And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begot Mehujael: and Mehujael begot Methusael: and Methusael begot Lamech.
18. And unto Enoch, &c.] The genealogy of Cain is a framework of names, each of which may have been connected with traditions that either had been forgotten, or were not deemed suitable for preservation in this context. It is a mistake, into which some commentators have been betrayed, to endeavour to extract meanings from the proper names of the antediluvian patriarchs. It is very doubtful, whether the original names would have conveyed the same thoughts which their later Hebraized pronunciation has suggested to devout, but fanciful, imagination. The facts of history are not to be spelt out from the obscure etymology of primaeval proper names. These well-meaning endeavours have sometimes been based on the assumption that Hebrew was the original language.
The most that can be said is that these names preserve the recollection of legendary persons, and that they have received a Hebraized form which rendered them easier of pronunciation and facilitated a symbolical interpretation.
Irad ] The name occurs in 1Ch 4:18; see note on Jared, Gen 5:16.
Mehujael ] Cf. Mahalalel, Gen 5:12. If a Hebrew word, it may mean “blotted out by God.” Cf. Gen 6:7, where “destroy” is in the marg. blot out.
The LXX must have read Mahyiel = “God maketh me to live.”
Methushael ] Cf. Methuselah, Gen 5:21. Assyriologists say that the name means “Man of God,” and is the same as Mutu-sha-ili.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
And unto Enoch was born Irad,…. But of neither of them is any other mention made, either in sacred or profane history; nor is it said how old Enoch was when Irad was born, nor how long he lived after; as is recorded of Adam, Seth, and their posterity:
[and] Irad begat Mehujael, [and] Mehujael begat Methusael; of whom also we have no other account;
[and] Methusael begat Lamech; and it seems for the sake of Lamech that the genealogy of Cain’s posterity is described and carried down thus far, some things being to be taken notice of concerning him. The names of the immediate posterity of Genos or Cain, according to Sanchoniatho, and, as Philo Byblius l has translated them, were light, fire, and flame; who found out fire by rubbing pieces of wood together, and taught the use of it, from whence they seem to have their names. These begat sons that exceeded others in bulk and height, whose names were given to the mountains they first possessed, and from them were called Cassius, Libanus, Antilibanus, and Brathy; and of them were begotten Memrumus and Hypsuranius, so called by their mothers, women, who, without shame, lay with everyone they could meet with; of these came Agreus and Halieus, the inventors of fishing and hunting; and these seem to answer to the generations from Cain to Lamech; and it is no wonder Moses should take no more notice of such a set of men; which, according to their own historian, deserved but little regard.
l Apud Euseb. Praepar. Evangel. l. 1. p. 34, 35.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
(18) Unto Enoch was born Irad.Cain was building a city, Ir, and it was this probably which suggested the name Irad. It has little in common with Jared, as it begins with a harsh guttural, usually omitted in English because unpronounceable, but which appears as g in Gomorrah. Possibly Irad means citizen; but these names have been so corrupted by transcribers that we cannot feel sure of them. Thus, here the LXX. calls Irad Gadad, and the Syriac Idor. In the list that follows, the names Mehujael (Samaritan Michel, Syriac Mahvoyel), Methusael, Enoch, and Lamech (Heb., Lemech), have a certain degree of similitude with those in the line of the Sethites, whence many commentators have assumed that the two lists are variations of the same original record. But it is usually a similarity of sound only with a diversity of meaning. Thus Mehujael, smitten of God, answers to Mahalaleel, glory to God; Methusael, Gods hero, to Methuselah, the armed warrior. Even when the names are the same, their history is often most diverse. Thus in the Cainite line Enoch is initiation into city life, in the Sethite into a life of holiness; and the Cainite polygamist Lemech, rejoicing in the weapons invented by his son, is the very opposite of the Sethite Lemech, who calls his son Noah, quiet, rest
Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)
18. Irad Mehujael Methusael Compare the similar names in the Sethite genealogy recorded in the next chapter, Jared, Mahalaleel, and Methuselah . Hence some have supposed a confusion growing out of two forms of one and the same old legend . But why may not different families have adopted similar or identical names in that as in later ages? Enoch and Lamech are names that occur in both genealogies, but the piety of the sons of Seth, bearing these names, is in notable contrast with the worldliness of Cain’s Enoch and the polygamy of Cain’s Lamech. This contrast seems to have been drawn out, as if to prevent the possibility of confounding the two genealogies.
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
The line of Cain is then outlined. In accordance with ancient genealogies only important descendants would be listed and the length of time to Lamech may have been considerable. The similarity to names in the line of Seth need not surprise us. They came of the same family roots and similarity of names is to be expected over time. The only name which is the same in both cases is Lamech, and the Lamechs are clearly distinguished. Besides we have here only the Hebrew forms of the names. Originally they would have been in some primitive language. Thus the similarity may be due to the translator’s licence in order to suggest kinship.
The list is deliberately made up of seven names in order to show completeness and acceptability to God, for seven indicates divine completeness. It is noteworthy that whatever Cain’s past there appears to be a determination to establish his family’s continual trust in God – Enoch is ‘dedicated’; some of the line include El in their names (in a name El can be short for God); seven, the divine number, are listed in descent, and Lamech appeals to Yahweh’s covenant with Cain. Furthermore Mehujahel means ‘God blots out’ while Methushael means ‘man of God’ (Akkadian ‘mutu-sa-ili’) suggesting a moving back to a conscious hope of acceptability before God. The fact that these covenants are incorporated into Genesis 1-11 show that some connection between the descendants of Cain and the descendants of Seth was established so that they were considered part of the family history. The former covenant would certainly have to be communicated in order to be effective.
Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett
Gen 4:18. Unto Enoch was born, &c. It is observable, that while the genealogy of Seth is accurately deduced to Noah, and while an exact account is given of the age of his descendants, the genealogy of the descendants of Cain is carried but a little way, and no mention is made of their age. The reason is evident: Moses wrote this history for the chosen seed, from whom should spring the great Messiah; and to deduce the grand original promise.
REFLECTIONS.The murder of Abel was secret, and no doubt carefully concealed. But there is a great eye, from which nothing is hid, nothing is secret: and he in this world orders his providence, often in ways almost miraculous, to bring the blood that is covered to light. Mark here the direct, wilful lie, and most insolent answer of Cain; and mark the reply of God, pointed with conviction, covering him with confusion, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground. Blood hath a voice to reach the skies.
(1.) Shall murdered bodies thus cry out, and murdered souls be silent? Hear, ye careless sinners! whose lips and lives cast abroad firebrands, arrows, and death. Tremble, ye negligent pastors! how many lost immortal souls are laying their blood at your door? (2.) Where shall the man flee, whose sin hath testified to his face, whose guilt is evident? To the blood of Jesus. This crieth louder for mercy, than Abel’s did for vengeance: happy the soul whose cries of sin are drowned in deeper cries of the blood of the Saviour! Even a murderer need not despair.
Again, we may observe, that Cain’s punishment was less than his iniquity deserved; yet he murmurs against it, as more than he can bear. The hardened heart of man is thus ever disposed to charge God foolishly. Doth a living man dare to complain of any present burden? Let him rather stand astonished that he is out of hell. Depend upon it, they who quarrel with the punishments of sin, as too severe, will feel them to their cost by and by; and be made to own the justice of them too. Three sore judgments were upon him; rejection from God’s face; expulsion from the comforts of society and the church of God; and a restless and tormented conscience. Hence we may learn, that the soul which departs from God, is the prey of constant disquiet: though it seeks rest, it finds none.
We have also here Cain’s banishment in consequence of his sin. The presence of the Lord he no longer desired, but dreaded; and therefore sought to fly from it. He had done now with worship and sacrifices. None sink so low, none grow so infamously vile, as those who, having made profession of godliness, return, as the dog, to their vomit.
Fuente: Commentary on the Holy Bible by Thomas Coke
Gen 4:18 And unto Enoch was born Irad: and Irad begat Mehujael: and Mehujael begat Methusael: and Methusael begat Lamech.
Ver. 18. And unto Enoch was born Irad, &c. ] Cain had a numerous offspring. Seven generations of his are here reckoned. Seth is not yet born, that we hear of. The wicked “are full of children, and leave the rest of their substance to their babes.” Psa 17:14 “They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance.” They dance to “the timbrel and harp,” (as here Jabal and Jubal did,) but they suddenly turn into hell, and so their merry dance ends in a miserable downfall. Job 21:11-13
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
Irad = city of witness.
Lamech = powerful, 7th from Adam in Cain’s line.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
am cir, 194, bc cir, 3810
Lamech: Gen 5:21, Gen 36:2
Reciprocal: Gen 5:25 – General