And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. The sun now in the firmament, where it was fixed the day before, having gone round the earth, or the earth about that, in the space of twenty four hours; and according to Capellus this was the twenty second of April; or, as others, the fifth of September; and according to Bishop Usher the twenty seventh of October.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
(23) The fifth day.Upon the work of the first four days geology is virtually silent, and the theories respecting the physical formation of the world belong to other sciences. But as regards the fifth day, its testimony is ample. In the lowest strata of rocks, such as the Cambrian and Silurian, we find marine animals, mollusca, and trilobites; higher up in the Devonian rocks we find fish; in the Carbonaceous period we find reptiles; and above these, in the Permian, those mighty saurians, described in our version as great whales. Traces of birds, even in these higher strata, if existent at all, are rare, but indubitably occur in the Triassic series. We thus learn that this fifth day covers a vast space of time, and, in accordance with what has been urged before as regards vegetation, it is probable that the introduction of the various genera and species was gradual. God does nothing in haste, and our conceptions of His marvellous working are made more clear and worthy of His greatness by the evidence which geology affords.
Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)
evening . . . morning. See on Gen 1:5
fifth. The No. of grace (App-10). No blessing till the 5th day, when there was living soul to bless. fifth day, or “day five”. See note on Gen 1:5.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
Reciprocal: Gen 1:5 – And the evening and the morning were Gen 1:8 – evening Gen 1:31 – and the Mar 14:30 – this day