And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.
33. communing with ] i.e. “speaking to,” as in Gen 18:27 ; Gen 18:29 ; Gen 18:31.
unto his place ] i.e. “the terebinths of Mamre” ( Gen 18:1), from which Abraham had gone forth to escort the Angels ( Gen 18:16). In the expression “the Lord went his way” (Heb. “went”) the writer leaves us uninformed as to the manner of Jehovah’s separation from Abraham. There is no mention of “Sodom,” as the place to which he “went,” is in Gen 18:22.
For other instances in which human intercession is raised to avert Divine anger, and is the means of forgiveness, cf. Exo 32:9-14; Num 14:15-20; Amo 7:4-6. In all these cases, he that intercedes seeks, on the one hand, to enter into the mind of God in His holiness and in His mercy; and then, on the other, to be the spokesman and representative of the community whose sin he confesses, and in whose behalf he entreats forgiveness and deliverance.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
33. the Lord . . . left communing .. . and Abraham returned unto his placeWhy did Abraham ceaseto carry his intercessions farther? Either because he fondly thoughtthat he was now sure of the cities being preserved (Lu13:9), or because the Lord restrained his mind from furtherintercession (Jer 7:16; Jer 11:14).But there were not ten “righteous persons.” There was onlyone, and he might without injustice have perished in the generaloverthrow (Ec 9:2). But adifference is sometimes made, and on this occasion the grace of Godwas manifested in a signal manner for the sake of Abraham. What ablessing to be connected with a saint of God!
Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
And the Lord went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham,…. It is great and wonderful condescension for God to commune with a creature; it is an act of sovereignty how long he will continue to do so; communion with him always is not to be expected in this life; he communes for a while, and then leaves off and goes his way, see Jer 14:8; the Son of God in an human form, as soon as he had done talking with Abraham, perhaps disappeared to him, and went his way to Sodom, for there we find him in the next chapter:
and Abraham returned unto his place; to his tent in the plains of Mamre, waiting to observe or hear what would be the issue and event of things respecting Sodom and Gomorrah.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
(33) The Lord (Jehovah) went his way.Not to avoid further importunity, for Abraham had ended his entreaty, and obtained all that he had asked for; but because the purpose of the revelation was fulfilled. Besides the primary object of making known the perfect justice of Gods dealings with men, it further showed that the Gentile world was both subject to Jehovahs dominion, and that there was mercy for it as well as for the covenant people. Such, in future times, was also the lesson of the Book of Jonah.
Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)
33. Went his way Abraham ceased to intercede and Jehovah ceased to answer . Other works and plans engage Jehovah, and he passes from one scene to another . Lo, all we see and know “are but parts of his ways . ” “My father worketh hitherto, and I work . ” Joh 5:17. The Theophanies of the Old Testament furnish not only profound revelations of Deity, but inspiration to holy activity .
In Abraham’s intercession we do well to note: 1) How the righteous may be the salt of the earth. 2) The long-suffering and the righteousness of God. 3) The humility and boldness with which we should plead before God. 4) The efficacy of prayer.
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
‘And Yahweh went his way as soon as he had left communing with Abraham, and Abraham returned to his place.’
Yahweh does not go down to Sodom. When Yahweh, or the angel of Yahweh, leaves the presence of men, where He goes is never described. He passes into the unseen world. What a remarkable picture this gives us of Abraham’s position before Yahweh. Yahweh had been here to commune personally with Abraham. Sodom is left to his angels.
“And Abraham returned to his place.” His place is in the land where God has placed him. He has no desire to be in Sodom. And he is satisfied that he has done all that he can for Sodom, and that God will do what is right. Now he can only wait and see.
Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett
And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.
I would not interrupt the Reader with either references or remarks, through the whole of this sweet prayer, and now only at the end of it, beg the Reader to determine, how it was the communion broke off, since God was so gracious and Abraham so successful: Did the patriarch conclude, that if less than Ten righteous persons were in Sodom, the place ought not to have been saved: or, was it that the decree having gone forth, God restrained prayer in his servant? See Jer 7:16 and Jer 11:14 . But what a delightful consideration it is, that though Abraham gave over interceding, Jesus never doth. And though Abraham could not find ten, nor even one righteous man in Sodom to save that city from destruction; yet Jehovah himself hath found One in the Sodom of our earth, for whose sake he hath spared, and will everlastingly spare, his redeemed. Yes! the Lord hath laid help upon One that is mighty, whose name is Wonderful. Jesus hath been found tabernacling in our nature, by whose perfect obedience and death, he hath magnified the divine law, and made it honourable, and hath brought in an everlasting righteousness, which is unto all, and upon all, that believe. Oh! blessed be God for Jesus Christ!
How sweet were those days of primitive simplicity, when men were in the habit of enjoying intercourse of friendship with Angels. And if (as there seems great reason to suppose), one of those celestial visitors which called on Abraham, was indeed the Son of God, in an human form; what a charming evidence doth it give of favour and condescension on the part of God, and of happiness on the part of man.
But stop, my soul! pause over the thought, and remark with suitable joy and thankfulness, the far happier state of the Church in the present hour, among those highly favoured saints unto whom the Lord Jesus manifests himself, otherwise than he doth to the world Since those days of Abraham, the Son of God hath come down, not merely in the form, but really and truly man, and dwelt among us. And his gracious visits have been, not as in the earlier ages when his name was secret, but to everyone unto whom his blessed Spirit hath made him known, and they have seen his glory: the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
In beholding the patriarch Abraham drawing near and pleading with God for Sodom, who can forbear to call to mind that precious character of the Lord Jesus; or overlook that gracious Intercessor with God for his people, whom the Father heareth alway. My soul! never, I charge thee, forget thy Jesus, in this his High-Priestly office. Only for thy comfort recollect, that though Abraham’s mediation was not successful, such can never be the issue of the Redeemer’s pleading. He ever liveth to make intercession. And oh! the blessedness of that assurance: he is able to save to the uttermost all that come to God by him.
Fuente: Hawker’s Poor Man’s Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
Gen 18:33 And the LORD went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place.
Ver. 33. And the Lord went his way. ] Abraham bargined with the Lord so long, till he had brought him down from fifty to ten: and mark, that he stopped begging ere God stopped lessening. Let us find praying hearts, and he will find a pitying heart.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
went His way. The same as the one who came in verses: Gen 18:1, Gen 18:2.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
And the: Gen 18:16, Gen 18:22, Gen 32:26
and Abraham: Gen 31:55
Reciprocal: Gen 17:22 – General Gen 30:25 – mine Gen 35:13 – General Exo 18:23 – and all this Exo 25:22 – and I will Exo 32:10 – let me alone Exo 33:9 – talked Num 11:17 – talk with 1Ki 10:2 – communed Joh 1:10 – was in Joh 1:18 – he hath
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Gen 18:33. Abraham returned to his place To wait what the event would be; and it proved that his prayer was heard; and yet Sodom was not spared, because there were not ten righteous persons in it.