years was Divinely appointed, and is also more agreeable to nature, it seems probable that the deluge began about the time of spring.

Fuente: Calvin’s Complete Commentary

(8) Beasts.Heb., of the clean cattle and of the cattle that was not clean. In the Chaldean Genesis, Xisuthrus takes also wild animals, seeds of all kinds of plants, gold and silver, male and female slaves, the sons of the best, and the sons of the people (pp. 280-283). There it is a whole tribe, with their chief, who are savedhere one family only.

Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)

Gen 7:8 Of clean beasts, and of beasts that [are] not clean, and of fowls, and of every thing that creepeth upon the earth,

Ver. 8. And of those that are not clean. ] So a Doeg may set his foot as far within the sanctuary as a David: A “generation of vipers” may come to John’s baptism, Mat 3:7 as well as better men. But as these beasts came unclean to the ark, and went thence as unclean; so do most men to the holy ordinances; which yet are the heavenly exchange betwixt God and his elect: they present duty, He confers mercy. “The just Lord is in the midst thereof; he will not do iniquity: but the unjust knoweth no shame”; Zep 3:5 he that is “filthy,” will “be filthy still”. Rev 22:11

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

Reciprocal: Gen 6:19 – two Gen 6:20 – two Gen 7:2 – every clean Gen 7:14 – They Act 10:12 – General

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge