The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
10. drink of the wine of the wrath of God ] Psa 75:8 (9); Isa 51:17; Isa 51:22; Jer 25:15 sqq.
poured out without mixture ] Lit. mixed unmixed: there is prob. nothing meant but the sense of the A. V., the “pouring out” of wine being usually a process of “mixing.” But the paradoxical form of expression comes from the LXX. of Psa 75:8, where the word “red” (or perhaps “foaming,” “fiery”) is translated by “unmixed,” proving that St John knows and uses the LXX. version, though he corrects it when necessary.
with fire and brimstone ] Perhaps rather in. See Rev 19:20, Rev 20:15, Rev 21:8.
in the presence, &c.] It is impossible to translate these words otherwise: they prove that the holy angels, and the Lamb Himself, acquiesce or something more in the justice and necessity of God’s awful judgements. This being so, we dare not give weight to sentimental or priori arguments against their possibility, though to our present faculties God’s future treatment of sin may be as hard to reconcile with His known attributes as His permission of its origin in the past. We are forced to pass over the one difficulty: faith and humility will pass over the other.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God – See notes on Rev 14:8. The wine of the wrath of God is the cup in the hand of the Lord, which, when drunk, makes them reel and fall. The image would seem to have been taken from the act of holding out a cup of poison to a condemned man that he might drink and die. See the sentiment here expressed illustrated in the notes on Isa 51:17.
Which is poured out without mixture – Without being diluted with water – that is, in its full strength. In other words, there would be no mitigation of the punishment.
Into the cup of his indignation – The cup held in his hand, and given them to drink. This is expressive of his indignation, as it causes them to reel and fall. The sentiment here is substantially the same, though in another form, as what is expressed in 2Th 2:12. See the notes on that verse.
And he shall be tormented – Shall be punished in a manner that would be well represented by being burned with fire and brimstone. On the meaning of this word see the notes on Rev 9:5; Rev 11:10. Compare also Rev 18:7, Rev 18:10, Rev 18:15; Rev 20:10; Mat 8:29; Mar 5:7; Luk 8:28. The word commonly denotes severe torture.
With fire and brimstone – As if with burning sulphur. See the notes on Luk 17:28-30. Compare Psa 11:6; Job 18:15; Isa 30:33; Eze 38:22. The imagery is taken from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Gen 19:24. The common representation of the punishment of the wicked is, that it will be in the manner here represented, Mat 5:22; Mat 13:42; Mat 18:9; Mat 25:41; Mar 9:44-48; 2Pe 3:7; Jud 1:7; Rev 20:14. Compare the Mat 5:22 note; Mar 9:44 note.
In the presence of the holy angels – This may mean either:
(a)That the angels will be present at their condemnation Mat 25:31, or.
(b)That the punishment will be actually witnessed by the angels, as it is most probable it will be. Compare Isa 66:24; Luk 16:23-26.
And in the presence of the Lamb – The Lamb of God – the final Judge. This also may mean either that the condemnation will occur in his presence, or that the punishment will be under his eye. Both of these things will be true in regard to him; and it will be no small aggravation of the punishment of the wicked, that it will occur in the very presence of their slighted and rejected Saviour.
Fuente: Albert Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
Verse 10. The wine of the wrath of God] As they have drunk the intoxicating wine of idolatry or spiritual fornication, they shall now drink the wine of God’s wrath, which is poured out into the cup of his indignation. This is an allusion to the poisoned cup, which certain criminals were obliged to drink, on which ensued speedy death. See Clarke on Heb 2:9.
Shall be tormented with fire and brimstone] An allusion to the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrha for their unnatural crimes.
Presence of the holy angels, and-of the Lamb] These being the instruments employed in their destruction; the Lamb-the Lord Jesus Christ, acting as judge.
Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible
Those that do yield a subjection to him, and profess his faith,
shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God; that is, shall feel the severity of Gods judicial dispensations, which in Scripture are expressed by the wine cup of his fury, Jer 25:15; see also Job 21:20; Psa 75:8; Isa 51:17; either from the intoxicating quality of wine, or the stupifying quality of it, when mixed with myrrh, or other stupifying things. But here it is said without mixture, which signifies their sensible feeling of the effects of Divine wrath.
And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb; that is, in short, he shall go to hell at last; the exquisiteness of which torments, as to the pain of sense, is set out by fire and brimstone; brimstone being a material in which fire holds longest to torment any flesh put into it.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
10. The sameGreek, “healso,” as the just and inevitable retribution.
wine of . . . wrath of God(Ps 75:8).
without mixturewhereaswine was so commonly mixed with water that to mix wineis used in Greek for to pour out wine; this wineof God’s wrath is undiluted; there is no drop of water to coolits heat. Naught of grace or hope is blended with it. This terriblethreat may well raise us above the fear of man’s threats. Thisunmixed cup is already mingled and prepared for Satanand the beast’s followers.
indignationGreek,“orges,” “abiding wrath,” But the Greekfor “wrath” above (Greek, “thumou“)is boiling indignation, from (Greek, “thuo“)a root meaning “to boil”; this is temporary ebullition ofanger; that is lasting [AMMONIUS],and accompanied with a purpose of vengeance [ORIGENon Psalm 2:5].
tormented . . . in thepresence of . . . angels (Psa 49:14;Psa 58:10; Psa 139:21;Isa 66:24). God’s enemies areregarded by the saints as their enemies, and when the day ofprobation is past, their mind shall be so entirely one with God’s,that they shall rejoice in witnessing visibly the judicialvindication of God’s righteousness in sinners’ punishment.
Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God,…. Which is a just punishment for their sin; that as such have drank of the wine of the wrath of Rome’s fornication, Re 14:8 so they shall now drink of the wine of God’s wrath; it is usual in Scripture to express the punishment God inflicts upon wicked men by his wrath, and by the wine cup of his fury; and their suffering such punishment, by their drinking of it; see Jer 25:15 so
, “the wine of wrath”, is a phrase used by the Jews q:
which is poured out without mixture, into the cup of his indignation; sometimes called a cup of fury and of trembling,
Isa 51:17 and is sometimes said to be full of mixture,
Ps 75:8 of various ingredients of wrath and fury; and the words may be rendered here, “which is mixed without mixture”: and though it seems to carry in it a contradiction, yet is true in different senses; it may be said to be mixed as wine with various sorts, which is the stronger, and sooner inebriates and intoxicates; or in allusion to the cup the Jews gave to malefactors, to stupefy them, when going to execution, which had various things put in it for that purpose;
[See comments on Mr 15:23] and so designs the several ingredients in the cup of divine indignation, or the several ways in which God expresses his wrath; and yet it is without mixture; it is judgment without mercy, pure wrath, without the least allay; not so much as a drop of cold water granted, or the least your shown, or any mitigation of fury for a moment:
and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone: in allusion to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, which are now a burning and a sulphurous lake, called Asphaltites, and is an example, pattern, and similitude of the vengeance of eternal fire, #Jude 7 and hence the beast and false prophet are said to be cast into such a lake,
Re 19:20 and here their followers will be punished; which is expressive of the horrible torments of hell, and the dreadful punishment of the antichristian party there; see Ps 11:6 and what will aggravate their misery is, that it will be
in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb; the latter will be their Judge, and will condemn them to everlasting burnings, and pronounce the sentence on them; and the former will be the executioners of it; they will gather them out, and sever them from the righteous, and cast them into the furnace of fire, and will be spectators of their punishment, and rejoice at it; and the sight of their power and glory will increase the torment of the sufferers.
q Zohar in Gen. fol. 51. 4.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
He also shall drink ( ). Future middle of . Certainty for him as for Babylon and her paramours (16:17).
Of the wine of the wrath of God ( ). Note (partitive) after . In Rev 16:19; Rev 19:15 we have both and (wrath of the anger of God). The white heat of God’s anger, held back through the ages, will be turned loose.
Prepared unmixed ( ). A bold and powerful oxymoron, “the mixed unmixed.” is an old adjective (alpha privative and to mix) used of wine unmixed with water (usually so mixed), here only in N.T. So it is strong wine mixed (perfect passive participle of ) with spices to make it still stronger (cf. Ps 75:9).
In the cup of his anger ( ). Both (vehement fury) and (settled indignation).
He shall be tormented (). Future passive of . See Rev 9:5; Rev 11:10.
With fire and brimstone ( ). See 9:17 for fire and brimstone and also Rev 19:20; Rev 20:10; Rev 21:8. The imagery is already in Gen 19:24; Isa 30:33; Ezek 38:22.
In the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb ( ). This holy environment adds to the punishment.
Fuente: Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament
Poured out without mixture [ ] . Lit., which is mingled unmixed. From the universal custom of mixing wine with water for drinking, the word mingle came to be used in the general sense of prepare by putting into the cup. Hence, to pour out.
Cup of His anger. Compare Psa 75:8.
Brimstone [] . Commonly taken as the neuter of qeiov divine; that is, divine incense, since burning brimstone was regarded as having power to purify and to avert contagion. By others it is referred to quw to burn, and hence to sacrifice.
Fuente: Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament
1 ) “The same shall drink,” (kai autos pietai) “Even that one, that and each one of his kind shall drink,” consume.
2) “Of the wine of the wrath of God,” (ek tou oinou tou thurou tou theou) “out of the wine or vinegar of the inflamed Judgment – anger of God,” long stored up for him, as forewarned in the Scriptures, Pro 1:22-30; Pro 29:1; Rom 2:4-6.
3) “Which is poured out without mixture,” (tou kekerasmenou akratou) “which has been undiluted,” or is full strength, full of bitterness, as dregs in the bottom of the wine barrel, Psa 75:8; Isa 51:17; Jer 25:15; Rev 16:19; Rev 18:6.
4) “Into the cup of his indignation,” (en to poterio tes orges autou) “Located or existing in the cup (container) of his wrath,” where he has held it back for so long a time, Psa 7:11-13; Psa 75:8.
5) “And he shall be tormented,” (kai basanisthesetai) and the same one shall be tormented,” pained in soul and body, Rev 19:20.
6) “With fire and brimstone “ (en puri kai theio) “By means of (or in) fire and brimstone (sulfur),” Rev 20:10-15.
7) “In the presence of the holy angels,” (enopion angelon hagion) “Before the face-presence of the holy (unfallen) angels,” who are servants of God, and of the redeemed. Heb 1:14.
8) “And in the presence of the Lamb,” (kai enopion tou arniou) “and before the face-presence of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, who is before the throne. Rev 5:5-13.
Fuente: Garner-Howes Baptist Commentary
10. Wine of the wrath of God The double effect of wine first to exhilarate, and then, when drunk in full quantity, to asphyxiate is here alluded to. The former images the exciting power of sin, the latter its destructive effect. To sip the wine is a delight; to drink the cup to its dregs is destruction.
Poured out without mixture The Greek has a play upon words: Which is mixed without mixture. The wine was so customarily mingled with water that the Greek word mixed came to signify prepared. Hence the phrase prepared without mixture could, as here, be verbally, mixed without mixture.
Cup of his indignation As if divine justice had a regular retributive cup.
Fire and brimstone Imagery borrowed from Gen 19:24. “Jehovah rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire.” The imagery of fire and brimstone for the wicked is used in Psa 11:6, and brimstone in Job 18:15. This imagery is not used in the New Testament excepting in the Apocalypse, namely, here and Rev 19:20; Rev 21:8. “The addition of brimstone to the imagery,” says Stuart, “renders it exceedingly intense: for this not only makes the fire to rage with the greatest vehemence, but it is noisome to the smell and suffocating to the breath.” Of those who maintain that final punishment is in literal fire it may be asked, Is the brimstone literal?
Presence of angels Lamb Their sentence and execution take place by the judgment and solemn approbation of the holiest and most merciful of Kings. Holiness and love ratify the penalties of divine justice.
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
Rev 14:10 . The [3504] represents the details, as well as likewise the harlot herself, incurring the judgment. [3505]
(fut.). Winer, p. 84.
The . . is represented in the ; but the dreadful power of this wine of wrath is rendered conspicuous, since it is itself designated: . It is meant that in the cup of indignation there is found unmixed wine ( , Psa 74:9 , LXX.), i.e., not tempered with water, and hence that the wine of wrath, thus set forth, works with its entire force. The contradiction in the words occurring in the connection of . and . is without difficulty, because [3506] the custom of adapting the wine for ordinary use, by mixing it with water, has brought with it a usage of words in which the , without giving prominence to its special signification, attains the further sense of , , etc. [3507] So Ewald: “I have drunken wine so prepared (mixed) as to be pure;” De Wette, Ebrard, etc. According to Zll., the is regarded not as undiluted wine , but as designating the “compounded,” i.e., with additions, as spices, myrrh, opiates, etc., whereby the Orientals make their wine still stronger; and thus it is indicated that the Divine cup of indignation contains no wine but a pure mixture, “pure essence of mixtures.” Hengstenb. interprets artificially, in a still different way.
. Cf. Rev 9:5 . The punishment of hell here described ( . , Rev 9:17 , Rev 20:10 ) is not, with Grotius, to be resolved into pangs of conscience.
. . . . Incorrectly, De Wette: According to the judgment. Rather, they suffer this their pain before the eyes of the holy angels, and of the Lamb despised and persecuted by the worshippers of the beast, which appears just on this account to render it the more bitter. [3508]
, . . ., according to Isa 34:10 . Cf. Isa 19:3 . It is to be observed, that in this passage is passive, in the sense of . Cf., on the other hand, Isa 9:5 .
, . . ., viz., in their . [3509] The expression as Rev 4:8 .
. With grave emphasis this expression, individualizing the general conception, , affirms that every one who in any way resigns himself to the beast [3510] incurs that eternal torment.
[3504] Cf. Rev 14:17 .
[3505] Cf. Ewald.
[3506] Cf. Wetst.
[3507] Rev 18:6 .
[3508] Cf. Rev 11:12 ; Luk 16:23 sqq. Hengstenb.
[3509] Rev 20:10 .
[3510] De Wette.
Fuente: Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer’s New Testament Commentary
10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
Ver. 10. Of the wine of the wrath of God ] Wine for wine. God delights to retaliate and proportion; as he that said, Fumos vendidit, fumo pereat, He sold smoke, and by smoke let him perish. Imposturam faciunt et patientur, as the emperor said of them that sold glass for pearls: They deceived others, themselves shall be deceived much more.
Without mixture ] viz. Of mercy, with which God usually moderateth the cup of believers’ afflictions. SeeJas 2:13Jas 2:13 . They only sip off the top of God’s cup, Illud tantum quod suavius est et limpidius: That which is so sweet and so clear. Reprobates drink the dregs. They shall have an evil, an only evil without mixture of mercy, Eze 7:5 . Judgment without mercy, darkness without light. Philosophers say that in this world non dantur purae tenebrae, there is no mere darkness; but reprobates, that here preferred darkness before light, shall be cast into utter darkness without the least glimpse of light. Non surget hic afflictio. God will make an utter end; “Affliction shall not rise up the second time,” Nah 1:9 . The wicked shall be totally and finally consumed at once.
In the presence of the holy angels ] Who shall be not spectators only, but executioners also, as once at Sodom.
In the presence of the Lamb ] Notwithstanding their Agnus Dei, Lamb of God and other superstitious trumperies.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
Rev 14:10 . here as in Rev 18:6 by oxymoron = “poured out,” the original meaning of “mixed” (with water) being dropped. The torture (depicted from Isa 34:9-10 ) is inflicted before the holy angels (who evidently sit as assessors at the judgment, En. Isa 48:9 ), being either an epitheton ornans or an allusion to Rev 12:8-9 . Normally the prophet refrains from introducing such spectators of doom (Rev 19:20 , Rev 20:10-14 ). “Fire is the divine cruelty of the Semitic religions” (Doughty), but the torment which Judaism designed for fallen angels and apostates is assigned here to the worshippers of the Csars. The Apocalypse is silent upon agents of torture; they are not the angels, much less the devil (who is himself punished, Rev 20:10 ). But, like 4 Ezr 7 [ver. 36] (“the furnace of Gehenna shall be disclosed and over against it the paradise of delight”), John locates the place of torment over against the place of rest. For such grim popular fancies Enoch (xxvii. 2, 3, xlviii. 9, xc. 26, 27) is mainly responsible; there (as in Clem. Hom , xvii.) the tortures proceed under the eyes of the righteous, though (especially in the later fragments, as in John’s Apoc.) the moralisation of the idea has advanced, until Gehenna vanishes from the scene of bliss. “It is impossible for us to understand how such a sight could be compatible with heavenly happiness” (Stanton, Jewish and Christian Messiah , p. 344; cf. Lecky’s European Morals , ii. 225 f.), but the psychological basis of the ghastly expectation can be verified in the cruder types of primitive and modern religion. Most critics delete as another gloss ( cf. on Rev 14:4 ); the position of Jesus after the angels is not unexampled ( cf. Rev 1:4-5 ), even if before the holy angels were not taken (Bs., Baljon) as a periphrasis for the divine presence (Luk 12:8-9 ; Luk 15:10 ).
Fuente: The Expositors Greek Testament by Robertson
The same, &c. = He also (emph.) shall drink.
the . . . God = God’s (App-98.) fury.
without mixture = undiluted.
into. Greek. en. App-104.
tormented. See Rev 9:5.
brimstone. Gr, theion. See Rev 9:17.
holy. Greek. hagios. See Act 9:13.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
Rev 14:10. – , of the wine of wrath-in the cup of indignation) As the wine is to the cup, so is wrath to indignation. A designed difference of words: ch. Rev 16:19, Rev 19:15. leads into action. Comp. Rom 2:8, note. is , , in the LXX.- , which is poured in without mixture) , I mix, is used generally for I pour in, even of unmixed wine.- is unmixed, with which nought of grace or hope is blended. Such an unmixed potion is already mingled and prepared for the worshippers of the beast. There is at hand both a salvation, which awaits the saints, and a punishment, which overhangs the wicked. Psalms 75 (74):9, , .
Fuente: Gnomon of the New Testament
(See Scofield “Heb 1:4”).
Fuente: Scofield Reference Bible Notes
drink: Rev 16:19, Rev 18:3, Job 21:20, Psa 11:6, Psa 60:3, Psa 75:8, Isa 29:9, Isa 51:17, Isa 51:21, Isa 51:22, Jer 25:15-17, Jer 25:27, Jer 51:57
into: Rev 18:6, Psa 73:10, Isa 51:17, Jer 49:12, Lam 4:21, Hab 2:16, Mat 20:22, Mat 26:39
be: Rev 9:17, Rev 9:18, Rev 19:20, Rev 20:10, Rev 21:8, Gen 19:24, Deu 29:23, Job 18:15, Psa 11:6, Isa 30:33, Isa 34:9, Mat 25:41, Jud 1:7
in the: Psa 37:34, Psa 52:6, Psa 91:8, Eze 20:48, Mat 13:41, Mat 13:42, Mat 13:49, Mat 13:50, 2Th 1:8, 2Th 1:9
Reciprocal: Gen 19:28 – General 2Ch 12:7 – and my wrath 2Ch 34:25 – my wrath Isa 1:31 – and they Isa 33:14 – everlasting Isa 34:10 – the smoke Isa 51:20 – full Isa 58:1 – spare Isa 63:6 – make Isa 66:24 – their worm Jer 7:20 – Behold Jer 25:16 – General Jer 42:18 – As mine Eze 7:8 – pour Eze 36:18 – I poured Dan 4:13 – an holy Zec 12:2 – a cup Mat 18:8 – everlasting Mat 18:34 – and delivered Mat 25:46 – everlasting Mar 9:44 – the fire Luk 16:23 – being Luk 16:24 – for Joh 1:29 – Behold Rom 2:8 – indignation 1Ti 5:21 – the elect Rev 11:18 – and thy Rev 15:1 – is filled Rev 16:7 – true Rev 22:18 – God
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Rev 14:10. The false worshippers are told that if they persist in drinking of this wine -of the wrath of Rome, they will be punished by having to drink of another supply of wine; that will be the wine of the wrath of God. Wine has been used figuratively for centuries to symbolize wrath and anger and other intense conditions of the intellect. (See Psa 60:3; Pro 4:17; Jer 25:15 Jer 51:7.) Without mixture means it will not be diluted nor weakened, but they shall get the full effect of the wrath of God upon those who have been devoted to Rome. Shall be tormented with fire and brimstone refers to the lake of fire into which the wicked will be cast at the day of judgment. In the presence . . . of the Lamb. This denotes that the sentence of this punishment will be pronounced in the presence of Christ and his angels. (See Mat 25:31-46; 2Th 1:7-9.) The sentence will be pronounced then but it will be served according to the next verse.
Comments by Foy E. Wallace
Verse 10.
5. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone– Rev 14:10.
The strong fermentation of wine used for liquors was often made more savory and agreeable to the taste by additives of certain spices or ingredients. But the wine of the wrath of God upon the idolaters of the imperial image worship would be poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation–the wrath of God unmingled with clemency and without mitigation would be their condemnation. The worshipers of the imperial beast would share the same judgment pronounced upon him.
The elements of the torment meted out to the idolatrous worshipers of the beast was figuratively described as fire and brimstone. The inflammable mineral known in that day as brimstone was sulphuric in content, and when burning emitted a suffocating smell. It was used to describe the torment of the wicked–symbolic of the ultimate degree of remorse and anguish. It was no less fearful when put in the words of Paul in Rom 2:8-9 : “Indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil.” It means that the punishment of the wicked will consist of vexation of spirit, distress of mind, remorse of conscience, and anguish of soul.
Fuente: Combined Bible Commentary
Rev 14:10. He also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, the poured out unmingled wine in the cup of his anger. The punishment of such is now described in four particulars, the number four being perhaps taken because it is the ungodly world with which we are dealing, and because it is a lex talionis that is illustrated. The first of the four particulars corresponds to Rev 14:8, and shows that we have before us essentially the same spirit as that there referred to. The wine is said (literally) to be mingled unmingled; but there is no play upon the words, for, owing to the practice of the ancients to mingle water with wine, the verb to mingle had come to be used in the simple sense of pouring out. Enough that the wine of the wrath of God is now unmingled; the day of grace is past.
And he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone before the angels and before the Lamb. The second of the four particulars presents us with the final punishment of hell (comp. chaps. Rev 19:20, Rev 20:10, Rev 21:8; Gen 19:24).
Fuente: A Popular Commentary on the New Testament
The beast will kill people who do not follow him, but those who follow the beast will receive worse judgment from God. Contrast the blessing of the faithful in Rev 14:1-5. The combination of "wrath" (Gr. orges, settled indignation) and "anger" (Gr. thymou, vehement fury) stresses the reality and severity of God’s hostility (cf. Num 12:9; Num 22:22). Normally people added water to wine to dilute it, but God will not weaken His punishment of beast-worshippers. Their torment will be excruciating (cf. Gen 19:24; Isa 34:8-10), but this is not a reference to their eternal torment. Their final torment will be in the lake of fire removed from the presence of the holy angels and the Lamb (Rev 19:20; Rev 20:10; Rev 21:8; Rev 21:27; Rev 22:14-15; cf. Mat 25:41; Mar 9:43; 2Th 1:8-9).
"The opposite case is that of the overcomer who will receive open recognition in the presence of the Father and His angels (Rev 3:5)." [Note: Thomas, Revelation 8-22, p. 211.]