Exegetical and Hermeneutical Commentary of Genesis 17:12

And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which [is] not of thy seed.

12. he that is eight days old ] The performance of the rite at this early age is distinctive of the Israelite usage. Cf. Gen 21:4; Lev 12:3; Luk 1:59; Luk 2:21; Php 3:5. The operation at this exceedingly early age (see note on Gen 17:25) is probably for the purpose (1) of including all males, (2) of coinciding with the first period of the mother’s uncleanness, Lev 12:2-3, (3) of inflicting the smallest degree of suffering.

every male ] The important principle is here laid down that the rite is to be required of every male member of the household. All slaves are to be circumcised, both those “born in the house” (cf. Gen 14:14), and those “bought with money” (cf. Exo 12:44). It was thus that the first principles of charity were interwoven with the foundation of the Chosen People. The privileges of the covenant relation are at once extended beyond the literal seed of Abraham.

Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges

Verse 12. He that is eight days old] Because previously to this they were considered unclean, Le 12:2-3, and circumcision was ever understood as a consecration of the person to God. Neither calf, lamb, nor kid, was offered to God till it was eight days old for the same reason, Le 22:27.

Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible

Eight days; not before that time, because of the childs weakness and imperfection, and impurity too, Exo 22:30; Lev 12:3, for which reason also beasts were not to be offered to God before the eighth day, Exo 22:30.

Every man-child in your generations, successively, until the Messias come, who shall circumcise your hearts, and change this ordinance for another.

Bought with money of any stranger: these were of two sorts.

1. Children, who being entirely his possession, and having not understanding to discern, nor will to choose or refuse, were to be circumcised.

2. Grown persons, who were not to be compelled to be circumcised, but if they refused it, were not to be permitted to dwell in his family, lest they should infect others, but were to be sold to strangers, as the Hebrew doctors teach. But as for Abrahams servants here, they were thoroughly instructed in religion, Gen 18:19, and doubtless did willingly embrace it, and submit to this sacrament.

Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole

And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you,…. A son or infant of eight days old; it might not be circumcised before, but for some reasons might be deferred longer. The reasons why this rite was ordered to be performed in infancy, according to Maimonides d, were, because if it had been deferred to riper age it might have been neglected, and never performed; and because at such an age the pain is not so sensibly felt, by reason of the tenderness of the skin, and the weakness of the imagination; as also because the affections of parents are not then so strong as they are when one year, and especially three or four years old; and particularly it was ordered on the eighth day, because all animals, as soon as born, on account of their great humidity, are very weak, and scarce any other than they were in their mother’s womb, until the end of seven days, after which they begin to be reckoned among those that perceive the air of this world; and so he remarks the same is to be observed in beasts, that seven days they were to be with their dam, Ex 22:30. According to the Jewish canon e,

“an infant might be circumcised on the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth, neither less nor more; (not less than eight days, nor more than twelve f;) according to the usual custom on the eighth; if he was born between the two evenings, he is circumcised on the ninth; if between the two evenings of the evening of the sabbath, he is circumcised on the tenth; if on a festival day, after the sabbath, he is circumcised on the eleventh; if on the two days of the beginning of the year, he is circumcised on the twelfth: an infant that is sick, they do not circumcise it until it is well.”

Which sickness they interpret not of sore eyes, and the like, but of an ague or fever; and when a child on the eighth day is red or yellow, or a woman has lost her children through circumcision, two or three one after another, then it is deferred; and they reckon seven days from a child’s recovery from sickness, and then circumcise it g; but circumcision on the eighth day was always reckoned most valid and authentic, and according to rule, [See comments on Php 3:5]; and the Jews were careful to do it on the eighth day as soon as they could, though only when and while it was day. Their canon or rule runs thus h,

“they do not circumcise until the sun shines out on the eighth day of a child’s birth, and all the day is fit for circumcision; but they that are prepared hasten to the commandment, and circumcise immediately in the morning; and indeed circumcision, which is not in its proper time, is never performed but in the day:”

for they observe i, it is said on the eighth day, Le 12:3; the day, and not the night. And this was to be done to

every man child in your generations; in all succeeding ages until the Messiah came, the end of the law; and when the lease of the land of Canaan, of which this was a seal, would be out; and when the righteousness of faith, it was also a seal of, would come upon the uncircumcised Gentiles:

he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger,

which [is] not of thy seed; concerning which Maimonides k gives these rules,

“a servant is born in the power of an Israelite, and another that is taken from Heathens, the master is bound to circumcise them; but he that is born in the house is circumcised on the eighth day; and he that is bought with money is circumcised on the day that he is received, even if he received him on the day he is born, he is circumcised on that day; if he receives a grown servant of Heathens, and the servant is not willing to be circumcised, he bears with him a whole year, but more than that it is forbidden to keep him, seeing he is uncircumcised, but he must send him again to the Heathens.”

No man was to be forced to embrace the true religion, or obliged against his will to submit to its ordinances.

d Moreh Nevochim, par. 3. c. 49. p. 506. e Misn. Sabbat, c. 19. sect. 5. f Misn. Eracin, c. 2. sect. 2. g Maimon. Hilchot Milah, c. 1. sect. 16, 17, 18. Schulchan Aruch, ib. c. 262. sect. 2. 263. sect. 1, 2. h Schulchan Aruch, c. 262. sect. 1. i Maimon. Hilchot Milah, c. 1. sect. 8. k Ibid sect 3, 6.

Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible

12. And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised (409) God now prescribes the eighth day for circumcision; whence it appears that this was a part of that discipline, under which he intended to keep his ancient people; for greater liberty is at this day, permitted in the administration of baptism. Some, however maintain that we must not contend earnestly about the number of days, because the Lord spared the children on account of their tenderness, since it was not without danger to inflict a wound upon those who were newly born. For although he might have provided that circumcision should produce no harm or injury; yet there would be no absurdity in saying, that He has respect to their tender age, in order to prove to the Jews his paternal love towards their children. To others this seems to be too frigid; therefore they seek a spiritual mystery in the number of days. They think that the present life is allegorically signified by the seven days; that God commanded infants to be circumcised on the eighth day, in order to show that though we must give attention to the mortification of the flesh during the whole course of our life, it will not be completed till the end. Augustine also thinks that it had reference to the resurrection of Christ; whereby external circumcision was abolished and the truth of the figure was set forth. It is probable and consonant with reason, that the number seven designated the course of the present life. Therefore the eighth day might seem to be fixed upon by the Lord, to prefigure the beginning of a new life. But because such a reason is never given in Scripture, I dare affirm nothing. Wherefore, let it suffice to maintain what is certain and solid; namely, that God, in this symbol, has so represented the destruction of the old man, as yet to show that he restores men to life.

He that is born in the house, or bought with money When God commands Abraham to circumcise all whom he has under his power, his special love towards holy Abraham is conspicuous in this, that He embraces his whole family in His grace. We know that formerly slaves were scarcely reckoned among the number of men. But God, out of regard to his servant Abraham, adopts them as his own sons: to this mercy nothing whatever can be added. The pride also of the flesh is cast down; because God, without respect of persons, gathers together both freemen and slaves. But in the person of Abraham, he has prescribed it as a law to all his servants, that they should endeavor to bring all who are subject to them, into the same society of faith with themselves. For every family of the pious ought to be a church. Therefore, it we desire to prove our piety, we must labor that every one of us may have his house ordered in obedience to God. And Abraham is not only commanded to dedicate and to offer unto God those born in his house, but whomsoever he might afterwards obtain.

(409) “ Et filius octo dierum circumcidetur.” — “And a son of eight days shall be circumcised.”

Fuente: Calvin’s Complete Commentary

(12) Eight days old.That is, just one week after birth, as the day of birth was counted among the eight days.

Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)

12. Eight days old A whole seven days must pass, and on the eighth day the ceremony . Comp . Gen 21:4; Lev 12:3; Luk 1:59; Luk 2:21; Php 3:5. For this, perhaps, a twofold reason may be assigned: the symbolism of the sacred number seven, and the necessity that the child should have sufficient age to endure the operation .

Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments

Gen 17:12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which [is] not of thy seed.

Ver. 12. And he that is eight days old. ] This warrants our baptizing of infants of both sexes. See Trapp on “ Gen 9:10 (Great leap of logic here! Editor.)

Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)

eight = the number of Resurrection (App-10); associated here with circumcision, the sign of death.

Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics

he that is eight days old: Heb. a son of eight days, Gen 21:4, Lev 12:3, Luk 1:59, Luk 2:21, Joh 7:22, Joh 7:23, Act 7:8, Rom 2:28, Phi 3:5

is born: Gen 17:23, Exo 12:48, Exo 12:49

Reciprocal: Gen 14:14 – born Exo 12:44 – circumcised Ecc 2:7 – and had Jon 4:10 – came up in a night

Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge