These [are] the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, [and] in their nations.
20. These are the sons of Ham (P), &c.] Cf. Gen 10:31; and the note on Gen 10:5.
The synonyms here given are characteristic of P’s fondness for redundancy and repetition.
Fuente: The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges
Verse 20. These are the sons of Ham after their families] No doubt all these were well known in the days of Moses, and for a long time after; but at this distance, when it is considered that the political state of the world has been undergoing almost incessant revolutions through all the intermediate portions of time, the impossibility of fixing their residences or marking their descendants must be evident, as both the names of the people and the places of their residences have been changed beyond the possibility of being recognized.
Fuente: Adam Clarke’s Commentary and Critical Notes on the Bible
These are the sons of Ham,…. His sons and grandsons, which some reckon to be thirty, others thirty one, if the Philistines are taken in:
after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, [and] in their nations: families of the same language joined together and dwelt in the same country, [See comments on Ge 10:5] all Africa and a considerable part of Asia were possessed by the four sons of Ham and their posterity; Mizraim had Egypt, and Phut all the rest of Africa; and Cush and Canaan had a large portion in Asia.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
‘These are the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their lands, in their nations.’
The descendants of Ham are seen mainly as the inhabitants of Canaan and Syria and nations to the South in Africa and Arabia. Yet, as we have seen, through Nimrod they have intermingled with peoples in Mesopotamia.
The description demonstrates that all aspects of peoples are covered. The families with whom they were identified, their languages, their countries, their nationhood.
Fuente: Commentary Series on the Bible by Peter Pett
Gen 10:20 These [are] the sons of Ham, after their families, after their tongues, in their countries, [and] in their nations.
Ver. 20. These are the sons of Ham. ] More in number, and more sweetly situated, than the posterity of either Shem or Japheth: thirty sons and nephews of cursed Ham are here recited and registered, when of blessed Shem we find but twenty-six, and of Japheth but fourteen. And for their countries, Canaan hath the navel of the world ( sumen totius orbis , as one a calls that country), a land that floweth with milk for necessity, and honey for delight; where the hardest rocks sweat out honey and oil. Deu 32:13 Exo 3:17 Nihil mollius coelo, nihil uberius solo , as Florus saith of Campania; a land that God had spied out among all lands for his own peculiar people, yea, for himself to dwell in. Lo, this was Ham’s possession, when his two better brethren dwelt in the more barren waste countries of the east and west. God deals by his people here as the host doth by his guests, who lets them have the best meats and fairest lodgings, but reserves the inheritance for his children. The Lord holds his servants to hard meat many times; but then they have it of free cost: whereas the wicked eat of the fat and drink of the sweet; but their “meat in their bowels is turned into the gall of asps, God shall cast it out of their bellies”. Job 20:14-15 In fattening them he doth but fit them for destruction, as he did these Canaanites, whose pleasant land he afterwards made a spoil to his own Israel. They grew a burden to that good land, which therefore, for their wickedness, spued them out, Lev 18:25 after they had filled it from corner to corner with their abominable uncleannesses. Ezr 9:11
a L. Flor, lib. i. cap. 16. See Deu 8:7-9 ; Deu 11:11-12 .
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
tongues. See Gen 10:5.
Fuente: Companion Bible Notes, Appendices and Graphics
Gen 10:6, Gen 11:1-9
Reciprocal: Gen 10:5 – after his Gen 10:31 – General Gen 10:32 – are the Gen 11:7 – may Gen 11:9 – Babel