Out of that land went forth Asshur, and built Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,
11. Out of that land, &c.] This verse preserves an historical tradition: (1) that the cities of Assyria were of later origin than those of Babylonia; (2) that they owed their existence to the development of the Babylonian power in a northerly direction; whether by conquest or by colonization we cannot tell.
into Assyria ] or “Asshur.” There is no difference in the Hebrew between the name of the country and that of its first capital (see Gen 2:14). The city Asshur was distant about 300 miles from Babylon.
The rendering of the R.V. marg. = A.V. went forth Asshur has no probability, though it has the support of LXX, Vulg., and Targ. Onk.
Nineveh ] Assyr. Nina, the modern Kouyunjik, situated on the left bank of the Tigris, opposite to the modern Mosul. Nineveh was the capital of Assyria in its most famous period, but it was not until about 1000 b.c. that it became the royal residence of Assyrian monarchs. Nothing historical is known of its earliest days.
Rehoboth-Ir ] Possibly to be identified, as some Assyriologists suggest, with Rbit Nina, on the site of the modern Mosul, over against Nineveh.
Calah ] The modern Kellach, at the confluence of the upper Zab and the Tigris, some 20 miles S. of Nineveh. It stands on the ruined mounds of Nimrud. The capital of Assyria was transferred by Shalmaneser I, circ. 1300 b.c., from Asshur to Calah.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
Verse 11. Out of that land went forth Asshur] The marginal reading is to be preferred here. He – Nimrod, went out into Assyria and built Nineveh; and hence Assyria is called the land of Nimrod, Mic 5:6. Thus did this mighty hunter extend his dominions in every possible way. The city of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, is supposed to have had its name from Ninus, the son of Nimrod; but probably Ninus and Nimrod are the same person. This city, which made so conspicuous a figure in the history of the world, is now called Mossul; it is an inconsiderable place, built out of the ruins of the ancient Nineveh.
Rehoboth, and Calah, c.] Nothing certain is known concerning the situation of these places conjecture is endless, and it has been amply indulged by learned men in seeking for Rehoboth in the Birtha of Ptolemy, Calah in Calachine, Resen in Larissa, &c., &c.
Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible
Asshur; a man so called: either,
1. Asshur the son of Shem, who forsook the land, either being forced by or weary of Nimrod’s tyranny and impiety, and erected another kingdom. But it is not probable either that Moses would here relate an exploit of a man whose birth is not mentioned till Gen 10:22, or that one single son of Shem would be here disorderly placed among the sons of Ham. Or,
2. Another Asshur of Ham’s race. But it seems most likely that Asshur is the name of a place or country, even of Assyria, which in the Hebrew is called Asshur; and that the words should be thus rendered, he, i.e. Nimrod, went forth out of his own land to Asshur, to war against it, and add it to his empire; for to go forth is commonly ascribed to those that go to war or to battle, as Jdg 2:15; 11:3; 2Sa 11:1; Psa 60:10; and the particle to is here understood as it is 2Sa 6:10; 10:2, compared with 1Ch 13:13; 19:2.
Nineveh, a famous and vast city near the river Tigris, but so ruined by time, that the learned are not agreed about the place where it was situate.
Of Rehoboth, see Gen 36:37; 1Ch 1:48.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
11. Out of that land went forthAsshuror, as the Margin has it, “He [Nimrod] atthe head of his army went forth into Assyria,” that is, hepushed his conquests into that country.
and builded Ninevehoppositethe town of Mosul, on the Tigris, and the other towns near it. Thisraid into Assyria was an invasion of the territories of Shem, andhence the name “Nimrod,” signifying “rebel,” issupposed to have been conferred on him from his daring revolt againstthe divine distribution.
Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Out of that land went forth Ashur,…. It is a question whether Ashur is the name of a man or of a country; some take it in the latter sense, and render the words, “and out of that land he went forth into Assyria”; so Onkelos; and in this way go Junius and Tremellius, Piscator, Bochart, Cocceius, and others, and the margin of our Bible, and interpret it of Nimrod; and the Targum of Jonathan is express for him, which is this:
“out of that land went forth Nimrod, and reigned in Assyria, because he would not be in the council of the generation of the division, and he left four cities; and the Lord gave him therefore a place (or Assyria), and he built four other cities, Nineveh, c.”
so Theophilus of Antioch says m, that Nebroth (Nimrod) built the same but then the generality of interpreters which take this way give another and better reason for Nimrod’s going out of Shinar or Babylon into Assyria than the Targumist gives; which is, that not content with his own dominions, and willing to enlarge them, he went out and made war upon Assyria, and seized upon it, and built cities in it, and added them to his former ones; in favour of this sense it is urged, that Moses is speaking of what Nimrod the son of Cush did, of the line of Ham, and not of the sons of Shem, among whom Ashur was; and that it is not probable he should introduce a passage relating to a branch of Shem, when he is professedly writing about that of Ham; nor is it agreeable to the history to speak of what Ashur did, before any mention of his birth, which is in Ge 10:22 nor was it peculiar to him to go out of the land of Shinar, since almost all were dispersed from thence; add to which, that Assyria is called the land of Nimrod, Mic 5:6 to which it may be replied, that parentheses of this sort are frequent in Scripture, see 2Sa 4:4 besides, it seems appropriate enough, when treating of Nimrod’s dominion and power, in order to show his intolerable tyranny, to remark, that it was such, that Ashur, a son of Shem, could not bear it, and therefore went out from a country he had a right unto; and as for the text in Mic 5:6 the land of Nimrod and the land of Assyria are manifestly distinguished from one another: add to this, that, if Nimrod so early made a conquest of Assyria, it would rather have been called by his own name than his uncle’s; and it is allowed by all that the country of Assyria had its name from Ashur, the son of Shem; and who so likely to have founded Nineveh, and other cities, as himself? Besides these, interpreters are obliged to force the text, and insert the particle “into”, which is not in it; and the order and construction of the words are more natural and agreeable to the original, as in our version and others, which make Ashur the name of a man, than this, which makes it a country: but then it is not agreed on who this Ashur was; some will have him to be of the posterity of Ham, and a son of Nimrod, as Epiphanius n and Chrysostom o; but this is not probable, nor can any proof be given of it; Josephus p is express for it, that Ashur, the son of Shem, built Nineveh, and gave the name of Assyrians to those that were subject to him. The reason of his going out from Shinar, as given by Jarchi, is, when he saw his sons hearkening to Nimrod, and rebelling against the Lord, by building a tower, he went out from them; or it may be, he was drove out by Nimrod by force, or he could not bear his tyrannical government, or live where such a wicked man ruled: and as Nimrod built cities and set up an empire, Ashur did the same in his own defence and that of his posterity:
and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah. The first of these cities, Nineveh, the Greeks commonly call Ninus, is placed by Strabo q in Atyria, the Chaldee name of Assyria, who generally suppose it had its name from Ninus, whom Diodorus Siculus r makes the first king of the Assyrians, and to whom he ascribes the building of this city; and who, one would think, should be Ashur, and that Ninus was another name of him, or however by which he went among the Greeks; and so this city was called after him; or rather it had its name from the beauty of it, the word signifying a beautiful habitation, as Cocceius s and Hillerus t give the etymology of it; or perhaps, when it was first built by him, it had another name, but afterwards was called Nineveh, from Ninus, who lived many years after him, who might repair, adorn, and beautify it. It was destroyed by the Medes and Babylonians, as foretold by Nahum, and it is difficult now to say where it stood; the place where it is supposed to have been is now called Mosul; of which place Rauwolff u says, who was there in 1574, that
“there are some very good buildings and streets in it, and it is pretty large, but very ill provided with walls and ditches;–besides this, I also saw, (says he,) just without the town, a little hill, that was almost quite dug through, and inhabited by poor people, where I saw them several times creep in and out as pismires in ant hills: in this place, or thereabouts, stood formerly the potent town of Nineveh, built by Ashur, which was the metropolis of Assyria;–at this time there is nothing of antiquities to be seen in it, save only the fort that lieth upon the hill, and some few villages, which the inhabitants say did also belong to it in former days. This town lieth on the confines of Armenia, in a large plain:”
[See comments on Jon 1:2] [See comments on Jon 3:1] [See comments on Jon 3:2] [See comments on Jon 3:3] [See comments on Na 1:8] The next city, Rehoboth, signifies “streets”, and so it is rendered in the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem; and, because in the Chaldee language streets are called “Beritha”, Bochart w thinks that this Rehoboth is the city which Ptolemy x calls Birtha, on the west of Tigris, at the mouth of the river Lycus, though he places it by Euphrates; wherefore it should rather be Oroba, he places at the river Tigris y, near to Nineveh also. The last city, Calah, or Calach, was a principal city in the country, by Ptolemy z called Calacine, and by Strabo a Calachene, and mentioned by both along with Adiabene, a country in Assyria.
m Ad Autolycum, l. 2. p. 106. n Contra Haeres. l. 1. p. 3. o In Genes. Homil. 29. p Antiqu. l. 1. c. 6. sect. 4. q Geograph. l. 16. p. 507. r Bibliothec. l. 2. p. 90, 91. s In Jonam, 1, 2. t Onomast. Sacr. p. 304, 431. u Travels, part 2. c. 9. p. 166. w Phaleg. l. 4. c. 21. col. 256. x Geograph. l. 5. c. 19. y Ibid. l. 6. c. 1. z Ibid. a Geograph. l. 11. p. 347, 365. & l. 16. p. 507.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
11. Out of that land went forth Asshur. It is credible that Asshur was one of the posterity of Shem. And the opinion has been commonly received, that he is here mentioned, because, when he was dwelling, in the neighborhood of Nimrod, he was violently expelled thence. In this manner, Moses would mark the barbarous ferocity of Nimrod. And truly these are the accustomed fruits of a greatness which does not keep within bounds; whence has arisen the old proverb, ‘Great kingdoms are great robberies.’ It is indeed necessary that some should preside over others; but where ambition, and the desire of rising higher than is right, are rampant, they not only draw with them the greatest and most numerous injuries, but also verge closely upon the dissolution of human society. Yet I rather adopt the opinion of those who say that Asshur is not, in this place, the name of a man, but of a country which derived its appellation from him; and thus the sense will be, that Nimrod, not content with his large and opulent kingdom, gave the reins to his cupidity, and pushed the boundaries of his empire even into Assyria, where he also built new cities. (318) The passage in Isaiah (Isa 23:13) is alone opposed to this opinion, where he says, ‘Behold the land of the Chaldeans, the people was not, Asshur founded it when they inhabited the deserts, and he reduced it to ruin.’ (319) For the prophet seems to say, that cities were built by the Assyrians in Chaldea, whereas previously, its inhabitants were wandering and scattered as in a desert. But it may be, that the prophet speaks of other changes of these kingdoms, which occurred afterwards. For, at the time in which the Assyrians maintained the sovereignty, seeing that they flourished in unbounded wealth, it is credible that Chaldea, which they had subjected to themselves was so adorned and increased by a long peace, that it might seem to have been founded by them. And we know, that when the Chaldeans, in their turn, seized on the empire, Babylon was exalted on the ruins of Nineveh.
(318) See the marginal reading of the English version — ‘He went out into Assyria.’
(319) Bishop Lowth’s translation of the passage is as follows: —
Behold the land of the Chaldeans; This people was of no account; (The Assyrian founded it for the inhabitants of the desert; They raised the watch-towers, they set up the palaces thereof;) This people hath reduced her to ruin.”
See also his note on this passage, which accords with Calvin’s supposition, that the prophet referred to some subsequent period of history. — Ed.
Fuente: Calvin’s Complete Commentary
(11, 12) Out of that land went forth Asshur.So the LXX., Syriac, and Vulg.; but the Targum and most modern authorities rightly translate, Out of that land he went forth into Assyria. We have here nothing to do with Asshur the son of Shem (see Gen. 10:22), but are occupied with Nimrod and the Hamites, who, after firmly establishing themselves in Babylonia, subsequently extended their influence northward. This is confirmed by the cuneiform inscriptions, which prove that the southern portion of Mesopotamia was the chief seat of the Accadians, while in Assyria they came at an early date into collision with the Shemites, who drove them back, and ultimately subjugated them everywhere. It is not necessary to suppose that this spread of Hamite civilisation northward was the work of Nimrod personally; if done by his successors, it would, in Biblical language, be ascribed to its prime mover.
The Assyrian cities were:
1. Nineveh.So happily situated on the Tigris that it outstripped the more ancient Babylon, and for centuries even held it in subjection.
2. The City Rehoboth.Translated by some Rehoboth-Ir, but with more probability by others, the suburbs of the city: that is, of Nineveh, thus denoting already the greatness of that town.
3. Calah.A city rebuilt by Assur-natzir-pal, the father of Shalmaneser, and interesting as one of the places where the Assyrian kings established libraries (Chald. Gen., p. 26). The ruins are still called Nimroud.
4. Resen.The spring-head. Of this town nothing certain is known. Canon Rawlinson places it at Selamiyah (Anc. Mon., 1:204), a large village half-way between Nineveh and Calah. As the vast ruins scattered throughout Mesopotamia are those of Assyrian buildings, Resen, though a great city in Hamite times, might easily pass into oblivion, if never rebuilt by the conquerors.
Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)
11, 12. Went forth Asshur Rather, [Nimrod] went forth to Asshur [Assyria . ] So reads the margin, after the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan; (so Baumgarten, De Wette, A . Clarke, Delitzsch, and Knobel . ) This is certainly the meaning of the text, for the author would not here describe the person Asshur, who is not introduced till Gen 10:22; and besides, if Asshur be not here a place, the locality of these four cities would not be designated in the text at all . Nimrod first founded Babylon, (Gen 10:10,) and then he (or his descendants) ascended the Tigris valley and founded the Assyrian kingdom, (Asshur,) whose capital city was Nineveh, identified of late years with the mass of ruins on the east bank of the Tigris, opposite Mosul.
And the city Rehoboth This should be rendered either Rehoboth, a city, or as a compound name, Rehoboth-Ir, so called, perhaps, from being the market places of the city Nineveh. Gen 10:11-12 should accordingly be translated: “From that land he went forth unto Assyria, and builded Nineveh, and Rehoboth-Ir, and Calah, and Resen between Nineveh and Calah. This was the great city.” As Rehoboth, Calah, and Resen have not been identified, it is very possible that they became a part of Nineveh, and the pronoun , this, (common version, the same,) is to be understood not of Calah, the last named city, but Nineveh, called great, because thus composed of four cities, the name Nineveh being in the first instance applied in a restricted sense to the city whose ruins lie opposite Mosul, and then being extended to other cities along the east bank of the Tigris, so as to embrace the whole region where are now found the ruins called Nimroud, south of Mosul, Konyunjik and Nebbi Yunus, opposite Mosul, and Khorsabad, to thenorth . This is the opinion of those most eminent Assyrian scholars, Rawlinson, Layard, and Grote, and also of Delitzsch, Knobel, and Ewald .
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
Gen 10:11. Out of that land went forth Ashur, &c. As Ashur was one of the descendants of Shem, see Gen 10:22 it has been thought strange that he should be mentioned in this place; and therefore the reading of the margin of our Bibles has been preferred by many: Out of that land, he (Nimrod) went forth into Assyria, and builded Nineveh, &c. so called from his son Ninus. Of this city we shall have occasion to speak more hereafter. Rehoboth, there is reason to believe, is the Birtha of Ptolemy; Calah, the capital of Calachine; and Resen, Larissa, which Xenophon speaks of as having been a great city.
Fuente: Commentary on the Holy Bible by Thomas Coke
Gen 10:11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,
Ver. 11. Out of that land went forth Asshur. ] Either because wickedness dwelt there, Zec 5:11 for Asshur was a son of Shem, and might have so much goodness in him; Gen 10:22 or else he was hunted thence by Nimrod, who made himself the first monarch, and had Babel, in the land of Shinar, or Chaldea, for the beginning of his kingdom.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
went forth: Targum of Onkelos says: “he [Nimrod] went forth into Asshur” (i.e. invaded it).
Nineveh. The competitor of Babylon as the capital of Assyria.
the City Rehoboth = better, “the city boulevards”, in parenthesis.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
See note 1, Nah 1:1. (See Scofield “Nah 1:1”).
Fuente: Scofield Reference Bible Notes
am 1700, bc 2304
went forth Asshur: or, he went out into Assyria, Mic 5:6
Asshur: Num 24:22, Num 24:24, Ezr 4:2, Psa 83:8, Eze 27:23, Eze 32:22, Hos 14:3
Nineveh: 2Ki 19:36, Isa 37:37, Jon 1:2, Jon 3:1-10, Nah 1:1, Nah 2:8, Nah 3:7, Zep 2:13, the city of, or, the streets of the city
Reciprocal: Gen 2:14 – toward the east of Gen 36:37 – Rehoboth Isa 10:5 – O Assyrian Isa 23:13 – the Assyrian Jon 3:2 – Nineveh
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Gen 10:11. Out of that land went forth Asshur He was the son of Shem, Gen 10:22 : and, it seems that, not being able to endure Nimrods tyranny, who possessed himself of other mens territories, (Chaldea, which Nimrod had seized upon, being Shems part,) he went away beyond Tigris, where he founded the empire of Assyria, whose chief city was Nineveh, Isa 23:13.