And his brother’s name [was] Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
21. Jubal ] The originator of musical instruments. Music is thus regarded as the most ancient art. For the name, compare the word “Jubilee”; ybl is “the ram’s horn.”
harp and pipe ] i.e. the simplest of stringed and wind instruments used by shepherds. LXX : Lat. cithara et organo.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
Verse 21. Jubal – the father] i.e. The inventor of musical instruments, such as the kinnor, which we translate harp, and the ugab, which we render organ; it is very likely that both words are generic, the former including under it all stringed instruments, and the latter, all wind instruments.
Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible
Or, the lovely instrument; but what kind of instrument this was, even the Jews do not understand. The meaning is, he was the inventor of music and musical instruments.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
And his brother’s name was Jubal,…. This was another son of Lamech by Adah, and his name differs only in one letter from his brother’s;
he was the father of all such that handle the harp and organ: he was the inventor of instrumental music, both of stringed instruments, such as were touched by the fingers, or struck with a quill, as the “harp”; and of wind instruments, such as were blown, as the “organ”, which seems not to be the same we call so, being a late invention; but however a pleasant instrument, as its name signifies. Jubal is thought by some to be the same with Apollo, to whom with the Greeks the invention of the harp is ascribed; and some have been of opinion, that the jubilee trumpet was so called from Jubal, Le 25:9. Sanchoniatho r makes Chrysor or Vulcan, the same with Tubalcain, the brother of Jubal, to exercise himself in eloquence, songs and divination, confounding or mistaking the employment of the two brothers. The Arabs have such a notion of the Cainites being the inventors of music, that they commonly call a singing girl “Cainah” s; and the Arabic writers t make Jubal to be the first inventor of music, and that the beasts and birds gathered together to hear him; the same that is said of Orpheus.
r Apud Euseb. Praepar. Evangel. l. 1. p. 35. s Abulpharag. Hist. Dynast. p. 9. t Elmacinus, p. 8. apud Hottinger. Smegma, p. 232.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
21. Harp and organ Here used as general names of stringed and wind instruments of music . “That the inventor of musical instruments should be the brother of him who introduced the nomad life is strictly in accordance with the experience of the world . The connexion between music and the pastoral life is indicated in the traditions of the Greeks, which ascribed the invention of the pipe to Pan and of the lyre to Apollo, each of them also being devoted to pastoral pursuits . ” SMITH’S Dictionary of the Bible .
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
‘His brother’s name was Jubal. He was the father of all those who play the lyre and pipe.’
The wandering life of the family would encourage the need for diversions. Perhaps he invented these musical instruments, or perhaps he was the first one to introduce them to the tribe. Either way he was remembered for it.
Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett
Gen 4:21 And his brother’s name [was] Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and organ.
Ver. 21. As handle the harp and organ. ] He invented Musicam, mentis medicinam maestae . The word here rendered organ is in the Chaldee Paraphrast, a pipe . It imports loveliness and delight: for men do naturally love and delight in music. Ezekiel’s hearers seemed to be much taken with his pulpit music, Eze 33:32 but proved at length like the Jassians in Strabo, who, delighted with the music of an excellent harper, ran all away as soon as the market bell rang, save only one deaf old man. These antediluvians likely were set all upon the merry mode, and not unlike the inhabitants of Tombutum in Africa, who are said to spend their whole time in piping and dancing.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
Jubal = joyful sound.
organ. Hebrew. ‘ugab. The well-known “Pan’s pipe”.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
am cir, 500, bc cir, 3504
father: Rom 4:11, Rom 4:12
the harp: Gen 31:27, Job 21:12, Isa 5:12, Amo 6:5
Reciprocal: Gen 4:20 – the
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Gen 4:21. The harp and organ The word rendered organ here means a lovely instrument; but what kind of an instrument this was, the Jews themselves do not know. This Jubal was the inventor of such musical instruments, and of music itself.
Gen 4:23-24. This passage is extremely obscure. We have no information whom he slew, or on what occasion, neither what ground he had to be so confident of the divine protection. The original words indeed may be rendered, Have I slain a man to my wounding? &c. And perhaps the best key to their meaning may be to suppose that his wives were convinced he had sinned in marrying them both, and introducing polygamy, and were afraid that the judgments of God would fall upon him for that crime, and upon themselves, for his sake. And he might say these words with a view to comfort them. As if he had said, Why should I fear, or you fear for me? Have I slain a man to my wounding? &c. That is, that I should deserve a wound or death to be inflicted on me? You have no cause to fear for me, or for yourselves on my account. For if Cain shall be avenged seven-fold If God engaged to protect him, although he murdered his innocent brother, he will much more defend me, who have committed no such wickedness.