These [are] the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread.
A truth which the old heathens were not ignorant of, though they changed the names, and mixed their fables with it; for they tell us that Saturn and his three sons divided the world among themselves. And it is apparent that their Saturn was no other than our Noah, because they tell us he was the common parent and prince of all mankind, also a husbandman and vinedresser, all which Noah was. They say he was born of the sea, because Noah came out of the waters; that he devoured all his children except three, because Noah condemned and foretold the destruction of all the rest of the world.
Fuente: English Annotations on the Holy Bible by Matthew Poole
These are the three sons of Noah,…. And his only ones; and if he had any more, they left no posterity behind them, since it follows,
and of them was the whole earth overspread, with inhabitants, by them and their posterity only: Berozus z indeed says, that Noah, after the flood, begat more sons, and giants; and his commentator, Annius, talks of seventeen of them, among whom was Tuiscon, the father of the Germans; and the author of Juchasin a ascribes a fourth son to Noah, whose name he calls Joniko, who taught astronomy in the world, and taught Nimrod the art of war; but these are fabulous stories, and contrary to the sacred Scriptures, which speak of three sons of Noah, and no more, and say that by these the earth was replenished after the flood: hence, among the Heathen writers, we read of Saturn and his three children, who by many circumstances appears to be the same with Noah, as Bochart b hath proved at large.
z Antiqu. l. 2. fol. 13. 2. a Fol. 135. 1. b Phaleg. l. 1. c. 1.
Fuente: John Gill’s Exposition of the Entire Bible
Gen 9:19. Three sonsof them was the whole earth overspread Three things may be observed from this. 1. That though Noah lived three hundred years after he came out of the ark, yet he begat no more children; or, if he did, none of them lived to have any posterity. 2. That the deluge was universal, as the whole earth was re-peopled by these three sons of Noah and their wives; an event which, doubtless, gave rise to the fable of the partition of the world between the three sons of Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. 3. That the divine promise and benediction, in Gen 9:1; Gen 9:7. was fully and admirably accomplished.
Fuente: Commentary on the Holy Bible by Thomas Coke
Gen 9:19 These [are] the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread.
Ver. 19. And of them was the whole earth overspread. ] So that we need not add to them (as some have done), Jonitus, a fourth son of Noah (begotten by him after the flood), to replenish a fourth part of the world, with his posterity. Berosus and Nauclerus talk of Tuisco, another son of Noah, whom they make the father and founder of the Germans: but this is too great boldness.
Fuente: John Trapp’s Complete Commentary (Old and New Testaments)
These: Gen 5:32
and of: Gen 8:17, Gen 10:2-32, 1Ch 1:4-28
Reciprocal: Gen 7:13 – and Shem Gen 9:1 – Be Gen 9:7 – General Gen 10:1 – and unto Gen 10:32 – nations Gen 11:6 – the people Act 17:26 – hath made
Fuente: The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
9:19 These [are] the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth {n} overspread.
(n) This declares what the virtue of God’s blessing was, when he said, increase and bring forth in Gen 1:28.