Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Genesis 2:25

And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

25. This verse by one simple illustration describes the condition of the man and the woman in the garden. It is not that of moral perfection, but that of the innocence and ignorance of childhood. The untried innocence of the child does not possess the sense of shame: the depravity of vice forfeits it. The sense of shame is the shadow which temptation to sin throws across the pathway of purity.


The Book of Genesis contains two Cosmogonies: (1) the earlier and simpler one, that of Gen 2:4 b 25 J, (2) the later and more systematic one, that of Gen 1:1 to Gen 2:4 a P.

(1) The distinctive features of the earlier one suggest a scene familiar to dwellers in the desert. The earth is barren and dry: there is as yet no rain to make it fruitful, no man to till it ( Gen 2:5). A stream 1 [5] issues “from the earth”; it irrigates “the whole face of the ground” ( Gen 2:6). Jehovah forms “man” out of the dust, and breathes life into him ( Gen 2:7). He causes him to dwell in a garden of rich soil and fruitful trees ( Gen 2:8-17). He forms “the beasts of the field” and “the fowls of the air” to be man’s companions ( Gen 2:18-20). But they give no true companionship: and Jehovah, casting “man” into a deep sleep, takes out of him a rib, and forms “woman” to be man’s companion ( Gen 2:21-25).

[5] “Stream”: R.V. “mist.” See note in loc.

The process of formation is orderly: (1) dry earth, (2) water, (3) man, (4) vegetation, (5) animals, (6) woman. Jehovah is the maker of all. Man is, in all, the object of Jehovah’s care and solicitude. The scene of the garden is that of an oasis teeming with life and vegetation.

(2) The later and more elaborate Cosmogony (Gen 1:1 to Gen 2:4 a) is, undoubtedly, ultimately derived from the alluvial region of Babylonia. At the first, there is a primordial watery chaos, over which “broods” the quickening “spirit of God” ( Gen 2:2). Then ensue six days of Creation. On the first, God creates the light, causing day and night ( Gen 2:3). On the second, He “makes” the “firmament, or solid expanse of heaven, which parts asunder the waters above and the waters below ( Gen 2:7). On the third day, God collects the lower waters into seas, and makes the earth appear, and clothes it with vegetation ( Gen 2:9-13). On the fourth day, He makes the sun, moon, and stars; and “sets” them in the “firmament,” to rule over the day and the night ( Gen 2:14-19). On the fifth day, He causes the water and the air to bring forth water-animals and winged things ( Gen 2:20-23). On the sixth day, God “makes” the animals of the earth; and, finally, “creates” man, “male and female,” “in the image of God” ( Gen 2:24-25).

In this Cosmogony there are certain points of resemblance to the Babylonian Cosmogony contained in the Seven Tables of Creation, in which Marduk, the god of light, overthrows Tiamat, the dragon-goddess of the watery chaos, sets up the luminaries of heaven, and makes Man 1:2 [6] . The following table, taken from Gordon’s Early Traditions of Genesis (p. 51), will shew all the chief points of resemblance, and will also make it clear that the Biblical story is not a mere reproduction of the Babylonian myth.

[6] See Appendix A (book comments).

Genesis 1. Seven Tables. i. The emergence of light ( Gen 1:3 f.). i. The appearance of Marduk, god of light (ii. 97). ii. The division of primaeval chaos into heaven and earth ( Gen 1:6 ff.). ii. The splitting in two of Tiamat, to form heaven and earth (iv. 135 ff.; cf. Berosus) 1[7] .

[7] See Appendix A (book comments). iii. The growth of herbs and trees from earth ( Gen 1:11 f.). iii. The setting up of the sun, moon, and stars in heaven, as images of the great gods, to “rule” the day and night, and determine the seasons (Gen 2:1 ff.). iv. The placing of the sun, moon, and stars in the firmament of heaven, to “rule” the day and night, and to serve as “signs” of seasons, &c. ( Gen 1:14 ff.). iv. The creation of plants (not found in our present text, but evidently an original element of the Epos prob. in Tab. v., after the setting up of the heavenly bodies) (cf. vii. 1 f., 21 ff.). v. The creation of the animals ( Gen 1:20 ff.). v. Creation of the animals (also missing from our present text, but authenticated by Berosus its place also, probably, in Tab. v., after creation of plants). vi. The creation of man in God’s image ( Gen 1:26 ff.). vi. Creation of man from Marduk’s blood mixed with earth (Tab. vi. 5 ff.; cf. vii. 29, and Berosus). It will be observed that, except for the exchange in the position of the creation of the plant world and the heavenly bodies, the same general order is followed. In the details of the account, the division of the waters above and below the firmament seems to correspond closely to the cleaving of Tiamat into two pieces, to form the heaven and the earth; and the setting of the heavenly bodies as “signs,” for the determining of seasons, days, and years, and for ruling the day and night, presents a feature of striking similarity to the Babylonian story.

The Genesis Cosmogony has dispensed with the grotesque and often unlovely and confusing details of the Babylonian mythology. For example, whereas man is made out of the compound of Marduk’s blood and the dust of the earth, the truth, which underlies this crude representation, is stated by the Hebrew writer in the simple words, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness” (Gen 1:26).

The two main ideas that run through this Hebrew Cosmogony are:

(1) God is the One Almighty Creative Power; whether calling into being light ( Gen 1:3), the firmament ( Gen 1:6-7), the heavenly bodies ( Gen 1:16-17), and man ( Gen 1:27), or causing vegetation to come forth from the earth ( Gen 1:11-12), fish from the water ( Gen 1:20-21), animals from the earth ( Gen 1:24-25).

(2) The sequence in the creative acts is an orderly ascent from one stage to another, progressing from amorphous chaos to man as the crown of creation. At first, there is darkness and watery mass. Light displaces darkness; a solid dome of heaven separates the waters; the waters are collected; earth emerges, and out of the earth vegetation; the heavenly bodies are bearers of light; the waters and the air produce their living creatures; and, lastly, the earth produces the beasts; and, to crown the whole work, God creates man.

It is progress from chaos to order; from elemental to complex; from inorganic to organic; from lifeless matter to vegetable; from vegetable to animal, and, finally, to human life.

The Six Days

The most distinctive feature in the Hebrew Cosmogony of Gen 1:1 to Gen 2:4 a is the scheme of Six Days Creation. The orderly arrangement of chronological material is characteristic of the style of P. The stages of the Divine Creative work lent themselves to be distributed over Six Days. But, according to the religious thought of the devout Israelite, the Seventh Day must from the first have been a day of rest, and the Divine example alone could have communicated to the observance of the Sabbath its supreme seal of sanctity.

It is noteworthy that the only two passages in the Old Testament in which reference is made to the “six days work” of Creation, are Exo 20:11; Exo 31:17, both of which are probably based upon P’s narrative. (See Commentaries by McNeile and Driver, in loc.) The Six Days Creation, followed by the Seventh Day of Rest, are distinctively Israelite and not Babylonian features. There is nothing corresponding to them in the Babylonian myth. The Seven Tables of Creation are not arranged in any sequence of days.

The Creative works of the Six Days have been classified in different ways.

(1) Thomas Aquinas divided them into three “opera distinctionis ” and three “opera ornatus.”

Opera distinctionis. Opera ornatus. 1st Day. Light. 4th Day. Heavenly Bodies. 2nd Day. The Firmament. 5th Day. Fishes and Birds. 3rd Day. Sea, Land, and Vegetation. 6th Day. Cattle, Beasts, and Man. (2) Many modern scholars, e.g. Wellhausen and Gunkel, suggest that the Cosmogony originally told of eight creative works, and that these have been arranged in P’s scheme of “six days”:

Elements. Inhabitants. 1. Light. 5. Luminaries. 2. Heaven. 6. Fishes. 3. Sea. 7. Birds. 4. Vegetation. 8. Animals and Man. (3) The endeavour to find any exact symmetry of parallelism between the works of the first three days and the works of the second three days must be abandoned. Roughly speaking, it may suffice to say, to quote Driver, that “the first three days are days of preparation, the next three are days of accomplishment.” But the following facts are noteworthy. ( a) Each group of three days contains four creative acts: ( b) the third day, in each group, has two creative acts assigned to it: ( c) the creation of light on the first day has corresponding to it on the fourth day the creation of the “light-bearers,” or heavenly bodies: ( d) the separation of the waters, on the second day, by the making of the firmament, seems to correspond with the creation, on the fifth, of the creatures of the sea and of the fowls “that fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” ( Gen 1:20): ( e) whereas, on the third day, the dry land appears, and vegetable life is made, it is on the sixth day that the animals of the earth, and man, are created; while the herbs, grasses, and fruits of the third day’s creation are the appointed food ( Gen 1:30), both of animals and of mankind.

1st Day. Light. 2nd Day. The Firmament, separating between the waters above and below. 3rd Day. ( a) Formation of the Sea and the Earth, and ( b) of the Vegetable World. 4th Day. Heavenly Bodies. 5th Day. Fowls of the Air, and Water Animals. 6th Day. ( a) Animals of the Earth, ( b) Mankind. The Cosmogonies and Science and Religion

Every Cosmogony expresses, under the form of imagery, the childlike answers of a people in its earliest phases of civilization to the questionings of the human mind as to the origin of the world and of life. No Cosmogony, therefore, can be expected to give any but nave, crude, and simple explanations of the deep mysteries of the universe.

The Biblical Cosmogonies only differ from other Cosmogonies in this respect. They reproduce the early beliefs of the Israelite people respecting the Origin of the World and of the Human Race in the form of narrative which, however simple and childlike, is devoid of any taint of polytheism or degrading superstition, and is capable of conveying the profoundest truths respecting God, the Universe, and Mankind.

Unquestionably, they present to us the physical science of their age. And, by comparison with other Cosmogonies, the statement, contained in the first two chapters of Genesis, surpasses in dignity, lucidity, and simplicity that which is to be found in any other ancient literature. It is no exaggeration to say that the picture, which the first chapter of Genesis presents of the orderly progress out of primordial chaos, and of the successive stages in the creation of vegetation, fishes, birds, mammals, and man, is unrivalled for its combination of simplicity, grandeur, and truth. It contains, in principle, though, of course, without exactitude in detail, the thought which is contained in the modern idea of evolution.

Judged by the standards of modern knowledge, the Cosmogonies of Genesis are wholly defective. They present to us pictures, accounting for the origin of things, which vividly corresponded with the Semitic thought of their age and country, but which from the point of view of science are devoid of any value.

For instance, in Genesis 2, the formation of man out of the dust of the earth, and of woman out of man’s rib, is the symbolism of primitive legend, not actual fact.

In Genesis 1, the conception of the universe, as in the O.T. generally, is geocentric. The sun, moon and stars are formed after the earth, and attached to the “firmament.” The “firmament” of the heaven is a solid dome above which are vast reservoirs of water. The vegetation of the earth appears before the formation of the sun. “Six Days” account for the origin of the whole universe. Two days are assigned for the formation of all forms of animal life and of mankind.

These are ideas which, however beautifully expressed, belong to the childhood of the enquiring thought of mankind. They have had their value in helping to supply the science of the Christian world in pre-scientific days. In this respect they have served their time. We derive our knowledge of the structure of the globe, of the universe, of the stars, of the succession of animal life, of the antiquity of man, not from these two chapters of Genesis, but from the continually progressive teaching of modern science. Modern science is based upon the skilled and minute observations of men of genius and highly trained intellect. The astronomical discoveries of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton, reinforced by the philosophical teaching of Bacon’s Novum Organon, have revolutionized the natural sciences. The pre-Copernican conception of the universe has passed for ever away.

It is to be remembered that to the Israelite writers “the realm of natural sciences,” as we call them, had no existence. The universe had come into being by the Will of God. The phenomena of Nature were the manifestations of His handiwork. God was the immediate fashioner of all from the beginning. The religion of Jehovah had chased away the Nature Deities of the heathen nations. The Spirit of God is the source of all life: every law of Nature is the direct fulfilment of Divine command. To the Israelite writer “religion” and “science” are one. The gaps in human knowledge are filled up with the poetry of primitive imagination; but this is never allowed to conflict with the pure monotheism of Israel. Neither the world, nor any creature, nor the heavenly bodies, are identified with the Divine Being. Nothing in the universe has any existence save through the Will of God. There is no independent, no hostile, deity. God has willed and made all; and, therefore, He is able to pronounce all to be “very good.” The Hebrew Cosmogonies testify to a God who is not only omnipotent, but whose works proclaim His praise as the God of order, of progress, and of love.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

This is corroborated by the statement contained in Gen 2:25. They were both naked, and were not ashamed. Of nakedness in our sense of the term they had as yet no conception. On the contrary, they were conscious of being sufficiently clothed in a physical sense by natures covering, the skin – and, in a spiritual point of view, they were clad as in a panoply of steel with the consciousness of innocence, or, indeed, the unconsciousness of evil existing anywhere, and the simple ignorance of its nature, except so far as the command of God had awakened in them some speculative conception of it. Hence, they were not ashamed. For shame implies a sense of guilt, which they did not have, and an exposedness to the searching eye of a condemning judge, from which they were equally free. With the sentence terminates all we know of primeval innocence. May we surmise from it that the first pair spent at least the Sabbath, if not some days, or weeks, or years, in a state of integrity?

From what has been said, it is evident that this sentence was written after the fall; for it speaks in language which was not intelligible till after that event had occurred. Contemplated in this point of view, it is the most melancholy sentence in the book of God. For it is evidently placed here to foreshadow the dark event to be recorded in the next chapter.

Two hallowed institutions have descended to us from the days of primeval innocence, – the wedding and the Sabbath. The former indicates communion of the purest and most perfect kind between equals of the same class. The latter implies communion of the highest and holiest kind between the Creator and the intelligent creature. The two combined import communion with each other in communion with God.

Wedded union is the sum and type of every social tie. It gives rise and scope to all the nameless joys of home. It is the native field for the cultivation of all the social virtues. It provides for the due framing and checking of the overgrowth of interest in self, and for the gentle training and fostering of a growing interest in others. It unfolds the graces and charms of mutual love, and imparts to the susceptible heart all the peace and joy, all the light and fire, all the frankness and life of conscious and constant purity and good-will. Friendship, brotherly-kindness, and love are still hopeful and sacred names among mankind.

Sabbath-keeping lifts the wedded pair, the brethren, the friends, the one-minded, up to communion with God. The joy of achievement is a feeling common to God and man. The commemoration of the auspicious beginning of a holy and happy existence will live in man while memory lasts. The anticipation also of joyful repose after the end of a work well done will gild the future while hope survives. Thus, the idea of the Sabbath spans the whole of mans existence. History and prophecy commingle in its peaceful meditations, and both are linked with God. God IS: he is the Author of all being, and the Rewarder of them that diligently seek him. This is the noble lesson of the Sabbath. Each seventh day is well spent in attending to the realization of these great thoughts.

Hence, it appears that the social principle lies at the root of a spiritual nature. In the very essence of the spiritual monad is the faculty of self-consciousness. Here is the curious mystery of a soul standing beside itself, cognizing itself, and taking note of its various faculties and acts, and yet perfectly conscious of its unity and identity. And the process does not stop here. We catch ourselves at times debating with ourselves, urging the pros and cons of a case in hand, enjoying the sallies or sorry for the poverty of our wit, nay, solemnly sitting in judgment on ourselves, and pronouncing a sentence of approval or disapproval on the merit or demerit of our actions. Thus, throughout the whole range of our moral and intellectual nature, memory for the past and fancy for the future furnish us with another self, with whom we hold familiar converse. Here there is the social principle living and moving in the very center of our being. Let the soul only look out through the senses and descry another like itself, and social converse between kindred spirits must begin. The Sabbath and the wedding touch the inner springs of the soul, and bring, the social principle into exercise in the two great spheres of our relation to our Maker and to one another.

Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible

Gen 2:25

Not ashamed

Nakedness without shame

There they stood, just as they came from the hands of God.

They did not need to blush; they felt no shame. It is sin that has connected nakedness and shame together. No sin, no shame. There is no blush upon an angels brow. Unfallen man had the unashamed nakedness of innocence; but with the Fall this has passed away, not to be returned to, even under redemption, but to be replaced by something higher, the glorious raiment of a righteousness that is unfading and divine. Unfallen man needed no covering, and asked for none; but fallen man, under the bitter consciousness of the unworthy and unseemly condition to which sin has reduced him, as unfit for God, or angels, or man to look upon, cries out for covering–covering such as will hide his shame even from the eye of God. Hence He who undertook to provide this covering, must bear the shame. And He has borne it–all the shame of hanging naked on the cross; the shame of a sinner; the shame of being made the song of the drunkard; the shame of being despised and rejected of men; the shame of being treated as an outcast, one unfit for either God or man to look upon–unfit not only to live, but even to die within the gates of the holy city (Heb 13:11-12). All that shame has He borne for us, that we might inherit His glory. He stooped to the place of shame below, that we might obtain the place of honour in the better paradise above. Thus walked our first parents amid the groves of a paradise that had not then been lost. Thus dwelt they in its bowers as a home, and worshipped in it as a sanctuary. (H. Bonar, D. D.)

What was mans glory is now his shame

That very state of body which was, in Adam and Eve, their highest glory, would be, in us, should we be seen in that state, our deepest shame. It was the very glory of man, and would have continued to be so, had he remained in his original innocency, that while all the other animals had need of hairs, feathers, and scales, etc., to cover their unsightliness, man alone was created with that dignity and beauty of body, that he could appear, uncovered, in the glory of his created nakedness. But all this glory is lost. We are now compelled, not only for necessary protection, but for the sake of avoiding the deepest turpitude, to cover our bodies with more study and care than any other animals of Gods creation. For they all come into the world covered by nature. (M. Lather.)


Fuente: Biblical Illustrator Edited by Joseph S. Exell

Verse 25. They were both naked, c.] The weather was perfectly temperate, and therefore they had no need of clothing, the circumambient air being of the same temperature with their bodies. And as sin had not yet entered into the world, and no part of the human body had been put to any improper use, therefore there was no shame, for shame can only arise from a consciousness of sinful or irregular conduct.

EVEN in a state of innocence, when all was perfection and excellence, when God was clearly discovered in all his works, every place being his temple, every moment a time of worship, and every object an incitement to religious reverence and adoration – even then, God chose to consecrate a seventh part of time to his more especial worship, and to hallow it unto his own service by a perpetual decree. Who then shall dare to reverse this order of God? Had the religious observance of the Sabbath been never proclaimed till the proclamation of the law on Mount Sinai, then it might have been conjectured that this, like several other ordinances, was a shadow which must pass away with that dispensation neither extending to future ages, nor binding on any other people. But this was not so. God gave the Sabbath, his first ordinance, to man, (see the first precept, Ge 2:17,) while all the nations of the world were seminally included in him, and while he stood the father and representative of the whole human race; therefore the Sabbath is not for one nation, for one time, or for one place. It is the fair type of heaven’s eternal day – of the state of endless blessedness and glory, where human souls, having fully regained the Divine image, and become united to the Centre and Source of all perfection and excellence, shall rest in God, unutterably happy through the immeasurable progress of duration! Of this consummation every returning Sabbath should at once be a type, a remembrancer, and a foretaste, to every pious mind; and these it must be to all who are taught of God.

Of this rest, the garden of Eden, that paradise of God formed for man, appears also to have been a type and pledge; and the institution of marriage, the cause, bond, and cement of the social state, was probably designed to prefigure that harmony, order, and blessedness which must reign in the kingdom of God, of which the condition of our first parents in the garden of paradise is justly supposed to have been an expressive emblem. What a pity that this heavenly institution should have ever been perverted! that, instead of becoming a sovereign help to all, it is now, through its prostitution to animal and secular purposes, become the destroyer of millions! Reader, every connection thou formest in life will have a strong and sovereign influence on thy future destiny. Beware! an unholy cause, which from its peculiar nature must be ceaselessly active in every muscle, nerve, and passion, cannot fail to produce incessant effects of sin, misery, death, and perdition. Remember that thy earthly connections, no matter of what kind, are not formed merely for time, whatsoever thou mayest intend, but also for eternity. With what caution there fore shouldst thou take every step in the path of life! On this ground, the observations made in the preceding notes are seriously recommended to thy consideration.

Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible

To wit, of their nakedness, as having no guilt, nor cause of shame, no filthy or evil inclinations in their bodies, no sinful concupiscence or impure motions in their souls, but spotless innocency and perfection, which must needs exclude shame.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

And they were both naked, the man and his wife,…. Were as they were created, having no clothes on them, and standing in need of none, to shelter them from the heat or cold, being in a temperate climate; or to conceal any parts of their bodies from the sight of others, there being none of the creatures to guard against on that account:

and were not ashamed; having nothing in them, or on them, or about them, that caused shame; nothing sinful, defective, scandalous or blameworthy; no sin in their nature, no guilt on their consciences, or wickedness in their hands or actions; and particularly they were not ashamed of their being naked, no more than children are to see each other naked, or we are to behold them: besides, they were not only alone, and none to behold them; but their being naked was no disgrace to them, but was agreeably to their nature; and they were not sensible that there was any necessity or occasion to cover themselves, nor would they have had any, had they continued in their innocent state: moreover, there was not the least reason to be ashamed to appear in such a manner, since they were but one flesh. The Jerusalem Targum is,

“they knew not what shame was,”

not being conscious of any sin, which sooner or later produces shame. Thus Plato r describes the first men, who, he says, were produced out of the earth; and for whom the fertile ground and trees brought forth fruit of all kind in abundance of themselves, without any agriculture; that these were , “naked and without any covering”; and so Diodories Siculus s says, the first of men were naked and without clothing. The word here used sometimes signifies wise and cunning; it is rendered “subtle” first verse of the next chapter: and here the Targum of Jonathan is,

“they were both wise, Adam and his wife, but they continued not in their glory;”

the next thing we hear of is their fall.

r Politico, apud Euseb. Praepar. Evangel. l. 12. c. 13. p. 588. s Bibliothec. l. 1. p. 8.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

25. They were both naked That the nakedness of men should be deemed indecorous and unsightly, while that of cattle has nothing disgraceful, seems little to agree with the dignity of human nature. We cannot behold a naked man without a sense of shame; yet at the sight of an ass, a dog, or an ox, no such feeling will be produced. Moreover, every one is ashamed of his own nakedness, even though other witnesses may not be present. Where then is that dignity in which we excel? The cause of this sense of shame, to which we are now alluding, Moses will show in the next chapter. He now esteems it enough to say, that in our uncorrupted nature, there was nothing but what was honorable; whence it follows, that whatsoever is opprobrious in us, must be imputed to our own fault, since our parents had nothing in themselves which was unbecoming until they were defiled with sin.

Fuente: Calvin’s Complete Commentary


(25) They were both naked.This is the description of perfect childlike innocence, and belongs naturally to beings who as yet knew neither good nor evil. It is not, however, the conclusion of the marriage section, where it would be indelicate, but the introduction to the account of the temptation, where it prepares the way for mans easy fall. Moreover, there is a play upon words in the two verses. Man is arom = naked; the serpent is arum=crafty. Thus in guileless simplicity our first parents fell in with the tempting serpent, who, in obvious contrast with their untried innocence, is described as a being of especial subtilty.

Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)

25. Not ashamed For where there is no sin, but a heavenly consciousness of perfect innocence, there can be no sense of shame .

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

‘And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed.’

This does not primarily mean naked before each other, but naked before God. Their state of total innocence meant that they were unashamed of who and what they were. They had nothing to hide from, and no need to fear God’s scrutiny. They could, as it were, ‘look God in the eye’. They were totally open to God and to each other in body and soul. It was an indication that all was well with them.

Later being ‘naked’ before God would be seen as a terrible situation, for it meant that all their sins were revealed. It was terrible because they could no longer ‘look God in the eye’. They were too sinful. But there was no fear of this here. See Isa 47:3; Lam 1:8; Eze 16:36; Eze 23:18; 2Co 5:3; Heb 4:13.

Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett

Gen 2:25. And they were both nakedand not ashamed “Shame,” says Mr. Locke, “is an uneasiness of the mind upon the thought of having done something which is indecent, or which will lessen the valued esteem which others have for us.” It was impossible, therefore, that our first parents, in their state of perfection, could have known or felt any thing of the passion of shame. Like little children, unconscious of shame, their nakedness gave them no occasion of uneasiness. Mr. Saurin observes, that “if it be still hard for us to comprehend this circumstance of the sacred history, it is because the greatest part of our judgment is false and vitiated since the fall, and because we have equally lost the notions of true shame, and those of true honour.”


Who can read this account of the creation of the world and of man, and not immediately perceive and gratefully acknowledge the high benefits derived from REVELATION? Without this divine indulgence we must for ever have remained in the dark respecting points of the deepest importance: ignorant alike of the TRUE GOD, of the original of the world, and ourselves. To feel this argument in its full force; contemplate only for a moment, what strange and confused apprehensions they had of these great points, who lived secluded from the light of that heavenly information which we enjoy, and which, would to God, we duly valued!
The only rational account of the creation is this which Moses gives; an account which leads us to the first Fair, first Powerful, and first Good; the Author of all order, excellence, and perfection! which necessarily infers, what infidels have been so prone to deny, revelation, or communication from the Deity: without which, in various instances, it is impossible to conceive the first pair in any capacity to exist as rational creatures, or to have preserved the life which was given them; much less to have paid any acceptable homage to their Almighty Father and Lord.
What an august, as well as pleasing, idea of God doth the survey of these his works raise in the contemplative mind: works so great in themselves, so beneficial to that race whom he has been pleased to appoint his vicegerents below! And what gratitude should warm every human heart, which reflects on his benignity and stupendous magnificence, who was pleased to furnish a world with so many beauties and conveniences for the accommodation of a creature favoured in the highest degree, though formed of the dust of the earth! favoured so highly as to be made in the image of the Creator; with a soul capable of resembling him in purity and holiness; of participating with him in everlasting happiness! O man, think of thy original, and be humble: think of thy dignity, and assert, by a life of holiness, the glorious prerogative of thy nature!

He who caused this system to exist, and to be perfected in six days, could doubtless have formed it with as much ease in one. But he was not only willing to inform man of the regular process of his beautiful creation, but by ceasing from all exertions of his power on the seventh day, to lay a solid and rational foundation for the due observance of that day through all generations: a day which he claims as his own, which, under every dispensation, has been consecrated and observed: the observance of which is attended with the most beneficent effects to man in every respect; which, separate from the divine appointment, it would be of the utmost consequence for the human race to keep holy: but which considered as his appointment, who is the Giver of all time, becomes the most rational of duties, as it is enforced by every argument of gratitude and religion. If, therefore, O man, thou wouldst desire a blessing from thy God on thyself, thy family, thy undertakings, thou wilt carefully hallow the Sabbath, and conscientiously dedicate that day to the service of thy God, and the contemplation of that rest which remaineth for all his faithful people!
Observe with what paternal tenderness the Almighty Father provides for man! He not only forms him in his own image, and gives him dominion over all the inferior creation; but he provides a place of delight, a paradise abounding with all pleasures, for him. And that he might enjoy it in sweet and blest society, he forms a companion adapted to all his wishes, and capable of affording the most perfect satisfaction! He joins the happy pair in the closest union, an union productive of the truest joys; and which, while sin and shame were yet unknown, must have been indeed a perpetual fountain of domestic sweets only! And, surely, amidst this profusion of blessings, it was but reasonable, that some test of obedience and gratitude to the Divine Benefactor should be appointed. And when no moral duties could be broken; when adultery, theft, covetousness, &c. could not be known; what more proper, and, at the same time, what more gentle restraint could have been imposed, than that which the Sovereign Jehovah was pleased to fix upon! A service free and voluntary was necessary to constitute man a moral creature. Behold, therefore, life and death were set before him. Happy, thrice happy, had he chosen wisely! but who can fathom the depths of the Divine Will! Suffice it for us, that God is good, and certainly desireth the felicity of those whom he brings into being.
When we consider the paradisaical happiness of man, however we may lament its loss, we cannot but with pleasure contemplate that this paradise and this happiness, highly augmented, are reserved for, and will be restored to those who are the faithful children of a second and better Adam! And, in this view, we may pleasingly contemplate what we expect through faith to enjoy: and may well say, “O Adam, happy, beyond all imagination happy, with uninterrupted health and untainted innocence to delight thee! no perverseness of will or perturbation of appetite to discompose thee! a heart upright, a conscience clear, and a head unclouded to entertain thee! a delightful earth for thee to enjoy! a glorious universe for thee to contemplate! an everlasting heaven for thee to expect! and, in the mean time, the Author of that universe, the King of that heaven, and Giver of that glory, thy God, thy Creator, thy Benefactor, to see, to converse with, to bless, to glorify, to adore, to obey!Divine Restorer, adorable Jesus, all praise be to Thee, who hast mercifully repaired the errors of the first man, and given us again the happy power to be reinstated in these superlative blessings!”

Fuente: Commentary on the Holy Bible by Thomas Coke

Gen 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Ver. 25. They were both naked, and not ashamed. ] Neither needed they. Sin and shame, as Papists say, hops and heresy, came in together. Clothes are the ensigns of our sin, and covers of our shame; to be proud of them is as great folly as for a beggar to be proud of his rags, or a thief of his halter. As the prisoner, looking on his irons, thinketh on his theft; so we, looking on our garments, should think on our sins.

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

naked. Hebrew. ‘arum, a Homonym. The same spelling as word rendered “subtil” in Gen 3:1.

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

naked: Gen 3:7, Gen 3:10, Gen 3:11

ashamed: Exo 32:25, Psa 25:3, Psa 31:17, Isa 44:9, Isa 47:3, Isa 54:4, Jer 6:15, Jer 17:13, Eze 16:61, Joe 2:26, Mar 8:38, Luk 9:26, Rom 10:11

Reciprocal: 2Ch 2:12 – that made heaven 1Co 12:24 – General Rev 10:5 – lifted

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

Gen 2:25. They were both naked They needed no clothes for defence against cold or heat, for neither could be injurious to them: they needed none for ornament. Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Nay, they needed none for decency: they were naked, and had no reason to be ashamed. They knew not what shame was, so the Chaldee reads it. Blushing is now the colour of virtue, but it was not the colour of innocence.

Fuente: Joseph Bensons Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not {q} ashamed.

(q) For before sin entered, all things were honest and comely.

Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes

The naked condition of Adam and Eve does not just describe their unclothed physical appearance. It also refers to the physical and psychological oneness and transparency that existed in their relationship. Physically they were naked; they shared their bodies with each other openly. Psychologically they were not ashamed; they hid nothing from each other. They were at ease with one another without any fear of exploitation for evil. Transparency should increase with trust, commitment, and friendship. It involves communicating what we know, think, feel, and are with the person or persons we choose. We should not be transparent with everyone, however, only with people who commit themselves to us. A transparent person is an open and vulnerable person.

This is a hinge (janus) verse. It looks backward into chapter 2 and forward into chapter 3. The similarity of the Hebrew words for naked (’arom) and "crafty" (Gen 3:1, ’arum) points to a word play. This word for nakedness means unclothed whereas the one in Gen 3:7 (’erom) and elsewhere describes those under God’s judgment (cf. Deu 28:48; Eze 16:39; Eze 23:29). [Note: Sailhamer, "Genesis," p. 49.]

Gen 2:18-25 teach us much about marriage.

1.    God instituted it.

2.    God intended it to be monogamous (not monotonous). One woman completed Adam (cf. Mat 19:8).

3.    God intended it to be heterosexual.

4.    It involves both a physical and a spiritual union (Gen 2:24; cf. Mat 19:4-5).

5.    The husband was to be the head of the wife. God created Adam before Eve, and He created Eve for Adam (cf. 1Co 11:8-9; 1Ti 2:13).

6.    A woman can be a complete person without bearing children. A wife’s primary function in marriage is to complement her husband, not to bear children.

7.    Normally, a couple, following the lead of their representatives, Adam and Eve, should "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen 1:28). God did not specify how early in the marriage and to what extent. He left this up to the couple. Couples may choose when and how many children they plan to have, though God may sovereignly overrule their plans.

The Family Ministry organization has summarized these purposes as five. Marriage should mirror God’s image, multiply a godly heritage, manage God’s realm, mutually complete one another, and model Christ’s relationship to the church. [Note: Family Life Conference, p. 45.]

The Bible writers made use of the creation account in many different ways, and we too can use it in these ways for our own personal profit. These purposes include glorifying the God of creation, stimulating praise and worship, and fortifying faith in God’s promises. They also include learning about God’s attributes, expressing wonder at man’s position in God’s universe, dispelling fear, and exalting the Lord Jesus. [Note: Ted S. Rendall, "Using the Creation Account for Maximum Spiritual Profit," Prairie Overcomer 60:8 (September 1987):3-5, 22.]

However a main point of this unit (Gen 2:4-25) seems clearly to be that God made human beings male and female with a spiritual capacity and mutually dependent. He did so that they might serve and obey Him and so enjoy His creation. As Adam and Eve, God later placed Israel in a place of blessing. The nation could enjoy His blessing by being obedient and trusting with the assistance He had provided for them in marriage. Even today serving and obeying God is man’s greatest privilege, and we find help to do this in the marriage relationship.

"Two primary themes dominate the Creation account [Gen 1:1 to Gen 2:25]: the land and the blessing." [Note: Sailhamer, The Pentateuch . . ., pp. 81-82. Cf. 12:1-3, 7.]

The theme of descendants (seed) is also present, though perhaps not as prominent (Gen 1:28).

Fuente: Expository Notes of Dr. Constable (Old and New Testaments)