Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Genesis 17:26

In the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his son.

In the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his son. This is repeated, that it might be taken notice of that both were circumcised according to the command of God, and on the very day in which it was given. Jarchi observes, it was in the day, and not in the night; which shows, says he, he was not afraid of the Heathen, and of mockers; and that his enemies, and the men of that generation, might not say, if we had seen him, we would not have suffered him to be circumcised, and keep the commandment of God: and some of the Jewish writers e fable, that he was circumcised on the day afterwards appointed by Moses for the day of atonement, and that in the place where he was circumcised the altar was built; but all this is without any foundation. This affair was transacted, according to Bishop Usher f, A. M. 2107, and before Christ 1897.

e Pirke Eliezer, ut supra. (c. 29.) f Annales Ver. Test. p. 8.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

(26) In the selfsame day.Heb., In the bone of this day, and so in Gen. 17:23 (see Gen. 2:23). In the circumcising of the household together with Abraham and his son we see that no impassable interval separated the Hebrew slave from his master, but that he was to share all the national and religious privileges of the freeman.

Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)

Gen 17:26 In the selfsame day was Abraham circumcised, and Ishmael his son.

Ver. 26. In the self-same day. ] To show his prompt and present obedience, without shucking and hucking, without delays and consults.

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

Gen 12:4, Gen 22:3, Gen 22:4, Psa 119:60

Reciprocal: Gen 16:15 – Ishmael Gen 17:23 – circumcised

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge