And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous [are] thy judgments.
7. another out of ] Should be omitted: St John “heard the Altar” itself “say” what follows. Why the unusual image should be used of the Altar speaking, instead of a voice only coming from it (cf. Rev 9:13), we cannot say: but perhaps Rev 6:9 sqq. suggests why the Altar utters its Amen to God’s vengeance on the persecutors.
Even so ] Yea, as in Rev 1:7, &c.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
And I heard another – Evidently another angel, though this is not specified.
Out of the altar – Either the angel of the altar – that is, who presided over the altar (Prof. Stuart), or an angel whose voice seemed to come from the altar. The sense is essentially the same. The writer seemed to hear a voice coming from the altar responding to what had just been said in regard to the judgment of God, or to his righteousness in bringing the judgment upon people, Rev 16:5. This was evidently the voice of someone who was interested in what was occurring, or to whom these things particularly pertained; that is, one who was particularly connected with the martyrs referred to, whose blood was now, as it were, to be avenged. We are naturally reminded by this of the martyr-scene in Rev 6:9-11, in the opening of the fifth seal, though it cannot be supposed that the same events are referred to. There the souls of those that had been slain for the word of God are represented as being under the altar, and as crying to God to avenge their blood on them who dwelt on the earth. Here a voice is heard with reference to martyrs, as of one interested in them, ascribing praise to God for having brought a righteous judgment on those who had shed the blood of the saints. They are both, for similar reasons, connected with the altar, and the voice is heard proceeding from the same source. In regard to the meaning of the word altar here, and the reason why the martyrs are represented in connection with it, see the notes on Rev 6:9.
True and righteous are thy judgments – Responding to what is said in Rev 16:5. That is, God is true or faithful to his promises made to his people, and righteous in the judgments which he has now inflicted. These judgments had come upon those who had shed the blood of the martyrs, and they were just.
In regard to the application of this there are several things to be said. The following points are clear:
- That this judgment would succeed the first-mentioned, and apparently at a period not remote.
- It would occur in a region where there had been much persecution.
- It would be in a country of streams, and rivers, and fountains.
- It would be a just retribution for the bloody persecutions which had occurred there.
The question now is, where we shall find the fulfillment of this, assuming that the explanation of the pouring out of the first vial is correct. And here, I think, there can be no mistake in applying it to the events bearing on the papacy, and the papal powers, which followed the French revolution. The next material event, after that revolution, was the invasion of Italy, where Napoleon began his career of victories, and where he first acquired his fame. At this stage of my examination of this passage, I looked into Alisons History of Europe to see what events, in fact, followed the scenes of confusion, crime, blood, atheism, and pollution in the French revolution, and I found that the next chapters in these eventful scenes, were such as would be well represented by the vial poured upon the rivers and fountains, and by their being turned into blood.
The detail would be too long for my limits, and I can state merely a summary of a few of the chapters in that history. Chapter xix contains the History of the French Republic from the fall of Robespierre to the establishment of the Directory – comprising properly the closing scenes of the Reign of Terror. Chapter xx contains an account of the campaign in Italy in 1796, embracing, as stated in the summing up of contents in this chapter, the Battles of Montenotte, Millesimo, Dego; the passage of the bridge of Lodi, and fall of Milan; the siege of Mantua, and the battle of Castiglione; the battles of Caldero and Arcola; and the battles of Rivoli and Mantua. This is followed (chapter xxiii) with an account of the campaign of 1797, which closed with the fall of Venice; and this is followed (chapter xxvi.) with an account of the invasion of Switzerland, etc. It is unnecessary to dwell on the details of the wars which followed the French revolution on the Rhine, the Po, and the Alpine streams of Piedmont and Lombardy. The slightest acquaintance with that history will show the propriety of the following remarks:
(a) These wars occurred in regions under the influence of the papacy, for these were all papal states and territories.
(b) These scenes followed closely on the French revolution, and grew out of it as a natural consequence, and would be properly represented as a second vial poured out immediately after the first.
(c) The country is such as here supposed – of rivers and fountains – for, being mostly a mountainous region, it abounds with springs, and fountains, and streams. Indeed, on the supposition that this is the land referred to, a more appropriate description could not have been given of it than is found in this passage. One has only to look upon a map of Northern Italy to see that there is no other portion of the world which would more naturally be suggested when speaking of a country abounding in rivers and fountains of water. The admirable map of this region prefixed to the volume, for which I am indebted to the work of Dr. Alexander Keith, on the Signs of the Times, will clearly illustrate this passage, and the corresponding passage in chapter viii., x., xi.,. Let anyone look at the Po and its tributaries on the map, and then read with attention the twentieth chapter of Alisons History of Europe (vol. i. pp. 391-424), and he will be struck with the appropriateness of the description, on the supposition that this portion of the book of Revelation was designed to refer to these scenes; for he cannot but see that the battles there described were fought in a country in every way corresponding with the statement here.
(d) This country corresponds with the description here given in another respect. In Rev 16:5-6 there is a tribute of praise rendered to God, in view of these judgments, because he was righteous in bringing them upon a land where the blood of saints and prophets had been shed – a land of martyrs. Now this is applicable to the circumstances supposed, not only in the sense that Italy in general had been the land where the blood of martyrs had been shed – the land of Roman persecution, alike under paganism and the papacy – but true in a more definite sense, from the fact that this was the very region where the persecutions against the Waldenses and the Albigenses had been carried on – the valleys of Piedmont. In the times of papal persecution these valleys had been made to flow with the blood of the saints; and it seemed, at least, to be a righteous retribution that these desolations of war, these conflagrations, and these scenes of carnage, should occur in that very land, and that the very fountains and streams which had before been turned into blood, by the slaughter of the friends of the Saviour, should now be reddened with the blood of men slain in battle. This is, perhaps, what John saw in vision: a land where persecution had raged, and the blood of the holy had flowed freely, and then the same land brought under the awful judgments of God, and the fountains and streams reddened with the blood of the slain. There was a propriety, therefore, that a voice should be heard ascribing righteousness to God for avenging the blood of the saints Rev 16:5-6, and that another voice should be heard from the altar of the martyrs Rev 16:7 responding and saying, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
(e) It may be added, to show the propriety of this, that this was one of the series of events which will be found in the end to have contributed to the overthrow of the papal power; for a blow was struck, in the French invasion of Italy, from which Rome has never recovered, and sentiments were diffused as the result in favor of liberty which it has been difficult ever since to suppress, and which are destined yet to burst out in favor of freedom, and to be one of the means of the final destruction of the power. Compare Alisons History of Europe, vol. 1, p. 403.
Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
Others also, either members of the church triumphant or militant, or both, shall in that day give glory to God, as a God of power, able to do such things; of righteousness, thus giving these bloody men their due; and of truth, thus fulfilling both his promises to his people and his threatenings against his enemies. But it is easier to determine who shall thus rejoice, than the time when this joy shall be. This certainly is Gods work, but in fieri, now doing, but not yet done.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
7. another out ofomitted inA, C, Syriac, and Coptic. Translate then, “I heardthe altar [personified] saying.” On it the prayers of saints arepresented before God: beneath it are the souls of the martyrs cryingfor vengeance on the foes of God.
Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
And I heard another out of the altar say,…. That is, another angel that came out of the altar; see Re 14:18 and who represents the souls under the altar, whose blood had been shed by the above persons; compare with this Re 6:9 though, there, such whose blood had been shed by Rome Pagan are described; the Ethiopic version calls this angel as before, “the angel of the fountains of water”; and the Alexandrian copy, and Syriac and Arabic versions, read, “I heard the altar saying”: as follows,
even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments; the same as in Re 15:3. This angel joins the other, and approves and confirms what he says; applauding the judgements of Christ upon the worshippers of the beast, from the verity of them, being what were threatened, and from the justice of them, being what they deserved.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
O Lord God, the Almighty ( ). Just as in 15:3 in the Song of Moses and of the Lamb, vocative with the article . “Judgments” () here instead of “ways” () there, and with the order of the adjectives reversed ( , true and righteous).
Fuente: Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament
Another out of the altar. Omit another out of, and read, as Rev., I heard the altar. The altar personified. Compare ch. 6 9, where the souls of the martyrs are seen under the altar and cry how long.
Almighty. Add the article : the Almighty.
Fuente: Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament
1) “And I heard another out of the altar say,“(kai ekousa tou thusiasteriou legontos) “And I heard (another voice) out of the altar area of heaven saying repeatedly,” as if in a refrain of holy temple harmony, affirming:
2) “Even so Lord God Almighty, (nai kurie ho theos ho pantokrator) “even so (yea), O Lord, the God who is Almighty;- the God of adoration. Heaven’s choir seems attuned with a rousing “Amen”! to the administration of righteous judgment.
3) “True and righteous are thy judgments,” (alethenai kai dikaiai hai kriseis sou) “thy judgments (exist as) true and righteous,” in every essence of being and administration. With this righteous judgment upon the earth no angel can find a flaw, whether it be upon rebellious Israel or the great whore and her offspring among the Gentiles, Rev 15:3; Rev 18:20; Rev 19:2; Psa 119:75; Psa 119:164.
Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary
(7) And I heard . . .Translate, And I heard (not another out of the altar, but) the altar saying, Even so, Lord God the Almighty, true and righteous are Thy judgments. The altar beneath which the souls of the martyrs cried, and on which the prayers of saints were offered, is represented as confirming the testimony to the just dealings of God.
Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)
7. To the angel of the waters now there comes a response from the altar. Really, the words another out of are not in the Greek; and Alford truly says, that the “simplest understanding is,” that it is the altar itself that speaks and is heard. The altar is cognizant of blood. The “souls” of the martyrs who were as sacrificed victims are under the altar.
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
7 And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
Ver. 7. And I heard another ] That in the mouth of two witnesses this truth might be established. Let God be justified, and every mouth stopped.
Out of the altar ] Under which lie the souls of those that were slain for the testimony of Jesus, Rev 6:9 . See Trapp on “ Rev 16:6 “
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
another out of. The texts omit. Supply the ellipsis with “the angel of”; compare angel of the waters, Rev 16:5.
Almighty. App-98.
true. App-175. See p. 1511.
judgments. App-177.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
Rev 16:7. , I heard the altar saying) John heard the altar, where the cry arises and vengeance descends, or those who served at it, here not seen by John, so that the altar itself appeared to speak. Compare the phraseology, ch. Rev 1:12, Rev 9:13, Rev 11:1. Such is the expression, , Job 32:7.
Fuente: Gnomon of the New Testament
out: Rev 6:9, Rev 8:3-5, Rev 14:18, Isa 6:6, Eze 10:2, Eze 10:7
Even: Rev 15:3, Rev 15:4
true: Rev 13:10, Rev 14:10, Rev 19:2
Reciprocal: Exo 7:4 – by great 2Ki 10:25 – let 1Ch 16:12 – the judgments Job 8:3 – Almighty Psa 19:9 – judgments Psa 105:5 – the judgments Psa 119:137 – General Dan 4:31 – fell Dan 4:37 – all Mar 9:42 – it Rom 9:14 – Is there unrighteousness 2Th 1:5 – righteous Rev 3:7 – he that is true Rev 4:8 – Lord God Almighty Rev 11:17 – Lord God Almighty Rev 16:5 – Thou art Rev 16:14 – God Almighty Rev 21:22 – the Lord
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Rev 16:7. This angel repeated the same commendation of God’s judgments that was expressed by the one in verses 5 and 6.
Comments by Foy E. Wallace
Verse 7.
5. The angel of the altar in verse seven reverted to the altar of martyrs in Rev 6:9-10 and was in the role of sending the judgment which the martyrs petitioned, and of satisfying their avenging cry.
Fuente: Combined Bible Commentary
Rev 16:7. Not only is an acknowledgment of the righteousness of Gods judgment given by the waters; the martyred saints also respond. The altar (not as in the Authorised Version another out of the altar) speaks. It is the altar of chap. Rev 6:9 beneath which is the blood, that is the lives, of the saints. They who have suffered own that the judgments of the Almighty upon those who persecuted them even unto death are true and righteous, conformable to the realities of things and to the demands of perfect righteousness.
Fuente: A Popular Commentary on the New Testament
Hendriksen writes, “Underneath the altar the souls of the martyrs had cried for vengeance (cf. Rev 6:9 ; Rev 8:3-5 ) So when this vengeance is rendered, it is the altar that replies: ‘Yea, Lord God, the Almighty, genuine and righteous are thy judgments.'”
Fuente: Gary Hampton Commentary on Selected Books
16:7 {6} And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous [are] thy judgments.
(6) A confirmation of the praise before going out of the sanctuary of God, whether immediately by Christ, or by some one of his angels, for Christ also is called another angel; Rev 3:8; Rev 7:2; Rev 12:1
Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes
The Tribulation martyrs offer their "amen" from under the altar (Rev 6:9; Rev 15:3-4). The altar was the personification of those associated with it earlier in John’s vision (cf. Rev 9:13; Gen 4:10; Luk 19:40; Heb 12:24). God always judges consistently with His character, which these martyrs describe as being almighty, true, and righteous.