Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Genesis 21:19

And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink.

19. opened her eyes ] What she had not seen before, Hagar suddenly received power to see. Cf. Num 22:31; 2Ki 6:17; Luk 24:16; Luk 24:31. LXX , “a spring of living water,” in the desert.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

Gen 21:19

God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water

The hidden well discovered

In this hidden well, which Ishmaels prayer uncovered, lies many a true lesson, if only we have the right sort of pitcher to dip and draw.

How CAME THE WELL TO BE THERE, JUST WHERE AND WHEN IT WAS WANTED? The Arab shepherds who dug it never meant it for wandering travellers, but for their own flocks. God guided the steps of Hagar to it. Life is full of hidden wells–stored-up blessings, ready at the right moment to supply the answer to prayer. God foresees our prayers as well as our necessities.

OUR ENCOURAGEMENT TO PRAY IS NOT OUR OWN GOODNESS, BUT GODS. We plead not the name of Abraham, or of any earthly parent or friend, but the name of Jesus, Gods own dear Son.

Learn from this story NOT TO THINK LITTLE THINGS OF NO IMPORTANCE, and not to be afraid to pray to God about little things as well as great. There are two reasons which prove that God does not disdain to attend little things:

(1) He has made many more little things than great, and has made the greatest things to depend on the least;

(2) God is so great, that the difference between what we call great and little is to Him as nothing; and He is so wise, that nothing–not a thought or atom–is small enough to escape His eye.

Prayer itself is a hidden well; a secret source of strength,and joy, and wisdom, not only in times of trouble, but always. (E. R. Conder, D. D.)

Christian culture


1. Physical

2. Intellectual.

3. Spiritual.


1. Creator.

2. Providence.

3. Conscience.

4. Revelation.

5. Redemption.

LIGHT IS BENEFICENT. (The Homiletic Review.)

Hagar in the wilderness



1. It was despair in opposition to Gods plain promises. Let me not see the death of the child, she says. Why, the Lord Himself had spoken to her from heaven years ago, and told her that that very child should live to be a man and a powerful and great one. And this promise He had renewed but a short time before to Abraham, who would naturally mention the renewal of it to her. But in this hour of seeming danger, Jehovahs words are nothing to her; she either does not think of or she disbelieves them. My child must die, she says, and east him down to die. How like ourselves in some of our trials!

2. The despair of Hagar was despair in opposition to her own experience. This was not the first time she had been in a desert (see Gen 16:1-16). And there, we might have expected, the Lord would have left her to reap the fruit of her rashness; but not so. He is observant of her there. In admiration of the Lords goodness, she calls the place where she had experienced it by a name implying, Thou God seest me. But this is now clean forgotten. Ourselves again, brethren. I know whom I have believed. The experience I myself have had in days past of my Saviours love and faithfulness encourages me, nay, compels me, to trust Him now. The Lord brings us into a desert and appears for us there. I can never forget this, we say. The remembrance of this mercy will be a stay to me all my life long. But we get into the desert again, and what do we say then? All the many proofs we have had of the Lords power and faithfulness, are as much out of our thoughts as though we had never had one of them.

3. Hagars despair was despair in opposition to fact also. It was despair in the very midst of abundance.

Let us look now at THE INTERPOSITION OF GOD IN BEHALF OF THIS DESPAIRING WOMAN, the mercy He showed her. It consisted, you observe, in this one simple thing, He opened her eyes. He did no more for her, for no more was needed. Wondering, happy woman! we say; but not more wondering or more happy than many a despairing sinner has been, when the Lord has opened his eyes and discovered to him His great salvation, His abounding mercy, the fountain of living waters He has provided for him in Jesus Christ. (C. Bradley, M. A.)

Providence timely

We find a multitude of Providences so timed to a minute, that, had they fallen out ever so little sooner or later, they had signified but little in comparison of what they now do. Certainly, it cannot be casualty, but counsel, that so exactly nicks the opportunity. Contingencies keep no rules. How remarkable to this purpose was the tidings brought to Saul, that the Philistines had invaded the land just as he was ready to grasp the prey (1Sa 23:27). The angel calls to Abraham, and shows him another sacrifice, just when his hand was giving the fatal stroke to Isaac (Gen 22:10-11). A well of water is discovered to Hagar just when she had left the child as not able to see its Gen 21:16-19). Rabshakeh meets with blasting providence, hears a rumour that frustrated his design, just when ready to give the shock against Jerusalem (Isa 37:7-8). So when Hamans plot against the Jews was ripe, and all things ready for execution, On that night could not the king sleep (Est 6:1). When the horns are ready to gore Judah, immediately carpenters are prepared to fray them away (Zec 1:18-21). How remarkable was the relief of Rochelle by a shoal of fish that came into the harbour when they were ready to perish with hunger, such as they never observed either before or after that time. Mr. Dodd could not go to bed one night, but feels a strong impulse to visit (though unreasonable) a neighbouring gentleman, and just as he came he meets him at his door, with a halter in his pocket, just going to hang himself. Dr. Tare and his wife, in the Irish rebellion, flying through the woods with a sucking child, which was just ready to expire, the mother, going to rest it upon a rock, puts her hand upon a bottle of warm milk, by which it was preserved. A good woman, from whose mouth I received it, being driven to a great extremity, all supplies failing, was exceedingly plunged into unbelieving doubts and fears, not seing whence supplies would come; when lo! in the nick of time, turning some things in a chest, she unexpectedly lights upon a piece of gold, which supplied her present wants till God opened another door of supply. If these things fall out casually, how is it that they observe the very juncture of time so exactly? This is become proverbial in Scripture. In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen (Gen 22:14). (J. Flavel.)

Strange providences

Suppose you were in a smiths shop, and there should see several sorts of tools, some crooked, some bowed, others hooked, would you, asks Spencer, condemn all these things for nought because they do not look handsome? The smith makes use of them all for the doing of his work. Thus it is with the providences of God: they seem to us to be very crooked and strange, yet they all carry on Gods work.

Eyes opened

Taking HAGARS CASE first, I shall address myself to certain unconverted ones who are in a hopeful condition.

1. Taking Hagars case as the model to work upon, we may see in her and in many like her a preparedness for mercy. In many respects she was in a fit state to become an object of mercys help. She had a strong sense of need. The water was spent in the bottle, she herself was ready to faint, and her child lay at deaths door; and this sense of need was attended by vehement desires. It is quite certain that, in Hagars case, the will was right enough with reference to the water. It would have been preposterous indeed to say to Hagar, If there be water, are you willing to drink? Willing? she would say; look at my parched lips, hear my dolorous cries, look at my poor punting, dying child! And so with you; if I were to propose to you the question, Are you willing to be saved? you might look at me in the face and say, Willing! oh, sir, I have long passed beyond that stage I am punting, groaning, thirsting, fainting, dying to find Christ. All this is hopeful, but I must again remind you that to will to be rich does not make a man rich, and that to will to be saved cannot in itself save you.

2. In the second place, mercy was prepared for Hagar, and is prepared for those in a like state. The water was near to Hagar; and so is Christ near to you, my dear friend, this morning. The mercy of God is not a thing to be sought for up yonder among the stars, nor to be discovered in the depths; it is nigh thee, it is even in thy mouth and in thy heart.

3. We pass on, then, in the third place, to notice that although Hagar was prepared and mercy was prepared, yet there was an impediment in the way, for she could not see the water. There is also an impediment in your way. Hagar had a pair of bright beaming eyes, I will be bound to say, and yet she could not see the water; and men may have first-rate understandings, but not understand that simple thing–faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Simple trust in Jesus has this difficulty in it, that it is not difficult, and therefore the human mind refuses to believe that God can intend to save us by so simple a plan. What blindness is this! So foolish and so fatal. The main reason I think, however, why some do not attain early to peace is because they are looking for more than they will get, and thus their eyes are dazzled with fancies. Again, I am afraid some persons, with the water at their feet, do not drink it because of the bad directions that are given by ministers.

4. I feel certain that there are some here upon whom the Lord intends to work this morning; so we will speak, in the fourth place, upon the divine removal of the impediment. Hagars blindness was removed by God. No one else could have removed it. God must open a mans eyes to understand practically what belief in Jesus Christ is. But while this was divinely removed, it was removed instrumentally. An angel spake out of heaven to Hagar. It matters little whether it be an angel or a man, it is the Word of God which removes this difficulty.

Oh that the Spirit of God would give me power from on high while I try to talk to the saints from THE SECOND CASE, viz., that of the apostles in Luk 24:31. This is no Hagar, but Cleopas and another disciple. They ought to have known Jesus for these reasons.

1. They were acquainted with Him, they had been with Him for years in public and in private, they had heard His voice so often that they ought to have recollected its tones.

2. They ought to have known Him, because He was close to them; He was walking with them along the same road, He was not up on a mountain at a distance.

3. They ought to have seen Him, because they had the Scriptures to reflect His image, and yet how possible it is for us to open that precious Book and turn over page after page of it and not see Christ.

4. What is more, these disciples ought to have seen Jesus, for they had the Scriptures opened to them.

5. There was another reason why the disciples ought to have seen Him, namely, that they had received testimonies from others about Him. Now what is the reason for this? Why do we not see Him? I think it must be ascribed in our case to the same as in theirs, namely, our unbelief. They evidently did not expect to see Him, and therefore they did not discover Him. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

A welcome discovery

I. It often happens that when we are in trouble and distress, THE SUPPLY OF OUR NEED, AND THE CONSOLATION FOR OUR SORROW ARE VERY NEAR AT HAND. There is a well close to us at our feet, if we could but see it.

1. How true this often is in providence with Christian people. We have known them to be in sore alarm at some approaching ill, or in the most fearless distress on account of some troublous circumstances which already surround them. They have said, We dont know what we shall do to-morrow. They have inquired, Who shall roll us away the stone? They wot not that God has already provided for to-morrow, and has rolled the stone away. If they knew all, they would understand that their trial is purely imaginary. They are making it by their unbelief. It has no other existence than that which their distrust of God gives to it.

2. Though this is true of providence, I prefer rather to deal with the matter of spiritual blessings. It often happens that souls are disturbed in spiritual matters about things that ought not to disturb them. For instance, a large proportion of spiritual distresses are occasioned by a forgetfulness or an ignorance of the doctrines of the Bible. Sometimes, holy Scripture has its well near to the troubled heart, not so much in the form of doctrine, as in the form of promise. There was never a trouble yet in human experience among Gods people, but what there was a promise to meet it. At other times the well appears in the form neither of a doctrine nor of a promise, but in the shape of an experience of some one else. Perhaps nothing more effectually comforts, under the blessing of God, than the discovery that some undoubtedly good man has passed through the same state of heart in which we are found. And, beloved, sometimes it pleases the Holy Spirit to open a well of living waters for us in the person, and work, and life, and sympathy, and love, of our Well-beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus suffers with thee, O thou child of God,–suffers in thee. Thou art a member of His body, and therefore He endures in thee. Thou art making up that which is behind of the sufferings of Christ for His bodys sake, which is the Church. Besides, once more, our sorrows often arise from our not observing the Holy Spirit.

I think I hear some one say, I have no doubt, sir, that God has provided a supply for necessities, but may I partake of that supply? may I participate in the provisions of Divine love? I will answer thee by saying, in the second place, that THIS SUPPLY IS FOR YOU.

Now to our last point. IT IS AVAILABLE WITHOUT ANY EXTRAORDINARY EXERTION. Hagar went and filled her bottle with water, and she gave her child to drink. No hydraulic inventions were required; no exceedingly difficult pumping, no mechanical contrivances to obtain the water when the spring was perceived. She did a very simple thing: she held her bottle in the water till it was full, poured out into the childs mouth, and the dilemma which had perilled life was over. Now, the way by which we get a hold of Christ is faith. (C. H. Spurgeon.)

Eyes opened

Our first head shall be that IF OUR EYES WERE FURTHER OPENED THE RESULT TO ANY ONE OF US WOULD BE VERY REMARKABLE. We are at present limited in our range of sight. This is true of our natural or physical vision, of our mental vision, and of our spiritual vision; and in each case when the range of sight is enlarged very remarkable discoveries are made. God has been pleased to open the natural eyes of mankind by the invention optical instruments. What a discovery it was when first of all certain pieces of glass were arranged in connection with each other, and men began to peer into the stars! Equally marvellous was the effect upon human knowledge when the microscope was invented. We could never have imagined what wonders of skill and taste would be revealed by the magnifying-glass, and what marvels of beauty would be found compassed within a space too small to measure. Our physical eyes thus opened by either glass reveal strange marvels, and we may infer from this fact that the opening of our mental and spiritual eyes will discover to us equal wonders in other domains, and thus increase our reverence and love towards God.

1. Suppose, that our eyes could be opened as to all our past lives. Our childhood–how different that period would now appear with Gods light upon it. Our vision will be strengthened one day, so that we shall see the end from the beginning, and then we shall understand that the Lord maketh all things work together for good to them that love Him.

2. And now suppose, again, our eyes should be opened upon the future. Ay, would you not like to spy into destiny? Ah, if your eyes could be opened as to all that is to happen, what would you do? If you were wise, and knew your future, you would commit it unto God; commit it to Him though you do not know it.

3. If our eyes were opened, again, on another point, as to the existence of angels, we should see marvels. If the Lord opened the eyes of His greatly beloved servants to see how many of these mighty intelligences are silently guarding then., they would cease to complain of loneliness while in the midst of such a thronging ministry of willing friends.

4. And what, once more, if your eyes could be opened to look into heaven?

IN SOME THINGS OUR EYES MUST BE OPENED. Those I have spoken about are desirable in a measure, but these are absolutely necessary. For instance, as to the divine salvation, our eyes must be opened.

IN OUR PRESENT CASE IT IS VERY DESIRABLE THAT OUR EYES SHOULD BE OPENED. To many it is imperatively needful at this moment, for if not now recovered from their blindness they will die in their sins.

1. First, we would have opened eyes that we may see Jesus to be very near us. Do not think of Him just now as if He were far away in heaven. He is there in his glorious personality, but His spiritual presence is here also.

2. We desire that you may have your eyes opened to see what you are in Christ. You complain that you are black in yourselves; but you are most fair in Him.

3. Lastly, may the Lord open your eyes to see what you will be in Him. Certain of us are nearer heaven than we think. Let our hearts dance for joy at the bare thought of such speedy felicity. Let us go on our way blessing and magnifying Him who has opened our eyes to see the glory which He has prepared for them that love Him, which shall be ours ere long. (C. H.Spurgeon.)

Wells in unexpected places

It is wonderful how God provides for the needs of His creatures in strange places and in unlikely ways. All living things must have water or die; and so water is often found stored up in remarkable and unexpected places. In the heart of Africa, where all is drought and barrenness, it is said that there is sometimes found in the soil a little stem of a plant, and by digging down to the bottom of it, a bulb is discovered which contains a quantity of pure, sweet water. Melons, which are full of water, grow best on light, dry, sandy soil; and sometimes, where water cannot easily be found, certain trees afford a most nourishing and refreshing beverage. There is a vast amount of water in the air, even when no clouds are seen. In a summer day how quickly the outside of a pitcher of cold water will be covered with moisture, which is drawn from the air. So while some plants draw up water from the earth by their roots, others, called air plants, hang upon trees, and, without touching the ground, draw nourishment and moisture from the air. A writer tells of a surveying party who were resting at noon in Florida, when one of the chainmen exclaimed: I would give fifty cents a swallow for all the water I could drink. He expressed the sentiment of the others; all were very thirsty, and there was not a spring or a stream of water anywhere in the vicinity. While the men were thus talking, the surveyor saw a crow put his bill into a cluster of broad, long leaves, growing on the side of a tall cypress. The leaves were those of a peculiar air-plant, they were green, and bulged out at the bottom, forming an inverted bell. The smaller end was held to the tree by roots grappling the bark. Feeding on the air and water that it catches and holds, the air-plant becomes a sort of cistern. The surveyor sprang to his feet with a laugh. Boys, he said, that old crow is wiser than every one of us. How so? they asked. Why, he knows that there are a hundred thousand water-tanks in this forest. Where? they demanded, in amazement. The surveyor cut an air-plant in two, and drained nearly a pint of pure cold water from it. The men did not suffer for water after that, for every tree in the forest had at least one air-plant, and almost every air plant contained a drink of water. So God satisfies the longings of thirsty men. Even amid the deserts glowing sands, the smitten rock poured forth the life-giving flood. And God also provides living water for thirsty souls; and those who feel in their hearts longings such as earth can never satisfy, may hear amid the restlessness of unsatisfied desire, the voice of Him who stood in the Temple and cried, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink!

Fuente: Biblical Illustrator Edited by Joseph S. Exell

Verse 19. God opened her eyes] These words appear to me to mean no more than that God directed her to a well, which probably was at no great distance from the place in which she then was; and therefore she is commanded, Ge 21:18, to support the lad, literally, to make her hand strong in his behalf-namely, that he might reach the well and quench his thirst.

Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible

Not that her eyes were shut or blind before, but she saw not the well before; either because it was at some distance, or because her eyes were full of tears, and her mind distracted and heedless through excessive grief and fear; or because God withheld her eyes that she might not see it without his information. Compare Num 22:31; Luk 24:16.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

19. God opened her eyesHadshe forgotten the promise (Ge16:11)? Whether she looked to God or not, He regarded her anddirected her to a fountain close beside her, but probably hid amidbrushwood, by the waters of which her almost expiring son wasrevived.

Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible

And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water,…. Which she saw not before; not that she was really blind and had her eyes opened, or her sight restored, but they might be holden or restrained by the providence of God, that she should not see it before; or, through inattention and distraction of mind, might not observe it; or her eyes might be swelled with weeping and crying, that she saw it not; though it is not improbable that this well was not in being before, but was immediately produced by the power of God, who when he pleases can open mountains in the midst of the valleys, and make the wilderness a pool of water, Isa 41:18: the Jewish writers k say, it was created between the two evenings, that is, on the evening of the seventh day of the creation. Happy are those whose eyes are opened, by the Spirit and grace of God, to see the well of living water, the fountain and fulness of grace that is in Christ, where thirsty souls may come and drink and take their fill.

And she went and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad to drink; with which he was refreshed and recovered from his fainting, and was restored to health again.

k Pirke Eliezer, ut supra. (c. 30.)

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

(19) A well of water.Not a cistern, but a spring of living water. The mirage in the desert so wearies the traveller, that at last he turns in despair from what may be more truthful signs. But after her outburst of grief, Hagar would grow more calm, and, encouraged by the angels voice, she renews her search, and finds. As Abravanel notices, the well already existed, and was not created for Hagars use; for God, it is said, opened her eyes, that is, enabled her to see something that indicated the existence of water: trees probably rising round the spring, or some vegetable upgrowth.

Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)

19. Opened her eyes Enabling her now to discover what, in weariness and despair, she had failed to notice .

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

Gen 21:19. God opened her eyes God caused her to see what she had not before observed, through her grief and disorder of mind. Le Clerc observes from Diodorus Siculus, that it was usual with the Arabians to cover up their wells’ mouths, and lay them over with sand or earth, leaving only some mark, whereby they themselves might know them.

Fuente: Commentary on the Holy Bible by Thomas Coke

Gen 21:19 And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink.

Ver. 19. God opened her eyes, &c. ] The well was there before, but she saw it not till her eyes were opened. So, till God irradiate both the organ and the object, we neither see nor suck those “breasts of consolation”. Isa 66:11 We turn the back, and not the palm of the hand, to the staff of the promises.

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

well. Hebrew. beer, a well (digged): not ‘ayin, a spring or fountain; or bor, a cistern (hewn).

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

Num 22:31, 2Ki 6:17-20, Isa 35:5, Isa 35:6, Luk 24:16-31

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge


She saw a well; and went and filled the bottle with water.

Gen 21:19

Two jealous women like Sarah and Hagar are of all beings the most unmanageable, and this poor Abraham found out to his cost. After much bickering and contention they had to be separated, and to Abraham it was a fearful heart-wrench. But think ye not that this separation prepared him for that more terrible separation on Moriah when Isaacs life was in the balance? God leads us by very gradual steps to the Moriah-crisis. With eyes full of heart-break Abraham bade them both adieu. He gave Hagar some cakes of bread and a bottle filled with water. Only bread and water! How simply those ancient people lived. Hagar, with her boy of sixteen, faced the dreary wilderness of Beersheba, but, alas, she lost her way. The water was soon spent, and the lad would have died of thirst under the burning sun had not an angel led them to a friendly well of water.

I. Gods well is to be found in every wilderness by those who have eyes to see it. There is no Sahara without its oases. He maketh streams to flow in the desert. The well was there bubbling up all the time; but Hagar could not see it, so limited was her range of sight. What we all need are opened eyes to see the well. We need the faith eye, the spiritual vision, and then our terrible blindness will disappear. We do not want a new well, but opened eyes to see the old one. The well was pointed out by an angel, and the succouring of the outcast is truly angels work. If you cannot see the well the angel can. Mans extremity is Gods opportunity.

II. Gods well is always larger than mans bottle; the one is only finite, whilst the other is infinite, and therefore the bottle can never exhaust the well. The bottle is very soon exhausted, and needs refilling, but you cannot exhaust the well until you exhaust God Himself. There is more than enough in the well to supply our needs for a million millenniums.

III. Mans bottle is of little or no use without Gods well behind it. Without the well the bottle could never have saved the lives of Hagar and her boy. The bottle alone can never satisfy the profoundest needs of humanity. Mere instrumentalities cannot savewe must go right back to the fountain of life. There can be no real life in the soul apart from the life-giving God.

IV. Gods well and mans bottle are never more needed than in a burning desert. Water is more scarce in the wilderness than in any other portion of Gods creation, and therefore it is most in demand.

One can better do without a well in the streets of a busy city than in the parched and arid desert. Mans extremity is Gods opportunity. He always helps us when all other helps have failed. He showed Hagar a fountain of sparkling water that seemed to sing, Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters. The music of that bubbling spring exceeded in sweetness the music of a thousand harps.

V. If we look after the bottle, God will look after the well. Do not let us be fretful and anxious and scepticallet us do our part, and God will do all the rest. Hagar had to fill the bottle with water and hold it to the lips of her child. Neither God nor His angel will do for us what we ought to do for ourselves. There is room in the Divine programme for human effort.

VI. Mans bottle goes up in value when filled from Gods well. The well communicates its own preciousness to the bottle when that is put to holy uses. A soul filled with the Holy Spirit is more precious than all the diamonds of the Transvaal. Everything touched by God instantly runs up in value more than a thousandfold.

VII. Gods well is never far away from mans bottle. Ishmael was dying of thirst, and yet there was a bubbling well only a bowshot off! And the spiritual Ishmaels need not die of thirst, for Christ the great Fountain of Life is always near at handin fact, the well is not far away from any one of us. I have heard the cry of the lad. Our God is not deafHe is within reach of the feeblest cry. He is near the miner in the bowels of the earth; He is near the seaman on the stormy waters; He is near the soldier amid the fiery hail of battle. The Word is nigh thee in thine heart. Our God is not a cold, iron Stoic, enthroned behind the distant stars; but One Who is nearer to us than breathing.

VIII. Gods well is for every man in every zone. Even Ishmael, the son of the bonds-woman, found succour and life at the well. If any man thirst, let him come to come to Me and drink. Any man. If he is a man that is all-sufficient. An Englishman, or a Frenchman, or a Russian, or a Chinaman? Yesany man. The well is for all who bring their bottlesHagar as well as SarahIshmael as well as IsaacGentile as well as Jew. The Gospel is not for England, but for the whole wide world. Our God knows neither geographical nor ethnological boundaries, and He is no respecter of persons.


In all our lives, even the saddest and loneliest, there are sources of comfort and joy which have been prepared in the providence of God, but we are too much occupied with ourselves and our circumstances to behold them until God opens our eyes. Therefore, the Apostle says: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him, but God hath revealed them unto us by His Spirit. We need the cleansed vision of faith; beside us stands our Lord with raiment for our rags, eye-salve for our blindness, health for our poverty, food for our famishing soul, and water for our thirst. It is not necessary to pray that He should come; He is already beside us. We need only two thingsfirst, the grace of vision that we may see; secondly, the grace of appropriation that we may take.

Fuente: Church Pulpit Commentary

21:19 And God {h} opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink.

(h) Unless God opens our eyes, we can neither see, nor use the means which are before us.

Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes