Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Genesis 24:15

And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder.

15. Rebekah ] Here described as the daughter of Bethuel, as in Gen 24:24 ; Gen 24:47; cf. Gen 22:20-24, Gen 25:20, Gen 28:2. The absence, however, of any mention of Bethuel except in Gen 24:50, and the mention of Rebekah’s mother and her brother Laban as the representatives of the house ( Gen 24:28 ; Gen 24:55), have led to the conjecture, that Bethuel was dead, and that his name in Gen 24:50 is due to a gloss or a textual error.

her pitcher upon her shoulder ] Cf. Gen 21:14; Exo 12:34; Jos 4:5. Everything turned upon the girl having a pitcher: hence the mention of this detail.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

Gen 24:15-31

And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out

The finger of Providence in the appointment of a bride for Isaac


IN THE PROMPT AND COMPLETE ANSWER GIVEN TO HIS PRAYER. The maiden appeared on the scene which he had pictured to his minds eye, and displayed all the qualities which he had looked for in a bride for Isaac. She was civil and courteous, open and sincere, kind, simple, and unaffected.



1. He pauses to see whether Divine Providence is still leading on (Gen 24:21).

2. He acts upon the favours of Providence already received (Gen 24:22).

3. He engages in an act of praise (Gen 24:26-27).

IN THE RECOGNITION OF GOD BY ALL CONCERNED (Gen 24:27-28; Gen 24:31). (T. H.Leale.)

The advantages of being found in the path of duty






1. God sometimes answers His in the instant of prayer.

2. Providence orders motions for time and place in fitting persons for marriage according to His will.

3. The fittest wives and husbands are such who are the answer of prayer.

4. Goodness of family, honesty of calling, comeliness of person, purity of conversation, industry in labour, concur sweetly to make a good consort (Gen 24:15-16).

5. After praying to God, there must be acting by man to find Gods answer.

6. Humble addresses become strangers in desiring courtesies as answers from Gods mercy (Gen 24:17).

7. Ingenuity is quick and active in doing courtesy unto strangers.

8. Much kindness sometimes is shown in giving but a little water (Gen 24:18).

9. Ingenuous spirits are free to do good to beasts as well as men (Gen 24:19).

10. It is a sweet disposition to satisfy man and beast until they be full.

11. Providence makes good the signs He gives to His to the uttermost (Gen 24:20).

12. Wonderful are Gods providences many times in answering prayer, and so to be admired.

13. A silent and serious consideration there should be about the rare events of Gods providence.

14. The knowledge of Gods mind in all providences is to be laboured after for mans duty and Gods glory (Gen 24:21). (G. Hughes, B. D.)


1. Ingenuous spirits perform what kindness they do offer.

2. Courtesies being finished, it is time to prepare for thanks.

3. Ornaments best suit with them that are of pure minds and ingenuous conversations.

4. Gifts are not unlawful, being justly bestowed in gratefulness, and in pursuance of lawful desires (Gen 24:22).

5. Prudence finds out by queries such as are appointed unto marriage by Gods providence.

6. Inquiry for a nights lodging may conduce under Providence to further great affairs (Gen 24:23).

7. Providence ordereth the desired answer concerning persons sought for to them whom God sends.

8. Answers of abundant provision God maketh unto strangers sent about His business. All suits well (Gen 24:24-25).

9. Whatever answers of good men have from creatures, they should produce worship to God (Gen 24:26).

10. Gracious hearts bless God by praising when He blesseth them by prospering.

11. Good servants bless God for mercy and truth to their masters as for guidance to themselves.

12. Though angels minister to us, God alone must have the glory of all good events (Gen 24:27).

13. In such returns God speeds instruments to further on His own designs of good to His servants (Gen 24:28). (G. Hughes, B. D.)

Children to be brought up to all honest employments

The patriarchs of old were principal men and princes in their generations, yet their tender daughters were brought up in doing household business. Rebekah went, with her pitcher on her shoulders, to give drink to her fathers camels; and the seven daughters of the Priest of Midian accustomed themselves to draw water and fill the troughs to water their fathers sheep; and some say–how true is uncertain-that Christ Himself wrought as a carpenter at His fathers trade. Such was the harmless simplicity of those days, and such was the obedience of children, that even she that was appointed to be the mother of patriarchs, prophets, and kings, refused not to set her hand to ordinary employments. But how is the case altered in these days of ours! Our delicate damsels are ready to urge Rebekahs example for the wearing of bracelets and jewels about their necks, but they will not hear of Rebekahs carrying the pitcher upon her shoulders; they would be clothed like the lilies of the field, but they cannot endure to spin nor work at all; so that, whereas Solomons good housewife laid her hands to the wheel, they, for want of taking pains–especially if once married–set all upon wheels, and, while they do nothing, they undo themselves and bring all to nothing. (J. Spencer.)

Golden trinkets for presents

Golden trinkets were abundantly used among most of the Asiatic nations from early times; and those which Abrahams servant offered to Rebekah (Gen 24:22) belong to the most common ornaments. The nose-ring, chiefly, though not exclusively, worn by men, and applied by American tribes also, is inserted in the cartilage of the nose, either in the middle or in one side; it is often of considerable size, reaches generally beneath the mouth, and not always contributes to enhance the beauty of the face. It is here stated as having the weight of a beka, which is half a shekel, or a Greek drachm. The nose-rings worn at present by the Oriental women are often of ivory, or of gold; they are hollow, to render them less inconveniently heavy, and sometimes set with jewels–mostly a ruby between two pearls. Bracelets are such favourite ornaments with Oriental ladies, that they are not only worn by them in an unusual quantity, but are promised by Mohammed among the rewards of piety. Sometimes the whole arm, from the wrist of the hand to the elbow, is covered with them; sometimes two or more are worn, one above the other; and they are not unfrequently so heavy that they almost appear to be a burden to the fair owners. Two of them are here stated to have weighed ten shekels of gold–certainly a liberal present. Men also liked to adorn their wrist or upper arm with bracelets. On the Assyrian sculptures scarcely any person of wealth or station, or even any deity, appears without them. They were generally worn on one arm, and sometimes on both. Those who were unable to purchase gold or silver bracelets, contented themselves with procuring them of copper, ivory, horn, or glass. They were not always made with great skill or taste; they had not in all cases a lock, and often consisted merely of a large broad ring, through which the wearer forced the hand. The Egyptian bracelets, however, are in many instances not without elegance; and those represented on the Assyrian monuments, or found in the excavations of Mesopotamia, are scarcely inferior to them either in taste or in costliness. (M. M. Malisch, Ph. D.)

Blessed be the Lord God

The servants thanksgiving

1. The piety of it. He does not ascribe his success to chance or fortune, but to God. Moreover, he adores God by His covenant name as the Redeemer.

2. The confidence of it.

(1) Founded upon Gods dealings in the past. He had never failed in His mercy and His truth to Abraham. Therefore He might be thanked for the past with that confidence which is encouraged to hope much for the future. It is safe to trust Divine mercy and truth.

(2) Founded upon a consciousness of his own integrity.

Fuente: Biblical Illustrator Edited by Joseph S. Exell

Verse 15. Behold, Rebekah came out] How admirably had the providence of God adapted every circumstance to the necessity of the case, and so as in the most punctual manner to answer the prayer which his servant had offered up!

Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible

According to the manner of the first and purest ages of the world, wherein humility and diligence, not, as in this degeneration of the world, pomp and idleness, were the ornaments of that sex and age. See Gen 18:6; 29:9,18,20; Exo 2:16; Pro 31:27.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

15-21. before he had done speaking .. . behold, Rebekah came outAs he anticipated, a young womanunveiled, as in pastoral regions, appeared with her pitcher on hershoulder. Her comely appearance, her affable manners, her obligingcourtesy in going down the steps to fetch water not only to him butto pour it into the trough for his camels, afforded him the mostagreeable surprise. She was the very person his imagination hadpictured, and he proceeded to reward her civility.

Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

And it came to pass, before he had done speaking,…. In his heart, Ge 24:45; for his prayer was mental; while the last words were dropping from him, that very moment, as the Targum of Jonathan; so soon were his prayers heard and answered, Isa 65:24;

that behold Rebekah came out; out of Haran, the city of Nahor:

who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother; a daughter of Bethuel, which Bethuel was the eighth and last son of Milcah, and who was the daughter of Haran and the wife of Nahor, both brothers to Abraham: this is the genealogy of Rebekah, and for the sake of her is the account of Nahor’s family given, Ge 22:20:

with her pitcher upon her shoulder; to fetch water from the well for the use of the family; which, though the daughter of a wealthy person, she did not disdain to do; an instance of diligence and humility this.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

Verses 15-28:

Abraham’s servant had scarcely finished praying when he observed a young woman coming to the well to draw water. Though he did not know who she was, this young woman was the daughter of Abraham’s nephew Bethuel. Her name was Rebekah, Ribkah, meaning “captivating, ensnaring,” from a word meaning a rope with a noose; the thought being that she was one who ensnared men by means of her beauty. Eleazar put to her the test he had determined in prayer to Jehovah. She responded exactly as he had prescribed. Still he did not press the matter, in order to know for certain (“to wit”) that this was indeed the leadership of Jehovah in the matter.

Eleazar presented valuable gifts of gold to the young woman. Upon inquiry he learned her identity, and asked for lodging for the night. Then he identified himself as the servant of her kinsman Abraham, and affirmed the leadership of Jehovah in directing their meeting. Rebekah hurried to her home to inform her mother’s household of these remarkable events.

Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary

15. Before he had done speaking. The sequel sufficiently demonstrates that his wish had not been foolishly conceived. For the quickness of the answer manifests the extraordinary indulgence of God, who does not suffer the man to be long harassed with anxiety. Rebekah had, indeed, left her house before he began to pray; but it must be maintained that the Lord, at whose disposal are both the moments of time and the ways of man, had so ordered it on both sides as to give clear manifestation of his Providence. For sometimes he keeps us the longer in suspense, till, wearied with praying, we may seem to have lost our labor; but in this affair, in order that his blessing might not seem doubtful, he suddenly interposed. The same thing also happened to Daniel, unto whom the angel appeared, before the conclusion of his prayer. (Dan 9:21.) Now, although it frequently happens that, on account of our sloth, the Lord delays to grant our requests, it is, at such times, expedient for us, that what we ask should be delayed. In the meantime, he has openly and conspicuously proved, by unquestionable examples, that although the event may not immediately respond to our wishes, the prayers of his people are never in vain: yea, his own declaration, that before they cry he is mindful of their wants, is invariably fulfilled. (Isa 65:24.)

Fuente: Calvin’s Complete Commentary


Gen. 24:15. Upon her shoulder.] This was the most graceful mode of carrying a pitcher when it was empty.

Gen. 24:19. Until they have done drinking.] Kalisch remarks, If it is remembered that camels, though endowed in an almost marvellous degree with the power of enduring thirst, drink when an opportunity offers an enormous quantity of water, it will be acknowledged that the trouble to which the maiden cheerfully submitted required more than ordinary patience.

Gen. 24:21. Held his peace, to wit, whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not?] Heb. Keeping silence to know whether Jehovah had prospered his way or not.

Gen. 24:22. Golden ear-ring.] Properly a nose ring. It was a single one, not a pair. Such are worn by Eastern women, the left nostril being pierced for the purpose. (Gen. 24:47.) The presents were not as yet bridal presents: those first come in Gen. 24:53, and could not be given till the consent of Laban and Bethuel had been ascertained. (Alford.)



In the events related here Abrahams steward had evident proof that God was blessing his designs, and was bringing them to the desired issue. He could plainly see the finger of Providence:

I. In the prompt and complete answer given to his prayer. Before he had done speaking Rebekah appeared at the well (Gen. 24:15.) The suddenness of her appearance, taken together with the fact that her conduct and bearing were such as he looked for, would produce the impression upon his mind that his prayer was already answered. The sight of this comely damsel at such a seasonable moment, her dignified bearing, her kind disposition, her unaffected simplicity, would strike him as a distinct interference of Providence. He could not ascribe it all to chance or mere accident. His pious mind was disposed to believe and to see the manifest finger of God. The maiden appeared on the scene which he had pictured to his minds eye, and displayed all the qualities which he had looked for in a bride for Isaac. She was civil and courteous (Gen. 24:18; Gen. 24:24.) She was open and sincere. There was no pretence, or acting a part. She was kind (Gen. 24:18-20.) It was a good action, and done to a stranger. She was simple and unaffected. There was no suspicion or affected coyness. He could not see all these things without feeling that God had answered his prayer.

II. In the control of apparent accidents. The events that happened, though most remarkable in their wonderful fitness, were yet in themselves probable. Some might have regarded them as a lucky accidentas one of those favourable chances that will sometimes happen. But to a religious mind the most obscure and unknown causes are under the control of an all-seeing Providence, and are so regulated as to accomplish the Divine will. This incident brings one fact of Gods government of mankind vividly before us, which is, that great issues often depend upon apparently little things. It was a simple matter to ask a stranger for a drink of water, and yet how much depended upon this! The simple maiden had no suspicion of the greatness of the issue hanging upon her cheerful and kindly compliance with the request. It is conceivable that she might have acted otherwise, and with apparent justice. This man was a foreigner, and perhaps a foe. She was a lady accustomed to be waited upon, rather than to serve. But she stood upon no dignity, nor maintained a proud and cautious reserve. Any rudeness or suspicion on her part at this time and the servant must have looked elsewhere. Thus the great destinies of the Jewish nation seemed at this moment to depend upon the bearing of this maiden in meeting a stranger at a well.

III. In the impression made upon the steward himself. Doubtless he felt that his prayer was now answered, or at least that he had received the first tokens of an answer. Still he is afraid to presume too much.

1. He pauses to see whether Divine Providence is still leading on. He allows time for the natural feelings of the moment to possess him. He is filled with amazement and delight. He will not, however, be too confident, but waits to see whether God is still leading him on. (Gen. 24:21.) When we have done our duty in the humble spirit of prayer, and when Divine light has enabled us to see a few steps in advance, we should calmly wait that more light may be granted.

2. He acts upon the favours of Providence already received. Believing that his way was divinely directed so far, he presents gifts to the young damsel. (Gen. 24:22.) These were a suitable expression of thanks for her services, and would naturally secure her goodwill for the future. Then he is encouraged to ask for the rights of hospitality, and they were graciously granted. (Gen. 24:23-25.) He was making his way safe and surestill looking to God for direction and success.

3. He engages in an act of praise. (Gen. 24:26-27.) He worships the Covenant Godgives thanks to the God of families who had not failed of His mercy and His truth. He felt that he had acted, up to this point, in the integrity of his heart, and that he had not wandered from the way of the Lord. His conduct in this matter is a beautiful picture of true and simple primitive piety. He seeks direction by prayer, and acknowledges the answer in humble hearty praise.

IV. In the recognition of God by all concerned. All who were concerned in the results of this embassy felt that this thing was of God. When Rebekah heard of the Lord of Abraham her feelings of wonder and piety were excited. (Gen. 24:27-28.) She cannot resist the impression that she is honouring a saint of God. Laban also regards this servant as one who was specially favoured by Jehovah. (Gen. 24:31.) He discerned by evident signs that this was a true child of God.


Gen. 24:15. So quick is God many times in the answer of prayers. (Isa. 65:24; Dan. 9:23.) The angel had even tired himself with flight, to tell Daniel that his prayers were heard. David did but say, I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord, and before he could do it, God forgave the iniquity of his sin. (Psa. 32:5.)(Trapp.)

So forward is God to bestow His benefits upon us that they do not so much follow our prayers as prevent and go before them. And it shall come to pass, that before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear (Isa. 65:24.)(Bochart.)

The eastern women sometimes carry their jars upon their heads; but Rebekahs was carried upon her shoulder. In such a case, the jar is not supposed to have been placed upright on the shoulder, but held by one of the handles, with the hand over the shoulder, and suspended in this manner on the back, held, I should imagine, by the right hand over the left shoulder. Consequently, when it was presented to Abrahams servant, that he might drink out of it, it was to be gently moved over the left arm, and being suspended by one hand, while the other probably was placed under the bottom of the jar; it was in that position presented to Abrahams servant and his attendants to drink out of. And she hasted and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him to drink. (Gen. 24:18.)(Harmer.)

Gen. 24:16. Beauty is the characteristic of the Church, which is lovely and fair in the sight of God. It was fitting that the mother of the Church, which God was now calling out of the world, should be beautiful.

Some suppose that this well was a cistern of rain-water. We have seen such cut in the rock above ground, and we have seen wells or fountains reached by a declivity or by steps. He had watched her in this movement, and was clear that she fulfilled all the conditions as to personal manners.(Jacobus.)

Gen. 24:16-17. How is it, she might have answered, that thou being a foreigner,and for anything I know a foe,askest drink of me, a native of this country? What am I, that I should minister to thee? Or, what art thou to me, that thou shouldest expect this favour at my hands? It was good for Rebekah that she did not answer thus. No other opportunity would probably have been given to her; no second appeal would have been made to her. And it was good for another woman, who, long after, met another stranger,wearied with his journey, at another well,that when she met His request, Give me to drink, with the churlish question, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? It was good for her that she had a different person from Abrahams servant to deal with. A rude reception of this sort might have ended once and for ever the negotiation for a marriage treaty which this messenger from Canaan was about to open. But that other Messenger from the heavenly Canaan is not so easily repelled. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. (Isa. 55:8.)(Candlish.)

Little things are often the most reliable test of character. They reveal the chief and prevailing dispositions of our nature far more truthfully than a well studied and prepared part acted on great occasions. Faithfulness in little things affords the best promise of faithfulness in great.

Gen. 24:18-19. Her response was prompt and cordial. She was bearing her pitcher upon her shoulder, as we suppose, and naturally let it down upon her hand. This civility and courtesy added to the already favourable impression. It happened somewhat differently with us. We came up to a cistern hewn out of the limestone rock, and were very thirsty after a hot ride on the road from Jericho to Jerusalem. The cistern was well supplied with rainwater, covered over with green scum. Our dragoman let down his skin bucket or bottle by a cord, and drew up the water clear and cool from beneath the surface. He poured it into a cup and was handing it to one of our ladies, when an old sheikh, who had escorted us, seized the cup, demanding to be served before the lady. On his being stoutly refused by our dragoman, he mounted his beast in a surly mood and rode off immediately.(Jacobus.)

The maiden manifests that very bountifulness of spirit, which the woman of Samaria not only wanted, but thought it strange that she should be expected to possess. Without suspicion or inquiry, without upbraiding, she is impatient to respond to the strangers callshe is in haste to minister to his wants. She hasted, it is said,and said, not once, but twice,as if to indicate her promptness to meet the demand made upon her, and to supply the wants not only of the wayfarer himself but of his cattle.(Candlish.)

She now proceeded quite according to the sign which the steward had named. Everything thus goes forward most satisfactorily. She proposes, in her open-hearted way, to furnish water for his camels also, using even the language which the servant had used in his prayer. This indicated, most clearly, the hand of God in the matter.(Jacobus.)

Gen. 24:20. In the vicinity of Nazareth we noticed such a well or fountain with a stone trough filled, and at evening the women were gathered there, filling their stone jars at the well, and carrying them on their heads. The trough would also be a convenience for cattle to drink. Around Jerusalem, Damascus, and Hebron the water is conveyed from pools or reservoirs outside the city, in earthen pipes running under cover, but having openings at intervals along the roadside for the cattle to drink.(Jacobus.)

Genuine goodness of disposition does not proceed with a dull and melancholy movement, but is sprightly and cheerful. The value of such duties lies not only in what they bestow, but rather in the attractive and willing manner in which they are done. This is the kind of service which God loves.
Rebekah was a true mother of the Church, for it is the office of the Church to perform large and cheerful services for mankind.

Gen. 24:21. He was rapt in admiration of the Divine providence which had made the event to correspond so remarkably with his desires. The maidens conduct; so amiable in itself, and so exactly in unison with his previous wishes, struck him with a kind of amazement, accompanied by a momentary hesitation whether all could be true. Thus, the disciples of Jesus wondered when Peter was cast into prison; and when their prayers were heard, and Peter stood without, knocking at the gate, they could not credit the joyful news, but said, It is his angel. We pray for blessings, and when our prayers are answered we can scarcely believe them to be so.(Bush.)

The mind, like the eye, is often dazzled and confounded by excess of light. We require time to adjust our souls to new and sudden situations. Amazement is the first effect of the appearing of Gods great goodness.
It is not wise to rush into too sudden conclusions from favourable appearances. It is better to wait and see whether the future will confirm our first impressions.
To find out whether God has prospered us, we must have successive proofs of His goodness. His guiding hand must lead us every step of our way.
No wonder the good man marvelled. Such alacrity of attention to a poor way-worn traveller did indeed betoken a gracious disposition. And the circumstance fitted in so aptly to his previous train of holy meditation, that he could not fail to recognise an answer to his prayer. It was as if the Lord were saying to him in this remarkable providence, Be still and know that I am God.(Candlish.)

Gen. 24:22. Is it not in opposition with 1Ti. 2:9-10; 2Ti. 3:4-5, to put on these ornaments? We answer,

1. Rebekah had no conceit of herself in connection with them;
2. As Sarah was a princess, so Rebekah became the daughter of a prince, and we cannot refuse to distinguished persons a certain pre-eminence in clothing and ornaments;
3. The great abundance of gold, precious stones, and jewels in the Levitical cultus, was not to contribute to pride.(Starke.)

The thing really intended seems to be a ring or jewel for the nose; but our translators, having no knowledge of such an ornament, which seemed to them to imply an absurdity, have carefully avoided the true idea everywhere, except in Isa. 3:21, the translator of which portion had probably gained some information, not possessed by the others, of this peculiarity of Oriental ornament. Yet all their care could not preclude an occasional allusion to it, as in Pro. 11:22, where it could not but be rendered a jewel in a swines snout. The extensive use of nose ornaments among the Arabian and other females of the East having now become known, modern translators render the present text nose ring, as is done in the Arabic and Persian versions.(Bush.)

Gen. 24:23. As there were no public-houses for travellers, only at best the Khan or caravan-serai, and as it was and still is customary for strangers to seek a lodging with the Sheikh of the village, this question about accommodations was proper, and not surprising.(Jacobus.)

It is sufficient if we have clear light for the next duty which lies before us. When Providence opens our way we should follow.

Gen. 24:24. She promptly told of her family relation; and it proved to be of Abrahams kindredthe daughter of his nephew.(Jacobus.)

Another step in the paths of Providence was verefied. God rewards faithful duty by granting more and more a knowledge of His will.

Gen. 24:25. In keeping with her cordiality; already shown at the well, is her hospitality, in which she goes beyond his request for lodging, and assures him of straw and provender besides. The straw was chopped straw for mixture with provenderas grasses and herbage, or barley. The term for provender means feed in the general.(Jacobus.)

Had Rebekah done no more than Eliezer had prayed for, we might have supposed that she acted not as a free agent, but was impelled to it by the absolutely controlling power of God; but as she exceeds all that was requested, we see that it sprang from her native benevolence, and sets her conduct in a most amiable point of view.(A. Clarke.)

It is well observed by an interpreter, that in the narration of this story (which yet seemeth to be of light and trivial matters) the Spirit of God is very exact and large; whereas other things wherein great mysteries are infolded (as the history of Melchizedek etc.), are set down in few words; that man might consider Gods wisdom and Providence in things of least esteem amongst men. I add, that all may see what delight He takes in the meanest actions and speeches of His dearest children; when the great acts and exploits of Nimrod, Ninus, and other grandees of the world are not once mentioned, but lie shrouded in the sheet of oblivion or shame.(Trapp.)

God rewards those who seek Him with more than they ask or think.

Gen. 24:26-27. See how he relisheth of his masters house, and showeth a gracious heart, ready to offer up a sacrifice of praise, wherever God shall please to set it up an altar. The same word in Greek () signifieth grace and thanks; to show, that as any man hath more grace, he is more grateful to God and man. It is observable also, that our Saviour sets these two together,the unthankful, and the evil. (Luk. 6:35).(Trapp.)

Such a sight is fitted to move deeply the simple and earnest soul of the guileless maiden. The venerable aspect of the stranger, surprised into a sudden act of most profound devotion could not but strike her heart; and the mention of the name of Abraham, of whom doubtless she had often heard in her fathers house,and with whose migration, narrated as a household tale, she had been taught to associate something of the mysterious and the supernatural,could not fail to call forth her feelings of wonder, expectancy, and awe. Who is this to whom she has been unawares rendering what appears to be received as so remarkable a service? It is but a little cold water that she has been giving; a boon that she would not withhold from the poorest pilgrim she might chance to meet with at a well. But what a burst of pious gratitude does it cause! And what a discovery does it occasion! she is not forgetful to entertain strangers; and as thereby some have entertained angels unawares, (Heb. 13:2), so Rebekah on this occasion reaps a rich reward for the attention she has been unconsciously paying to an honoured saint of God. The old man who is the object of her apparently trifling courtesy and kindness, as if bent under the weight of an insupportable obligation, bows down his head and worships God. And the words he utters in his ecstacy and thankfulness, bring home to her as a present reality all that from her childhood she has doubtless been wont to hear, of what was probably the most remarkable event in the family history,the strange adventure of the old patriarch called so mysteriously away long ago into a distant and a sort of dreamy land. Well may she be in haste to communicate the surprising intelligence she has so unexpectedly obtained.(Candlish.)

Here is a fine example of a man who acknowledged God in all His ways. He takes no steps without prayer, nor receives any blessing thereby vouchsafed without rendering thanksgiving and praise.

The servants thanksgiving.

1. The piety of it. He does not ascribe his success to chance or fortune, but to God. Moreover he adores God by His Covenant name as the Redeemer.
2. The confidence of it.
(1) Founded upon Gods dealings in the past. He had never failed in His mercy and His truth to Abraham. Therefore He might be thanked for the past with that confidence which is encouraged to hope much for the future. It is safe to trust Divine mercy and truth.
(2) Founded upon a consciousness of his own integrity. This servant knew that he was in the way of the Lord, that he was led to the house of his masters brethren by Divine direction. Therefore he was sure from whom these blessings came.

The Bible is a revelation not only of Gods truth, but also of His mercy. Were it not thus it would bring no glad tidings to men.
It is a comfort to know that the father of believers is represented as a man who never was forsaken of Gods mercy and truth. All the children of faith in every age have this experience.

Gen. 24:28. Rapid movements become excited feelings. Joyful feet travel swiftly. It is so, notably, with the highest spiritual feelings. When God enlarges our hearts with them then we are ready to run in the ways of His commandments.

This praise to God was probably offered while Rebekah was running to her home with the exciting news. It would be to the female part of the house to whom she would naturally relate all the facts and all her thoughts. How natural the picture! The mother, and those who cluster around her, will first get the interesting news. The family was settled in a fixed abode; as would seem.(Jacobus.)

Gen. 24:29-31. From what we afterwards learn of Laban, it is not perhaps doing him injustice to suppose that the golden ornaments had great influence in prompting a behaviour which had the appearance of being highly disinterested and generous. His whole history shows him to have been a mercenary man, and quite susceptible to the impressions which the display of great wealth would make upon a covetous mind. But, whatever were his motives, his treatment of the servant was kind. Finding him at the well modestly waiting for a further invitation, he accosts him in language that would have befitted the lips of a much better man.(Bush.)

The presents to his sister assure him that this is the envoy of some man of wealth and position. The name of Jehovah was evidently not unfamiliar to Labans ears. He calls this stranger blessed of Jehovah on account of his language, demeanour, and manifest prosperity. The knowledge and worship of the living God, the God of truth and mercy, was still retained in the family of Nahor.(Murphy.)

Fuente: The Preacher’s Complete Homiletical Commentary Edited by Joseph S. Exell

15. Before he had done speaking Speedily is that prayer of child-like faith and simplicity answered .

Rebekah Her name has already appeared in the genealogy of Gen 22:20-24.

Pitcher upon her shoulder The usual mode of carrying the water pitcher in Syria .

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

‘And it happened that before he had done speaking, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, with her pitcher on her shoulder.’

There is an immediate response. Out to the well comes Rebekah a kinswoman of Abraham. The family details refer back to the opening genealogy (Gen 22:23). It is quite clear that Yahweh has accepted the terms of the covenant and has responded.

“With her pitcher on her shoulder.” Important woman though she is she is not too important to partake in the vital task of providing water.

Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett

The Meeting with Rebekah

v. 15. And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder. All the emphasis is here laid upon the speed with which the Lord heard the prayer of Eliezer. He had not yet finished his prayer when Rebekah, the granddaughter of Nahor, the grandniece of Abraham, appeared.

v. 16. And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her; and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up. Rebekah did not let beauty spoil her, nor did the fact that she was a rich man’s daughter cause her to despise manual labor. She personally descended the steps to the well, filled her pitcher with water, and then returned to the head of the path.

v. 17. And the servant ran to meet her and said, Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher.

v. 18. And she said, Drink, my lord. And she hasted, and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink.

v. 19. And when she had done giving him drink, she said, I will draw water for thy camels also until they have done drinking.

v. 20. And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher in to the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw water, and drew for all his camels. This willingness to serve, which did not even balk at the prospect of drawing water for ten camels at the end of a day’s journey, came in literal fulfillment of Eliezer’s prayer. Rebekah’s every act gave evidence of a hospitable kindness which considered the ready serving of a stranger a privilege. This miraculous arrangement of the circumstances was due to the dispensation of God. Many believers have since had the same experience, namely, that the living God hears prayers, often before they themselves have finished imploring Him for help.

v. 21. And the man wondering at her, watching her carefully and almost taken aback at the exactness with which his prayer was fulfilled before his eyes, held his peace to wit whether the Lord had made his journey prosperous or not. In silence the servant deliberated over the happening, asking himself whether this young woman belonged to the family of his master, whether she was still single, whether she would be willing to go with him, in short, whether the Lord had caused his way to prosper, had given success to his journey.

v. 22. And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels weight of gold. As a token of his gratitude for her willingness to serve Eliezer the latter took from his presents which he had brought a golden nose-ring, such as the woman of the Orient wears suspended from the middle wall of her nose, and two bracelets of gold, worn upon the wrist, each of five shekels weight (a shekel being about ten drams avoirdupois).

v. 23. And said, Whose daughter art thou? Tell me, I pray thee, is there room in thy father’s house for us to lodge in? The presents which Rebekah received at the hand of Eliezer were intended also to make her all the more willing to answer his questions as to her family and as to the possibility of obtaining lodging in her father’s house.

v. 24. And she said unto him, I am the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, which she bare unto Nahor. Thus was Eliezer’s first question answered and the fulfillment of his prayer emphasized.

v. 25. She said moreover unto him, We have both straw and provender enough, and room to lodge in. The second question was thus answered with becoming reservation, for she, as the daughter of the house, could not issue a direct invitation. She merely stated, therefore, that she knew chopped straw and other food to be present at home in sufficient quantities.

v. 26. And the man bowed down his head and worshiped the Lord.

v. 27. And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of His mercy and His truth; I being in the way, the Lord led me to the house of my master’s brethren. The obvious guidance and dispensation of the Lord in this matter, in everything pertaining to his journey, so deeply affected Eliezer that he, even in the presence of Rebekah, broke forth in a prayer of thanksgiving which revealed, to some extent, whence he came. The Lord had not withheld His free grace, His faithfulness, mercy, and truth from Abraham. He had only started out on his way, but it was the Lord that had guided him to his destination and to the object of his journey in such a miraculous manner.

v. 28. And the damsel ran and told them of her mother’s house these things. Full of astonishment at the prayer of thanksgiving which she heard from the lips of the stranger, Rebekah ran home, naturally seeking for her mother in the women’s part of the house. Throughout the Chapter, Rebekah is an example of a God fearing, pious virgin, whose womanly virtues stand out prominently; just as Eliezer presents the picture of a pious, faithful servant.

Fuente: The Popular Commentary on the Bible by Kretzmann

Gen 24:15. It came to pass, &c. Before he had done speaking, before he had mentally uttered this prayer, see Gen 24:45. God, whose ears are ever open to the petitions of those who trust in him, prevented, as it were, his desires: and Rebekah, with her pitcher on her shoulder, appeared. What an image of the simplicity of the first ages! Indeed in that view nothing can be more pleasing than this whole transaction. Hesiod and Homer, representing the simplicity of the early ages, have passages very similar to, and, perhaps, borrowed from this. See Odyss. vii. 20. xx. 105. Nothing can be more amiable, than the colours in which the sacred historian paints the lovely, benevolent Rebekah.

Fuente: Commentary on the Holy Bible by Thomas Coke

Gen 24:15 And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder.

Ver. 15. Before he had done speaking. ] So quick is God, many times, in the answer of prayers. Isa 65:24 Dan 9:23 The angel had even tired himself with flight, to tell Daniel that his prayers were heard. David did but say, “I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord”; and before he could do it, “God forgave the iniquity of his sin”. Psa 32:5

Rebekah came out. ] She took her name, saith one, as it may seem, from the expectation of eternal life. For Rebekah denoteth a woman which expecteth a free delivery from all calamity, and an inheritance of eternal life. Therefore, she is a notable type of the Church, which is the spouse of Christ shadowed in Isaac. a

a Itinerar. Script., p. 97.

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: Gen 24:15-21

15Before he had finished speaking, behold, Rebekah who was born to Bethuel the son of Milcah, the wife of Abraham’s brother Nahor, came out with her jar on her shoulder. 16The girl was very beautiful, a virgin, and no man had had relations with her; and she went down to the spring and filled her jar and came up. 17Then the servant ran to meet her, and said, “Please let me drink a little water from your jar.” 18She said, “Drink, my lord”; and she quickly lowered her jar to her hand, and gave him a drink. 19Now when she had finished giving him a drink, she said, “I will draw also for your camels until they have finished drinking.” 20So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough, and ran back to the well to draw, and she drew for all his camels. 21Meanwhile, the man was gazing at her in silence, to know whether the LORD had made his journey successful or not.

Gen 24:15 “Rebekah who was born to Bethuel the son of Milcah” This family was mentioned in Gen 22:20-24. Her father’s name, Bethuel, means “man of God” (BDB 143 I), which may show the spiritual nature of this family. It is also significant that the family line comes through Milcah, the true wife, and not a concubine of Nahor, Reumah.

“came out with a jar on her shoulder” This is one point which shows the historicity of the account. Women in Egypt carried the water jars on their heads, but in Mesopotamia they carried it on their hip or shoulder.

Gen 24:17 “please let me drink” This is a Hiphil IMPERATIVE (BDB 167, KB 196). This matches his prayer of Gen 24:14.

Gen 24:18 “Drink” This is a Qal IMPERATIVE (BDB 1059, KB 1667), which also answers his prayer for guidance to the right woman.

Gen 24:19-20 “I will draw for your camels” This was also part of the servant’s prayer of Gen 24:14. YHWH gave specific guidance to Rebekah. This act on Rebekah’s part would have involved a considerable amount of time and energy for ten thirsty camels!

Fuente: You Can Understand the Bible: Study Guide Commentary Series by Bob Utley

before he had done speaking. Compare Isa 65:24.

Rebekah. Hebrew captivating.

born to Bethuel. See App-29.

Bethuel. Hebrew separated of God.

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

before: Gen 24:45, Jdg 6:36-40, Psa 34:15, Psa 65:2, Psa 145:18, Psa 145:19, Isa 58:9, Isa 65:24, Dan 9:20-23

Rebekah: Gen 24:24, Gen 22:20-23

Milcah: Gen 11:27, Gen 11:29, Gen 22:23

pitcher: Gen 21:14, Gen 29:9, Exo 2:16, Rth 2:2, Rth 2:17, Pro 31:27

Reciprocal: Gen 11:31 – Haran Gen 24:50 – Laban Gen 24:51 – hath Gen 28:2 – Padanaram 1Ki 1:22 – General

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Gen 24:15. And before he had done speaking, behold, Rebekah came out Who, in all respects, answered the characters he wished for in the woman that was to be his masters wife; handsome and healthful, humble and industrious, courteous and obliging to a stranger. And Providence so ordered it, that she did that which exactly answered his sign. God, in his providence, doth sometimes wonderfully own the prayer of faith, and gratify the innocent desires of his praying people, even in little things, that he may show the extent of his care, and may encourage them at all times to seek him, and trust in him; yet we must take heed of being over bold in prescribing to God, lest the event should weaken our faith rather than strengthen it. And the concurrence of providences, and their minute circumstances, for the furtherance of our success in any business, ought to be particularly observed with wonder and thankfulness to the glory of God. We have been wanting to ourselves, both in duty and comfort, by neglecting to observe providence.

Fuente: Joseph Bensons Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

24:15 And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, {h} Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham’s brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder.

(h) God gives success to all things that are done for the glory of his name and according to his word.

Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes