And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
4. a city, and a tower ] The story seems to suggest that in the abandonment of tent for city life these primitive people were disobeying the Divine command.
whose top may reach unto heaven ] Lit. “its top in heaven.”
Probably the words are intended quite literally to suggest the endeavour to “reach unto” Heaven, which was regarded as a solid vault. As the highest stage in an Assyrian or Babylonian pyramid, Ziggurat, was surmounted by a shrine of the deity, there is perhaps more meaning and less fancifulness in these words than has often been suspected.
It is natural to compare the later Greek legend of the giants who sought to scale Olympus and to dethrone Zeus. But there is no indication of warlike defiance.
The famous tower at Borsippa, on the left bank of the Euphrates, whose ruins now go by the name of Birs Nimrud, was a temple dedicated to Bel-Nebo, and rose in seven tiers or stages, representing the seven planets. This building, having fallen into ruins, was restored by Nebuchadnezzar. A similar building, E-sagil, dedicated to Bel Merodach, the patron god of the city, must have been one of the most enormous structures of ancient Babylon. The fame of temple towers or pyramids, Ziggurats, of this description was doubtless widely current throughout Western Asia, and may have given rise to strange legends concerning their erection in primitive times.
let us make us a name ] i.e. make ourselves renowned. Cf. Isa 63:12, “to make himself an everlasting name”; 2Sa 7:23, “to make him a name.” For the Heb. shm = “name” in the sense of “renown,” cf. Gen 6:4, “the men of renown”; Isa 55:13, “it shall be to the Lord for a name.” Some scholars prefer to render shm by “monument,” or “memorial,” as possibly in 2Sa 8:13. Old Jewish commentators thought it might refer to Shem, or even to the sacred Name of the Almighty!
lest we be scattered abroad ] The tower was to be visible to the whole world, and make its builders famous for ever. The tower and the city would be a conspicuous place for purposes of concentration and defence. It was apparently (see Gen 11:6) the Lord’s will that the people should scatter over the world. The people resolved upon a project which would frustrate the Divine purpose, gratify their own ambition, and protect them as far as possible against punishment. Distance and isolation meant danger.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
Gen 11:4
Go to, let us build us a city and a tower
The tower of Babel
Three motives may have led to the building of the tower of Babel.
1. A feeling that in union and communion lay the secret of mans renown and strength; that to disperse the family was to debilitate it.
2. A remembrance of the deluge, and a guilty dread of some similar judgment, leading them to draw close to each other for support.
3. Man was awaking to self-consciousness and a knowledge of his own resources. He was gaining a glimpse into the possible progress of civilization. The tower was to be a focus where the rays of his power would be concentrated.
II. To all philanthropists this narrative preaches this simple and sublime truth–that genuine unity is not to be effectually compassed in any other manner than by striking at the original root of discord. Every scheme for the promotion of brotherhood which deals only with the external symptoms of disunion, and aims at correcting only what appears on the surface of society, is ultimately sure of frustration.
III. In His own good time and manner God realized the presumptuous design of the Babel builders, and united in one central institution the scattered families of man. In the mediation of His Son He has reared up a Tower whose top reaches to heaven. It was in order to gather the nations into this world-embracing community that the apostles of Christ went forth charged with a message of peace and love. When the Spirit descended at Pentecost the physical impediment obstructing union–that difference of language which the sin of Babel had introduced–was removed. The apostles spake with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Dean Goulburn.)
The tower of Babel
The events connected with the building of the tower of Babel forcibly illustrate the power and the weakness of man. There is great power of scheming, great power of working, ending in an ignominious failure. So it is in all the ways of life; there is a way of spending force for naught, and there is a way of turning every effort to good account; there is a scheming that is nothing but inflation, and there is a purposing which gives shape and strength to ones daily life. The courses of Providence, as revealed in the history of the world, enable us now to judge programmes by anticipation; before we begin to build we can now tell how we shall finish, or whether we shall finish at all. Poor self-deceiving heart! How many bricks has it made, and burnt thoroughly, and yet how few towers it has ever finished! The people constitute themselves into a community of builders, and they propose to themselves a city and a tower. In this plan there are three things which men generally account laudable–
1. There is self-reliance. The loudest cry of today is, Help yourselves! It is thought that the man who trusts his own arm trusts a good servant. So far, therefore, there is nothing amiss in these builders.
2. There is a desire for self-preservation–lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. Self-preservation is held to be the first law of nature. If a man will not take care of himself, who will take care of him? Still, therefore, the builders have not trespassed.
3. There is ambition–a city, and a tower, and a name! No man can make much headway in life who is not ambitious. The finalist grows weaker every day; the progressionist strengthens with every encounter. The whole work was within mans own sphere. They wanted more than a city and a tower; they wanted a name, let us make us a name. That has been the ruin of many a man: anything for a name–any price for renown! This is not the ambition which is commended; this stands to a true ambition as presumption to faith. One thing is clear, viz., that God is observant of human plans. He knows our purpose, He overhears our secret communings. He allows men to build for awhile, and in the time of their rejoicing over the work of their hands He throws the city and tower to the dust. The error of these people was not in having a plan, but in having a plan without God.
(1) Carefully examine the quality and meaning of every new plan of life. Many a man has been ruined by ideas which he deemed necessary to the success of his fortune;
(a) Appearances;
(b) Miscalculations;
(c) Oversights; have contributed their share to his disasters.
(2) Beware of the sophism that heaven helps them that help themselves. The doctrine is true only in so far as men may by helping themselves in accordance with the will of heaven.
(3) Regulate ambition by the Divine will.
(4) If we make great plans let us make them in Gods name and carry them out in Gods strength. See the folly of planning without God.
(a) God has all forces at command.
(b) God has set a limit to every mans life.
(c) God has pronounced Himself against those who dishonour His name. All these considerations have also a reflex bearing on those who plan in a right spirit.
(5) Let us learn what is meant by all the unfinished towers that we see around us. This man began to build, etc. Job said, My purposes are broken off. Look at disappointed men, etc.; ruined men, etc.
(6) Cooperation with God will alone secure the entire realization of our plans. Application:
(a) We all have plans.
(b) Examine them.
(c) Remember the only foundation, on which alone men can build with safety. (The Pulpit Analyst.)
The builders of Babel
It is a melancholy fact that the evil of our nature tends continually to increase, and assume a sad variety of forms. As men abide under the power of evil they wax worse and worse. We have an instance of this downward tendency in the builders of Babel. Since the flood the course of sin may be thus traced;
1. In the form of sensual indulgence. The type was drunkenness, of which Noah has given a sad example.
2. Disregard of parental authority. Ham.
3. In the form of ambition. Builders of Babel.
I. LOVE OF GLORY. They would indulge the passion for fame at all costs.
1. The boldest schemes of ambition are generally the work of a few.
2. Such ambition involves the slavery of the many.
1. They thought that it was external City. Tower.
2. They held that the individual must be sacrificed to the outward grandeur of the State. This is the genius of all Babel-building, to make the city supreme, and to sink the individual. All must be sacrificed to one idea: the nation–State–Constitution. It is not within the province of worldly ambition to recognize the sublime importance of the individual soul. Hence the conflict between the policies of statecraft and the interests of true religion. This exaltation of the State above the individual has–
(1) A political form;
(2) an ecclesiastical form.
1. God interferes in all matters which threaten His government.
2. God often interferes effectually by unexpected means. These foolish builders imagined that they were safe in the unity of their speech, yet it was here that they were vanquished.
Babel bricks
These emigrants to Shinar were evidently dissatisfied with a patriarchal life, and desirous of founding a great monarchy.
I. AMBITION, or the perversion of the divinely-implanted principle, Excelsior.
1. Cautions us to beware of our own hearts; and–
2. Counsels us to be careful of the Divine will.
II. ASSUMPTION, or the presupposition of mans independence of God. It–
1. Cautions us to remember our entire dependence; and–
2. Counsels us to regard the Divine preeminence as essential to our happiness.
III. ASSOCIATION, or the persuasion that human unity means human perpetuity. It–
1. Cautions us against forgetting that God must come into any scheme after unity; and–
2. Counsels us about fulfilling the Divine ideal of unity in Him.
1. Moral towers of Babel (great or small) should be erected in Gods name, and carried through in Gods strength.
2. Moral towers of Babel (great or small), if not so attempted and accomplished, tend to dishonour Gods name, and to disown Gods strength.
3. Moral towers of Babel (great or small), thus dishonouring Him, are sure, sooner or later, to be overthrown by God, who has all forces at His command; and–
4. Moral towers of Babel (great or small) conceived in Gods name, constructed by Gods strength, and contributing to Gods glory, are certain of the Divine permission and permanence. (W. Adamson.)
Human labour
1. The constructive element.
2. The ambitious element.
3. The social element.
4. The cooperative element.
1. Their enterprise from the beginning was rebellion against heaven.
2. They were allowed to go on almost to its final accomplishment.
1. He discloses its purpose.
2. He arrests its progress.
3. He frustrates its design. (Homilist.)
The tower of Babel
1. Because he has duties to perform towards others.
2. Because mans highest and best powers cannot be properly developed by having this as the only object in view.
(1) The sense of right cannot be quickened.
(2) Self is a sphere too limited for a mans sympathy to be fully manifested.
(3) Self is an object too cold and limited to strengthen and intensify mans love.
3. Because there is no true happiness in the pursuit, nor actual attainment of the object.
1. It concentrates the powers of many towards one object.
2. It is recognized in heaven.
(1) For evil (Psa 2:1-5).
(2) For good (Mar 13:20).
3. The more Divine the union, the greater will be its reality and strength.
1. A higher intelligence is opposed to them.
2. A greater power.
3. A purer love. They deserved to be destroyed, but were only scattered.
4. This failure was–
(1) Humiliating.
(2) From an unexpected source.
(3) Complete. Conclusion:
1. In every undertaking, let us endeavour to know if it be according to Gods will.
2. Let us have Gods glory as the sole object of life. (Homilist.)
Universal monarchy
But why, it may be asked, should it be the will of God to prevent a universal monarchy, and to divide the inhabitants of the world into a number of independent nations? This question opens a wide field for investigation. Suffice it to say at present, such a state of things contains much mercy, both to the world and to the Church. With respect to the world, if the whole earth had continued under one government, that government would, of course, considering what human nature is, have been exceedingly despotic and oppressive. The division of the world into independent nations has also been a great check on persecution, and so has operated in a way of mercy towards the Church. If the whole world had been under one government, and that government inimical to the gospel, there had been no place of refuge left upon the earth for the faithful. From the whole we may infer two things–
1. The harmony of Divine revelation with all that we know of fact. If all that man can be proved to have done towards the formation of any language be confined to changing, combining, improving, and reducing it to a grammatical form, there is the greatest probability, independent of the authority of revelation, that languages themselves were originally the work of God, as was that of the first man and woman.
2. The desirableness of the universal spread of Christs kingdom. We may see in the reasons which render a universal government among men incompatible with the liberty and safety of the world abundant cause to pray for this, and for the union of all His subjects under Him. Here there is no danger of tyranny or oppression, nor any need of those low motives of rivalship to induce him to seek the well-being of his subjects. A union with Christ and one another embraces the best interests of mankind. (A. Fuller.)
1. Sinful apostates are active in drawing each other to sin.
2. Wickedness is studious for means to effect its ends.
3. No difficulties usually hinder sin from its undertakings.
4. It is but brick and slime wherewith wickedness builds (Gen 11:3).
5. Wicked ones are much encouraging one another to evil.
6. Cities and towers, ornament and strength, are sinners trophies.
7. Sins structure would be as high and stately as heaven.
8. Sinners are ambitious of a name on earth.
9. Dispersion is the evil which sinners fear.
10. Sinners resolve to provide their own security against Gods judgments by the works of their own hands (Gen 11:4). (G. Hughes, B. D.)
Right building
There are times in life when lucky ideas strike men; when there is a kind of intellectual springtide in their nature; when men rise and say, I have got it! Go to, this is it! And in the bright hours when such ideas strike one the temptation is to be a little contemptuous in reference to dull men who are never visited by conceptions so bright and original as we deem them. A man has been in great perplexity, month after month, and suddenly he says, Go to, the solution is now before me; I see my way right out of this dark place; and he heightens his tone as the joy swells in his heart. That is right. We could not do without intellectual birthdays; we could not always be carrying about a dead, leaden brain, that never sees light or shouts victory. We like these moments of inspiration to break in upon the dull monotony of such a lifetime as ours. So it is perfectly right that men should express their new conceptions–their new programme–and lay out a bold policy in a clear and confident tone. But are all our ideas so very bright? When we see our way to brick making, is it always in the right direction? When we set our mind upon founding a city and building a tower the top of which shall rest against the stars, is it right? You see that question of right comes in again and again, and in proportion as a man wishes to live a true Divine life he will always say, before going to his brick making and his city founding and his tower building, Now, is this right? Many of us could have built great towers, only we knew we should be building downwards if we set our hands to such work as has often tempted us. Do not let us look coldly upon apparently unsuccessful men, and say, Look at us; we have built a great city and tower, and you, where are you?–stretching in the dust and grovelling in nothing. They could have built quite as large a tower as ours; they could have been quite as far up in the clouds as we are, only we had perhaps less conscience than they had. When we saw a way to burning bricks, we burned them; and a way to establishing towers, we founded them; and they, poor creatures, unsuccessful men, began to pray about it, and to wonder if it was right, and to ask casuistical questions, and to rack themselves upon conscience; and so they have done no building! And yet they may have built. Who can tell? All buildings are not made of brick; all men do not require to lay out brick fields, and burn clay, in order to build. It may be found one day, when the final inspection takes place, that the man who has built nothing visible has really built a palace for the residence of God. It may be found, too, that some successful people have nothing but bricks–nothing but bricks, bricks, bricks! Then it will be seen who the true builders were. What I pause here to say is this: We may have bright ideas, we may have (to us) new conceptions; there are, to our thinking, original ways of doing things; now and again cunning plans of overcoming difficulties strike us. Do I condemn this intellectual activity? No; I simply say, Let your intellect and your conscience go together; do not be one-sided men; do not be living altogether out of the head, be living out of your moral nature as well; and if it be right, then build the tower with all industry and determination. Let it be strong and lofty, and God shall come down upon your work and glorify it, and claim it as His own. (J. Parker, D. D.)
Bold men–men of vigorous mind, striking out something that is very definite, and about which there could be no mistake. We, too, are doing just what they did; we are following the god Ambition–the restless god Ambition, who never sleeps, never pauses, never gives his devotees vacation, but is always stirring them up to more and more furious desires. Do I condemn ambition? Nothing of the kind. I praise ambition; I say to every young man who may today accept me as his teacher, Be ambitious; build loftily; let your aspirations be confined only by the limits which God Himself has set to human power and human capability; but–but–that old question comes in again, Is it right? Is it right? Our ambitions may be our temptations; our ambitions may be stumbling blocks over which we fall into outer darkness; our ambitions may be the cups out of which we drink some deadly intoxicant, poisoning the mind and destroying the hearts life. Therefore I pause again to ask, Is it right? Then, too, we pronounce some men ambitious who are really not ambitious. All men do not understand the word ambition. Ambition has been vulgarized, taken out altogether from its refined and beautiful associations, and debased into something that is intensely of the earth, earthy. I call men to intellectual ambition; to spiritual ambition; to the ambition which says, I count not myself to have attained; this one thing I do, I press. Alas! there are ten thousand men in our city streets today who are pressing; but the question is, Towards what do they press? The apostle says, I press towards the mark for the prize of my high calling of God in Christ Jesus. That is better than saying, Let us build a tower whose top shall reach even unto heaven; and yet it is true tower building–it is palace building. (J. Parker, D. D.)
Bad advice soon taken
It must needs be that one man gave his counsel first, saying to the rest, Come, let us build, etc. But when once it was broached not one man allowed it, but even all full quickly yielded to it. Whereby we see, first, the vileness of man, not only to devise that which is naught, but to set it full greedily abroad when it is devised, and to labour to persuade others to embrace and follow the same. Again, to consent to that which is wickedly devised of others, and to make a particular conceit a general judgment, action, and work at last. Great cause, therefore, that mens lewd devices should be restrained from being published, since both the devisers wish and mans great corruption is so prone to yield a wicked consent and following of the same. Caiaphass counsel, when it once sounded of Christs death, was quickly hearkened unto, and from that day forward consultation had together how they might accomplish the same. Whosoever broached it first that the people should ask Barabbas and refuse Jesus, it was soon received, liked, and followed of such ignorant spirits and giddy heads. That a sort should combine together and kill the apostle had a beginner, and how quickly pleased the plot such other bloody minds and spiteful hearts! How soon embraced Lots younger daughter the counsel of the elder to do so vile a thing! That unbrotherly conspiracy against Joseph was soon yielded unto when once it was uttered. Do you remember the murmuring against Moses and Aaron, in the Book of Numbers? How began it? Had it not a captain, then a second, then a third, then a number? Once broached that Moses and Aaron took too much upon them; that others were equal with them, and therefore should be in like authority; that the people were wronged, and so forth–soon was it liked, soon was it caught, soon was it prosecuted of proud minds, that would be aloft, and knew not to obey. Conclude we, then, upon all those that sin, some be wicked to broach a wickedness, and thousands weak to follow the same when once they hear it; yea, though it be to build a tower against God. It never was, nor ever shall be, either godly policy or Christian duty to suffer mens brains to broach what they list, and others to follow unquiet devices, hateful to God and hurtful to His Church in a high degree. (Bishop Babington.)
The tower of Babel
In Babylonia there are at present the remains of three stupendous ruins, each of which have been claimed by different travellers as occupying the site of the tower of Babel. One of these especially has much to support its claim. The temple of Belus was in all probability erected on the site of the tower of Babel, so the arguments which settle the position of one of these erections serve to fix the other. Rawlinson says of these particular ruins:–It is an oblong mass, composed chiefly of unbaked bricks, rising from the plain to the height of one hundred and ten feet, and having at the top a broad flat space with heaps of rubbish. The faces of the mound are about two hundred yards in length, and thus agree with Herodotus estimate. Tunnels driven through the structure show that it was formerly covered with a wall of baked brick masonry: many such bricks are found loose, and bear the name of Nebuchadnezzar. The difficulty of identifying the site of the scriptural Babylon arises chiefly from the fact that the materials of which it was built have at various times been removed for the construction of the great cities which have successively replaced it. Nebuchadnezzar either repaired Babylon, as many suppose, or built it anew upon a neighbouring site with the remains of the more ancient Babel. The kind of building which was erected, and known as the tower of Babel, may be best understood by the description of the great temple of Nebo at Borsippa, known to moderns as the Birs-Nimrud. It was a sort of oblique pyramid, built in seven receding stages. Upon a platform of crude brick, raised a few feet above the level of the alluvial plain, was built of burnt brick the first or basement stage–an exact square, two hundred and seventy-two feet each way, and twenty-six feet in perpendicular height. Upon this stage was erected a second, two hundred and thirty feet each way, and likewise twenty-six feet high; which, however, was not placed exactly in the middle of the first, but considerably nearer to the southwestern end, which constituted the back of the building. The other stages are arranged similarly–the third being one hundred and eighty-eight feet, and again twenty-six feet high; the fourth one hundred and forty-six feet square and fifteen feet high; the fifth one hundred and four feet square, and the same height as the fourth; the sixth sixty-two feet square, and again the same height; and the seventh twenty feet square, and once more the same height. On the seventh stage there was probably placed the ark or tabernacle, which seems to have been again fifteen feet high, and must have nearly, if not entirely, covered the top of the seventh story. The entire original height, allowing three feet for the platform, would thus have been one hundred and fifty-six feet, or without the platform, one hundred and fifty-three feet. The whole formed a sort of oblique pyramid, the gentler slope facing the N.E., and the steeper inclining to the S.W. On the N.E. side was the grand entrance, and here stood the vestibule, a separate building, the debris from which having joined those from the temple itself, fill up the intermediate space, and very remarkably prolong the round in this direction. (Things Not Generally Known.)
The materials used to build it
The materials generally used for the construction of Babylonian buildings are here most faithfully described (Gen 11:3). As in Egypt, the edifices of Mesopotamia consisted of sun-dried, but often also burnt bricks, baked of the purest clay, and sometimes mixed with chopped straw, which materially enhances their compactness and hardness; these bricks were generally covered with inscriptions, promising to prove of the greatest historical value. But instead of mortar, the Babylonians used as a cement that celebrated asphalt or bitumen, which is nowhere found in such excellence and abundance as in the neighbourhood of Babylon. One of the most gifted of the modern explorers declared the ruins of Birs-Nimroud a specimen of the perfection of Babylonian masonry, and remarked, that the cement by which the bricks were united is of so tenacious a quality, that it is almost impossible to detach one from the mass entire (Layard, Nineveh and Babylon, p. 499). Nothing but the violence of a fearful conflagration, the ravages of which are manifest in the ruins of Birs-Nimroud, would have been able to annihilate a building which appeared to be beyond the destructive power of time. (M. M.Kalisch, Ph. D.)
This, we may depend upon it, was no republic of builders; no cooperative association of bricklayers and bricklayers labourers, bent on immortalizing themselves by the work of their own hands. This early effort at centralization, with a huge metropolis as its focus, sprang, we may be quite sure, from the brain of some one ambitious potentate, and was baptized, from the very first, in the blood and sweat and misery of toiling millions. That Go to, let us make brick, let us build us a city, let us make us a name, is not the language of voluntary association; but is the stately style, which emperors affect. By this time we know only too well what it means–the cynical indifference to human suffering, the wastefulness of human life, the utter selfishness, the cruelty, the hardness of heart, masked under gilded forms. The characteristic of all world empires–that which makes them world empires–is that they lean upon might, and not upon right. Just in so far as they do this, they are world empires. And, doing this, they are a defiance to the eternal righteousness of God. And, being this, they are doomed to decay. In such world empires there is no true cohesion. The force which unites is purely external. The moment its pressure relaxes, the thing breaks up. In other words, man, seeking to make himself as God, can offer no rest, no centre of unity, no position of stable equilibrium, to his fellow men. He may be armed with irresistible might. He may be statesman and general, as well as king or emperor. By his very success he sows the seeds of decay. Collapse and disintegration overtake his work, even in the very hour of its seeming triumph. I remember visiting the tomb of the First Napoleon in Paris on one of the last days of the June of 1870. You know it, or you have heard about it. It struck me irresistibly, with all its accompaniments, as the symbol of just such a world empire, as I have been speaking about tonight. Within three months from that day, that empire–like its predecessor–had collapsed in blood and disaster. Not he, who, being man, would make himself as God; but He, who being God, makes Himself man; is the true centre of rest and union for a suffering and divided humanity. (David J. Vaughan, M. A.)
Let us make us a name
Human greatness
1. A name is an important thing for a man.
2. All men make some kind of name for themselves.
3. Striving to make a name as the chief end of life is a grand mistake. This is what the men in the land of Shinar were now doing. Men have a natural desire for distinction; but what is the legitimate object? Is it to appear great, or to be great? Reputation is one thing, character another. The words of Christ, in Mat 23:12, will enable us to discover the right and wrong direction of this ambition.
I. A GREATNESS THAT COMES TO HUMILIATION. He that exalteth himself shall be abased.
1. In the moral reflections of his own soul. Conscience can never be satisfied by achievements the most brilliant, or possessions the most splendid, where selfishness has been the spring of their attainment.
2. In the estimation of all Christly men. These men see no greatness where there is not goodness.
3. In the retributions of Providence. There is a moral government over us all, there is a Nemesis that tracks the steps of men.
II. A GREATNESS THAT COMES FROM HUMILIATION. He that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
1. In their own spirits. They master their passions, rise superior to mere personal considerations, rule their own souls, and are greater than they who take a city.
2. In the moral judgment of society. Just as a man makes himself of no reputation and works from disinterested love–unostentatiously and with no selfish motives–does he get enthroned in public sentiment.
3. In the friendship of God. (Homilist.)
Vainglory foolish
That we may get a name: see the madness of the world ever to neglect heaven, and seek a name in earth, where nothing is firm, nothing continueth, but fadeth away and perisheth as a thought. This madness the prophet David mentioneth in his 49th Psalm, and laugheth at it, saying, They think their houses and their habitations shall continue, etc.
Making a name
This is a disease that cleaves to us all, to receive honour one of another, and not to seek the honour which comes from God Joh 5:44). A rare man is he surely that hath not some Babel of his own, whereon he bestows pains and cost, only to be talked of. Hoc ego primus vidi, was Zabarelles . Epicurus would have us believe that he was the first that ever found out the truth of things. Palaemon gave out that all learning was born and would die with him. Aratus, the astrologer, that he had numbered the stars and written of them all. Archimedes, the mathematician, that if he had but where to set his foot, he could move the earth out of its place. Herostratus burnt Dianas temple for a name. And Plato writes of Protagoras, that he vaunted that, whereas he had lived sixty years, forty of them he had spent in corrupting of youth. Tully tells us that Gracchus did all for popular applause, and observes that those philosophers that have written of the contempt of glory, have yet set their names to their own writings, which shows an itch after that glory they persuaded others to despise. These two things, saith Tully somewhere of himself, I have to boast of, Optimarum atrium scientiam rerum gloriam, my learned works, and noble acts. Julius Caesar had his picture set upon the globe of the world, with a sword in his right hand, a book in his left, with this motto, En utroque Caesar. Vibius Rufus used the chair wherein Caesar was wont to sit, and was slain; he also married Tullys widow, and boasted of them both, as if either for that seat he had been Caesar, or for that wife an orator. When Maximus died in the last day of his consulship, Caninius Rebulus petitioned Caesar for that part of the day that he might be said to have been consul. So many of the popish clergy have with great care and cost procured a cardinals hat, when they have lain a-dying, that they might be entitled cardinals in their epitaph, as Erasmus writeth . . . And Sextus Marius, being once offended with his neighbour, invited him to be his guest for two days together. The first of those two days he pulled down his neighbours farmhouse, the next he set it up again far bigger and better than before. And all this for a name, that his neighbours might see, and say, what hurt or good he could do them at his pleasure. (J. Trapp.)
End of worldly ambition
Look to the end of worldly ambition, and what is it? Take the four greatest rulers, perhaps, that ever sat upon a throne. Alexander, when he had so completely subdued the nations that he wept because he had no more to conquer, at last set fire to a city and died in a sense of debauch. Hannibal, who filled three bushels with the gold rings taken from the slaughtered knights, died at last by poison administered by his own hand, unwept, and unknown, in a foreign land. Caesar having conquered 800 cities, and dyed his garments with the blood of one million of his foes, was stabbed by his best friends, in the very place which had been the scene of his greatest triumph. Napoleon, after being the scourge of Europe, and the desolator of his country, died in banishment, conquered and captive. So truly the expectation of the wicked shall be cut off. (G. S. Bowes.)
Fuente: Biblical Illustrator Edited by Joseph S. Exell
Verse 4. Let us build us a city and a tower] On this subject there have been various conjectures. Mr. Hutchinson supposed that the design of the builders was to erect a temple to the host of heaven-the sun, moon, planets, c. and, to support this interpretation, he says verosho bashshamayim should be translated, not, whose top may reach unto heaven, for there is nothing for may reach in the Hebrew, but its head or summit to the heavens, i.e. to the heavenly bodies: and, to make this interpretation the more probable, he says that previously to this time the descendants of Noah were all agreed in one form of religious worship, (for so he understands vesaphah achath, and of one lip,) i.e. according to him, they had one litany; and as God confounded their litany, they began to disagree in their religious opinions, and branched out into sects and parties, each associating with those of his own sentiment; and thus their tower or temple was left unfinished.
It is probable that their being of one language and of one speech implies, not only a sameness of language, but also a unity of sentiment and design, as seems pretty clearly intimated in Ge 11:6. Being therefore strictly united in all things, coming to the fertile plains of Shinar they proposed to settle themselves there, instead of spreading themselves over all the countries of the earth, according to the design of God; and in reference to this purpose they encouraged one another to build a city and a tower, probably a temple, to prevent their separation, “lest,” say they, “we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth:” but God, miraculously interposing, confounded or frustrated their rebellious design, which was inconsistent with his will; see De 32:8; Ac 17:26; and, partly by confounding their language, and disturbing their counsels, they could no longer keep in a united state; so that agreeing in nothing but the necessity of separating, they went off in different directions, and thus became scattered abroad upon the face of the earth. The Targums, both of Jonathan ben Uzziel and of Jerusalem, assert that the tower was for idolatrous worship; and that they intended to place an image on the top of the tower with a sword in its hand, probably to act as a talisman against their enemies. Whatever their design might have been, it is certain that this temple or tower was afterwards devoted to idolatrous purposes. Nebuchadnezzar repaired and beautified this tower, and it was dedicated to Bel, or the sun.
An account of this tower, and of the confusion of tongues, is given by several ancient authors. Herodotus saw the tower and described it. A sybil, whose oracle is yet extant, spoke both of it and of the confusion of tongues; so did Eupolemus and Abydenus. See Bochart Geogr. Sacr., lib. i., c. 13, edit. 1692. On this point Bochart observes that these things are taken from the Chaldeans, who preserve many remains of ancient facts; and though they often add circumstances, yet they are, in general, in some sort dependent on the text.
1. They say Babel was built by the giants, because Nimrod, one of the builders, is called in the Hebrew text gibbor, a mighty man; or, as the Septuagint, , a giant.
2. These giants, they say, sprang from the earth, because, in Ge 10:11, it is said, He went, min haarets hahiv, out of that earth; but this is rather spoken of Asshur, who was another of the Babel builders.
3. These giants are said to have waged war with the gods, because it is said of Nimrod, Ge 10:9, He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; or, as others have rendered it, a warrior and a rebel against the Lord. See Jarchi in loco.
4. These giants are said to have raised a tower up to heaven, as if they had intended to have ascended thither. This appears to have been founded on “whose top may reach to heaven,” which has been already explained.
5. It is said that the gods sent strong winds against them, which dispersed both them and their work. This appears to have been taken from the Chaldean history, in which it is said their dispersion was made to the four winds of heaven, bearba ruchey shemaiya, i.e. to the four quarters of the world.
6. And because the verb phuts, or naphats, used by Moses, signifies, not only to scatter, but also to break to pieces; whence thunder, Isa 30:30, is called nephets, a breaking to pieces; hence they supposed the whole work was broken to pieces and overturned. It was probably from this disguised representation of the Hebrew text that the Greek and Roman poets took their fable of the giants waging war with the gods, and piling mountain upon mountain in order to scale heaven. See Bochart as above.
Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible
Whose top may reach unto heaven, i.e. a very high tower; a usual hyperbole, both in Scripture, as Deu 1:28; 9:1, and in other authors. This tower and its vast height is noted by Herodotus, Diodorus, and others.
Let us make us a name, i.e. a great name, as the phrase is elsewhere used. Compare also 2Sa 7:9, with 1Ch 17:8. See also Isa 63:12,14; Dan 9:15. They take no care for God’s name, and the defence and propagation of the true religion, as duty bound them, but merely out of pride and vain-glory labour to erect an everlasting monument of their wit, and wealth, and magnificence to all posterity.
Their design was not to secure themselves against a flood, which they well knew brick buildings were no fence against; nor would they then have built this tower in a plain, but upon some high mountain; but rather to prevent a total and irrecoverable dispersion. They sought therefore to bind themselves together in one glorious empire, and to make this glorious city the capital seat of it, and the place of refuge and resort upon any considerable occasion.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
4. a tower whose top may reach untoheavena common figurative expression for great height (Deu 1:28;Deu 9:1-6).
lest we be scatteredTobuild a city and a town was no crime; but to do this to defeat thecounsels of heaven by attempting to prevent emigration was foolish,wicked, and justly offensive to God.
Fuente: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
And they said, go to, let us build us a city and a tower,…. Some Jewish writers r say, these are the words of Nimrod to his people; but it is a question whether he was now born, or if he was, must be too young to be at the head of such a body of people; but they are spoken to one another, or by the principal men among them to the common people, advising and encouraging to such an undertaking. It is generally thought what led them to it was to secure them from another flood, they might be in fear of; but this seems not likely, since they had the covenant and oath of God, that the earth should never be destroyed by water any more; and besides, had this been the thing in view, they would not have chosen a plain to build on, a plain that lay between two of the greatest rivers, Tigris, and Euphrates, but rather one of the highest mountains and hills they could have found: nor could a building of brick be a sufficient defence against such a force of water, as the waters of the flood were; and besides, but few at most could be preserved at the top of the tower, to which, in such a case, they would have betook themselves. The reason of this building is given in a following clause, as will be observed. Some think by “a city and tower” is meant, by the figure “hendyadis”, one and the same thing, a city with towers; and, according to Ctesias s, there were two hundred and fifty towers in Babylon: but no doubt the city and tower were two distinct things; or there was one particular tower proposed to be built besides the city, though it might stand in it, or near it, as an acropolis or citadel to it; as it is not unusual in cities to have such, to betake unto in case of danger:
whose top [may reach] unto heaven: not that they imagined such a thing could be literally and strictly done, but that it should be raised exceeding high, like the cities in Canaan, said to be walled up to heaven, De 1:28 hyperbolically speaking; and such was the tower of Babel, by all accounts, even of Heathens: the Sibyl in Josephus t calls it a most high tower; and so Abydenus u reports;
“there are (says he) that say, that the first men that rose out of the earth, proud of their strength and largeness (of their bodies), and thinking themselves greater than the gods, erected a tower of a vast height, near to heaven, where Babylon now is.”
And the temple of Belus, which some take to be the same with this tower, at least was that perfected, and put to such an use, was, according to Ctesias w, of an immense height, where the Chaldeans made their observations of the stars: however, the tower that was in the middle of it, and which seems plainly to be the same with this, was exceeding high: the account Herodotus x gives of it is,
“in the midst of the temple a solid tower is built, of a furlong in length, and of as much in breadth; and upon this tower another tower is placed, and another upon that, and so on to eight towers.”
, the word used by Herodotus, translated “length”, signifies also “height”, and so it is taken here by some; and if so, it looks as if every tower was a furlong high, which makes the whole a mile, which is too extravagant to suppose, though it may denote the height of them all, a furlong, which makes it a very high building. This agrees with Strabo’s account of it, who calls it a pyramid, and says it was a furlong high y: according to Rauwolff z, the tower of Babel is still in being; this, says he, we saw still (in 1574), and it is half a league in diameter; but it is so mightily ruined, and low, and so full of vermin, that hath bored holes through it, that one may not come near it for half a mile, but only in two months in the winter, when they come not out of their holes. Another traveller a, that was in those parts at the beginning of the last century, says,
“now at this day, that which remaineth is called the remnant of the tower of Babel; there standing as much as is a quarter of a mile in compass, and as high as the stone work of Paul’s steeple in London–the bricks are three quarters of a yard in length, and a quarter in thickness, and between every course of bricks there lieth a course of mats, made of canes and palm tree leaves, so fresh as if they had been laid within one year.”
Not to take notice of the extravagant account of the eastern writers, who say the tower was 5533 fathoms high b; and others, beyond all belief, make it 10,000 fathoms, or twelve miles high c; and they say the builders were forty years in building it: their design in it follows,
and let us make us a name; which some render “a sign” d, and suppose it to be a signal set upon the top of the tower, which served as a beacon, by the sight of which they might be preserved from straying in the open plains with their flocks, or return again when they had strayed. Others take it to be an idol proposed to be set upon the top of the tower; and the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem intimate as if the tower was built for religious worship, paraphrasing the words,
“let us build in the midst of it a temple of worship on the top of it, and let us put a sword into his (the idol’s) hand.”
And it is the conjecture of Dr. Tennison, in his book of idolatry, that this tower was consecrated by the builders of it to the sun, as the cause of drying up the waters of the deluge: but the sense is, that they proposed by erecting such an edifice to spread their fame, and perpetuate their name to the latest posterity, that hereby it might be known, that at such a time, and in such a place, were such a body of people, even all the inhabitants of the world; and all of them the sons of one man, as Ben Gersom observes; so that as long as this tower stood, they would be had in remembrance, it being called after their names; just as the Egyptian kings afterwards built their pyramids, perhaps for a like reason; and in which the end of neither have been answered, it not being known who were by name concerned therein, see
Ps 49:11 though a late learned writer e thinks, that by making a name is meant choosing a chief or captain, which was proposed by them; and that the person they pitched upon was Nimrod, in which sense the word he supposes is used, 2Sa 23:17 but what has been observed at the beginning of this note may be objected to it; though Berosus f says, that Nimrod came with his people into the plain of Sannaar, where be marked out a city, and founded the largest tower, in the year of deliverance from the waters of the flood one hundred and thirty one, and reigned fifty six years; and carried the tower to the height and size of mountains, “for a sign” and “monument”, that the people of Babylon were the first in the world, and ought to be called the kingdom of kingdoms; which last clause agrees with the sense given:
lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth: which they seemed to have some notion of, and feared would be their case, liking better to be together than to separate, and therefore were careful to avoid a dispersion; it being some way or other signified to them, that it was the will of God they should divide into colonies, and settle in different parts, that so the whole earth might be inhabited; or Noah, or some others, had proposed a division of the earth among them, each to take his part, which they did not care to hearken to; and therefore, to prevent such a separation, proposed the above scheme, and pursued it.
r In Pirke Eliezer, c. 24. s Apud Diodor. Sicul. Bibliothec, l. 2. p. 96. t Antiqu. l. 1. c. 4. sect. 3. u Apud Euseb. Evangel. Praepar. l. 9. c. 14. p. 416. w Apud Diodor. ut supra, (Sicul. Bibliothec, l. 2.) p. 98. x Clio sive, l. 1. c. 181. y Geograph. l. 16. p. 508. z Travels, ut supra. (pars. 2. ch. 7. p. 138.) a Cartwright’s Preacher’s Travels, p. 99, 100. b Elmacinus, p. 14. Patricides, p. 13. apud Hottinger. Smegma, p. 264. c Vid. Universal History, vol. 1. p. 331. d Perizonius, apud Universal History, ib. p. 325. e Dr. Clayton’s Chronology of the Hebrew Bible, p. 56. f Antiqu. l. 4. p. 28, 29.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
4. Whose top may reach unto heaven. This is an hyperbolical form of speech, in which they boastingly extol the loftiness of the structure they are attempting to raise. And to the same point belongs what they immediately subjoin, Let us make us a name; for they intimate, that the work would be such as should not only be looked upon by the beholders as a kind of miracle, but should be celebrated everywhere to the utmost limits of the world. This is the perpetual infatuation of the world; to neglect heaven, and to seek immortality on earth, where every thing is fading and transient. Therefore, their cares and pursuits tend to no other end than that of acquiring for themselves a name on earth. David, in the forty ninth psalm, deservedly holds up to ridicule this blind cupidity; and the more, because experience (which is the teacher of the foolish) does not restore posterity to a sound mind, though instructed by the example of their ancestors; but the infatuation creeps on through all succeeding ages. The saying of Juvenal is known, — ‘Death alone acknowledges how insignificant are the bodies of men.’ (327) Yet even death does not correct our pride, nor constrain us seriously to confess our miserable condition: for often more pride is displayed in funerals than in nuptial pomp. By such an example, however, we are admonished how fitting it is that we should live and die humbly. And it is not the least important part of true prudence, to have death before our eyes in the midst of life, for the purpose of accustoming ourselves to moderation. For he who vehemently desires to be great in the world, is first contumelious towards men, and at length, his profane presumption breaks forth against God himself; so that after the example of the giants, he fights against heaven.
Lest we be scattered abroad. Some interpreters translate the passage thus, ‘Before we are scattered:’ but the peculiarity of the language will not bear this explanation: for the men are devising means to meet a danger which they believe to be imminent; as if they would say, ‘It cannot be, that when our number increases, this region should always hold all men; and therefore an edifice must be erected by which their name shall be preserved in perpetuity, although they should themselves be dispersed in different regions.’ It is however asked, whence they derived the notion of their future dispersion? Some conjecture that they were warned of it by Noah; who, perceiving that the world had relapsed into its former crimes and corruptions, foresaw, at the same time, by the prophetic spirit, some terrible dispersion; and they think that the Babylonians, seeing they could not directly resist God, endeavored, by indirect methods, to avert the threatened judgment. Others suppose, that these men, by a secret inspiration of the Spirit, uttered prophecies concerning their own punishment, which they did not themselves understand. But these expositions are constrained; nor is there any reason which requires us to apply what they here say, to the curse which was inflicted upon them. They knew that the earth was formed to be inhabited and would everywhere supply its abundance for the sustenance of men; and the rapid multiplication of mankind proved to them that it was not possible for them long to remain shut up within their present narrow limits; wherefore, to whatever other places it would be necessary for them to migrate, they design this tower to remain as a witness of their origin.
Mors sola fatetur Quantula sint hominum corpuscula.” Ju5
Fuente: Calvin’s Complete Commentary
(4) A tower, whose top may reach unto heaven.The Hebrew is far less hyperbolical: namely, whose head (or top) is in the heavens, or skies, like the walls of the Canaanite cities (Deu. 1:28). The object of the builders was twofold: first, they wished to have some central beacon which might guide them in their return from their wanderings; and secondly, they had a distinctly ambitious object, for by remaining as one nation they would be able to reduce to obedience all the tribes now perpetually wandering away from them, and so would make them a name. We may, indeed, dismiss the silly stories of Josephus about their defiance of God and Nimrods impiety, and the purpose of escaping a second deluge, for all which there is not the least vestige of authority in the sacred record; but we undoubtedly find a political purpose of preventing that dispersion of mankind which God had commanded (Gen. 1:28), and of using the consequent aggregation of population for the attaining to empire. There was probably some one able and ambitious mind at the bottom of this purpose, and doubtless it had very many advantages: for it is what is now called centralisation, by which the individual sacrifices his rights to the nation, the provinces to the capital, and small nations are bound together in one empire, that the force of the whole body may be brought to bear more rapidly and effectually in carrying out the will of the nation or of the ruler, as the case may be. Nimrods efforts at a later date were successful (Gen. 10:10-12); and when we remember the blood-stained course of some of his cities, we may well doubt whether, with all its present advantages, this centralisation really promotes human happiness.
Fuente: Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers (Old and New Testaments)
4. A city, and a tower Nimrod, the beginning of whose kingdom was Babel, (Gen 10:10,) is recognized by almost universal tradition as the leader in this movement . His name, which signifies “Let us rebel,” concisely expresses the sentiment of this verse . It was not to escape another deluge, as Josephus imagines, that a lofty tower was to be built, for, had this been the object, a mountain would certainly have been selected for its site rather than a plain; but to establish a conspicuous rallying point, and to erect a strong citadel, whereby the despotic unity at which they aimed could be enforced . They proposed to build a city and a very lofty tower, with its summit in the sky . So the Israelites spoke of the Canaanitish cities as walled up to heaven . Deu 1:28; Deu 9:1.
This hyperbolical expression, passing to the heathen nations, perhaps gave rise to the fable concerning the giants who piled up mountains to scale the heavens and dethrone Jupiter. (Homer, Odys., 11: 311, etc.)
Let us make us a name Hebrew, a Shem, perhaps in allusion to Shem who sought renown from God, and refused to engage in their impious schemes. God had promised enduring fame to him, (Gen 9:26😉 they would seek it for themselves. Despotic unity, military power and fame, with the attendant consequences of war, luxury, and slavery, these were the ends of their heaven-defying pride.
Fuente: Whedon’s Commentary on the Old and New Testaments
Gen 11:4. Go to, let us build, &c. They proposed to build a magnificent city with a tower, either for defence or for religion, though for the latter most probably; whose top, says our translation, may reach unto heaven. There is nothing in the Hebrew for may reach; it is only said there, and its head, or top, to heaven: nevertheless, as almost all the versions supply, may reach, the passage may be understood as a vaunt in these builders, expressing the very superlative height to which they would exalt their tower. See Deu 9:1. It is however very probable, that this tower was originally destined to idolatrous worship; to which, it is well known, it served in after-ages; as we have accounts of the idols, &c. found there; particularly, of a stupendous image of the sun. It was repaired and beautified by Nebuchadnezzar, and called the Temple of Bel, or Belus, or Lord: of this an exact account may be read in Prideaux, vol. 1: In this sense we may well understand the passage, and its top to heaven, or the heavens, as expressing its dedication to the heavens and their hosts, the sun, moon, &c. which were, perhaps, the first objects of idolatrous worship. This agrees nearly with Archbishop Tennison, who supposes, that this tower was consecrated by the builders of it to the sun, as the cause of drying up the waters of the deluge. The Jerusalem Targum, and some of the great Jewish Rabbies, seem to be of the same opinion. Thus this temple was to be the centre, and their idolatrous worship the cement, of their union. For my own part, I cannot but think, “a tower with its top dedicated to the heavens and their hosts,” the best interpretation of the passage, especially as antiquity assures us, the top of this tower was dedicated to Bel, or the Sun.
And let us make us a name, lest, &c. Their intention in building the city and tower, was to make themselves a name, and to prevent their being scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth, as God probably declared [but certainly designed] they should. The scheme was to keep together, and very likely under one head. Let us, say the heads or leaders of this design, make us a name, a monument or token of superiority or eminence; to signify, I conceive, to all succeeding generations, that they were the true original governors to whom mankind ought to be in subjection; lest other leaders starting up should carry off parties, so break the body, and set up separate governments. It seems to have been a piece of state-policy to keep all mankind together, under their present chiefs and their successors. And the lofty tower was, probably, intended (among other purposes) to command every part of the city, and to keep off any body of men who should attempt to break in upon them. To this let it be added, that the giants are called men of name, or renown, ch. Gen 6:4. like whom, these Babel-builders seemed desirous to procure glory and a name, by strengthening themselves in their city, which they would make the metropolis of the world, and there preserve the seat of universal empire, thus keeping their colonies united, in opposition, as it were, to God and all his designs of peopling the earth by their dispersion.
REFLECTIONS.Observe here, the original corruption still operating, and manifesting itself in the daring design and attempt of this generation. Note; 1. They who seek a great name, and make this their ruling motive, will often find at last their conduct stamped with infamy. 2. When presumptuous sinners, or the self-sufficient, build up their hopes of heaven highest, their confusion is nearest, and their ruin inevitable. 3. There is no counsel or might against the Lord: they who attempt to disappoint his determination, only in the end cover themselves with shame.
A spacious plain in the land of Shinar, where they dwelt, afforded them means; and unity of language united them in their designs. Note; many a worldly heart is so pleased with its accommodations on earth, that here it would fain build its abode; and putting its name in this Shinar, look no farther.
Observe also, the methods they pursued. 1. They encouraged each other:Go to. When people are unanimous, what can they not accomplish. 2. They provided themselves durable materials, and therefore promised themselves success in their undertaking. Learn hence, (1.) The great help of united efforts: shall the children of this world unite, and shall the children of God be divided? (2.) Nothing is so promising as to resolve, and do they set about the work immediately. To die only resolving, as is the case with too many, is never the way to build the tower which can reach to heaven.
Fuente: Commentary on the Holy Bible by Thomas Coke
And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
Reader! I charge you to see that your foundation be that which is mentioned, 1Co 3:11 , and then those blessings will follow: Isa 54:11-12 ; Rev 21:10-12 . It is worth observing, that Cain was the first builder of a city: Gen 4:17 And those Babel-builders were the next. If the Reader would see the opposite characters, let him turn to Heb 11:13-16 .
Fuente: Hawker’s Poor Man’s Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
Gen 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
Ver. 4. Let us build us a city and a tower. ] This tower raised a head of majesty, 5164 paces from the ground, having its basis and circumference equal to the height. The passage to go up, went winding about the outside, and was of an exceeding great breadth, there being not only room for horses, carts, &c., to meet and turn, but lodgings also for man and beast (as Verstegan reports), grass and grain fields for their nourishment. a
Let us make us a name.
a Heyl., Geog.
b Dr Prid., Contra Eudoemon. Joh .
c Secum literas esse natas, et morituras . – Sueton.
d Aug. de Civit. Dei ., lib. xvi.
e Plato in Menone Tusc . iii.
f Pro Archia Poeta .
g Epist. Famil ., lib. vii. – Gabriel Simeon in Symbolis . – Dion Cass. in Tyberio .
h O vigilantem Consulem qui tuto consulatus sui tempore, somnum non vidit .
i Heylin’s Geog., p. 750, – B. Godwin’s Catalogue. – Heylin’s Geog., p. 240. – Dio in Tiberio.
may reach. No Ellipsis here. Hebrew “and its top with the heavens”, i.e. with the Zodiac depicted on it, as in ancient temples of Denderah and Esneh in Egypt.
a name. Manifesting independence of God. Nimrod being the rebel leader. See Gen 10:8-10, and Compare Gen 12:2.
whose: Deu 1:28, Deu 9:1, Dan 4:11, Dan 4:22
and let: 2Sa 8:13, Psa 49:11-13, Pro 10:7, Dan 4:30, Joh 5:44
lest: Gen 11:8, Gen 11:9, Psa 92:9, Luk 1:51
Reciprocal: Gen 4:17 – and he Gen 6:4 – men of Gen 11:3 – they said one to another Gen 42:4 – Lest 2Sa 18:18 – he called 2Ch 28:9 – reacheth Job 20:6 – his excellency Ecc 2:1 – Go to Ecc 2:4 – made Ecc 7:29 – they Isa 5:5 – go to Jer 18:11 – go to Jer 51:25 – O destroying Jer 51:53 – mount Mat 5:14 – a city Luk 10:15 – which Luk 14:28 – intending Jam 4:13 – Go to
11:4 And they said, Go to, let us {e} build us a city and a tower, whose top [may reach] unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
(e) They were moved with pride and ambition, preferring their own glory to God’s honour.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Fuente: Geneva Bible Notes